Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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Slanlo~i, I.,ucia C: 1993. 'Those Who Labor For My Flappincss': 'L'ho~tlas Jefferson a11d I-Tis<br />

Slaves. 111 Onuf, Pcter S (ed): .Ji.jjlevsoninn L~g~rcies. Charlottesville, VA: University Prcss of<br />

Virginia.<br />

Staudenraus. Petcr J 1196 11 1980. 771e Africurl Coloniza~ion Ahveiilznt, 18/6-1865, Ncw York:<br />

Ociagoli Rooks.<br />

Stewart. Maria W 1987. ,kfaritr M! Slcu~nri, Ainericcr's Fivst 13kck K/o/ornan Political Writer<br />

Ricilardson, Marilyn (ecl). Bloonlington: Tndia~laUniversity Prcss.<br />

Stirn, Ja~i~es 1979. Urgeni Gradualism: 'rlie Case of the American Union for the Relief and<br />

I~nprovenient of the Colored Race. Civil LVar I-list01.y 25.<br />

Stoler, Ann Laura 1995. Rnce anclthe Edllcafion qfDesire-Follc~r~llt i History ofSex~lali~) and<br />

the Colonial Order ofThings. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.<br />

Stuckey, Sterling 1972. The Ideological Origins ofBlack Nutionalism. Boston: Beacon Press.<br />

Tlro~nas, Lamont D 1986. Rise to Be a People; A Biography of Pazrl CllfSe. Urbana: University of<br />

Illinois Press.<br />

Walker, David [I 8291 1995. David Walker's Appeal, in Four Articles, Together with a Preamble,<br />

to the Colozlred Citizens ofthe World, but in Particzrlnr: and very expressl)~, to those of the<br />

UnitedStates ofAmerica. New York: Hill and Wang.<br />

Wheatley. Phillis 1988. The Collected Works ofPkillis Wheatley. Sl~ields, John C (ed). New York:<br />

OxfordUniversity Press.<br />

Wickstron. Werner 1949. The American Colonization Society and Liberia: An Historical Stzldy in<br />

Religiozls Motivation anddchievment. PI1.D Dissertation. Hartford Seminary.<br />

Wills, Gary 1978. Inventing America-Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. New York:<br />

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Wood, Gordon S 1969. The Creation of the American Repzlblic. 1776-1787. New York: WW<br />

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'Future of the Past' Conference at the University of the Western Cape in July 1996<br />

vigorous prescriptions froin arange of eminent scholars as to how apost-apartheid<br />

o~y-writing should proceed'. Rather than engage in detail with those arguments, this<br />

le is offered as an attempt to re-read one particular historical figure-Jacobus<br />

am De Mist-through the dramatically-adjusted lenses of the 1990s. My<br />

ent is that while a concern with race filtered commentaries on De Mist during the<br />

eid years, his writings inight now be re-read with an eye to how he understood<br />

t forms ofnationhood.<br />

Writing about literary criticism, Mikhail Bakhtin (l986:7) has described<br />

sm as a dialogue between different cultures:<br />

We raise new questions for a foreign culture, ones that it did not raise itself; we seek<br />

answers to our own questions in it; and the foreign culture responds to us by revealing to<br />

us its new aspects andsemantic depths .... Such adialogicencounter of two cultures does<br />

not result in merging or mixing. Each retains its ownunity andopen totality, but they are<br />

mutually enriched.<br />

xtending Bakhtin's suggestive formulation to the writing of history, new questions in<br />

present might be raised for a particular past moment, and the hope is that this past<br />

inent might in turn reveal to us new aspects and semantic depths in our present. To<br />

ply this to the writings of De Mist: we in 1990s South Africa seek answers in the Cape<br />

ony of 1802 to our present concerns.<br />

Two central questions in contemporary South African debates over the nature<br />

forms of nationhood structure my discussion of De Mist's principal work, The<br />

zorundztnz Contutning Recomnzendutions for the Fornz and Adnzinzstrat~on of<br />

ernnzent at the Cape ofGoodHope (1 802). The questions are:<br />

what is the relation between revolution and the post-revolutionary political<br />

tlement?<br />

at is the relation between the nation-as-political-colntnunity and an expanding<br />

list economy?<br />

These contributions have been collected In a special issue of South Afi~cnn H~~/orlcnl<br />

rznl35 (November 1996)

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