Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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Maqagi. Sisi 1990. Who Theorises? Current Writing: Te.1-t and Reception In Soztthern Africa 2,<br />

22-25.<br />

Marais, Hein 1998. South Africa: Limits to Change: l'he Politictrl Ecorlomy of Trcrnsfi,rrnalio<br />

London: Zcd Books.<br />

Maseko. Sipho S 1994. Student Power, Action and Problems: A Case Study ofUWC SRC. 198<br />

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Maughan-Brown, DA 1988. TJniversity Planning in the South African Context: So<br />

Considerations and Caveats. Theorin 72:37-5 1.<br />

Mauricc. El, 1952. ThcRole of tlleNon-European Teacher in the Libcration Movement. In Dre<br />

Alison (ed): 1997. South Afr1ci1's Radicul Traditiorz: A Doczlmentary IIi.~tory J1oI TI.<br />

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Maylam. Paul 1994. The Evolution of Urban Apartheid: Influx Control and Segregation<br />

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Meer, Shamim 1997. Feminist Agendas in Activism and Academia-the<br />

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Challenge for Agen 1990. Women and Gender in Southern Africa: An overview. In Walker, Clrcrryl<br />

Meintjes. Sheila 1993. Dilenimas of Difference. Agenda: A Jo~lrnal Abozlt Wonzen and Gen<br />

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Morplret, 'Tony 1990. 'Brushing History Against the Grain': Oppositional Discourse in Sou<br />

Africa. Theoria 76: 89-99.<br />

Morris, Mike 1992. Discussion. Trnnsforrnation 18:64-65.<br />

Moss, Glenn & Obery. Ingrid (eds) 1989. Sotrth African Revie~l5. Johannesburg: Ravan Press.<br />

Moulder. James 1988. 'Africanising' Our Universities: Sonle Ideas for a Debate. Theoria 72:<br />

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Muller. Johan & Nico Cloete 1991. To Outwit Modernity: Intellectuals and Politics in Transition<br />

Tr~rns/i)rmcrtion 14:24-4 1.<br />

Nasson, Bill 1990. Modernization as 1,egitimation: Education Refonn and the State in tlre 198<br />

In Nkomo. Mokubung (ed): Pedagogy and Dontinution: 7bw~ird a De~r~ocrcrtic Edzrcation<br />

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Ndebele. Njabulo 1973. Ihwards the Socio-Political Development of tlrc Black Colulnu~lity<br />

South Africa. In: 1,anga. Ben (ed): Creativity fr~d Blilck Llevelopw~er~t. Durban: S.A.S.<br />

Publications.<br />

Padayaclree. Vishnu 1997. Soutlr Africa's Re-cntry into thc Global Economy: A Review a<br />

Critique of post-1990 Strategies of Reintegration. CS1)S Working Papcr No. 14. Durb<br />

University ofNatal.<br />

Ranciall. I'eter 1985, The Politics of Multi-Racialism: the Private Schools of Southern A<br />

ErlgIisl?,4caderny Revieio 3: 177- 186.<br />

Rctidy. Jairalr~ 1992. Rzsearcl~~and the Role off listoricall>~ Black [Jniversities. F~~ti.sfor-mati<br />

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Ryan, I'an~ela 1990. 'I'IieFuture ofSoulli Afi-ican Fcminism. Clrr,rent M,itiiig: Text nridXecep<br />

inSoltlherr1 Alfi'icci 2.1 :26-20.<br />

Ryan. Ro~y 1998. Executioners ofMystcly. Scr~itiw)i2 3.2:20-2b.<br />

Sclialkwyk. David 1990. Tlie i\utlioi-il)i oS Experience or the Tyranny of Lliscourse<br />

Incscapablc Impasse. C'rtrr*en[ W,iting. ?bl trndRt~ccption in ,S'olitherrzi!fiicu 2.1 :45-6<br />

Sisulu. Walter 1957. Boycoil as Political Weapon. In Lhw. Alison (eit): 1997. ,Sor~th ,<br />

r, Eddie 1998. Eroding the Cove: Flesibility and the Re-Segirzentatio,~ ofSo~lth African<br />

trr: Durban: University ofNatal. (History and African Studies Seminar Series 2 1 .)<br />

, Laurence 1992. Some Thoughts on African Nationalism, Literary Education and the<br />

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