Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1

Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1

Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1


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prout, con;., according as<br />

provectio, -onis, I., advancement, progress<br />

provectus, -a, -urn, advanced in age<br />

provehere, -vexi, -vectus, to lead on<br />

provenire, -veni, -ventus, to come for;<br />

be granted<br />

proventus, -us, m., issue, result; crop;<br />

revenue<br />

proverbium, -ii, n., proverb<br />

providentia, -ae, I., providence<br />

providere, -vidi, -visus, to provide; set;<br />

see, behold<br />

provincia, -ae, I., province<br />

Provincia, -ae, I., Provence<br />

provisor, -oris, m., provider<br />

provocare, to provoke<br />

provohitus, -a, -urn, lying prostrate<br />

prov6lvere, -volvi, -vohitus, to throw<br />

oneself down<br />

pr6ximus, -a, -urn, near, neighboring;<br />

in proximo, near at hand<br />

proximus, -i, m., neighbor<br />

prudens, -entis, wise<br />

prudenter, adll., wisely<br />

prudentia, -ae, I., prudence, wisdom,<br />

understanding<br />

pruina, -ae, I., hoar frost<br />

pruna, -ae, I., live coal<br />

pruriens, -entis, itching<br />

psallere, to sing, gi ve praise<br />

psalrnista, -ae, m., psalmist<br />

psalmodia, -ae, j., singing of psalms,<br />

psalmody<br />

psalmus, -i, m., psalm<br />

psalterium, -ii, n., psalter; psaltery<br />

pseudochristus, -i, m., false Christ<br />

pseudopropheta, -ae, m., false prophet<br />

Ptolemaeus, -i, m., Ptolemee<br />

Ptolemensis, -e, of Ptolemais; inhabitant<br />

of Ptolemais<br />

publicanus, -i, m., publican<br />

publicare, to publish; make a public<br />

example of<br />


publice, adv., openly; at public expense<br />

publicus, -a, -urn, public<br />

pudere (usually impersonal), to be<br />

ashamed<br />

pudicitia, -ae, t., purity<br />

purlieus, -a, -urn, chaste<br />

pudor, -oris, m., modesty, purity,<br />

shame; maidenhood<br />

puella, -ae, I., girl, maid, damsel<br />

puellus, -i, m., boy, child<br />

puer, -i, m., boy, child; young man;<br />

servant<br />

puerilis, -e, childish<br />

pueritia, -ae, I., childhood, boyhood,<br />

girlhood<br />

puerpera, -ae, I., child-bearer, mother<br />

puerpenls, -a, -urn, child-bearing<br />

pugillaris, -is, m., writing tablet<br />

pugHlus, -i, m., handful<br />

pugio, -onis, I., dagger, sword<br />

pugna, -ae, I., ba ttIe<br />

pugnare, to fight, do b:tttle<br />

pugnator, -oris, m., fighter, warrior<br />

pugnus, -i, m., fist<br />

pulcher, -chra, -chrum, fair, beautiful<br />

pulchritudo, -inis, I., beauty<br />

pullulare, to sprout<br />

pullus, -i, m., young of animals; colt;<br />

chicken<br />

pulmentarium, -ii, n., anything to eat<br />

pulmentum, -i, n., savory meat; pottage<br />

pulsare, to knock; beset<br />

pulvinar. -aris, n., pillow<br />

pulvis, -eris, tn., dust; ashes<br />

punctio, -onis, j., pricking<br />

punctum, -i, n., a very small space;<br />

moment<br />

pungere, pupugi, punctus, to pierce<br />

Punicus, -a, -urn, Carthaginian, Punic<br />

punire, to punish<br />

pupilla, -ae, j., pupil of the eye<br />

pupillus, -i, m., orphan<br />

purgamenturn, -i, n., refuse

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