Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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scrubbed away. Thus, Asvat's c<br />

Flames, critical of the interne<br />

evinces no interest apart fro<br />

in vague asides by Pechey;<br />

exceptions (the three artic<br />

Tlali and Serote's respons<br />

rote proi~ouncement of cliches tail<br />

direction of this book. Thus, what b<br />

assumptions of the literature ofthe<br />

too much of the critical output tak<br />

while 'post-colonial' thought ack<br />

wider cultural provenance, there<br />

such as Fine and Rustomjee's The Political Economy ofSozrth Africa. One also looks<br />

vain for any discussion-apart from two of the position papers, asides by Serote a<br />

during this period, such as censo<br />

in publishing brought about by increasing multinational involvement and control, t<br />

dearth of bookshops, bulk buying practices, the rise in book prices etc. would be<br />

interest. Even more tellingly, des<br />

instance of its effect on the oew<br />

forthcolni~ig that all local cultur<br />

for instance, of aspects ofcape Town culture that Coetzee chooses to ignore, suc<br />

Trotskyist and left-wing traditions). Moreovel; the concept of the 'ordinaryleve<br />

is accepted on faith. It is surely useful only if it isprobleinatised.<br />

If one looks for an<br />

prepared to read texts about texts about texts (I am, ofcourse, using the narrow rnean<br />

of 'text' here), with the final effect of an infinite regression of mirrors. On the ot<br />

hand, it is striking that (Wicomb's brief remarks about Rhabha and Ahmad excepte<br />

PVriting South Afiic l~yn Sole<br />

transcendental basis for ethics is being denied in the name of politics' (quoted<br />

a context (such as that shown in Age ofion) where the proble~n is whether 'the<br />

in question has a culturally ernbedded code of ethics to which tnost of its

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