COLIRACIN INJECTION Composition Each vial contains: Colistin ...

COLIRACIN INJECTION Composition Each vial contains: Colistin ... COLIRACIN INJECTION Composition Each vial contains: Colistin ...
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COLIRACIN INJECTION Composition Each vial contains: Colistin sulfomethate sodium 1 million units Action Colistin sulfomethate exhibits bactericidal activity against Gram-negative bacilli such as Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Indications Treatment of acute and chronic urinary tract infections due to colistin-sensitive strains of Gramnegative bacilli such as those found in pyelitis, pyelocystitis and urethritis. Treatment of wound and burn infections caused by sensitive microorganisms. Treatment of septicemia, especially when caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Contraindications Patients with a history of sensitivity to this drug or to other polymyxins. Warnings Transient neurological disturbances may occur. These include circumoral paresthesias or numbness, tingling or formication of the extremities, generalized pruritus, vertigo, dizziness and slurring of speech. Renal function should be monitored since adverse renal effects may occur, regardless of dosage. A diminished urine output or increased concentrations of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) or serum creatinine necessitate immediate discontinuation of the drug. Prolonged use may result in overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms. If superinfection occurs, appropriate therapy should be initiated immediately. Use in Pregnancy Safety of use during pregnancy has not been established. Therefore, the drug should only be used when the potential benefits to the mother justify the possible risks to the fetus. Caution should also be exercised in women of childbearing age who may become pregnant. Colomycin is secreted in breast milk and patients to whom the drug is administered should not breast-feed an infant. Adverse Reactions Respiratory arrest, paresthesia, tingling of the extremities and/or of the tongue, and generalized itching or urticaria have been reported. Drug fever, dizziness, vertigo, giddiness, ataxia, blurred vision and slurring of speech may occur. Other neurotoxic effects, including mental confusion, coma, psychosis and seizures have also been reported, especially in patients receiving high dosage or in patients with renal impairment. Gastrointestinal upset may occur. Although a causal relationship has not been definitely established, leukopenia, granulocytopenia and hepatotoxicity have been reported rarely. Bronchospasm may occur on antibiotic inhalation; this may be treated with beta2-agonists. Precautions Since transient neurological disturbances may occur, patients should be warned that their ability to perform potentially-hazardous tasks requiring mental alertness or physical coordination, such as driving a vehicle or operating machinery, may be impaired.

<strong>COLIRACIN</strong> <strong>INJECTION</strong><br />

<strong>Composition</strong><br />

<strong>Each</strong> <strong>vial</strong> <strong>contains</strong>:<br />

<strong>Colistin</strong> sulfomethate sodium 1 million units<br />

Action<br />

<strong>Colistin</strong> sulfomethate exhibits bactericidal activity against Gram-negative bacilli such as<br />

Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.<br />

Indications<br />

Treatment of acute and chronic urinary tract infections due to colistin-sensitive strains of Gramnegative<br />

bacilli such as those found in pyelitis, pyelocystitis and urethritis.<br />

Treatment of wound and burn infections caused by sensitive microorganisms.<br />

Treatment of septicemia, especially when caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.<br />

Contraindications<br />

Patients with a history of sensitivity to this drug or to other polymyxins.<br />

Warnings<br />

Transient neurological disturbances may occur. These include circumoral paresthesias or<br />

numbness, tingling or formication of the extremities, generalized pruritus, vertigo, dizziness and<br />

slurring of speech.<br />

Renal function should be monitored since adverse renal effects may occur, regardless of dosage. A<br />

diminished urine output or increased concentrations of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) or serum<br />

creatinine necessitate immediate discontinuation of the drug.<br />

Prolonged use may result in overgrowth of non-susceptible organisms. If superinfection occurs,<br />

appropriate therapy should be initiated immediately.<br />

Use in Pregnancy<br />

Safety of use during pregnancy has not been established. Therefore, the drug should only be used<br />

when the potential benefits to the mother justify the possible risks to the fetus. Caution should also<br />

be exercised in women of childbearing age who may become pregnant. Colomycin is secreted in<br />

breast milk and patients to whom the drug is administered should not breast-feed an infant.<br />

Adverse Reactions<br />

Respiratory arrest, paresthesia, tingling of the extremities and/or of the tongue, and generalized<br />

itching or urticaria have been reported.<br />

Drug fever, dizziness, vertigo, giddiness, ataxia, blurred vision and slurring of speech may occur.<br />

Other neurotoxic effects, including mental confusion, coma, psychosis and seizures have also been<br />

reported, especially in patients receiving high dosage or in patients with renal impairment.<br />

Gastrointestinal upset may occur.<br />

Although a causal relationship has not been definitely established, leukopenia, granulocytopenia<br />

and hepatotoxicity have been reported rarely.<br />

Bronchospasm may occur on antibiotic inhalation; this may be treated with beta2-agonists.<br />

Precautions<br />

Since transient neurological disturbances may occur, patients should be warned that their ability to<br />

perform potentially-hazardous tasks requiring mental alertness or physical coordination, such as<br />

driving a vehicle or operating machinery, may be impaired.

Administration of Coliracin in excess of renal excretory capacity will lead to high serum levels and<br />

can result in impairment of renal function. If not recognized, this can lead to acute renal<br />

insufficiency, renal shutdown and further concentration of the antibiotic in the body. At this point,<br />

interference of nerve transmission at neuromuscular junctions may occur and result in muscle<br />

weakness and apnea.<br />

Coliracin should be used with caution in the presence of impaired renal function. The decline in<br />

renal function with advanced age must also be taken into consideration. In the presence of signs<br />

indicating the development of impaired renal function, therapy should be discontinued. However, if<br />

a life-threatening situation exists, therapy may be reinstituted at a lower dosage, but only when the<br />

infection is caused by pathogens resistant to other, less toxic antibiotics.<br />

A decrease in urine output or increase in BUN or serum creatinine can be interpreted as signs of<br />

nephrotoxicity.<br />

Nephrotoxicity manifested as decreased urine output, increased BUN and serum creatinine,<br />

proteinuria, hematuria and casts in the urine has also been reported in patients receiving usual doses<br />

of colistin sulfomethate, and was not necessarily preceded by renal impairment.<br />

Drug Interactions<br />

Coliracin/Other Antibacterial Agents/Methoxyflurane<br />

Kanamycin, streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin, polymyxin B and neomycin have been reported to<br />

interfere with nerve transmission at the neuromuscular junction and should not be administered<br />

concomitantly with Coliracin. Concomitant administration of Coliracin with aminoglycosides,<br />

amphotericin B, capreomycin, polymyxin B sulfate, vancomycin and methoxyflurane should be<br />

avoided, due to potentially additive nephrotoxic and/or neurotoxic effects.<br />

It has been reported that concomitant cephalothin administration has been associated with an<br />

increase in the incidence of renal toxicity.<br />

Coliracin/Curariform Muscle Relaxants<br />

Curariform muscle relaxants should be used with extreme caution in patients receiving Coliracin,<br />

since their action interferes with nerve transmission. If apnea occurs, it may be treated with assisted<br />

respiration, oxygen and calcium chloride injection.<br />

Dosage and Administration<br />

Coliracin injection is usually administered IM or IV, but, when indicated, may also be introduced<br />

via local vaginal irrigation.<br />

The recommended dosage in children and adults up to 60kg is 50,000 units/kg body weight over 24<br />

hours, divided into three 8-hourly doses. Serum levels should be measured if used in the newborn.<br />

The recommended dosage in adults over 60kg body weight is 6 million units over 24 hours (i.e. 2<br />

<strong>vial</strong>s every 8 hours).<br />

IV Administration:<br />

Direct intermittent administration- slowly inject one third of daily dose over a period of 3-5<br />

minutes every 8 hours.<br />

Continuous intravenous infusion- When administering Coliracin by continuous intravenous<br />

infusion, the total daily dosage remains the same divided into three 8-hourly doses. It is preferable<br />

to complete infusions within 6 hours.<br />

The above recommendations represent average dosages. Should the clinical or bacteriological<br />

response be slow, the dosage may be increased, as indicated by the patient's condition.<br />

A minimum of 5 days of treatment is recommended.

Impaired Renal Function<br />

Dosage adjustment based on creatinine clearance (Ccr) and BUN is recommended when treating<br />

patients with impaired renal function, as follows:<br />

Ccr between 20-72ml/min<br />

BUN>60mg/100ml (>10nmol/l)<br />

Adult dosage - 1.5-2 million units every 8 hours<br />

Pediatric dosage - 12500-16000 units/kg every 8 hours<br />

Ccr between 10-20ml/min<br />

BUN>100 mg/100ml (>16.5nmol/l)<br />

Adult dosage - 1.5 million units every 12-18 hours<br />

Pediatric dosage - 12500 units/kg every 12-18 hours<br />

Ccr less than 10ml/min<br />

BUN>200mg/100ml (>33 nmol/l)<br />

Adult dosage - 1 million units every 18-24 hours<br />

Pediatric dosage - 8000 units/kg every 18-24 hours<br />

It is important to stress that adjustments may still have to be made upon evaluation of the individual<br />

patient. Blood level determinations are recommended: 10-15mcg/ml should be adequate.<br />

Overdosage<br />

Overdosage can result in renal insufficiency, muscle weakness and apnea. A decrease in urine<br />

output or increase in BUN or serum creatinine can be interpreted as signs of nephrotoxicity. These<br />

manifestations are reversible following discontinuation of the antibiotic. There is no specific<br />

antidote. Management is by supportive treatment and measures to increase the rate of elimination<br />

of colistin e.g. mannitol diuresis, prolonged haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.<br />

Pharmaceutical Precautions<br />

Unopened <strong>vial</strong>s of Coliracin injection are stable until the date indicated when stored below 25ºC,<br />

protected from light<br />

Before use, the <strong>vial</strong> should be reconstituted with at least 2.00 ml sterile water for injection.<br />

During reconstitution swirl gently to avoid frothing. Wait a few minutes until dissolution is<br />

completed.<br />

Parenteral products should be inspected visually for particles and discoloration prior to<br />

administration. Coliracin solution should not be used if it <strong>contains</strong> a precipitate or is discolored.<br />

Compatible infusion solutions are normal saline, 5% Dextrose, 5% Fructose, Ringer's solution and<br />

10% Dextran-40 in normal saline.<br />

Solutions of Coliracin for parenteral administration should preferably be freshly prepared.<br />

Mixed infusions or injections containing Coliracin should be avoided.<br />

1mg colistin sulfomethate sodium provides approximately 12,500 units.<br />

Presentation<br />

Vials of 1 million units.<br />

Reg. No. 119 27 22678 00<br />

Manufacturer:<br />

Rafa Laboratories Ltd, Israel, Tel:02-5893939, Fax:02-5870282,<br />

The format and content of this document have been approved by the Ministry of Health in June 2005

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