Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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ange of retrieval of the literature of colonialism. The argument irk the<br />

of the reviewer is convincing, but it has been made before in less expansive histor<br />

albeit without the detailed knowledge, keen logic and self-confidence of the aut<br />

What is strikingly original and provocative are the next steps of the argument.<br />

the cheap labour thesis<br />

Mamdani argues that his locus<br />

nzodc t.fcrccumz,lntion. Working<br />

conclusion that apartheid is uniquely African rather than the political product oft<br />

out of the operation ofthe cheap labour systeln. In his words:<br />

usually ullderstood as institutionalized racial domination. apartlieid was<br />

actually an attempt to soften racial antagonism by mediating and thereby<br />

refracting tile impact of racial domination Lhrough a rall&c of Native<br />

A~~thoritics (27).<br />

Apartheid kactured (he ranks of the ruled along a double divide, etllllic on the one ha<br />

rural-urban on the other:<br />

M~~~ tlran a response to 111c qucslion of securing cheap labor power in a<br />

srmi-illdustrial setting, 1 have argued that apartlieid needs to be llndcrstood<br />

as the ouicolne of an llr?e~rfing q~~estji~r order- in a setting boll1 semiintlustrial<br />

and colonial. Without denying illc importance of the selnlilldustl-ial<br />

context. 1 \lave illulniriated the ~igniticancc of tilc colonial<br />

colltest in understartding apartheid as aform of the state (295: c.a.).<br />

The Divided African S vicl Fle~izson<br />

This is a substantial clailn and Marndani has considerable illtellectual power to bat<br />

~t level here is a startling new idea, at anotherwe have to ask o~lrselveswhetherit<br />

not a re-interpret<br />

interpretation of a<br />

econoanic logic has a certain<br />

the s~lperstruct~lre for an expla<br />

me to be an inversion ofthe 1<br />

It is ulldeniab)e tha<br />

featul-es of segregation and a<br />

property ofwhites, ofblacks<br />

urban areas, etc.-expandin<br />

I 870~ in Natal (HemSon 1980). The apparatus of control was ready made,<br />

what powered tile developme:lt of pre-apartheid institutions further along these li<br />

Lv\ias an ecollornic impulse, a Inode of accumrrlation that interlocked with a inode<br />

domjllation, he point wllicli needs to be rnade here is that while the bif~~rcated st<br />

-- -<br />

sucl, as~)aviil wcls1,(1971) inllisstudy ofnativeafhirsi~iNatal: and DavidKaplall(197<br />

244 245<br />

ered defence is in order. The spectacular theoretical advances of the 1970s have<br />

, and the co~nplex reinterpretations of its essential tenets which have followed

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