Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal

Shane Moran - Alternation Journal


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'ri)~(i Nor~.st~~~~lzi<br />

appal-ently well-intentioned argument of imperialism. like tlie universality OF Poems? You want poems? We got poems!<br />

culture. liicies in reality. the idea that only Western culture is universal. a racist<br />

idea. which until very recently. was openly proclain~ed (Samora Machel in<br />

Poems to make you dream<br />

M;rttclart & Siegelaub 1983:25)").<br />

while the rulers ofthe country are busy.<br />

Poems to send you to sleep<br />

While they test their tanks and guns.<br />

Poems for you and your aftermeal sleep.<br />

Poems whicli do not disturb you nor<br />

The quiet of a Sunday afternoon.<br />

litera~y establishment: Wlten the sernion in the morning was comforting<br />

in purple shirt and orangc tie<br />

I thc accredited clown<br />

to tliis ailingsocicty<br />

an1 allowcd to tell you a few truths<br />

and similar nonsense<br />

so listen you christened dung-heaps!<br />

I will lie fol- yo11<br />

cve~ythi~ig: 1 can invent: everything ...<br />

looking at you I realise: 1 bottle of beer<br />

is bctter than 1 volunle of poet~y<br />

of any FORM and CONTENT poet<br />

looking at you 1 realise: the only<br />

adcquate criticisni<br />

of tliis society<br />

TO RASf I N YOUR HEADS (Horn 1991 :27t]<br />

purporting to be disinterested' can be treated as 'econo~nic practices directed<br />

the inaximising of material or symbolic profit'. Literature is an arena in which s<br />

but no less serious struggles over resources, access and authority occur:<br />

concealed' (Ryan 1990:4). Sce also Spivak (1990: 1-16) on 'universal intellectuals'.<br />

And the chicken at lunch was tasty.<br />

There will be those who only see tlie ruins: tlie<br />

shortsighted<br />

vision of the disinherited of the revolution will<br />

hc with us<br />

for some time. They, who no longer own the riches<br />

of the previous times<br />

nor yet tlie riches of tlie rising time:<br />

but let us not be confused by them.<br />

Conslrlrctlons of Protest Poetqi<br />

e critics like Watson have focused narrowly and normatively on issues such as the<br />

Watson concludes the 'Under Pressure' essay with a defensive attempt to prop<br />

elitist assertions of value by referring to the supportive remarks of his students,<br />

of whom, he suggests, may have been black. Even if race were not an issue, the<br />

Like Horn, otlier progressive white writers sucli as Jeremy Cronin and Kclwyn Sole have<br />

addressed 'the reality behind the mask: behind the real prosperity of apart of the population.<br />

behind the general complacency. one discovers a world typified by guilt and schizophrenia, a<br />

Id from which one's fellow nien [sic]-thosc "unlike likesx-have been banished' (Alvarez-<br />

207<br />


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