Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1

Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1 Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1


prout, con;., according as provectio, -onis, I., advancement, progress provectus, -a, -urn, advanced in age provehere, -vexi, -vectus, to lead on provenire, -veni, -ventus, to come for; be granted proventus, -us, m., issue, result; crop; revenue proverbium, -ii, n., proverb providentia, -ae, I., providence providere, -vidi, -visus, to provide; set; see, behold provincia, -ae, I., province Provincia, -ae, I., Provence provisor, -oris, m., provider provocare, to provoke provohitus, -a, -urn, lying prostrate prov6lvere, -volvi, -vohitus, to throw oneself down pr6ximus, -a, -urn, near, neighboring; in proximo, near at hand proximus, -i, m., neighbor prudens, -entis, wise prudenter, adll., wisely prudentia, -ae, I., prudence, wisdom, understanding pruina, -ae, I., hoar frost pruna, -ae, I., live coal pruriens, -entis, itching psallere, to sing, gi ve praise psalrnista, -ae, m., psalmist psalmodia, -ae, j., singing of psalms, psalmody psalmus, -i, m., psalm psalterium, -ii, n., psalter; psaltery pseudochristus, -i, m., false Christ pseudopropheta, -ae, m., false prophet Ptolemaeus, -i, m., Ptolemee Ptolemensis, -e, of Ptolemais; inhabitant of Ptolemais publicanus, -i, m., publican publicare, to publish; make a public example of LATIN GRAMMAR publice, adv., openly; at public expense publicus, -a, -urn, public pudere (usually impersonal), to be ashamed pudicitia, -ae, t., purity purlieus, -a, -urn, chaste pudor, -oris, m., modesty, purity, shame; maidenhood puella, -ae, I., girl, maid, damsel puellus, -i, m., boy, child puer, -i, m., boy, child; young man; servant puerilis, -e, childish pueritia, -ae, I., childhood, boyhood, girlhood puerpera, -ae, I., child-bearer, mother puerpenls, -a, -urn, child-bearing pugillaris, -is, m., writing tablet pugHlus, -i, m., handful pugio, -onis, I., dagger, sword pugna, -ae, I., ba ttIe pugnare, to fight, do b:tttle pugnator, -oris, m., fighter, warrior pugnus, -i, m., fist pulcher, -chra, -chrum, fair, beautiful pulchritudo, -inis, I., beauty pullulare, to sprout pullus, -i, m., young of animals; colt; chicken pulmentarium, -ii, n., anything to eat pulmentum, -i, n., savory meat; pottage pulsare, to knock; beset pulvinar. -aris, n., pillow pulvis, -eris, tn., dust; ashes punctio, -onis, j., pricking punctum, -i, n., a very small space; moment pungere, pupugi, punctus, to pierce Punicus, -a, -urn, Carthaginian, Punic punire, to punish pupilla, -ae, j., pupil of the eye pupillus, -i, m., orphan purgamenturn, -i, n., refuse

purgare, to purify, purge purgatio, -onis, /., purgation, expiation, purification purgatorium, -ii, n., purgatory purgatus, -a, -urn, cleansed purificare, to purify, cleanse purificatio, -onis, ,., purification puritas, -atis, /., purity pUrpura, -ae, f., purple; regis purpura, royal purple purpuratus, -a, -urn, empurpled; clad in purple purpureus, -a, -urn, purple purus, -a, -urn, pure, clean pusillanimis, -e, fainthearted; feebIenlinded pusillanimitas, -atis, faintheartedness pusillum, -i, fl., a liltle pusillus, -a, -urn, little putare, to think; puta, for example, suppose putatio, -onis, /., pruning putatIve, adv., supposedly putativus, -a, -urn, reputed Puteolanus, -a, -urn, of Pozzuolo Puteoli, -orum, 1n. pl., Pozzuulo puteus, -i, n1., pit, well putredo, -inis, f., rotten ness putrefactus, -a, -urn, rotten putrescere, -ui, to become rotten putris, -e, rotten, nlortifying pytho, -onis, In., spirit of a diviner Q qua .•. qua, adtl ., partly ... partly quacumque, adv., whatsoever quadragenarius, -a, -urn, of forty days quadrageni, -ae, -a, forty each quadragesirna, -ae, f., Lent quadragesimalis, -e, of forty days; Lenten quadraginta, forty quadrare, to fit exactly, correspond to LATIN GRAMMAR 297 Quadratianus, "'3, -urn, Quadratian quadriga, -ae, f., chariot quadringenti, -ae, -a, four hundred quadrupes, -edis, m. and /., four-footed beast quadruplum, fourfold quaerere, -sivi or -sii, -situs, to seek; require; reason quaesere, -ivi and -ii, -itus, to beseech quaestio, -onis, /., question, inquiry quaestor, -oris, m., q uaestor, pardoner quaestuosus, -a, -urn, profitable quaestus, -us, m., gain qualis, -e, what manner? what sort? what kind?; as qualitas, -atis, /., quality qualiter, adv., how, in what manner; as, just as quam, adv., than, rather than; howl quamdiu, conj., as long as, while; until; how long? quarnobrern, adv., wherefore quarnplmimi, -ae, -a, as many as possible quamvis, conj., although; adv., even quando, adv., when quandoquidem, conJ., since, because, seeing that quantillus, -a, -urn, how little quantocius, adv., sooner, nlore quickly quantum, adv., as much as quantus, -a, -urn, what, how great, how much; quanta ••. tanto, the more . . . the more quantuslibet, -talibet, -tUmlibet, however great quapropter, adv., wherefore quare, adv., why quartus, -a, -urn, fourth quartus decimus, -a, -a, -urn, -urn, fourteenth Quarurn, -i, n., Quero quasi, adv., as if, like, as it were; about quassatio, -onis, f., affliction, scourge

purgare, to purify, purge<br />

purgatio, -onis, /., purgation, expiation,<br />

purification<br />

purgatorium, -ii, n., purgatory<br />

purgatus, -a, -urn, cleansed<br />

purificare, to purify, cleanse<br />

purificatio, -onis, ,., purification<br />

puritas, -atis, /., purity<br />

pUrpura, -ae, f., purple; regis purpura,<br />

royal purple<br />

purpuratus, -a, -urn, empurpled; clad<br />

in purple<br />

purpureus, -a, -urn, purple<br />

purus, -a, -urn, pure, clean<br />

pusillanimis, -e, fainthearted; feebIenlinded<br />

pusillanimitas, -atis, faintheartedness<br />

pusillum, -i, fl., a liltle<br />

pusillus, -a, -urn, little<br />

putare, to think; puta, for example,<br />

suppose<br />

putatio, -onis, /., pruning<br />

putatIve, adv., supposedly<br />

putativus, -a, -urn, reputed<br />

Puteolanus, -a, -urn, of Pozzuolo<br />

Puteoli, -orum, 1n. pl., Pozzuulo<br />

puteus, -i, n1., pit, well<br />

putredo, -inis, f., rotten ness<br />

putrefactus, -a, -urn, rotten<br />

putrescere, -ui, to become rotten<br />

putris, -e, rotten, nlortifying<br />

pytho, -onis, In., spirit of a diviner<br />

Q<br />

qua .•. qua, adtl ., partly ... partly<br />

quacumque, adv., whatsoever<br />

quadragenarius, -a, -urn, of forty days<br />

quadrageni, -ae, -a, forty each<br />

quadragesirna, -ae, f., Lent<br />

quadragesimalis, -e, of forty days;<br />

Lenten<br />

quadraginta, forty<br />

quadrare, to fit exactly, correspond to<br />


297<br />

Quadratianus, "'3, -urn, Quadratian<br />

quadriga, -ae, f., chariot<br />

quadringenti, -ae, -a, four hundred<br />

quadrupes, -edis, m. and /., four-footed<br />

beast<br />

quadruplum, fourfold<br />

quaerere, -sivi or -sii, -situs, to seek;<br />

require; reason<br />

quaesere, -ivi and -ii, -itus, to beseech<br />

quaestio, -onis, /., question, inquiry<br />

quaestor, -oris, m., q uaestor, pardoner<br />

quaestuosus, -a, -urn, profitable<br />

quaestus, -us, m., gain<br />

qualis, -e, what manner? what sort?<br />

what kind?; as<br />

qualitas, -atis, /., quality<br />

qualiter, adv., how, in what manner;<br />

as, just as<br />

quam, adv., than, rather than; howl<br />

quamdiu, conj., as long as, while; until;<br />

how long?<br />

quarnobrern, adv., wherefore<br />

quarnplmimi, -ae, -a, as many as possible<br />

quamvis, conj., although; adv., even<br />

quando, adv., when<br />

quandoquidem, conJ., since, because,<br />

seeing that<br />

quantillus, -a, -urn, how little<br />

quantocius, adv., sooner, nlore quickly<br />

quantum, adv., as much as<br />

quantus, -a, -urn, what, how great,<br />

how much; quanta ••. tanto, the<br />

more . . . the more<br />

quantuslibet, -talibet, -tUmlibet, however<br />

great<br />

quapropter, adv., wherefore<br />

quare, adv., why<br />

quartus, -a, -urn, fourth<br />

quartus decimus, -a, -a, -urn, -urn,<br />

fourteenth<br />

Quarurn, -i, n., Quero<br />

quasi, adv., as if, like, as it were; about<br />

quassatio, -onis, f., affliction, scourge

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