Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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De Mist, Race and Nutlon<br />

Whether the current South African government's political discourse of raii~bo<br />

nationhood can sustain the contradictions generated by its own economic policies o<br />

internal structural adjustment and increased free trade remains an open question. Crone. ID 1937. Race Attitudes in South Afuica: Historical, Experirnenfal andpsychological<br />

tidies. London & Johannesburg: OUP & Witwatersrand University Press.<br />

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Department of English , Mahmood 1996 C~tlzen and Szrbject Contenzporary Africa and the Legacy of Late<br />

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Shula 1972 Kho~san Resistance to the Dutch In the Seventeenth and Eighteentll<br />

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