Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1

Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1 Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1


spectatrix, -kis, t., spectator speculator, -oris, m., watchman; eyewitness, observer speculum, -i, m., glass, mirror specus, -us, m., I., n., hollow of a rock, cave spelunca, -ae, I., den, cave sperare, to hope, trust spernere, sprevi, spretus, to disdain, scorn, despise spes, -ei, I., hope spica, -ae, I., ear (of grain) spiculator, -oris, m., executioner spiculum, -i, n., dart, arrow; ray spina, -ae, I., thorn spinetunl, -i, n., thorn bush spineus, -a, -urn, of thorns spiraculum, -i, n., breath spirare, to breathe spiricilis, -e, spiritual spiritualis, -e, spiritual; spiritualia, n. pl., spirits spiritualiter, adv., spiritually spiritus, -us, nJ., spirit, ghost; breath; wind splendescere, -ui, to shine spJendide, adv., sumptuously splendor, -oris, m., brightness, splendor spolia, -orum, n. pl., spoils spondere, spopondi, sponsus, to promise solernnly spongia, -ae, I., sponge spons, spontis, I., will, free will sponsa, -ae, I., bride sponsor, -oris, nl., sponsor; surety sponsus, -i, m., bridegroom, spouse sponcinee, adv., freely, willingly sponte, adv., voluntarily sporta, -ae, £., basket sportula, -ae, I., basket spuma, -ae, I., foam spumare, to foam, foam at the mouth spwcitia, -ae, I., filthiness LATIN GRAMMAR spurius, -a, -urn, baseborn sputum, -i, n., spi ttle squaJidus, -a, -um, rough, bad looking squalor, -oris, m., roughness, neglect squama, -ae, I., scale squamatus, -a, -urn, with scales Squillacum, -i, n., Squillace stabilire, to establish stabilis, -e, steadfast stabilitas, -atis, I., firn1 foundation stabularius, -ii, m., innkeeper, host stabulum, -i, n., inn stacte, -es, I., oil of myrrh, myrrh stadium, -ii, n., race course; race; furlong stagnurn, -i, n., pool; lake stannum, -i, n., tin stare, steti, status, to sta nd, stand still statera, -ae, I., balance, scales Statielli, -0rum, n1. pl., people of Liguria statim, adv., immediately, presently statio, -onis, I., station; garrison; anchorage statua, -ae, I., statue statuarius, -ii, nl., scu Jpror statuere, -ui, -utus, to set, place, station; charge agai nst statura, -ae, I., stature, form status, -us, m., state; position statutus, -a, -urn, appointed stella, -ae, I., star stellatus, -a, -urn, starry stelJifer, -a, -urn, starry Stephanus, -i, m., Stephen stercus, -coris, n., dung; dunghill sterilis, -e, barren, unfruitful sterilitas, -atis, I., barrenness sternere, stravi, stratus, to spread; furnish; saddle sterquilinium, -ii, n., dunghill stertere, to snore stibium, -ii, n., antimony, stibic stone

stigma, -atis, n., stigma (pl., stigmata) stilla, -ae, I., drop stilhire, to drop, drip stillicidiurn, -ii, n., raindrop stimulus, -i, nl., sting, goad stipare, to surround, compass about stipendium, -ii, n., reconlpense; stipendia, n. pl., \vages stipes, -itis, m., stem, trunk of a tree stipula, -ae, I., stubble, straw stirps, -pis, I., stock stiva, -ae, /., plow handle stoIa, -ae, /., robe stomachus, -i, m., stomach storax, -acis, I., storax strages, -is, /., slaughter, massacre straguhitus, -a, -urn, made of tapestry stramen, -inis, n., stra\v, litter stramentum, -i, n., straw strangulare, to strangle stratum, -i, n., bed Stremotium, -ii, n., Estremoz strenue, adv., resolutely strenuus, -a, -wn, vigorous; steadfast strepitus, -us, m., din stricte, adv., severely strictim, adv., brieRy strictus, -a, -urn, tight, close; strict, severe stridere, stridi, to gnash Strido, -onis, t., Sdrigni stridor, -oris, m., gnashing Strigoniensis, -e, of Gran stringere, strinxi, strictus, to hold tight stropha, -ae, /., strophe strophium, -ii, n., girdle structor, -oris, m., builder structUra, -ae, t., building strues, -is, t., pile stn.lthio, -onis, m., ostrich studere, to strive, be zealous; study studiwn, -ii, n., doing, striving; practice, deed stultil6quium, -ii, n., foolish talking LATIN GRAMMAR stultitia, -ae, t., foolishness stultus, -a, -urn, foolish; stulta, n. pl., foolish things stupefactus, -a, -urn, amazed stupere, to be anlazed, be struck, be astonished stupor, -oris, m., astonishment stuppa, -ae, /., tow stuprurn, -i, n., ravishing, violation, lewdness stylus, -i, m., pen suadere, suasi, suasus, to exhort Suana, -ae, /., Soana or Ravacum suasor, -oris, m., adviser suasus, -us, m., persuasion suavidicus, -a, -urn, soft, sweet suavis, -e, sweet, kind, good suavitas, -atis, /., sweetness, goodness suaviter, adv., sweetly sub, prep., under subarrhare, to give earnest money, pledge subaudire, to hear, heed subcinericius: panis-, hearth cake subdere, -didi, -ditus, to subject subdiaconus, -i, m., subdeacon subditus, -i, m., subject, servant; layman subdiu, adv., in the open air subdolus, -a, -urn, deceitful subesse, -fui, to be under subinde, adv., immediately subindicare, to point out, indicate subinferre, -intuli, -illatus, to say, add subintelligere, -lexi, -lectus, to understand subintrare, to enter into subintroire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to enter stealthily subire, -ivi and -ii, -itus, (eo), to go up subitatio, -onis, /., suddenness subito, adv., suddenly, unexpectedly subjacere, to lie under, be subject to subjectio, -onis, t., yielding; subjection

spectatrix, -kis, t., spectator<br />

speculator, -oris, m., watchman; eyewitness,<br />

observer<br />

speculum, -i, m., glass, mirror<br />

specus, -us, m., I., n., hollow of a rock,<br />

cave<br />

spelunca, -ae, I., den, cave<br />

sperare, to hope, trust<br />

spernere, sprevi, spretus, to disdain,<br />

scorn, despise<br />

spes, -ei, I., hope<br />

spica, -ae, I., ear (of grain)<br />

spiculator, -oris, m., executioner<br />

spiculum, -i, n., dart, arrow; ray<br />

spina, -ae, I., thorn<br />

spinetunl, -i, n., thorn bush<br />

spineus, -a, -urn, of thorns<br />

spiraculum, -i, n., breath<br />

spirare, to breathe<br />

spiricilis, -e, spiritual<br />

spiritualis, -e, spiritual; spiritualia, n.<br />

pl., spirits<br />

spiritualiter, adv., spiritually<br />

spiritus, -us, nJ., spirit, ghost; breath;<br />

wind<br />

splendescere, -ui, to shine<br />

spJendide, adv., sumptuously<br />

splendor, -oris, m., brightness, splendor<br />

spolia, -orum, n. pl., spoils<br />

spondere, spopondi, sponsus, to promise<br />

solernnly<br />

spongia, -ae, I., sponge<br />

spons, spontis, I., will, free will<br />

sponsa, -ae, I., bride<br />

sponsor, -oris, nl., sponsor; surety<br />

sponsus, -i, m., bridegroom, spouse<br />

sponcinee, adv., freely, willingly<br />

sponte, adv., voluntarily<br />

sporta, -ae, £., basket<br />

sportula, -ae, I., basket<br />

spuma, -ae, I., foam<br />

spumare, to foam, foam at the mouth<br />

spwcitia, -ae, I., filthiness<br />


spurius, -a, -urn, baseborn<br />

sputum, -i, n., spi ttle<br />

squaJidus, -a, -um, rough, bad looking<br />

squalor, -oris, m., roughness, neglect<br />

squama, -ae, I., scale<br />

squamatus, -a, -urn, with scales<br />

Squillacum, -i, n., Squillace<br />

stabilire, to establish<br />

stabilis, -e, steadfast<br />

stabilitas, -atis, I., firn1 foundation<br />

stabularius, -ii, m., innkeeper, host<br />

stabulum, -i, n., inn<br />

stacte, -es, I., oil of myrrh, myrrh<br />

stadium, -ii, n., race course; race; furlong<br />

stagnurn, -i, n., pool; lake<br />

stannum, -i, n., tin<br />

stare, steti, status, to sta nd, stand still<br />

statera, -ae, I., balance, scales<br />

Statielli, -0rum, n1. pl., people of Liguria<br />

statim, adv., immediately, presently<br />

statio, -onis, I., station; garrison; anchorage<br />

statua, -ae, I., statue<br />

statuarius, -ii, nl., scu Jpror<br />

statuere, -ui, -utus, to set, place, station;<br />

charge agai nst<br />

statura, -ae, I., stature, form<br />

status, -us, m., state; position<br />

statutus, -a, -urn, appointed<br />

stella, -ae, I., star<br />

stellatus, -a, -urn, starry<br />

stelJifer, -a, -urn, starry<br />

Stephanus, -i, m., Stephen<br />

stercus, -coris, n., dung; dunghill<br />

sterilis, -e, barren, unfruitful<br />

sterilitas, -atis, I., barrenness<br />

sternere, stravi, stratus, to spread; furnish;<br />

saddle<br />

sterquilinium, -ii, n., dunghill<br />

stertere, to snore<br />

stibium, -ii, n., antimony, stibic stone

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