Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1

Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1 Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1


t6rcular, -aris, n., wine or oil press tormentum, -i, n., torment; engine; - bellicum, gun, blunderbuss (lit., war engine) torpere, to be torpid, listless or sluggish torpor, -oris, m., dullness, torpor torquere, torsi, tortus, to twist; torment torquis, -is, m. and /., collar, chain torrens, -entis, m., torrent, brook, strealTI torrere, -ui, tostus, to burn, roast, parch torta, -ae, t., roll tortor, -oris, m., tormenter, torturer torus, -i, fn., hed, marriage couch tot, adv., so nlany totaliter, adv., wholly totidem, just as many, so many totus, -a, -urn, all, the whole; per tatum, throughout trabea, -ae, /., robe trabs, -is, /., beam tractabilis, -e, that can be handled, olanagcable tractare, to treat; behave toward; celebrale tractatus, -us, m., tract, treatise tradere, -didi, -ditus, to deliver up; bet ray traditio, -onis, f., surrender; tradition traditor, -oris, nl., betrayer, traitor traducere, -duxi, -ductus, to leao; expose puhlicly tradux, -ucis, m., transmission; tradition tragoedia, -ae, f., tragic scene trahere, traxi, tractus, to draw, drag; contract; catch Trajanus, -i, m., Traian Trallenses, -ium, m. pl., Traltians trames, -itis, m., crossroad, cour::e, road, path LATIN GRAMMAR tranquillare, to pacify, to make calm or still tranquillitas, -atis, /., calm, tranquillity tranquillius, adtJ., peacefully tranquHlus, -a, -urn, trang uil trans, prep., over, across, beyond, on the other side of transcensus, -us, m., passage transferre, -tuli, -latus, to move, remove; transform; translate transflgere, -fixi, -fixus, to pierce transfigurare, to transfigure transfiguratio, -onis, /., transfiguration transfixio, -onis, /., piercing transformativus, -a, -urn, transforming transfossus, -a, -urn, pierced transfretare, to pass over; cross the sea transgredi, -gressus sum, dep. 3 (io), to transgress; pass over transgressor, -oris, m., transgressor transigere, -egi, -actus, to get along transilire, -ui, -ivi, and -ii, to leap or skip over transire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to pass through, go over or across to; pass by or away; depart hence transitorius, -a, -urn, passing, transitory transitus, -us, m., a passing over or by; passage; brink translatio, -onis, /., transferring; translation transmeare, to go or come across transmigrare, to Aee transmigratio, -onis, /., carrying away; transnligration transmittere, -misi, -missus, to send transmutare, to change, turn transmutatio, -onis, /., change transplantare, to plant transvadere, to ford, pass ovcr transvehere, -vexi, -vectus, to carry over, convey transverberare, to piercc, transfix

t6rcular, -aris, n., wine or oil press<br />

tormentum, -i, n., torment; engine;<br />

- bellicum, gun, blunderbuss (lit.,<br />

war engine)<br />

torpere, to be torpid, listless or sluggish<br />

torpor, -oris, m., dullness, torpor<br />

torquere, torsi, tortus, to twist; torment<br />

torquis, -is, m. and /., collar, chain<br />

torrens, -entis, m., torrent, brook,<br />

strealTI<br />

torrere, -ui, tostus, to burn, roast,<br />

parch<br />

torta, -ae, t., roll<br />

tortor, -oris, m., tormenter, torturer<br />

torus, -i, fn., hed, marriage couch<br />

tot, adv., so nlany<br />

totaliter, adv., wholly<br />

totidem, just as many, so many<br />

totus, -a, -urn, all, the whole; per tatum,<br />

throughout<br />

trabea, -ae, /., robe<br />

trabs, -is, /., beam<br />

tractabilis, -e, that can be handled,<br />

olanagcable<br />

tractare, to treat; behave toward; celebrale<br />

tractatus, -us, m., tract, treatise<br />

tradere, -didi, -ditus, to deliver up;<br />

bet ray<br />

traditio, -onis, f., surrender; tradition<br />

traditor, -oris, nl., betrayer, traitor<br />

traducere, -duxi, -ductus, to leao; expose<br />

puhlicly<br />

tradux, -ucis, m., transmission; tradition<br />

tragoedia, -ae, f., tragic scene<br />

trahere, traxi, tractus, to draw, drag;<br />

contract; catch<br />

Trajanus, -i, m., Traian<br />

Trallenses, -ium, m. pl., Traltians<br />

trames, -itis, m., crossroad, cour::e,<br />

road, path<br />


tranquillare, to pacify, to make calm<br />

or still<br />

tranquillitas, -atis, /., calm, tranquillity<br />

tranquillius, adtJ., peacefully<br />

tranquHlus, -a, -urn, trang uil<br />

trans, prep., over, across, beyond, on<br />

the other side of<br />

transcensus, -us, m., passage<br />

transferre, -tuli, -latus, to move, remove;<br />

transform; translate<br />

transflgere, -fixi, -fixus, to pierce<br />

transfigurare, to transfigure<br />

transfiguratio, -onis, /., transfiguration<br />

transfixio, -onis, /., piercing<br />

transformativus, -a, -urn, transforming<br />

transfossus, -a, -urn, pierced<br />

transfretare, to pass over; cross the sea<br />

transgredi, -gressus sum, dep. 3 (io),<br />

to transgress; pass over<br />

transgressor, -oris, m., transgressor<br />

transigere, -egi, -actus, to get along<br />

transilire, -ui, -ivi, and -ii, to leap or<br />

skip over<br />

transire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to pass<br />

through, go over or across to; pass<br />

by or away; depart hence<br />

transitorius, -a, -urn, passing, transitory<br />

transitus, -us, m., a passing over or by;<br />

passage; brink<br />

translatio, -onis, /., transferring; translation<br />

transmeare, to go or come across<br />

transmigrare, to Aee<br />

transmigratio, -onis, /., carrying away;<br />

transnligration<br />

transmittere, -misi, -missus, to send<br />

transmutare, to change, turn<br />

transmutatio, -onis, /., change<br />

transplantare, to plant<br />

transvadere, to ford, pass ovcr<br />

transvehere, -vexi, -vectus, to carry<br />

over, convey<br />

transverberare, to piercc, transfix

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