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4. Methodology Ivana Cechova et al. In academic year 2010/11 we designed a research study the task of which was to find out if and how ICT help the distance students in their study, how distance students assess ICT in their language training and especially how the students assess LMS Barborka. For the first step of our research we chose the method of interviews which were carried out via Skype. All respondents were our distance students and graduates. The interviews were semi-structured, using an 'interview plus' approach to enhance discussion (Bloom 1953; JISC 2009). The interview questions focused on four main themes: likes and dislikes dealing with English study; language learning and ICT; LMS Barborka as a tool for language learning; LMS Barborka and its evaluation from the students’ point of view. Ten interviews were undertaken, with each lasting approximately one hour. Data were fully transcribed and entered into INVivo. Initial coding was inductive (Thomas 2006) and categories that reflected the question schedule and main trends were developed. The coded data were then reviewed by the research team and a series of key themes were determined by consensus. The data were then re-coded according to the agreed themes, and through this iterative process the project's findings emerged (Strauss, Corbin 2004). We tried to achieve answers to the following research questions: What are the students’ likes and dislikes dealing with English? How do the students evaluate LMS Barborka as a tool for studying English and how do they evaluate the study supports presented in LMS Barborka? What are the advantages and disadvantages of ICT in language learning? The second part of the research is a questionnaire aimed at creating a distance learner profile by establishing baseline data on technology use. The questions elicited prior experience and expectations of using technology for learning, and the impacts of e-learning. Then we wanted to find out if our distance students prefer to use up-to-date technologies (the Internet, an in-house Study Portal and on-line sessions in language lessons) or to be taught in a classical way (without computer technology programs), furthermore we wanted to know the students’ preferences and needs while using ICT in the language classes and the LMS Barborka utility. We wanted either to confirm or reject the following hypothesis: The students prefer the use of up-to-date technologies to a classical way of learning. ICT can influence English training in a positive way. Study materials and communication via LMS Barborka can influence English training in a positive way. The respondents were distance students of the University of Defence, the Faculty of Economics and Management. 5. Findings In some answers the opinions of distance study students do not differ from those of full-time ones (research carried out in 2004-2009). All students highly appreciate the access to LMS Barborka, which offers interesting texts from different economic and military areas full of various specialized terminology. They like most especially those texts which differ from commercial textbooks and the Internet materials. In this context they often express a demand for topics regarding their specializations or military-political ones. “Topics dealing with military and terrorism, as I can’t find them anywhere else.” (R4, March 2011) “Study supports for individual topics, they are well arranged and written in readable English.” (R1, May 2011) Students asses positively the communication with their tutors, tutors’ fast response to the questions, the correction and evaluation of their homework and they also appreciate the possibility of electronic testing, mainly in terms of the necessity to pass the STANAG 6001 exam. “The evaluation of homework was a big surprise for me, it is accomplished at a high technical level.” (R9, April 2011) “The study materials enable to revise, possibly to deepen knowledge of the topics. They are useful for the STANAG 6001 exam preparation as well.”(R10, April 2011) 112

Ivana Cechova et al. Using ICT while studying language the students see as the necessity, and moreover it breathes fresh life into teaching. The choice of the appropriate tool is connected with the activities which it facilitates. They use the Internet for eMails, while working with texts they use a dictionary, they download study materials from web pages and they keep in touch with their peers. They appreciate electronic dictionaries, electronic testing and interactive forms of most study materials. The possibility to choose the place, time and pace of study plays a very important role when choosing the ICT tool. “In the electronic dictionary you look everything up much quicker than in the paper one. There are lots of teaching programs.”(R2, March 2011) “In my job I don’t use English very often; it means that ICT is the only means how to brush up the language (at least dealing with listening and writing).” (R1, May 2011) Studying English with the help of ICT is assessed positively by 7 out of 10 respondents. One respondent is negative about anything which is connected with e-learning; another one prefers the classical teaching method, i.e. face-to-face one. “Studying English with the help of Barborka is the new way of study for me; no doubt it is more up-to-date and comfortable. Textbooks are not bad. Nevertheless, I prefer ICT.”(R1, May 2011) “I appreciate assigning and evaluating tasks in electronic form. It is quicker and more comfortable for me.”(R2, March 2011) “I prefer teaching in a classical way.” (R4, March 2011) Students underline the study of English as a prerequisite of their own personal development and future practice as well. Acquiring the language is understood as a necessity for the future and a means of promotion at a job. “In the case of mastering the language, there are possibilities which the knowledge offers (job - career ladder, etc.)” (R1, May 2011) “English is nowadays used in a wide range of areas.” (R7, April 2011) While studying English, the students appreciate mainly the variety, interestingness and topicality; on the other hand the least attractive activity is studying grammar and vocabulary, mainly idioms and phrasal verbs “Present perfect and past perfect tenses are difficult for me.“(R3, April 2011) “Some texts are demanding in terms of vocabulary.”(R9, May 2011) According to the analysis of the students’ interviews it is possible to state that distance students can see ICT/LMS Barborka as a tool which facilitates their study and at the same time as a simpler form of teaching. They like especially the chance to study any time/anywhere and the offer of unique materials, which are accessible only in this application (LMS Barborka). On the other hand they are fully aware of some limitations, e.g. the lack of communication and listening exercises. They focus repeatedly on the increase of military and management materials accompanied with suitable exercises and glossary, which can be emphasized as the most important information from all interviews. 6. Recommendations The findings of the research suggest the following to improve the students' use of ICT/LMS Barborka for maximum educational benefit: Involve students in the creation of military materials. This will help teachers and students to cooperate closely and to use the students’ special military knowledge. Encourage students to use web-based support by clearer signposting of online tutorials, guidance and discussion boards. This will help to deepen comprehension. Enhance students' awareness and understanding of meta-learning strategies in an online environment (and elsewhere). Motivate students to search the Internet for updated reading and listening materials (news, video, radio reports, written briefings, etc,) and share them with other students as well as teachers. Reward Internet-based research skills within assessment, ensuring that students use critical thinking skills to evaluate Internet resources. 113

Ivana Cechova et al.<br />

Using ICT while studying language the students see as the necessity, and moreover it breathes fresh<br />

life into teaching. The choice of the appropriate tool is connected with the activities which it facilitates.<br />

They use the Internet for eMails, while working with texts they use a dictionary, they download study<br />

materials from web pages and they keep in touch with their peers. They appreciate electronic<br />

dictionaries, electronic testing and interactive forms of most study materials. The possibility to choose<br />

the place, time and pace of study plays a very important role when choosing the ICT tool.<br />

“In the electronic dictionary you look everything up much quicker than in the paper one.<br />

There are lots of teaching programs.”(R2, March 2011)<br />

“In my job I don’t use English very often; it means that ICT is the only means how to<br />

brush up the language (at least dealing with listening and writing).” (R1, May 2011)<br />

Studying English with the help of ICT is assessed positively by 7 out of 10 respondents. One<br />

respondent is negative about anything which is connected with e-<strong>learning</strong>; another one prefers the<br />

classical teaching method, i.e. face-to-face one.<br />

“Studying English with the help of Barborka is the new way of study for me; no doubt it is<br />

more up-to-date and comfortable. Textbooks are not bad. Nevertheless, I prefer<br />

ICT.”(R1, May 2011)<br />

“I appreciate assigning and evaluating tasks in electronic form. It is quicker and more<br />

comfortable for me.”(R2, March 2011)<br />

“I prefer teaching in a classical way.” (R4, March 2011)<br />

Students underline the study of English as a prerequisite of their own personal development and<br />

future practice as well. Acquiring the language is understood as a necessity for the future and a<br />

means of promotion at a job.<br />

“In the case of mastering the language, there are possibilities which the knowledge offers<br />

(job - career ladder, etc.)” (R1, May 2011)<br />

“English is nowadays used in a wide range of areas.” (R7, April 2011)<br />

While studying English, the students appreciate mainly the variety, interestingness and topicality; on<br />

the other hand the least attractive activity is studying grammar and vocabulary, mainly idioms and<br />

phrasal verbs<br />

“Present perfect and past perfect tenses are difficult for me.“(R3, April 2011)<br />

“Some texts are demanding in terms of vocabulary.”(R9, May 2011)<br />

According to the analysis of the students’ interviews it is possible to state that distance students can<br />

see ICT/LMS Barborka as a tool which facilitates their study and at the same time as a simpler form of<br />

teaching. They like especially the chance to study any time/anywhere and the offer of unique<br />

materials, which are accessible only in this application (LMS Barborka). On the other hand they are<br />

fully aware of some limitations, e.g. the lack of communication and listening exercises. They focus<br />

repeatedly on the increase of military and management materials accompanied with suitable<br />

exercises and glossary, which can be emphasized as the most important information from all<br />

interviews.<br />

6. Recommendations<br />

The findings of the research suggest the following to improve the students' use of ICT/LMS Barborka<br />

for maximum educational benefit:<br />

Involve students in the creation of military materials. This will help teachers and students to<br />

cooperate closely and to use the students’ special military knowledge.<br />

Encourage students to use web-based support by clearer signposting of online tutorials, guidance<br />

and discussion boards. This will help to deepen comprehension.<br />

Enhance students' awareness and understanding of meta-<strong>learning</strong> strategies in an online<br />

environment (and elsewhere).<br />

Motivate students to search the Internet for updated reading and listening materials (news, video,<br />

radio reports, written briefings, etc,) and share them with other students as well as teachers.<br />

Reward Internet-based research skills within assessment, ensuring that students use critical<br />

thinking skills to evaluate Internet resources.<br />


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