Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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e for the Study of Southern African Literature and Lang~lages Chapter2 R~ll<br />

wishes to acknowledge the financial assistance of the Centre for<br />

Scie~lce Development (HSRC, South Afiica). Opillions expressed and<br />

ncIusions arrived at are those of the authors and are not llecessarily to be<br />

attributed to the Centre for Science Developmellt.<br />

The Centre for the Study of Southern African Literature and Languages in~ty<br />

(CSSALL) wishes to acknowledge the financial assistance of the<br />

Chairman's Fund Educational Trust towards this publication.<br />

Editorial Board wishes to congratulate Kelwyn Sole on winning the<br />

as Pringle Award for Best Literary Article published during 199611 997<br />

with his article ' South Africa passes the posts'<br />

(<strong>Alternation</strong> 4,l (1997) 11 6-15 1).<br />

Freedom ol explessron<br />

Everyone has therrght to freedorn ofcxp~esslon. ~111~11 rncludcs-<br />

(a) trcedoln of tllep~ess and othet metlra.<br />

(h) treedo~n to flnpar t ~nfonnat~on or rdeas,<br />

ic) treedoln of artrst~c creatrvrty. dnd<br />

id) a~adernr~ treetloln dnd hcedorn ofs~~entrlic ~esear ch<br />

[T/le Const~li~lro~z ofthe Repr~hl~c of 5o~11h A/i i ~ 1996 n<br />

ofR~ghts, 16(1)]<br />

of dctrve oppoi~t~on to the apa~therd iegrriic IJ I> W lid\ lnov~d thiougli<br />

tr rvc a1 the ~ li~ll ddbvrl of e~onom~\t~~ pragniat~sni I ILC riiany otliei South<br />

1i:rsncvcr p~oduced r)n ac~eptable ovc~all cjumt~ty of d~~~cii~tetl ~cscarcl~<br />

status depends or1 ~esen~cli product~on wggcstc that tile I L I ~ L I I lor ~ wmc<br />

ns 1nn) rn~l~~de diecidr~ig url~~crs~ty status aitogztlic~ In tli~s eiivlronment<br />

alms at bu~ldlngcdpnc~ty c~l~ddel~ver~~igo~i 1t5 M~\\~ori 5tCltcrnent<br />

learnets ale aware that acLess lo an equrtabic hrglrcr cdu~~liron systerr~ on tile hn\rr of<br />

prlv~lege ri a fuadament'~l plornlse ot the F~eecio~n Cliartei B~oaden~ng ,icLes\ to<br />

t itructules 01 the unlvclsity to the neciis ol lcaiiieis lequlririg the tle\~blc skrlls<br />

.sicnt~al out~orlie oi dl1 genwne edu~atron and !r

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