Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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Priya Narisrntll~l<br />

Cowstrnctions of Protest Poefry<br />

Horn, Peter 1985. Aesthetics and the Revolutionary Struggle. Critical Arts 3.4:7-54.<br />

Horn. Peter 1989. Review of BeforeDawn by Mzwaklte Mbuli. Staffrider 8.3 & 4: 185- 192.<br />

Morn. Peter 199 1. Poerns 1964-1989. Johannesburg: Ravan.<br />

Horn, Peter 1994. Writing my Reading: Essays on Literary Politics in South Africa. A~iisterda<br />

Rodopi.<br />

. N.jabulo 1983. I-,ilk-sustaining Poet~y ofa Fighting I'eoplc. Stqfibider 5.3:44-45.<br />

Njabulo 1988. Beyond 'Protest': New Directions in Soutli African L,iteraturc. 111<br />

n, Kirsten I-lolst (cd): I,'ritiri,srr~ and Ideolog)), Uppsala: Scandanavian Institute of<br />

Jansen. Jonathan D 199 1. Knou~ledge andPouler irz Sordh Africa. Johannesburg: Skotaville.<br />

KabiyelaKaxhoka, Ntombiyakhe 1979. When Last did 1 have a Good I,auglt'? Stcfffrider 2,4:<br />

Karis, Thomas & Gwendoleri M Carter (eds) 1977. Frorn Protest to Challerzge: A Doczimen<br />

History oSAJrican Politics in Sozcth AJi-ica 1882- 1964. 3 liol~cnzes. Stanford: Iloover Instit<br />

Press.<br />

Kirkwood. Mike 1976. Tlie Colonizer: A Critique of tlie English South African Culture The<br />

In Wilhelm, Peter & James Polley (eds): Poetry Sonth Africa. Johannesburg: Ad. Donkee<br />

Klopper, Dirk 1990. Ideology and tlie Study of White Soul11 African English Poetry. 111 TSUI<br />

Martin (ed): Rendering Things Visible. Johannesburg: Ravan.<br />

Kunene, Mazisi 1979. Emperor Shaka the Great. Ibadan: I-leinemann.<br />

Leveson. Marcia & Jonathan Paton (eds) 1985. Voices ofthe Land Johannesburg: Ad Donker<br />

e. Njabulo 199 1. Rediscoveuy qftht. Ordinary: Es.says or? Sozith Afvicu~i Litevat~irv and<br />

zire. Joha~inesburg: COSAW.<br />

le, Njabulo S 1992. Soutlt African Literature and thc Construction of Nationhood.<br />

taffrider 10,4:23-25.<br />

ra, Emnianuel 1990. 1deolog))andl;ornz in AfvicanPoetcy. L,onctou: James Currey.<br />

aslteng, Moses 1989. 'We Organize and Educate': Cultural Intellectuals within tl~c Labour<br />

ovement. Stcffiicfer 8,3 & 4:29-38.<br />

gi waThiong'o 198 I . Writers in Politics. London: Heinernann.<br />

i waThiong'o 1983. Barrel ofaPen. London: New Beacon Books.<br />

i wa Thiong'o 1985. Tlie Cornmitmcnt of the Intellectual. Review of Afiicarz Political<br />

Livingstone, Douglas 1974. On the Writing ofPoetiy. Iz~i3,14:4-7.<br />

Livingstone, Douglas 1976. The Poetry of Mtsliali, Serote, Separnla and others in English:<br />

towards aCritica1 Evaluation. New Classic 3:48-63.<br />

Livingstone, Douglas 1978. The Anvil's Undertone. Johannesburg: Ad Donker.<br />

Livingstone, Douglas 1982. 'Africa within us' ... ? In Wilhelni, Peter & Jantes Polley<br />

Poetry Sozith Africa: SelectedPapers from Poetry '74. Johannesburg: Ad Donker.<br />

Lockett. Cecily (ed) 1990. Breaking the Silence: A Centzrry ofSolith African Women's Poe<br />

Johannesburg: Ad Donker.<br />

Lodge. Toin 1978. Patrick Duncan and Radical Liberalis~ll. AfricaSerninur 1 : 108- 121.<br />

MacGregor, Karen 1987. Prize-winning Professor talks about SA Writing. The Daily Ne<br />

4,937: 11.<br />

Mattelart, Armand & Seth Siegelaub (eds) 1983. Corrznziinication clnti Class Strzigg<br />

Liberation, Socialism. New York: International General.<br />

wa Thiong'o 1986. Decolonisingthe Mirzd London: James Currey.<br />

, Mark 1986. Disinvestment, tlze Strzrggle, and the Fzrtlrre: Whot Black So~iih Afiicarz.~<br />

Ily Tl?ink. Johannesburg: Ravan Press.<br />

oyela, Oyekan (ed) 1993. A History of 7id~entieih-Centzrrj) .,lfi.ican Liter-a/ltre.s. Lincoln:<br />

niversity ofNebraskaPress.<br />

hey. Graham 1989. On the Borders of Bakhtin: Dialogisation and Dccolonisation. In<br />

irschkop, Ken & David Shepherd (eds): Bakhtirz and CzrIhtrcd Theory. Mancl~ester:<br />

ester University Press.<br />

Kirsten 1-lolst & Anna Rutherford (eds) 1992. On Shrfling Sawds: New Art arzd<br />

1ire.fiorn South Afiica. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Dangeroo Press and I-leineniann.<br />

erse. Cosmo & Donald Munro (eds) 1969. Protest and Conflict irz A.fiican Llteratzrre.<br />

ndor~: Meine~nann.<br />

Mattltews, James (ed) 1974. Black JfoicesShotrt! Austin: Troubadour.<br />

Matthews. James 1981. No Tinzefor Dreanzs. Cape Town: Blac.<br />

Matthews, James 1984. untitled. In Daymond, MJ. JU Jacobs & Margaret Lenta (e<br />

chard 1983. The Liberal Tradition in South African Literature. Contrast 14.3: 19-3 I .<br />

ton Robert (ed) 1973. To Whoni it Muji Concern: An Antholog)) cfBluck Soirth Afiic~ln<br />

A4oiizentzirrz. Pietermaritzburg: University ofNatal Press.<br />

Matthews, James 1990. Poisoned Wells andother Delights. Cape Town: Blac.<br />

Mauglian-Brown, DA 1979. Bla~kL~iteratureDebate. Contrrrst 12.4:86-95.<br />

McClintock. Anne 1987. Azikwelwa (We Will Not Ride): Politics and Value in Black S<br />

990. Literary-intellectual Beliaviour in South Africa. In 'l'rump. Mal-tin (cd):<br />

'/zings Visible. Johannesburg: Ravart.<br />

African Poetry. 111 Van Hallberg, Robert (ed): Politics andPoetic Valzle. Chicago: Universi<br />

Chicago Press.<br />

ders, Cliristopher 1983. Hi.storic~i1 Dictionary of South ifiiccr. London: The Scarecrow<br />

Merod. Jim 1987. The Political Responsibility of the Critic. Itliaca: Cornell.<br />

Milner. Andrew 1993. Cz/lt~rral Materialism. Victoria: Melbourne University Press.<br />

Mpe. Phaswane 1992. 'Literary L.anguage' and the 'Language of the People' in Contempor<br />

South African English Poet~y. StaJPider 10,2:26-30.<br />

Mtsliali. Oswald Mbuyiseni 1972. So~rnds ofa Coulhide DY~IIIZ. L,ondon: Oxford Unive<br />

Press.<br />

Mtshali. Oswald Mbuyiseni 1980. Fireja~rzes. Pietermaritzburg: Sliuter and Shooter.<br />

Mzaniane, Mbulelo 1991. Cultivating a People's Voice in the Criticism of Soutll A<br />

Literature. Stnffiider 9,358-7 1.<br />

Narismulu, Gayatri Priyadarshini 1998. Locating the l'opular-de~~tocratic in Soutlt Afi-i<br />

Resistance Literature in Englislr, 1970-1990. Unpublished PhD thesis, IJniversity of Durba~<br />

la. Siplio 1975. Hurry up toit! Johannesburg: Ad Donker.<br />

la, Sipho 1976. The Bllres is Yotr ir~ Me. Johannesburg: Ad Donker.<br />

la, Sipho 1983. Children ofthe Earth. Cape Town: Ad Donker.<br />

, Mongane Wally 1972. Yakhal'inkorno. Johannesburg: Ad Donker.<br />

e, Mongane Wally 1975. No B~rbyA4zat Weep. Johannesburg: Ad Donker.<br />

te, Mongane Wally 1978. Behold Manza, Flo14~e1-s. Joliannesburg: Ad Donker.<br />

te, Monganc 1982. The Night Keeps Winking. Gabarone: Medu Art Ensemble.<br />

bert. Jos 1978. Dile~-nmasofBo~~rgeoisCriticism. Contrust 12.2:85-87.<br />

Kelwyn 1978. Prejuclicccl Approach. Contrast 12,2:91-94.<br />

Kelwyn 1988. Review (Lionel Abrahams: A Reader, ed. Patrick Cullinan). Soci~rl<br />

vzanzics 14,2:99-104.

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