Forlong - Rivers of Life

Forlong - Rivers of Life Forlong - Rivers of Life
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viii References. BABYLONIANS, ASYRIANS, ZOROASTRIANS AND PHENECIANS, &c. Vols. Vols. 5 Canon Rawlinson’s Ancient Monarchies, 1873. 1 Rev. A. Hislop’s Two Babylons. 4 Do. Herodotus, 1875. 1 Giant Cities of Bashan. Rev. J. Porter. 1 Do. Origin of Nations, 1877. 1 Phenician Ireland. H. O’Brien, 1833. 1 Phenicia. Rev. J. Kenrick, 1855. 1 Babylonian and Assyrian Lectures. Prof. Sayce. 2 M. Lenormant’s Manual Anc. Hist. of East. 2 Assyrian Reader and Grammar. do. 1 Do. Chaldean Magic. 1 Fergusson’s Palaces of Nineveh. 2 Higgins’ Anacalypsis, 1833. 2 Layard’s Nineveh and its Remains. Ed. 1873. 3 Jacob Bryant’s Mythology, 1774. 2 Do. Nineveh and Babylon. 1874. 1 Do. Observ. on Scripture, 1803. 1 Do. do. N. York, 1853. 1 Lord Canarvon’s Travels, Syria, &c. 1 Prof Haug’s Essays on Zoroastrians. 3 Rev. Dr. Faber’s Origin of Pagan Idolatry. 1 History of Prehistoric Times. Baldwin, 1869. 2 Do. Cabiri. 1 Geo. Smith’s Chaldean Genesis. 3 Bentham’s Etruria and Ancient Researches. 1 Do. Assyrian Canon. 1 Heath’s Phenician Inscriptions. 2 Do. Anc. Hist. Assyria for Soc. P.C.K. 1 Isaac Taylor’s Etruscan Researches. 1 W. Vaux’s Do. for Do. 1 Dr. Davis’ Carthage and its Remains. 1 Cory’s Ancient Frags. Hodge’s Ed., 1876. ARABIANS, HEBREWS AND MAHAMADANS Vols. Vols. 5 Sir Wm. Muir’s Mahomet & Hist. of Islām, 1838. 1 S. Sharpe’s Hebrew Nation. 1 W. W. Hunter’s Indian Musulmans. 1 Jewish Antiquities. Rev. Dr. Jennings, 1823. 1 Dr. Professor Goldziher’s Hebrew Mythology. 1 Josephus’ Do. 1 Jewish Cabala. Frank’s. 4 Prideaux’s Connection O. and N. Test., 1721. 1 Talmud Selections. Palano. 1 Rabbi Jeshua. 1 Do. Miscellany. Hershon. 1 Races of European Turkey. E. L. Clark. 1 Sale’s Koran 1 Huenen’s Hib. Lecture, 1882. 2 Conder’s Tent Work, Palestine, 1878. 1 Modern Judaism. J. Allen, 1830. Journals of Palestine Exploration up to 1882. 1 Meredith’s Prophet of Nazareth, 1864. 1 Land of Gilead. L. Oliphant. 1 Maundrell’s Journeys, Jerusalem, 1697. 1 Saracens. Rev. S. Ockley, 1718. 1 Jerusalem and Sinai. F. Arundale, 1837. 2 Palgrave’s Arabia. 1 Worship of Baalim. Dr. Oort, 1865. AFRICA AND ANCIENT EGYPT Vols. Vols. 2 Hist. of Egypt, Brusch Bey, 1879 1 Gumpach’s His. Antiqs. of Egypt, 1863. 2 Do. Canon Rawlinson. 1 Skertchly’s Dahomey as it is. 2 Do. Baron Bunsen. 2 Osburn’s Monumental Egypt. 1 Hist. Ancienne, par Prof. Maspero, 1878. 1 Do. Antqs. of Egypt. 1 Egyptian Beliefs. Bonwick. 1 S. Sharpe’s Egypt. 1 Do. Pyramids. Do. 1 Serpent Worship. Rev. J. B. Deane. 1 Comparative Grammar, Egypt, &c. Hyde Clarke. 13 Records of Past, Egypt and Assyria. 1 Grammar, Ancient Egypt. Renouf. 1 Hist. of Egyptian Religion. Prof. Tiele, 1881. 1 Religion of Egypt. Renouf. Hib. Lects., 1879. 2 Savoy’s Letters on Egypt, 1787. 1 Isis and Osiris. Plutarch. 2 Ancient Egypt. Rev. J. Kenrick. 1 Anct. Egypt. Dr. Birch. Soc. P. Christ. K. Ed. 1 Egp. Pentateuch and other Lects. Cooper. 2 Horus and Serpent Myths. Cooper, Vic. Inst. 2 Wilkinson’s Ancient Egypt. 1 Bible illustrated from Egyptian Monuments, 2 Do. Dr. Birch’s Edition. by Dr. W.C. Taylor, 1838. 1 Egypt of the Past. Sir. E. Wilson. 1 Burckhardt’s Travels, Nubia, &c. 1 Rede and other Lects. By Dr. S. Birch.

References. ix ARCHEOLOGY OF KELTS, SKANDINAVIANS, AND NORTHERN EUROPEANS Vols. Vols. 1 Toland’s History of Druids. 3 Skene’s Celtic Scotland. 1 Higgins’ Celtic Druids, 1827. 1 Druids and Towers of Ireland. Father R. 1 Bishop Stukely’s Stonehenge, &c. 1 Smiddy, 1873 1 Rev. E. Davis’ Celtic Researches, 1804. 1 Towers and Temples of Ireland. M. Keane. 1 Do. British Druids, 1809. 1 Guide to Landsend and St. Michael. Physician. 1 Hermes Britanicus. Rev. W. Bowles, 1828. 2 Cornwall Antiquities, &c. Dr. Borlase, 1769. 1 Old Celtic Romances. Dr. Joyce, 1879. 1 Cross and Serpent Worship. Rev. W. Haslam. 2 Pennant’s Tours in Scotland, &c., 1776. 1 Ancient Stones of Scotland. Moore. 3 Thorpe’s Northern Mythology, 1851. 2 Land of Midnight Sun. Du Chaillu, 1881. 2 Mallet’s Northern Antiquities, 1770. 3 Gen. Vallency’s Colec. de Rebus Hibero., 1876. 1 J. Macpherson’s Ossian, 1762. 1 Do. Ancient Irish Language, 1802. 6 Ancient Historians, Scotland. 1 Do. Essay on Do. 1818. 1 Indo-European Trads. and Folk Lore. Kelly. 2 Ancient Races of Scotland. Col. Forbes Leslie. 1 History of Irish Names. Dr. Joyce. 1 Ceylon. Do. 1 Wright’s Kelt, Roman, and Saxon. 1 Archeological Essays. Sir J. Simpson. 2 O’Brien’s Dict. Anc. Irish Round Towers. 1 Archaic Sculpturings. Do. 2 Petries. do. do. Origin and use, 1845. 1 Dr. Latham’s Ethnology British Islands. 6 Procs. Soc. Antiquaries, Scotland. 1 Hist. Celtic Language. L. Maclean, 1840. 1 Scottish Myths. Dr. C. Maclagan. 1 Rimmer’s Anc. Stone Crosses. 1 Stonehenge, Antiquity of. Herbert, 1849. 1 Father Shearman’s Loca Patriciana 1 Eskimo Tales and Traditions. Dr. Rink, 1875. 1 Dr. Pritchard’s East. Origin Celtic Nations, 1831. 2 Nordenskiold’s Voyage of Vega. 1 Prof. Nicholas’ Antiqs. Wales, 1872. GREEKS AND ROMANS Vols. Vols. 12 Gibbon’s Roman Empire. 1 Religion of Ancient Greeks. Septchenes, 1788. 1 Callimachus. Dodd’s Translation. 1 Dr. Schliemann’s Ilios. 1 Do. Hesiod and Theogonis. Bohn’s Ed. 1 Do. Mycenæ and Tiryns, 1878. 1 Hymns of Orpheus. Thos. Taylor’s Ed, 1787. 2 Works of Virgil. Dr. Bryce’s and Dryden’s. 2 Prof. C. O. Muller’s Doric Race, 1830. 1 Dr. Liddell’s Hist. of Rome. 3 Pausanias, trans. 1824. Taylor? 1 Xenophon’s Anabasis. Bohn’s Edition. 1 Travels of Anarchasis in Greece. Barthelemy, 1 Arrian’s History. Rooke’s Translation, 1813. 1798. 1 Tacitus’ Works. Bohn’s Edition. 12 Grote’s History of Greece. 2 Roman Antiquities. Rev. B. Bennett, 1737. 2 Pindar’s Odes. Dr West’s Translation, 1824. 1 Grecian do. Bishop Potter, 1778. 6 Plutarch’s Lives. 2 Pockocke’s India in Greece. 1 Lucretius’ Nature of Things. Bohn’s Edition. 1 Propertius, &c. &c. Bohn’s edition. 1 Lives of Ancient Philosophers, 1702. 2 Travels in Greece and Albania. Dr. Clarke 1 Apuleius’ Meta. Bohn’s Edition. and Hobhouse. 1 Canon Wordsworth’s Greece, Descriptive and 1 Plotinus’ Five Books. Thos. Taylor’s Trans. 1794. Historical, 1844. 1 Lucan’s Pharsalia. Bohn’s Edition. 1 Gen. P. Di Cesnola’s Cyprus. 3 Strabo’s Geography. do. 1 Major do. do. or Salaminis, 1882. 1 Eusebius Eccles. History. do. 1 Antiqs. Herculaneum, &c. Pistolesi. 1 Herodotus. do. 1 Aryan (Greek) Civilisation. Rev. J. Barker. 7 Pliny’s Natural History. do. 1 Cicero on the Gods. 1 Ovid’s Fasti. do. 1 Antqs. de la Niames. M. Menard. 1831. 1 Do. Meta. do. 1 Hermes Trismégiste, par L. Menard, 1867. 1 Becker’s Gallus. Metcalfe’s Translation, 1866.

References. ix<br />


Vols. Vols.<br />

1 Toland’s History <strong>of</strong> Druids. 3 Skene’s Celtic Scotland.<br />

1 Higgins’ Celtic Druids, 1827. 1 Druids and Towers <strong>of</strong> Ireland. Father R.<br />

1 Bishop Stukely’s Stonehenge, &c. 1 Smiddy, 1873<br />

1 Rev. E. Davis’ Celtic Researches, 1804. 1 Towers and Temples <strong>of</strong> Ireland. M. Keane.<br />

1 Do. British Druids, 1809. 1 Guide to Landsend and St. Michael. Physician.<br />

1 Hermes Britanicus. Rev. W. Bowles, 1828. 2 Cornwall Antiquities, &c. Dr. Borlase, 1769.<br />

1 Old Celtic Romances. Dr. Joyce, 1879. 1 Cross and Serpent Worship. Rev. W. Haslam.<br />

2 Pennant’s Tours in Scotland, &c., 1776. 1 Ancient Stones <strong>of</strong> Scotland. Moore.<br />

3 Thorpe’s Northern Mythology, 1851. 2 Land <strong>of</strong> Midnight Sun. Du Chaillu, 1881.<br />

2 Mallet’s Northern Antiquities, 1770. 3 Gen. Vallency’s Colec. de Rebus Hibero., 1876.<br />

1 J. Macpherson’s Ossian, 1762. 1 Do. Ancient Irish Language, 1802.<br />

6 Ancient Historians, Scotland. 1 Do. Essay on Do. 1818.<br />

1 Indo-European Trads. and Folk Lore. Kelly. 2 Ancient Races <strong>of</strong> Scotland. Col. Forbes Leslie.<br />

1 History <strong>of</strong> Irish Names. Dr. Joyce. 1 Ceylon. Do.<br />

1 Wright’s Kelt, Roman, and Saxon. 1 Archeological Essays. Sir J. Simpson.<br />

2 O’Brien’s Dict. Anc. Irish Round Towers. 1 Archaic Sculpturings. Do.<br />

2 Petries. do. do. Origin and use, 1845. 1 Dr. Latham’s Ethnology British Islands.<br />

6 Procs. Soc. Antiquaries, Scotland. 1 Hist. Celtic Language. L. Maclean, 1840.<br />

1 Scottish Myths. Dr. C. Maclagan. 1 Rimmer’s Anc. Stone Crosses.<br />

1 Stonehenge, Antiquity <strong>of</strong>. Herbert, 1849. 1 Father Shearman’s Loca Patriciana<br />

1 Eskimo Tales and Traditions. Dr. Rink, 1875. 1 Dr. Pritchard’s East. Origin Celtic Nations, 1831.<br />

2 Nordenskiold’s Voyage <strong>of</strong> Vega. 1 Pr<strong>of</strong>. Nicholas’ Antiqs. Wales, 1872.<br />


Vols. Vols.<br />

12 Gibbon’s Roman Empire. 1 Religion <strong>of</strong> Ancient Greeks. Septchenes, 1788.<br />

1 Callimachus. Dodd’s Translation. 1 Dr. Schliemann’s Ilios.<br />

1 Do. Hesiod and Theogonis. Bohn’s Ed. 1 Do. Mycenæ and Tiryns, 1878.<br />

1 Hymns <strong>of</strong> Orpheus. Thos. Taylor’s Ed, 1787. 2 Works <strong>of</strong> Virgil. Dr. Bryce’s and Dryden’s.<br />

2 Pr<strong>of</strong>. C. O. Muller’s Doric Race, 1830. 1 Dr. Liddell’s Hist. <strong>of</strong> Rome.<br />

3 Pausanias, trans. 1824. Taylor? 1 Xenophon’s Anabasis. Bohn’s Edition.<br />

1 Travels <strong>of</strong> Anarchasis in Greece. Barthelemy,<br />

1 Arrian’s History. Rooke’s Translation, 1813.<br />

1798. 1 Tacitus’ Works. Bohn’s Edition.<br />

12 Grote’s History <strong>of</strong> Greece. 2 Roman Antiquities. Rev. B. Bennett, 1737.<br />

2 Pindar’s Odes. Dr West’s Translation, 1824. 1 Grecian do. Bishop Potter, 1778.<br />

6 Plutarch’s Lives. 2 Pockocke’s India in Greece.<br />

1 Lucretius’ Nature <strong>of</strong> Things. Bohn’s Edition. 1 Propertius, &c. &c. Bohn’s edition.<br />

1 Lives <strong>of</strong> Ancient Philosophers, 1702. 2 Travels in Greece and Albania. Dr. Clarke<br />

1 Apuleius’ Meta. Bohn’s Edition.<br />

and Hobhouse.<br />

1 Canon Wordsworth’s Greece, Descriptive and 1 Plotinus’ Five Books. Thos. Taylor’s Trans. 1794.<br />

Historical, 1844. 1 Lucan’s Pharsalia. Bohn’s Edition.<br />

1 Gen. P. Di Cesnola’s Cyprus. 3 Strabo’s Geography. do.<br />

1 Major do. do. or Salaminis, 1882. 1 Eusebius Eccles. History. do.<br />

1 Antiqs. Herculaneum, &c. Pistolesi. 1 Herodotus. do.<br />

1 Aryan (Greek) Civilisation. Rev. J. Barker. 7 Pliny’s Natural History. do.<br />

1 Cicero on the Gods. 1 Ovid’s Fasti. do.<br />

1 Antqs. de la Niames. M. Menard. 1831. 1 Do. Meta. do.<br />

1 Hermes Trismégiste, par L. Menard, 1867. 1 Becker’s Gallus. Metcalfe’s Translation, 1866.

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