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Hussein Al-Yaseen et al. Berthold, M. and Hand, D. J. (2003) Intelligent Data Analysis, 2nd Ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Brady, K., Holcomb, L., and Smith, B. (2010) The Use of Alternative Social Networking Sites in Higher Educational Settings: A Case Study of the ELearning Benefits of Ning in Education, Journal of Interactive Online Learning, Vol. 9, No. 2, Pp. 151-170. Cantoni, V., Cellarer, M. and Porta, M. (2004) Perspective and challenges in eLearning: towards natural interaction paradigms, Journal of visual languages and computing, Vol. 15, Pp. 335-345. Casal, C. (2007) ICT for education and development, Info, Vol. 9, No. 4, Pp. 3-9. Dadzie, P. (2009) ELearning and E-Library Services at the University of Ghana: prospects and challenges, Information Development, Vol. 25, No. 3, Pp. 207-217 Holden, J. and Westfall, P. (2010), An Instructional Media Selection Guide for Distance Learning – Implications for Blended Learning Featuring an Introduction to Virtual Worlds, United States Distance Learning Association, 2nd edition. Khan, B. H. (2001). A framework for web-based learning, Engelwood CliVs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications. Khan, H., Williams, J. (2006) Poverty Alleviation through Access to Education: Can ELearning Deliver. U21Global. Graduate School for Global Leaders. [Online].http://www.u21global.com/PartnerAdmin/ViewContent?module Marengo, A. and Marengo, V. (2005) Measuring the Economic Benefits of ELearning: A Proposal for a New Index for Academic Environments, Journal of Information Technology Education, Vol. 4, Pp. 329-346. Murphy, T.H. and Terry, H.R. Jr. (1998) Opportunities and obstacles for distance education in agricultural education, J. Agric. Edu., Vol. 39, No. 1, [online], http://pubs.aged.tamu.edu/jae/pdf/vol39/39-01- 28.pdf. Najafabadi, M., Hosseini, J. and Mirdamadi, M. (2009) A Case Study of Requirements and Challenges of Information and Communication Technology System to Train Private Agricultural Insurance Brokers, American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., Vol. 6, No. 2, Pp. 152-159. O'Donoghue, J., Singh, G. and Handy, D. (2003) Higher education – IT as a catalyst for change, On the Horizon, Vol. 11, No. 3, Pp. 23-28. Omidi Najafabadi, M., Farajollah Hosseini, J., Mirdamadi, M. and Moghadasi, R. (2008) Designing an Efficient Information and Communication Technology (ICT) System to Train Private Agricultural Insurance Brokers in Iran, Australian Journal Basic and Application Science, Vol. 2, No. 41, Pp. 1041-1051. Omidinia, S., Masrom, M. and Selamat, H. (2010) Review of ELearning and ICT Infrastructure in Developing Countries (Case Study of Iran), American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Vol. 3, No. 1, Pp. 120-125. Patterson, D., Jung, G., Broadhead, G., and Halton, R. (2010) The UK eLearning market, [On-line], Available: http://www.eLearningcentre.co.uk/resource. Paechter, M., Maier, B., and Machera, D. (2010) Students’ expectations of, and experiences in eLearning: Their relation to learning achievements and course satisfaction, Computers and Education, Vol. 54, No. 1, Pp. 222-229. Pett, M. A., Lackey, N. R. and Sullivan, J. J. (2003) Making sense of factor analysis: the use of factor analysis for instrument development in health care research, Sage Publications, London Rezaei Mood, F. (2006) Challenges Assessment and ways of implementing eLearning in Iran, Master Degree Thesis, College of Technology, Sharif University of Technology, Iran. Tham, C. and J. Werner (2002) Designing and Evaluating ELearning in Higher Education: a Review and Recommendations, Proceedings of the 2002 annual Conference of the Midwest Academy of Management, Indianapolis, [online]:http://cobacourses.creighton.edu/MAM/2002/papers/Tham.doc. Tyan, K.J. (2003) Diffusion barriers to eLearning in corporate Taiwan: a factor analysis of practitioners’ perspective. Phd dissertation, Indian University. Urdan, T. A., & Weggen, C. C. (2000). Corporate eLearning: Exploring a new frontier WR Hambrecht + Co. [Online]. Available:http://www.wrhambrecht.com/ research/coverage/elearning/ir/ ir_explore.pdf . Wang, Y. (2003). Assessment of learner satisfaction with asynchronous electronic learning systems, Information & Management, Vol. 41, No. 1, Pp. 75–86. World Bank (2009) Higher Education Reform for the Knowledge Economy Project, Project Appraisal Document, World Bank. Washington, DC". Zhang, W., J. Niu and G. Jiang (2002) Web-Based Education at Conventional Universities in China: A Case Study, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol. 2, No. 2, [online], www.irrodl.org/index. php/ irrodl/article/download/63/130. 22

The use of Open Educational Resources in Intra- Organisational eLearning and Continuing Education Antonios Andreatos Div. of Computer Engineering & Information Science, Hellenic Air Force Academy, Dekeleia Air Force Base, Dekeleia, Greece aandreatos@gmail.com Abstract: Sustained learning is a crucial factor of an organisation’s ability to survive and effectively compete in the globalisation era worldwide. Continually shrinking half-life periods of knowledge and fast changing globalised workplaces, force employees working in knowledge-intensive companies to acquire new knowledge and skills for life. The evolution of Web 2.0, the advantages and boom of New Media, the massive production of open educational resources and globalisation, are bringing revolutionary changes to all forms of education: formal, non-formal and informal. Thus, the need for continuing education and lifelong learning is obvious. Various surveys performed worldwide show that university graduates are not well prepared for today's working environment. Most important skills missing are related to the use of ICT and adoption of emerging technologies, teamwork/ collaboration, creativity, innovation and change management, diversity and Leadership and fundamentals of enterpreneurship. Thus, there is also a need for education of newcomers. The purpose of this work is to examine the use of open educational resources in intra-organisational learning and to examine the properties of Learning Objects such as their metadata, that will facilitate this task. More precisely, this paper initially argues about the advantages of using open educational resources in eLearning and continuing education. Prerequisites for selecting and combining external Learning Objects will be examined. Ways for externalising the organisation's social capital in reusable Learning Objects appropriate for intra-organisational learning will be proposed. The issue of certification of informally acquired knowledge and skills will be mentioned. The use of open educational resources may enrich existing social capital and facilitate intra-organisational eLearning and continuing education in a cost-effective way. For better results, a formal characterisation scheme of LOs, in the form of a posteriori metadata, will greatly facilitate their organisation, search and retrieval process. Keywords: open educational resources, learning objects, continuing education, metadata, intra-organisational learning, social capital 1. Introduction With financial conditions changing constantly and affecting every aspect of business activities, declining resources and growing competition, modern businesses are faced with multiple problems on all fronts. On the one hand they should be able to do more with less resources, and the other, they have to plan and achieve goals faster, more efficiently and of higher quality than in the past. As a consequence, work environments and conditions are continually changing. Continually shrinking half-life periods of knowledge and ever changing workplaces, force employees working in knowledge-intensive companies to acquire new knowledge and skills for life. These professionals have to continually update their experiences and knowledge profile (Fonstad & Lanvin, 2010). Thus, sustained learning is a crucial factor of an organisation’s ability to survive and effectively compete in the globalisation era (Burke et al., 2006). In their effort to survive, organisations turn to ICT. Technologists invent and propose new solutions promising to facilitate enterprises to reduce their working cost and increase their revenues, such as Cloud Computing and Virtualization. The problem is that all these developments are ... new! Who will design the plans, who will implement them and who will manage them? The answer is of course “the business' people”, who should be trained not only effectively but also very quickly in their new tasks. 1.1 The missing skills - what surveys show Various studies (Fonstad & Lanvin, 2010; Azami et al., 2009; Workforce Readiness Report, 2006;) concerning three different regions of the World (Europe, Malaysia and USA respectively), state that graduates are not well prepared for today's working environment. According to Fonstad & Lanvin (2010), there is a shortage of key ICT skills in Europe. Most missing skills are basic and professional skills as well as cross-sectoral skills (such as principles of economy and entrepreneurship). It is anticipated that by 2015 the unfilled vacancies of ICT professionals will be between 1.7% and 13%. 23

Hussein Al-Yaseen et al.<br />

Berthold, M. and Hand, D. J. (2003) Intelligent Data Analysis, 2nd Ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin.<br />

Brady, K., Holcomb, L., and Smith, B. (2010) The Use of Alternative Social Networking Sites in Higher<br />

Educational Settings: A Case Study of the ELearning Benefits of Ning in Education, Journal of Interactive<br />

Online Learning, Vol. 9, No. 2, Pp. 151-170.<br />

Cantoni, V., Cellarer, M. and Porta, M. (2004) Perspective and challenges in eLearning: towards natural<br />

interaction paradigms, Journal of visual languages and computing, Vol. 15, Pp. 335-345.<br />

Casal, C. (2007) ICT for education and development, Info, Vol. 9, No. 4, Pp. 3-9.<br />

Dadzie, P. (2009) ELearning and E-Library Services at the University of Ghana: prospects and challenges,<br />

Information Development, Vol. 25, No. 3, Pp. 207-217<br />

Holden, J. and Westfall, P. (2010), An Instructional Media Selection Guide for Distance Learning – Implications<br />

for Blended Learning Featuring an Introduction to Virtual Worlds, United States Distance Learning<br />

Association, 2nd edition.<br />

Khan, B. H. (2001). A framework for web-based <strong>learning</strong>, Engelwood CliVs, NJ: Educational Technology<br />

Publications.<br />

Khan, H., Williams, J. (2006) Poverty Alleviation through Access to Education: Can ELearning Deliver.<br />

U21Global. Graduate School for Global Leaders.<br />

[Online].http://www.u21global.com/PartnerAdmin/ViewContent?module<br />

Marengo, A. and Marengo, V. (2005) Measuring the Economic Benefits of ELearning: A Proposal for a New Index<br />

for <strong>Academic</strong> Environments, Journal of Information Technology Education, Vol. 4, Pp. 329-346.<br />

Murphy, T.H. and Terry, H.R. Jr. (1998) Opportunities and obstacles for distance education in agricultural<br />

education, J. Agric. Edu., Vol. 39, No. 1, [online], http://pubs.aged.tamu.edu/jae/pdf/vol39/39-01- 28.pdf.<br />

Najafabadi, M., Hosseini, J. and Mirdamadi, M. (2009) A Case Study of Requirements and Challenges of<br />

Information and Communication Technology System to Train Private Agricultural Insurance Brokers,<br />

American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., Vol. 6, No. 2, Pp. 152-159.<br />

O'Donoghue, J., Singh, G. and Handy, D. (2003) Higher education – IT as a catalyst for change, On the Horizon,<br />

Vol. 11, No. 3, Pp. 23-28.<br />

Omidi Najafabadi, M., Farajollah Hosseini, J., Mirdamadi, M. and Moghadasi, R. (2008) Designing an Efficient<br />

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) System to Train Private Agricultural Insurance Brokers in<br />

Iran, Australian Journal Basic and Application Science, Vol. 2, No. 41, Pp. 1041-1051.<br />

Omidinia, S., Masrom, M. and Selamat, H. (2010) Review of ELearning and ICT Infrastructure in Developing<br />

Countries (Case Study of Iran), American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Vol. 3, No. 1,<br />

Pp. 120-125.<br />

Patterson, D., Jung, G., Broadhead, G., and Halton, R. (2010) The UK eLearning market, [On-line], Available:<br />

http://www.eLearningcentre.co.uk/resource.<br />

Paechter, M., Maier, B., and Machera, D. (2010) Students’ expectations of, and experiences in eLearning: Their<br />

relation to <strong>learning</strong> achievements and course satisfaction, Computers and Education, Vol. 54, No. 1, Pp.<br />

222-229.<br />

Pett, M. A., Lackey, N. R. and Sullivan, J. J. (2003) Making sense of factor analysis: the use of factor analysis for<br />

instrument development in health care research, Sage Publications, London<br />

Rezaei Mood, F. (2006) Challenges Assessment and ways of implementing eLearning in Iran, Master Degree<br />

Thesis, College of Technology, Sharif University of Technology, Iran.<br />

Tham, C. and J. Werner (2002) Designing and Evaluating ELearning in Higher Education: a Review and<br />

Recommendations, Proceedings of the 2002 annual Conference of the Midwest Academy of Management,<br />

Indianapolis, [online]:http://cobacourses.creighton.edu/MAM/2002/papers/Tham.doc.<br />

Tyan, K.J. (2003) Diffusion barriers to eLearning in corporate Taiwan: a factor analysis of practitioners’<br />

perspective. Phd dissertation, Indian University.<br />

Urdan, T. A., & Weggen, C. C. (2000). Corporate eLearning: Exploring a new frontier WR Hambrecht + Co. [Online].<br />

Available:http://www.wrhambrecht.com/ research/coverage/e<strong>learning</strong>/ir/ ir_explore.pdf .<br />

Wang, Y. (2003). Assessment of learner satisfaction with asynchronous electronic <strong>learning</strong> systems, Information<br />

& Management, Vol. 41, No. 1, Pp. 75–86.<br />

World Bank (2009) Higher Education Reform for the Knowledge Economy Project, Project Appraisal Document,<br />

World Bank. Washington, DC".<br />

Zhang, W., J. Niu and G. Jiang (2002) Web-Based Education at Conventional Universities in China: A Case<br />

Study, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol. 2, No. 2, [online],<br />

www.irrodl.org/index. php/ irrodl/article/download/63/130.<br />


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