Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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ion. Johannesburg: SATRK.<br />

This does not require that we lose focus on the specificity of regional studies, o<br />

ican State: Thc Origins of Racially Exclusive Democracy.<br />

necessity of situating South African exceptionalisni within the continental contex<br />

Hall and 1Brrow (1998) stress, there is a need for area studies to counte South Africa: Capital Accumulation and Violence. Econonz~i and<br />

preoccupation with globalisation which has a 'natural allure' and carries with it 'n<br />

mysteries'. The integration of South African and African studies in a pe<br />

cross-regional studies involves working within the tension between the reg<br />

global, and this entails acknowledging the continuing importance ofpolitical econo<br />

'There is much in Citizen and Subject which relates directly to<br />

experience and, despite his insistence on blending the South African into a<br />

1997. The Making ofApartlzeid 1948-1961: Conflict and Corrlprowzlse. Oxford:<br />

African Studies, Marndani is not blind to the singularity and marked<br />

between South African and continental experiences. He sees the speci<br />

count~y in tile 'strength of its civil society, both white and black' (28), but he also car<br />

a disturbing waniing: Paper on Local Governnlent, issued by the Ministry for Provincial Aff'airs and<br />

titutional Developn~ent. March 1998. Government Gazette 13 March ( 1998).<br />

independent Africa sliows apartheid South Africa one possible outcornc of<br />

Francis 1974. Mine Labour in South Africu. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.<br />

a reformed state structure, deracialised but not democratized-whether<br />

achieved through armed struggle or through negotiations, through<br />

independence from a foreign colonial power or through strategic<br />

engagement with an erstwhile colonizing resident minority: a deracialized<br />

but decentralized despotism (6 1).<br />

In the mind of this reviewer the warning is timely and to the point. Current tende<br />

towards accom~nodation with the decentralised despotism which will entrap the<br />

population in neo-colonial power relations are strongly evident and unopposed acro<br />

party lines.<br />

Social Policy Progr<br />

University of Durban-Westvi<br />

References<br />

Cronin. Jeremy 1998. Base ANC-IFP Merger on Honesty, not Fiction. Mail arrdGtlardian 1<br />

February.<br />

Evans. Peter 1995. Ernbedded Ai~tonomj~: States und Indz~strial Tmnsforrnation. New Jers<br />

Princeton University Press.<br />

Hall. Peter A & Sidney Tarrow 23 Janua~y 1998. Globalization and Area Studies: When is to<br />

Broad tooNarrow? Chronicle ofHigizer Edzrcation.<br />

Hemson. David 1980. The Class Consciousness and Migrant Workers: The Dock Workers<br />

Durban. Doctoral thesis, Warwick University.<br />

Hindson. Doug 1987. Pass Controls and the Urban African Proletariat in Sozrth Afr<br />

Johannesburg: Ravan Press.<br />

Holoniisa. Phathekile 1998. Interview on Attitude of CONTRALESA to Political Cha~g<br />

South Africa. SAfm, 1 May.<br />

Holornisa, Pliathekile 1998. Interview on Payment of Clliefs. SAfm. 2 May.

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