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learning - Academic Conferences Limited

learning - Academic Conferences Limited


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Michaela Drozdová et al.<br />

to the order of <strong>learning</strong> there can be either detailistic or holistic tactics. For this characteristic a part of<br />

the TSI (Thinking Style Inventory) questionnaire was used (Sternberg, 1999).<br />

The conception of student’s <strong>learning</strong> can be divided into three levels: deep, strategic and surface.<br />

This characteristic is tested by ASSIST (Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students)<br />

questionnaire (Tait, 1996).<br />

The <strong>learning</strong> auto-regulation defines, to which extent the student is able to manage his <strong>learning</strong><br />

independently. This implies his need of external supervision of the processes of <strong>learning</strong> where, on<br />

one side, there are those who appreciate punctual instructions and on the other side those who prefer<br />

to manage the <strong>learning</strong> processes themselves. For this characteristic a part of the LSI questionnaire<br />

was used (Mareš, 1993).<br />

2.1 Testing and data analysis of individual <strong>learning</strong> styles<br />

To measure aforesaid characteristics, it is best to use questionnaires. In the pilot phase we used the<br />

above mentioned questionnaires, but their combination was not applicable due to their length. This<br />

led to inaccurate filling of the questionnaires, shown by the results of their analysis (Takács, 2009).<br />

These reasons led to compiling a new shortened Learning Profile Questionnaire - LPQ (Novotný,<br />

2010). The usual duration of filling the LPQ is only ten minutes while measuring all properties needed.<br />

This questionnaire is inspired by following questionnaires: LSI, ILS, TSI and ASSIST. Only three to<br />

five questions measures one property of the student. This questionnaire was not verified on students<br />

yet.<br />

Most questions in the LPQ questionnaire are made of statements together with scales of agreement<br />

to this statement. These scales are usually from 1 (I don’t agree) to 5 (I agree). Some questions have<br />

four variants, one for each type of perception.<br />

This questionnaire was converted into electronic form. Before filling the questionnaire, its purpose was<br />

introduced to the students. A group of university students from different fields of study were asked to<br />

fill this questionnaire, as well as a group of high school students. A total of 508 students filled this<br />

questionnaire, 190 from those being grammar school students, 196 pedagogical university students,<br />

68 high school students and 62 informatics university students. The duration of filling the<br />

questionnaires varied between two minutes and half an hour. To exclude suspiciously fast filling<br />

students we sat aside 45 questionnaires filled in less than five minutes.<br />

From filled questionnaires we saved data about students’ answers and questionnaire results that were<br />

computed according to a scoring key of this questionnaire. Values of all properties ranged from 0 to<br />

100, zero meaning that the student does not possess this characteristic and one-hundred meaning<br />

that he does.<br />

For the data analysis association rules method, which looks for dependencies between attributes and<br />

conveys them in form of rules, was used. Each rule consists of a condition and a conclusion and is<br />

assigned with reliability and support. Reliability provides information about how many percent of<br />

records found with this condition being true meet also the conclusion. Support provides information<br />

about for how many percent of records the condition is true.<br />

Principal component analysis was used to identify possible dependent attributes measuring the same<br />

or very similar student’s characteristics. This method searches for principal components – new<br />

attributes which values are determined by linear combination of former attributes. We can distinguish<br />

composition of each component by the size of its coefficients. Every principal component is also<br />

described by standard deviation that indicates significance of the component.<br />

Decision tree analysis was also performed. This analysis finds numbers of interesting rules for one<br />

goal attribute. Rules are then represented in a form of a tree. Leaves gives value of the goal attribute,<br />

nodes are conditions of rules and branches are values of conditions. Finally, a cluster analysis was<br />

performed, which tries to find groups of similar objects that are different from other group‘s objects in<br />

data. For the computation of the distance was used Euclidian metric and then two grouping methods<br />

were used: single link and Ward-Wishard Ward’s minimum variance method (Ward, 1963) aims at<br />

finding compact, spherical clusters. The single linkage method adopts a ‘friends of friends’ clustering<br />

strategy.<br />


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