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tel-00827710, version 1 - 29 May 2013 Kushwah, R., and Hu, J. (2010). Dendritic cell apoptosis: regulation of tolerance versus immunity. J Immunol 185, 795-802. Kuwajima, S., Sato, T., Ishida, K., Tada, H., Tezuka, H., and Ohteki, T. (2006). Interleukin 15-dependent crosstalk between conventional and plasmacytoid dendritic cells is essential for CpG-induced immune activation. Nat Immunol 7, 740-746. Lahoud, M.H., Ahmet, F., Kitsoulis, S., Wan, S.S., Vremec, D., Lee, C.N., Phipson, B., Shi, W., Smyth, G.K., Lew, A.M., et al. (2011). Targeting antigen to mouse dendritic cells via Clec9A induces potent CD4 T cell responses biased toward a follicular helper phenotype. J Immunol 187, 842-850. Le Bon, A., Durand, V., Kamphuis, E., Thompson, C., Bulfone-Paus, S., Rossmann, C., Kalinke, U., and Tough, D.F. (2006). Direct stimulation of T cells by type I IFN enhances the CD8+ T cell response during cross-priming. J Immunol 176, 4682-4689. Le Bon, A., Etchart, N., Rossmann, C., Ashton, M., Hou, S., Gewert, D., Borrow, P., and Tough, D.F. (2003). Cross-priming of CD8+ T cells stimulated by virus-induced type I interferon. Nat Immunol 4, 1009-1015. Lennon-Dumenil, A.M., Bakker, A.H., Maehr, R., Fiebiger, E., Overkleeft, H.S., Rosemblatt, M., Ploegh, H.L., and Lagaudriere-Gesbert, C. (2002). Analysis of protease activity in live antigen-presenting cells shows regulation of the phagosomal proteolytic contents during dendritic cell activation. J Exp Med 196, 529-540. Lesterhuis, W.J., Haanen, J.B., and Punt, C.J. (2011). Cancer immunotherapy--revisited. Nat Rev Drug Discov 10, 591-600. Longhi, M.P., Trumpfheller, C., Idoyaga, J., Caskey, M., Matos, I., Kluger, C., Salazar, A.M., Colonna, M., and Steinman, R.M. (2009). Dendritic cells require a systemic type I interferon response to mature and induce CD4+ Th1 immunity with poly IC as adjuvant. J Exp Med 206, 1589-1602. Longman, R.S., Braun, D., Pellegrini, S., Rice, C.M., Darnell, R.B., and Albert, M.L. (2007). Dendritic-cell maturation alters intracellular signaling networks, enabling differential effects of IFN-alpha/beta on antigen cross-presentation. Blood 109, 1113-1122. Lorenzi, S., Mattei, F., Sistigu, A., Bracci, L., Spadaro, F., Sanchez, M., Spada, M., Belardelli, F., Gabriele, L., and Schiavoni, G. (2011). Type I IFNs control antigen retention and survival of CD8alpha(+) dendritic cells after uptake of tumor apoptotic cells leading to cross-priming. J Immunol 186, 5142-5150. Mahnke, K., Guo, M., Lee, S., Sepulveda, H., Swain, S.L., Nussenzweig, M., and Steinman, R.M. (2000). The dendritic cell receptor for endocytosis, DEC-205, can recycle and enhance antigen presentation via major histocompatibility complex class II-positive lysosomal compartments. J Cell Biol 151, 673-684. Maraskovsky, E., Schnurr, M., Wilson, N.S., Robson, N.C., Boyle, J., and Drane, D. (2009). Development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines using the ISCOMATRIX adjuvant. Immunol Cell Biol 87, 371-376. Marrack, P., Kappler, J., and Mitchell, T. (1999). Type I interferons keep activated T cells alive. J Exp Med 189, 521-530. Marrack, P., McKee, A.S., and Munks, M.W. (2009). Towards an understanding of the adjuvant action of aluminium. Nat Rev Immunol 9, 287-293. Marshall, H.D., Prince, A.L., Berg, L.J., and Welsh, R.M. (2010). IFN-alpha beta and self- MHC divert CD8 T cells into a distinct differentiation pathway characterized by rapid acquisition of effector functions. J Immunol 185, 1419-1428. 246

tel-00827710, version 1 - 29 May 2013 Marshall, H.D., Urban, S.L., and Welsh, R.M. (2011). Virus-induced transient immune suppression and the inhibition of T cell proliferation by type I interferon. J Virol 85, 5929- 5939. Marzo, A.L., Klonowski, K.D., Le Bon, A., Borrow, P., Tough, D.F., and Lefrancois, L. (2005). Initial T cell frequency dictates memory CD8+ T cell lineage commitment. Nat Immunol 6, 793-799. Mattei, F., Bracci, L., Tough, D.F., Belardelli, F., and Schiavoni, G. (2009). Type I IFN regulate DC turnover in vivo. Eur J Immunol 39, 1807-1818. Mattner, J., Schindler, H., Diefenbach, A., Rollinghoff, M., Gresser, I., and Bogdan, C. (2000). Regulation of type 2 nitric oxide synthase by type 1 interferons in macrophages infected with Leishmania major. Eur J Immunol 30, 2257-2267. Matzinger, P. (1994). Tolerance, danger, and the extended family. Annu Rev Immunol 12, 991-1045. McBride, S., Hoebe, K., Georgel, P., and Janssen, E. (2006). Cell-associated double-stranded RNA enhances antitumor activity through the production of type I IFN. J Immunol 177, 6122- 6128. Melief, C.J., and van der Burg, S.H. (2008). Immunotherapy of established (pre)malignant disease by synthetic long peptide vaccines. Nat Rev Cancer 8, 351-360. Mercado, R., Vijh, S., Allen, S.E., Kerksiek, K., Pilip, I.M., and Pamer, E.G. (2000). Early programming of T cell populations responding to bacterial infection. J Immunol 165, 6833- 6839. Mescher, M.F., Curtsinger, J.M., Agarwal, P., Casey, K.A., Gerner, M., Hammerbeck, C.D., Popescu, F., and Xiao, Z. (2006). Signals required for programming effector and memory development by CD8+ T cells. Immunol Rev 211, 81-92. Mihm, S., Frese, M., Meier, V., Wietzke-Braun, P., Scharf, J.G., Bartenschlager, R., and Ramadori, G. (2004). Interferon type I gene expression in chronic hepatitis C. Lab Invest 84, 1148-1159. Miyagi, T., Gil, M.P., Wang, X., Louten, J., Chu, W.M., and Biron, C.A. (2007). High basal STAT4 balanced by STAT1 induction to control type 1 interferon effects in natural killer cells. J Exp Med 204, 2383-2396. Miyanishi, M., Tada, K., Koike, M., Uchiyama, Y., Kitamura, T., and Nagata, S. (2007). Identification of Tim4 as a phosphatidylserine receptor. Nature 450, 435-439. Montoya, M., Schiavoni, G., Mattei, F., Gresser, I., Belardelli, F., Borrow, P., and Tough, D.F. (2002). Type I interferons produced by dendritic cells promote their phenotypic and functional activation. Blood 99, 3263-3271. Moon, J.J., Chu, H.H., Pepper, M., McSorley, S.J., Jameson, S.C., Kedl, R.M., and Jenkins, M.K. (2007). Naive CD4(+) T cell frequency varies for different epitopes and predicts repertoire diversity and response magnitude. Immunity 27, 203-213. Mortier, E., Advincula, R., Kim, L., Chmura, S., Barrera, J., Reizis, B., Malynn, B.A., and Ma, A. (2009). Macrophage- and dendritic-cell-derived interleukin-15 receptor alpha supports homeostasis of distinct CD8+ T cell subsets. Immunity 31, 811-822. Nagai, T., Devergne, O., Mueller, T.F., Perkins, D.L., van Seventer, J.M., and van Seventer, G.A. (2003). Timing of IFN-beta exposure during human dendritic cell maturation and naive Th cell stimulation has contrasting effects on Th1 subset generation: a role for IFN-betamediated regulation of IL-12 family cytokines and IL-18 in naive Th cell differentiation. J Immunol 171, 5233-5243. Page 247 of 256

tel-00827710, version 1 - 29 May 2013<br />

Kushwah, R., and Hu, J. (2010). Dendritic cell apoptosis: regulation of tolerance versus<br />

immunity. J Immunol 185, 795-802.<br />

Kuwajima, S., Sato, T., Ishida, K., Tada, H., Tezuka, H., and Ohteki, T. (2006). Interleukin<br />

15-<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt crosstalk b<strong>et</strong>ween conventional and plasmacytoid <strong>de</strong>ndritic cells is essential for<br />

CpG-induced immune activation. Nat Immunol 7, 740-746.<br />

Lahoud, M.H., Ahm<strong>et</strong>, F., Kitsoulis, S., Wan, S.S., Vremec, D., Lee, C.N., Phipson, B., Shi,<br />

W., Smyth, G.K., Lew, A.M., <strong>et</strong> al. (2011). Targ<strong>et</strong>ing antigen to mouse <strong>de</strong>ndritic cells via<br />

Clec9A induces potent CD4 T cell responses biased toward a follicular helper phenotype. J<br />

Immunol 187, 842-850.<br />

Le Bon, A., Durand, V., Kamphuis, E., Thompson, C., Bulfone-Paus, S., Rossmann, C.,<br />

Kalinke, U., and Tough, D.F. (2006). Direct stimulation of T cells by type I IFN enhances the<br />

CD8+ T cell response during cross-priming. J Immunol 176, 4682-4689.<br />

Le Bon, A., Etchart, N., Rossmann, C., Ashton, M., Hou, S., Gewert, D., Borrow, P., and<br />

Tough, D.F. (2003). Cross-priming of CD8+ T cells stimulated by virus-induced type I<br />

interferon. Nat Immunol 4, 1009-1015.<br />

Lennon-Dumenil, A.M., Bakker, A.H., Maehr, R., Fiebiger, E., Overkleeft, H.S., Rosemblatt,<br />

M., Ploegh, H.L., and Lagaudriere-Gesbert, C. (2002). Analysis of protease activity in live<br />

antigen-presenting cells shows regulation of the phagosomal proteolytic contents during<br />

<strong>de</strong>ndritic cell activation. J Exp Med 196, 529-540.<br />

Lesterhuis, W.J., Haanen, J.B., and Punt, C.J. (2011). Cancer immunotherapy--revisited. Nat<br />

Rev Drug Discov 10, 591-600.<br />

Longhi, M.P., Trumpfheller, C., Idoyaga, J., Caskey, M., Matos, I., Kluger, C., Salazar, A.M.,<br />

Colonna, M., and Steinman, R.M. (2009). Dendritic cells require a systemic type I interferon<br />

response to mature and induce CD4+ Th1 immunity with poly IC as adjuvant. J Exp Med<br />

206, 1589-1602.<br />

Longman, R.S., Braun, D., Pellegrini, S., Rice, C.M., Darnell, R.B., and Albert, M.L. (2007).<br />

Dendritic-cell maturation alters intracellular signaling n<strong>et</strong>works, enabling differential effects<br />

of IFN-alpha/b<strong>et</strong>a on antigen cross-presentation. Blood 109, 1113-1122.<br />

Lorenzi, S., Mattei, F., Sistigu, A., Bracci, L., Spadaro, F., Sanchez, M., Spada, M.,<br />

Belar<strong>de</strong>lli, F., Gabriele, L., and Schiavoni, G. (2011). Type I IFNs control antigen r<strong>et</strong>ention<br />

and survival of CD8alpha(+) <strong>de</strong>ndritic cells after uptake of tumor apoptotic cells leading to<br />

cross-priming. J Immunol 186, 5142-5150.<br />

Mahnke, K., Guo, M., Lee, S., Sepulveda, H., Swain, S.L., Nussenzweig, M., and Steinman,<br />

R.M. (2000). The <strong>de</strong>ndritic cell receptor for endocytosis, DEC-205, can recycle and enhance<br />

antigen presentation via major histocompatibility complex class II-positive lysosomal<br />

compartments. J Cell Biol 151, 673-684.<br />

Maraskovsky, E., Schnurr, M., Wilson, N.S., Robson, N.C., Boyle, J., and Drane, D. (2009).<br />

Development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines using the ISCOMATRIX adjuvant.<br />

Immunol Cell Biol 87, 371-376.<br />

Marrack, P., Kappler, J., and Mitchell, T. (1999). Type I interferons keep activated T cells<br />

alive. J Exp Med 189, 521-530.<br />

Marrack, P., McKee, A.S., and Munks, M.W. (2009). Towards an un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the<br />

adjuvant action of aluminium. Nat Rev Immunol 9, 287-293.<br />

Marshall, H.D., Prince, A.L., Berg, L.J., and Welsh, R.M. (2010). IFN-alpha b<strong>et</strong>a and self-<br />

MHC divert CD8 T cells into a distinct differentiation pathway characterized by rapid<br />

acquisition of effector functions. J Immunol 185, 1419-1428.<br />


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