Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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Prlya Nnriswifllrc<br />

Sole, Kelwyn & Douglas Reid Skinner 1990. 'Literary Standards in S.A. Poetry: Statemel<br />

from aDebate. staffrirle1,9.1:~6-62. ademic Exchanges<br />

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty 1987. Itz Other Worlds: Essays in Culttrral Politics. New<br />

Methuen.<br />

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty 1988. Can the Subaltern Speak. In Nelson, Cary & La<br />

ne <strong>Moran</strong><br />

Grossberg (eds): Marxism and the Interpretation of Czrlhrre. Urbana: University of<br />

Press.<br />

Spivak. Gayatri Cl~akravorty 1990. The Post-Colo~ial Crdic. Marasym. Sara (ed). New e state of tertiary education in South Africa has been described in the fol<br />

Routledge.<br />

s:<br />

Swingewood, Alan 1986. Sociological Poetics and Aesthetic Theoq~. New York: St Mar<br />

Press. Finally, higher education is beset by legitimacy problems. In general tlie<br />

Tiffin, Chris & Alan Lawson (eds) 1994. De-scribing Etnpire. London: Routledge. historically white institutions (and a number of black institutions) possess<br />

Trump, Martin. ed 1990. Rendering Things Ksible. Jol~annesburg: Ravan. little moral and political legitimacy. Contrastingly, the majority of black<br />

Ullyatt, AG 1977. Dilenzttzas in Black Poetqt Contrast 44:s 1-62. institutions (and a few white institutions) have little or 110 academic<br />

Vaughan. Michael 1984. A Critique of Dominant Ideas in Departments of English in the Engl credibility. Overall, the 'system' is seen as one that perpetuates inequality. is<br />

Speaking Universities of South Africa. CriticalArts 3,2:35-49. hugely wasteful, and fails to serve the human-resource needs of the country.<br />

Van Wyk, Chris 1978. We can't meet here, Brother: For Thami Mnyele. Staffrider 1,2:34. Higher education in South Africa fairly accurately reflects the society within<br />

Van Wyk, Christopher 1979. It is Tiine to GoHo~ze. Johannesburg: Ad Donker. which it is located(Mo.ja& Cloete 1995:50).<br />

WamogaleMartins, Dikobe 1981. Art isnotNeutra1: Whom does it Serve? Staffrider4.2:30-<br />

Wamogale. dikobe 1984. baptism offire. Johannesburg: Ad Donker. h this legacy, the Goveimme~it White Paper 'Programme for the<br />

Wamogale, dikobe 1992.prisonpoen2s. Johannesburg: Ad Donker.<br />

of Higher Education' (July 1997) declares that the purpose of higher<br />

Watson. Stephen 1990. SelectedEssays: 1980-1990. Cape Town: Carrefour Press.<br />

uth Africa is to contribute to the socialisation of enlightened,<br />

Watts. Jane 1989. Black Writers.fiorn Soutlt Afiica: Towards a Discourse ofliberntion. Lon<br />

Macmillan<br />

constructive citizens possessed of reflective capacity and a willingness<br />

Welz. Dieter (ed) 1987. Writing Against Apartheid. Grahamstown: National English Lite<br />

renew prevailing ideas. The authors of the White Paper propose<br />

Museum.<br />

us standards of academic quality and these pedagogical, political and<br />

Williams, Raymond 1958. Ciiltz~re andsociety 1780-1950. New York: Harper & Row. to be achieved in a context where the funding differences between<br />

Williams, Raymond 1983. Keywords. New York: Oxford. ally white and black universities rcinain, and fee-free higher education for<br />

s is not an affordable or sustaiilable option. In short, South African univel-sities<br />

upon to become more representative in a country embracing political<br />

along the lines of liberal capitalist detnocracy with its mixture of<br />

litical freedom and persisting socio-econornic inequality'.<br />

thors ofthe White Paper view the relationship between institutions and<br />

of establishing ail appropriate balance between institutional autonoiny<br />

'The econorny in the South Africa continues to largely represent what it was in 1993. except<br />

t there is some growth (jobless) and a Sew black faces and companies that participate in it.<br />

therwise it is business as usual' (Sam Shilowa, ~Merctrq~ Bzrsiness Report. November 28. 1996).<br />

e run LIP to the 1999 elections, COSATU has been reminding tlie ANC that the will of the<br />

le. expressed in the 1994 election. did not sanction tire market-driven policy of GEAR. 'Tony<br />

, neo-Thatcherite leader of the De~iiocratic Party, has responded stoically to sucli 'deliberate<br />

SATU is 'arguing against the grain of history' (New Nation. May 30. 1997). President<br />

ndela and Deputy President Mbeki reiterated the sanic to the Soutll African Con~munist<br />

ty's 10th congress (see So~~etclrt July 2. 1998). Jeremy Cronin responded to the redistributionugh-growth<br />

or growtll-througI~-redistl.ib~~tio~~ non-debate in iM~lil & GIIUYL~~UII. July 10- 16.

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