Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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J'rij~il Norlsr~z~il~i<br />

('onstr~~ct~ons of Protesl Poetry<br />

References and Selected Bibliography<br />

Abrahains, Lionel 1988. Lionel A6r~lharrls. A Reader Cullinan. I'atrick (cd). Jollannesbur<br />

Ilonker.<br />

Adey. David. Ridley Bceton. Michael Chapman & Ernest I'ercira 1986. (:orr~pcinion to So<br />

Aji*icun 1,iteratlire Johannesburg: At1 Danker.<br />

Alvarex-Pel-eyre. Jacclucs 1984. The Poe/r:,i of C'oirzrtlit~lzeuzt in Soillh iljiicn. Lond<br />

ileineniann. ., Adriaan 1982. English-language publishing in South Africa. In Ciardner. S~~san (ed):<br />

Asl~c~.oft. Hill. Ciiu.eth Griffi-fil11s Rc I-lelen Tiftin i989. The Ernpire M'rl(es Rock: T!~eory u islzer--PVri/er-Rec~der Sociolo,qy of.Soz~thern/~fiican I,i/erntzrre. Jollannesb~ag: finiversity<br />

i'rac/ic.r lrz i'n.si-colorzi~iIL~tcr~~t~ir~~~ London: lioutledgc.<br />

Atlsicigc. Ilerck ici Koselnary Jolly (eds) 1998. Il'riiiilg So~ltii /l/i.ii:~z. Cambridge: Carribrid<br />

lJni\~ersity t'rcss.<br />

Ijhahlla. 14omi I< 1983. 13iffcrencc. Discl-iminatio and tikc Discourse of Colonialism. In Bark<br />

Fratlcis. Petcs ll~rlme, Mal-garet Iverscn Rr Diana I.oxley (cds): The Politics ($ Theo<br />

Colci~estes: ( Jniversity ofEssex: 194-21 1. John 1992. Cultural Studies and the Culture of Evelyday Life. In Grossbe1.g. I_a~vrencc,<br />

13iko. Steve 19x8. !Write Il/.ii~rt ILiicc. Stubhs. Aelreci (ect). Idondon: Penguiil.<br />

i-l;r:.v:i~d I ii~ivcr.sil~ Press.<br />

Rourdicu. I'ierrc 1988. ~~OIIIO,~~LI~~~I:L.,IL,~.<br />

C:a~lih~-idee: l'olity I'ress.<br />

13orirtlieu. I'icl-re 1993. 17zc fielci'c$C~iliitr-ill Pn~ciiic/ion. t:.s.sii~~.s oir Art clnii!~ile~~nt~ire.<br />

Rar-iil;il (cct). (:aiiib~-idgc. IJK: Polity Press.<br />

JO~IIS<br />

Brutils. ilcnnis 1992. Interview, by I(. Goddarcl. 111 (iocidard. K ei. C \.Vessels (cds): Out if<br />

Cirallarnstown: Natioiial E~iglish I .iternry Museum. cr, Nadine 1973. The Black Interpreters. Johannesburg: Spro-casIRava~l.<br />

Butler, Guy 1985. English anti the English in the New South Aliica. 7'lrc English Aca~le er. Nadine 1973-74. Writers in South Ai'rica: Tllc New Black Poets. The Dulhousie<br />

Kel~iein13: 163- 176. 11 53.4:645-664.<br />

er. Nadine 1988a. The Essential Gestrlre. Johannesburg: Taurus; Cape Town: David<br />

alk, Keith 1992. E~l~ergenq) Poerrzs. Cape Town: Mayibuye Rooks.<br />

State of Emergency. The English Acaderny Review 5:23-53. tephen, ed 1976. A Wor-ld of their Own. Sotlthern Afiicnn f'oets of the Seventies.<br />

Chapman. Michael 1996. Soz~fhern Ajkicnn Literafzlres. London: Longman. ~esburg: Ad. Donker.<br />

Cooper, Carole et a1 1993. Race Relations S~lrvey 1992/3. Johannesburg: South African Instit<br />

of Race Relations.<br />

Cope. Jack Rr Uys Krige (eds) 1968. The Penguin Book of South African Verse. Middles<br />

Penguin.<br />

Cornwell, Garetl~ 2980. EvaluatingProtest Fiction. English in APica 7,1:51-79.<br />

Couzens, Tim & Essop Patel (eds) 1982. The Retrrn of the Arnasi Bird: Black South Afri<br />

Poety 1891 - 1981. Johannesburg: Ravan.<br />

Cronin, Jeremy 1983. Irz.~ide. Jol-lannesburg: Ravan.<br />

C~.onin, Jeremy 1985. 'The Law that SaysiConstricts the Breath-line (...)': South African Engl<br />

Language Poetry written by Africans in the 1970s. EuzglishAcadernyRevie~~3:25-49.<br />

Cronin, Jeremy 1987. Poetry. An Elitist Pastime Finds Mass Roots: PVeekly Mail 13.3.87: 19.<br />

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