Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1

Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1 Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1


lambere, larrlbi, lambitus, to lick lamed, the twelfth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, corresponding to English I lamentare, to lament lamentari, dep., to lament lamentatio, -onis, j., lamentation lamenturn, -i, n., wailing, lamentation lamia, -ae, j., sea nlonster 13mina, -ae, f., metal plate lampas, -adis, j., Jalnp, torch; flame Lampertus, -i, n1., Lampert lana, -ae, j., \vool hincea, -ae, j., spear, lance Lancellotus, -i, n1., Lancelot lancinare, to nlangle lancis, -is, I.} event; aequa lance, like- Wlse Landulfus, -i, n1., Landulf Landunurn, -i, n., Lann laneus, -a, -urn, woolen Lanfrancus, -i, n1., Lanfranc languens, -entis, sick languere, -ui, to be faint or weak, swoon languidus, -a, -urn, in fi rm languor, -oris, m.} disease, sickness, infinni ty laniare, to mangle laniatus, m., nlangling lanterna, -ae, j., lantern lantgravius, -ii, m.} landgrave lapidare, to stone lapideus, -a, -urn, of stone; stony lapillus, -i, n1., gem lapis, -idis, m., stone lapsus, -us, m., slipping, falling laquear, -aris, n., panel, rafter, ceiling laqueus, -i, m., snare, ha Iter hirgiens, -entis, bountiful largiri, dep. 4, to grant, bestow hirgitas, -atis, I.} bounty largltor, -oris, m., one who grants LATIN GRAMMAR largius, adv.} more abundantly largus, -a, -urn, abundant larva, -ae, I., ghost lassitudo, -inis, j., \veariness lassus, -a, -urn, fai nt, ti red latebra, -ae, I.} concealment, subterfuge latenter, secretly later, -eris, m., brick Lateranensis, -e, Lateran, of the Lateran latere, -ui, to be hidden laterna, -ae, j., lantern latex, -icis, n1., liquid; water latibulurn, -i, n., hiding place, covert latine, adv., in Latin latinus, -a, -urn, Latin latitare, to lie hidden, be concealed latitudo, -inis, j., bread th; a large place; in latitudine, at liberty latrare, to bark latria, -ae, j.} worship latro, -onis, m.} thief, robber latrunculus, -i, m.} robber, bandit; rover latus, -eris, n.} side latus, -a, -urn, broad laudabilis, -e, praiseworthy, laudable; glorious laudabiliter, laudably laudare, to praise laudatio, -onis, j.} praise laudator, -oris, n1., one who praises laudes, -urn, I. pl., lauds laura, -ae, I., a kind of monastery laurea, -ae, I., laurel; laurel crown; triumph, victory laureatus, -a, -urn, crowned with laurel Laurentius, -ii, n1., Lawrence Lauretanus, -a, -urn, of Loreto laus, laudis, I.} praise lavacrum, -i, n.} laver; bath; water of baptism

lambere, larrlbi, lambitus, to lick<br />

lamed, the twelfth letter of the Hebrew<br />

alphabet, corresponding to<br />

English I<br />

lamentare, to lament<br />

lamentari, dep., to lament<br />

lamentatio, -onis, j., lamentation<br />

lamenturn, -i, n., wailing, lamentation<br />

lamia, -ae, j., sea nlonster<br />

13mina, -ae, f., metal plate<br />

lampas, -adis, j., Jalnp, torch; flame<br />

Lampertus, -i, n1., Lampert<br />

lana, -ae, j., \vool<br />

hincea, -ae, j., spear, lance<br />

Lancellotus, -i, n1., Lancelot<br />

lancinare, to nlangle<br />

lancis, -is, I.} event; aequa lance, like-<br />

Wlse<br />

Landulfus, -i, n1., Landulf<br />

Landunurn, -i, n., Lann<br />

laneus, -a, -urn, woolen<br />

Lanfrancus, -i, n1., Lanfranc<br />

languens, -entis, sick<br />

languere, -ui, to be faint or weak,<br />

swoon<br />

languidus, -a, -urn, in fi rm<br />

languor, -oris, m.} disease, sickness, infinni<br />

ty<br />

laniare, to mangle<br />

laniatus, m., nlangling<br />

lanterna, -ae, j., lantern<br />

lantgravius, -ii, m.} landgrave<br />

lapidare, to stone<br />

lapideus, -a, -urn, of stone; stony<br />

lapillus, -i, n1., gem<br />

lapis, -idis, m., stone<br />

lapsus, -us, m., slipping, falling<br />

laquear, -aris, n., panel, rafter, ceiling<br />

laqueus, -i, m., snare, ha Iter<br />

hirgiens, -entis, bountiful<br />

largiri, dep. 4, to grant, bestow<br />

hirgitas, -atis, I.} bounty<br />

largltor, -oris, m., one who grants<br />


largius, adv.} more abundantly<br />

largus, -a, -urn, abundant<br />

larva, -ae, I., ghost<br />

lassitudo, -inis, j., \veariness<br />

lassus, -a, -urn, fai nt, ti red<br />

latebra, -ae, I.} concealment, subterfuge<br />

latenter, secretly<br />

later, -eris, m., brick<br />

Lateranensis, -e, Lateran, of the Lateran<br />

latere, -ui, to be hidden<br />

laterna, -ae, j., lantern<br />

latex, -icis, n1., liquid; water<br />

latibulurn, -i, n., hiding place, covert<br />

latine, adv., in <strong>Latin</strong><br />

latinus, -a, -urn, <strong>Latin</strong><br />

latitare, to lie hidden, be concealed<br />

latitudo, -inis, j., bread th; a large<br />

place; in latitudine, at liberty<br />

latrare, to bark<br />

latria, -ae, j.} worship<br />

latro, -onis, m.} thief, robber<br />

latrunculus, -i, m.} robber, bandit;<br />

rover<br />

latus, -eris, n.} side<br />

latus, -a, -urn, broad<br />

laudabilis, -e, praiseworthy, laudable;<br />

glorious<br />

laudabiliter, laudably<br />

laudare, to praise<br />

laudatio, -onis, j.} praise<br />

laudator, -oris, n1., one who praises<br />

laudes, -urn, I. pl., lauds<br />

laura, -ae, I., a kind of monastery<br />

laurea, -ae, I., laurel; laurel crown; triumph,<br />

victory<br />

laureatus, -a, -urn, crowned with laurel<br />

Laurentius, -ii, n1., Lawrence<br />

Lauretanus, -a, -urn, of Loreto<br />

laus, laudis, I.} praise<br />

lavacrum, -i, n.} laver; bath; water of<br />


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