Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1

Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1

Tan Latin Grammar Vocab Book 1


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Annachana, -ae, t., Armagh<br />

arm.atu.ra, -ae, I., armor<br />

artrUtus, -a, -urn, armed<br />

Armeni, -orum, m., Armenians<br />

armentum, -i, n., cattle; a herd<br />

armiger, -gera, -gerum, bearing arms<br />

or armor<br />

armilla, -ae, I., bracelet<br />

armus, -i, m., shoulder<br />

aroma, -atis, n., spice; perfume, aroma<br />

aromatizans, -antis, aromatic<br />

Arretiurn, -ii, n., Arezzo<br />

arridere, -risi, -risus, to smile, laugh<br />

arripere, ripui, reptus, (io), to lay<br />

hold on, seize, take<br />

aI'S, artis, I., art, artifice, scheme,<br />

knowledge; trade<br />

arthritis, -idis, /., gout<br />

articulus, -i, nl., finger; moment; in<br />

articulo diei illlus, in the same day<br />

artifex, -icis, nl., artificer<br />

artificium, -ii, n., hanu ieraft, art, skill<br />

artus, -us, n2., joint, lirnb<br />

arundinetum, -i, n., reeds; a growth of<br />

reeds<br />

arundo, -inis, I., reed<br />

aruspex, -icis, m., soothsayer<br />

arvum, -i, n., field<br />

arx, arcis, I., fortress, castle; throne<br />

as, assis, nl. (a small bronze coin), farthing<br />

ascendere, -scendi, -scensus, to ascend,<br />

grow up, cl iI11b up<br />

ascensio, -onis, I., Ascension; ascent,<br />

going up<br />

ascensor, -oris, m., rider<br />

ascensus, -us, tn., ascent, means of ascent;<br />

chariot<br />

asceta, -ae, nl., ascetic, hermit<br />

asceterium, -ii, n., monastery<br />

ascia, -ae, I., hatcl:et<br />

ascire, to take, get<br />

asciscere, -scivi, -scitus, to receive<br />

Asculanus, -a, -urn, of Ascoli<br />


Asculurn, -i, n., Ascoli<br />

asellus, -i, m., a young ass, donkey<br />

Asianus, -a, -urn, of Asia, Asian<br />

asina, -ae, I., a she-ass<br />

asinarius, -a, -urn, pertaining to an<br />

ass; mola asinaria, millstone<br />

asinus, -i, m., ass<br />

Asmodaeus, -i, tn., Asmodeus<br />

aspectus, -us, m., vision; sightliness;<br />

countenance<br />

asper, -3, -urn, sharp, rough, difficult<br />

asperare, to make rough<br />

aspergere, -spersi, -spersus, to sprinkle<br />

aspernari, dep., to despise<br />

aspernator, -oris, n2., contemner<br />

aspersio, -onis, I., sprinkling<br />

aspersus, -a, -urn, sprinkled, spattered<br />

aspicere, -spexi, -spectus, (io), to regard,<br />

behold<br />

aspirare, to assist, be favorable to<br />

aspis, -idis, I., asp, adJer<br />

asportare, to bring<br />

assecla, -ae, m., follower<br />

assentiri, -sensus sum, dep. 4, to agree<br />

assequi, -secutus sum, dep. 3, to follow<br />

asser, -eris, m., board, plank, lath<br />

asserere, -serui, -sertus, to declare, justify,<br />

assert; relnark<br />

assertor, -oris, m., champion, defender<br />

asseveninter, absolutely, en1phatically<br />

Assidaei, -orum, m., Assideans<br />

assiduitas, -atis, I., custom<br />

assiduus, -a, -um, continual<br />

assignare, to assign, designate<br />

assimihire, to nlake like to, compare<br />

assimilari, dep., to become like, be<br />

compared<br />

Assisinas, -atis, of Assisi<br />

Assisium, -ii, n., Assisi<br />

assistere, astiti, to be present, stand<br />

around; to have come<br />

assistrix, -icis, I., helper<br />

assolere, to be accustomed, be usual

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