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Source: Own elaboration from surveys to teachers. Maria-Jesus Martinez-Argüelles et al. There has also been a will to find subjects with different evaluation models. Whereas some of them had five activities, four of which are compulsory (Economic structure, Behaviour of economic aggregates and Business introduction), others have five compulsory activities (Statistics essentials) and even others (Introduction to accountability) has five continuous evaluation activities with the obligation to submit the last one and three more out of the other four activities). The design of the pilot test has a double dimension. A technical part focussed on contributing to the maximum efficiency when making the teacher's development of feedback possible, and a teaching part that focusses on how to get a major impact on the student out of this intervention. In order to assess the action's impact it was rendered necessary to introduce monitoring classrooms (in order to grant the major degree of equalization possible in the monitoring classroom, it was made over the same subject, in the same semester, guided by the same teacher and on the same dimension, except for the subject Statistics essentials). The design of the technical part was made taking into account different possibilities of feasible multimedia feedback according to capabilities of the technological platform (audio, video, commented screen-shots...). In order to make it possible, some technical improvements have been implemented to the RAC, with the aim to facilitate elaboration of a personalized feedback. In fact, technological possibilities in a technological platform when applying these techniques, is a limitation to be taken into account when making it extensive to the rest of the degree. As regards the teaching part, the discussion on each of the feedback options' suitability and the possibility for it to be applied to one or several activities took place between the Teacher Responsible for the Subject (PRA for its acronym in Catalan) and the teacher. Where the multimedia feedback was not implemented, the option has been the written feedback (individual or individualized group). Having in mind these components, plus each teacher's abilities and concerns, a pilot test for each subject was defined. As common elements, individualised feedback was made in all activities of all subjects, though with different levels of intensity. In all cases, students have been given an answer to the generic PAC, in line with what is being done in the rest of the subjects in the Economy and business Studies (sub-dimension 2 in the previous part). Both the multimedia options adopted to carry out the personalized feedback and the number of targetstudents, are according to each subject and result from the planning made by the teacher and the PRA. Whereas in some cases, the option was a generalized personalized feedback in the first activities, in other cases, feedback was focussed on those persons that have not passed the activity or passed it with difficulties, in order to encourage them to go ahead as well as for them to try and correct the errors made so as to better face next activities, and also for them to be able to set up concepts that will allow them to pass the Final Test without difficulties (working sub-dimensions 1 and 3 of the previous part). In other cases the option was for a more generic one, comprising students with similar typologies, whether because they made the same error when solving the activity or they had a similar final result in the activity. Another of the options adopted was the generalized personalized feedback (to all of the students), independently of their mark in order to correct errors of those who had a worse result and encourage those who had a good result to maintain their level. As already pointed out, the pilot test was adapted to each teacher's abilities and to each activity's specific needs. As said, the first activity in each subject had a generalized personalized written feedback in line with the evaluation criteria of the Economy and Business Studies degree. From the second activity, implementation of the multimedia feedback started in a generalized manner in all the subjects. In Economic Structure, feedback was made with audio oriented to those students that did not pass the subject, that made important errors or that did not submit it. From the third activity, audio was complemented by video in search of a generalization of messages so as they can be used with more than one student. In Statistics Essentials the option was a personalized feedback based on commented screen-shots this option was chosen because the subject's format allows a very efficient exploitation of this tool. Resolution of problems in the context of statistics requires certain approaches and mathematical developments that the commented screen capture dynamics makes it easier to understand (it is very useful in elements such tables reading, statistics calculations solving from a statistics program, etc.) In this sense, this feedback has not been generalized to the whole range of activities of the subject but was centred on those activities where major profits were foreseen. As 460

Maria-Jesus Martinez-Argüelles et al. regards the personalized feedback's addressee, this was chosen according to errors made while carrying out the activity or because he/she did not pass the activity. This criteria intends to minimize the number of answers to be elaborated by the teacher, but involves a lesser degree of personalization. In order to fulfil this lack the multimedia feedback was complemented by written feedback (in some occasions, reiteration of errors made by the student can provoke two multimedia feedback entries). The cost of implementing such option is high but can be reduced in time for different reasons: improvement of the teacher's abilities, generalized use of answers to concrete problems and accumulation of examples and exercises solutions for the future (to be used in future feedback or as complementary tools to be used in the learning process). The pilot test carried out in the subject Behaviour of economic aggregates shows clearly the increase of the amount of work that involves the personalized feedback, even if it is written (this excess work was valued as double the work, though there have been attempts to save time with common answer strategies). The strategy followed here varied according to results obtained by students and to the test's features. In PAC 2 audio feedback was implemented when searching a major impact (the PAC was not passed, the mark could have improved in relation with the previous PAC, …) whereas in the rest of cases the option was written feedback (good results in PACs, non-submission of two of the PACs,...) For the rest of PACs this has been the criteria followed when considering which feedback should be implemented. Furthermore, video was introduced in cases where a rather common error was made. In this case, technological abilities also become a key factor to be taken into account. Here, the assessment made by the tutor is very positive due to the degree of proximity between student and teacher that this technique allows. In this case, instead of facilitating understanding of certain concepts, as happened in subjects such as Statistics Essentials, the most valued element is improvement in the student's answer due to the impact that personalized feedback had on him/her. Nonetheless, again it is remarkable the importance that dimension has when offering a correct personalized feedback. In Introduction to Accountability there was a general written answer to everybody in the first PAC, then audio personalized feedback to those that submitted the second PAC and written to those that had not done so. Video was used in the rest of activities. In this case, the only discrimination was between students who has submitted the activity and those who had not. The degree of performance of students in the classroom where the personalized feedback took place was higher. In Business Introduction, feedback was also performed according to the mark, in text for the first activity. From then on, the option was to incorporate audio / video feedback depending on the mark obtained after the second activity, with a clear intention to improve the result in those cases where they had not been positive. Together with these messages, written feedback was used when it was necessary to complement some information. In this case, the teacher assessed that video or audio feedback messages did not bring significant quality improvement with respect to the personalized feedback in text. What is really considered as critic in this case is the possibility to perform personalized feedback with all the students. The option to extend the use of such tools in the learning process as a complement in cases where there are important doubts about the contents and the teacher can clarify them, is raised. Once all pilot tests have been presented, it is time to draw up a balance. The benefits of implementing multimedia personalized feedback go in two aspects. The first one shows how useful is such methodology in cases that it leads to improving understanding and learning of the subject, from the correction of errors and the extension of contents. In this sense, it must be taken into account that the fact of considering personalized and adapted to each student's needs feedback, is in itself a highly positive elements that is worth counting on. The second aspect to be considered is the impact that multimedia personalized feedback has on the student, due precisely to the fact that it has been done in audio or in video. Some teachers pointed out the positive assessment of students on this option and, therefore, it must be understood as an element to be taken into account in the future. The costs involved in the adoption of this methodology are high and are directly related to the dimension. Teachers must acquire technical and communication skills that need to be developed. This is the reason why the need of training the teachers before implementing this option is suggested. Time invested in preparing generalized and personalized feedback, both written and multimedia, is quite high and, thus, it is necessary to assess how effective is to incorporate it. In fig. 1 we see that, as an average, some 20% of the total time invested by the teacher, can be directly attributed to 461

Maria-Jesus Martinez-Argüelles et al.<br />

regards the personalized feedback's addressee, this was chosen according to errors made while<br />

carrying out the activity or because he/she did not pass the activity. This criteria intends to minimize<br />

the number of answers to be elaborated by the teacher, but involves a lesser degree of<br />

personalization. In order to fulfil this lack the multimedia feedback was complemented by written<br />

feedback (in some occasions, reiteration of errors made by the student can provoke two multimedia<br />

feedback entries). The cost of implementing such option is high but can be reduced in time for<br />

different reasons: improvement of the teacher's abilities, generalized use of answers to concrete<br />

problems and accumulation of examples and exercises solutions for the future (to be used in future<br />

feedback or as complementary tools to be used in the <strong>learning</strong> process).<br />

The pilot test carried out in the subject Behaviour of economic aggregates shows clearly the increase<br />

of the amount of work that involves the personalized feedback, even if it is written (this excess work<br />

was valued as double the work, though there have been attempts to save time with common answer<br />

strategies). The strategy followed here varied according to results obtained by students and to the<br />

test's features. In PAC 2 audio feedback was implemented when searching a major impact (the PAC<br />

was not passed, the mark could have improved in relation with the previous PAC, …) whereas in the<br />

rest of cases the option was written feedback (good results in PACs, non-submission of two of the<br />

PACs,...) For the rest of PACs this has been the criteria followed when considering which feedback<br />

should be implemented. Furthermore, video was introduced in cases where a rather common error<br />

was made. In this case, technological abilities also become a key factor to be taken into account.<br />

Here, the assessment made by the tutor is very positive due to the degree of proximity between<br />

student and teacher that this technique allows. In this case, instead of facilitating understanding of<br />

certain concepts, as happened in subjects such as Statistics Essentials, the most valued element is<br />

improvement in the student's answer due to the impact that personalized feedback had on him/her.<br />

Nonetheless, again it is remarkable the importance that dimension has when offering a correct<br />

personalized feedback.<br />

In Introduction to Accountability there was a general written answer to everybody in the first PAC,<br />

then audio personalized feedback to those that submitted the second PAC and written to those that<br />

had not done so. Video was used in the rest of activities. In this case, the only discrimination was<br />

between students who has submitted the activity and those who had not. The degree of performance<br />

of students in the classroom where the personalized feedback took place was higher.<br />

In Business Introduction, feedback was also performed according to the mark, in text for the first<br />

activity. From then on, the option was to incorporate audio / video feedback depending on the mark<br />

obtained after the second activity, with a clear intention to improve the result in those cases where<br />

they had not been positive. Together with these messages, written feedback was used when it was<br />

necessary to complement some information. In this case, the teacher assessed that video or audio<br />

feedback messages did not bring significant quality improvement with respect to the personalized<br />

feedback in text. What is really considered as critic in this case is the possibility to perform<br />

personalized feedback with all the students. The option to extend the use of such tools in the <strong>learning</strong><br />

process as a complement in cases where there are important doubts about the contents and the<br />

teacher can clarify them, is raised.<br />

Once all pilot tests have been presented, it is time to draw up a balance. The benefits of implementing<br />

multimedia personalized feedback go in two aspects. The first one shows how useful is such<br />

methodology in cases that it leads to improving understanding and <strong>learning</strong> of the subject, from the<br />

correction of errors and the extension of contents. In this sense, it must be taken into account that the<br />

fact of considering personalized and adapted to each student's needs feedback, is in itself a highly<br />

positive elements that is worth counting on. The second aspect to be considered is the impact that<br />

multimedia personalized feedback has on the student, due precisely to the fact that it has been done<br />

in audio or in video. Some teachers pointed out the positive assessment of students on this option<br />

and, therefore, it must be understood as an element to be taken into account in the future.<br />

The costs involved in the adoption of this methodology are high and are directly related to the<br />

dimension. Teachers must acquire technical and communication skills that need to be developed.<br />

This is the reason why the need of training the teachers before implementing this option is suggested.<br />

Time invested in preparing generalized and personalized feedback, both written and multimedia, is<br />

quite high and, thus, it is necessary to assess how effective is to incorporate it. In fig. 1 we see that,<br />

as an average, some 20% of the total time invested by the teacher, can be directly attributed to<br />


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