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figures in the mid-19 th century such as Bartolomé Mitre. Writing from the perspective of national centers, these men saw the borderlands as strictly delaying the creation of the nation-state. They understood themselves as not only providing order, but also acting as a check on the “savage democracy” that had produced tyrants like Rosas. In this story, the borderlands are regions to be tamed in the service of national destinies. 13 While obviously offering a more nuanced version of this relationship between the periphery and national cores, Tulio Halperín Donghi provides perhaps the best contemporary expression of this view. In his telling, provincial federalism in the contested interior stood as a powerful roadblock to the consolidation of national institutions and structures. 14 This is not to suggest that the historiography of the Río de la Plata’s tumultuous 19 th century has failed to move beyond the nationalist projects at the heart of traditional liberal dichotomies of law and lawlessness. The work of José Carlos Chiaramonte in particular has reframed peripheral resistance in terms of an intense constitutional struggle between Buenos Aires and its rivertine hinterlands over the distribution of economic and political power. 15 Other scholars have also substantially reinterpreted the initial turbulent decades following independence, finding a great deal more order than previously supposed. 16 By way of example, Noemí Goldman has argued that even Juan Facundo Quiroga, Sarmiento’s archetype for lawless “barbarism,” derived much of his legitimacy from the operation of 

 13 Bartolomé Mitre, Historia de Belgrano y de la Independencia Argentina, vol. 4 (Buenos Aires: Ed. Estrada, 1947), Sarmiento, Facundo. 14 Tulio Halperín Donghi, Revolución y Guerra: Formación de una Élite Dirigente en la Argentina Criolla, 2. ed ed. (Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno Argentina, 2005). 15 José Carlos Chiaramonte, Mercaderes del Litoral: Economía y Sociedad en la Provincia de Corrientes, Primera Mitad del Siglo XIX, 1. ed. (México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1991), ———, Ciudades, Provincias, Estados: Orígenes de la Nación Argentina, 1800-1846, 2d ed. (Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2007), ———, "Acerca del Orígen del Estado el el Río de la Plata," Anuario IEHS 10 (1995). 16 Examples include, Juan Carlos Garavaglia, Poder, Conflicto y Relaciones Sociales: El Río de la Plata, XVIII-XIX (Rosario: Homo Sapiens Ediciones, 1999). 12

local legal norms and practices in his home province of La Rioja. 17 Similarly, Ana Frega has explored the shared notions of popular sovereignty and local autonomy underpinning the political programs of caudillos like José Artigas in Uruguay. 18 Scholars have also looked closely at the federalist political ideologies forged during and after the Rosas years. For example, careful studies by Ricardo Salvatore in Buenos Aires and Ariel de la Fuente in La Rioja have shown that federalist ideologies grew out of the lived-experiences of oppression, political violence and economic conflicts. 19 What has emerged through these detailed studies is a more complex picture of the Río de la Plata’s interior as it evolved from viceroyalty to regional state system. These narratives incorporate alternative strands of constitutionalism, economic interests and social experiences. Brazilian historiography has traditionally approached the 19 th century from a sharply different perspective than the scholarship on the former Spanish colonies. In lieu of violent ruptures and lawlessness, the dominant theme of imperial literature has been persistence. 20 Much like the scholarship on the former Spanish territories within the Río de la Plata, however, Brazilian historiography focusing on the 19 th century has increasingly found 

 17 Noemí Goldman, “Legalidad y legitimidad en el caudillismo: Juan Facundo Quiroga y La Rioja en el interior rioplatense (1810-1835),” in Noemí Goldman and Ricardo Salvatore, ed. Caudillismos Rioplatenses: Nuevas Miradas a un Viejo Problema, 2. ed. (Buenos Aires: Eudeba, Universdad de Buenos Aires, 2005). See also Noemí Goldman and Sonia Tedeschi, “Los tejidos formales del poder: Caudillos en el interior y el litoral rioplatense durnate la primera mitad del siglo XIX,” in Salvatore, ed. Caudillismos Rioplatenses. 18 Ana Frega, Pueblos y Soberanía en la Revolución Artiguista: La Región de Santo Domingo Soriano Desde Fines de la Colonia a la Ocupación Portuguesa, 1a ed. (Montevideo, Uruguay: Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 2007). 19 Ricardo Donato Salvatore, Wandering Paysanos: State Order and Subaltern Experience in Buenos Aires During the Rosas Era (Durham: Duke University Press, 2003), Ariel De la Fuente, Children of Facundo: Caudillo and Gaucho Insurgency During the Argentine State-Formation Process (La Rioja, 1853-1870) (Durham: Duke University Press, 2000). 20 See, e.g., Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Raízes do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro: J. Olympio, 1936), José Honório Rodrígues, Conciliação e Reforma no Brasil: Um Desafio Histórico-Cultural (Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1982). 13

local legal norms and practices in his home province of La Rioja. 17 Similarly, Ana Frega has<br />

explored the shared notions of popular sovereignty and local autonomy underpinning the<br />

political programs of caudillos like José Artigas in Uruguay. 18 Scholars have also looked<br />

closely at the federalist political ideologies forged during and after the Rosas years. For<br />

example, careful studies by Ricardo Salvatore in Buenos Aires and Ariel de la Fuente in La<br />

Rioja have shown that federalist ideologies grew out of the lived-experiences of oppression,<br />

political violence and economic conflicts. 19 What has emerged through these detailed studies<br />

is a more complex picture of the Río de la Plata’s interior as it evolved from viceroyalty to<br />

regional state system. These narratives incorporate alternative strands of constitutionalism,<br />

economic interests and social experiences.<br />

Brazilian historiography has traditionally approached the 19 th century from a sharply<br />

different perspective than the scholarship on the former Spanish colonies. In lieu of violent<br />

ruptures and lawlessness, the dominant theme of imperial literature has been persistence. 20<br />

Much like the scholarship on the former Spanish territories within the Río de la Plata,<br />

however, Brazilian historiography focusing on the 19 th century has increasingly found<br />

<br />

17 Noemí Goldman, “Legalidad y legitimidad en el caudillismo: Juan Facundo Quiroga<br />

y La Rioja en el interior rioplatense (1810-1835),” in Noemí Goldman and Ricardo Salvatore,<br />

ed. Caudillismos Rioplatenses: Nuevas Miradas a un Viejo Problema, 2. ed. (Buenos Aires: Eudeba,<br />

Universdad de Buenos Aires, 2005). See also Noemí Goldman and Sonia Tedeschi, “Los<br />

tejidos formales del poder: Caudillos en el interior y el litoral rioplatense durnate la primera<br />

mitad del siglo XIX,” in Salvatore, ed. Caudillismos Rioplatenses.<br />

18 Ana Frega, Pueblos y Soberanía en la Revolución Artiguista: La Región de Santo Domingo<br />

Soriano Desde Fines de la Colonia a la Ocupación Portuguesa, 1a ed. (Montevideo, Uruguay:<br />

Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 2007).<br />

19 Ricardo Donato Salvatore, Wandering Paysanos: State Order and Subaltern Experience in<br />

Buenos Aires During the Rosas Era (Durham: Duke University Press, 2003), Ariel De la Fuente,<br />

Children of Facundo: Caudillo and Gaucho Insurgency During the Argentine State-Formation Process (La<br />

Rioja, 1853-1870) (Durham: Duke University Press, 2000).<br />

20 See, e.g., Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Raízes do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro: J. Olympio,<br />

1936), José Honório Rodrígues, Conciliação e Reforma no Brasil: Um Desafio Histórico-Cultural<br />

(Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1982).<br />

<br />

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