Forlong - Rivers of Life

Forlong - Rivers of Life Forlong - Rivers of Life
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564 64; phallo-worship, enquiry as to, 73, 74; and solar idea, as developed at Rome, 76; symbolic of nations and man, 78; oldest temple, 187; common snake and lingam of aboriginal tribes, 91; in Africa, 107; in phallic group, 133; inscriptions on, 172; worship of, 432; processions, 440; dry, of Persia, 88; budding, Pl. V.-9 Tree-worship, 27, 31; Bo-tree not parent of, 36; as shown by Amravati Tope, 40, 41; forbidden by Canute, 43; among Kelts, Skands and others, 54, 66 Tre-foil, 35, 36, 198 (see fleur-de-lis) Triangle, idea of, 49; double, 55; in Oskan and Samnite, 55; herons feeding from, 61; equilateral, 61; sacred double, 75; on cup, 203; in Hindooism, 226 Triazoltenti, Mexican deity, 144 Tribes, ten lost, 355 Trident, see Tri-Sool Trimoorti, 66, 67, 202; three rivers a, 290, 488 Trinacria, 312, 378 Trinity, in Vedic days, 14; Phenician, 14; Hindoo, 17, 20; in unity, 55; African, 105, 10; Io, 110; idea of, 125; of Nineveh, 140; Hindoo, 203; first person of, 216; in unity, 224; in eternity, 233; emblem of, 236; sexes in, 316; classical, 318; Christian, 347, 348; of all peoples, 467, 470; Mithraik, 485 Tripaty, temple of, and Vishnoo, 145 Tripitaka, age of, 14, 17 Tripod, 121, 125, 234, 262; Delphic, 264, 302, 490 Trisool, 40, 59, 67, 132, 186, 248, 263, 264, 267, 354 Triton, and Buccina, 130; etymology of, 378 Triune, branches representing in India, 34, 224, 249; phallic, 252, 279, 413 Trophonius, cave of, 184, 257, 260, 376, 377 Troy, 313 Trumpets, Jewish, feast of, 171; Roman, 252, 449; feast of, 459 Trith, indifference of men to, 5; Descartes and G. M. Lewes on, 6; and Maya, 29; and Time, worshipping Siva, 245; pursuit of, 322 Trutina, 172 Tsoorya, 213 (see Soorya and Sun) Tsur, 58, 103, 166, 210, 248, 268, 297, 309; -im, 312, 383, 384, 465 Tubal-Cain, 371-3 Tuisko, 448, 468 Tumuli, introduced by Boodhism, 46; British, 167, 291, 303; of Kentucky, &c., 387. Turanians, and serpent, 95, 126, 308, 368 Turtle, supposed aphrodisiacal properties of, 52 Twelfth Day, 432-34 Tykon, 295 Tyndall, Professor, on creation Rivers of Life, or Faiths of Man in all Lands. Typhon, 234; wife of, 248; of Nile, 254, 404, 405, 413, 414, 428; and Taurus, 461, 503, 527 Tyre, coin of, 97, and Pl. IV.; Tsoorya, 213; temples of, 214; coins of, 219, 279; ancient name of, 309, 312 Tyrol, superstition in, 84 UNA, 277 Umbilicus, 18 Umbo, 63 Unicorn, 137 Unitarians, 347 Ur, 139, 154, 265, 279; and Pur, 298, 309, 325, 329, 356, 385, 469 Uraeus, 290, 378 Uriel, 282 Urmila, 33 Urim, and Thumim, 29, 193; origin of, 245 Ushas, 326 Uxor, derivation of, and cognates, 376 Uzzah, Arabian goddess, 62; and ark, 153, 202, 223 VACUNA, 454, 459 Valentine, St., day of, 438 Varnasi, 268 Varoona, 326 Vase, worship, 190, 265, 266, 270, 452 Vasta-Yaga, 326 Ved, Sanskrit, 172 Vedanta, 277 Vedantists, 315 Vedas, 13; age of, 14, 17, 19, 20, 315 Vehars, of Japan and India, 489 Vehicles, of gods, 318 Venice, stones of, 2; lion pillars of, 45, 158; phallus found near, 208; St. Mark’s columns at, 215, 337 Venus, water the sign of, 22; Urania, crown of, 45; and Lotus, 49; phalares sacred to, 53; flowers sacred to, 57; and mistletoe, 81; Paphian, 98; Mylitta, 98; phallic gem from Lajard’s Culte de, 98; de Medici, 129; origin of, 130; on Roman banners, 134; Genetrix, 185; sailing, 200; and tortoise, 207; Urania, 214; wheel and bird of, 225; Egyptian, 244, 277; of Arabia, 299; of Orpheus, 304; and fire, 325; day of, 336; Sicilian, 371; and Vulcan, 372; Basilissa, 378; Marina, 520; Egyptian, 521; with apple, 522 Vertumnus, and plants, 57 Vesica piscis, church windows, 55, 234-236 Vesta, shrine of, 45; and plants, 57, 140; 289, 306; in Greece, 324; shrine of, 339; temple of, 342 Vestals, 369 Vestibulum, 234, 240 Vestments, various, 316, 346 Vienna, and sacred tree, 56, 89, 153 Vigils, 457 Vine, sacred to Bacchus, 41, 42; Christ as, 78, 272 Vir, 297 Virga, 205 Virgin, mother, and palm, 60, 61; and child in Yoni, 145; Panhagia, 263; Paritura, 404; born, meaning of, 415, 432; eastern solar, 433 Virgo Intacta, and sun, worship of, 206, 234, 417 Virility, symbolised by palm, 62 Virtue (and Honour), 124 Vishnoo, 7, 17, 28; and lotus, 49, 66; and milky sea, 93, 186; eagleborne, 95; temple to, in Kashmeer, 111; and concha, 129; at Tripaty, 145; in fish Avatar, 247; and goose, 250; derivation of, 339 Vishnooism, 47 Vishnoovas, and serpent, 119, 232 Viswajeni, 237 Vool, 371 Voyney, Rev. Charles, 7 Vulcan, and hazel-nuts, 58, 105, 294, 303; at Etna, 325; fêtes of, 365; derivation of, 371-3; various names of, 375 Vulture, 362 WA, symbolic, 235 Wafer, 198, 204 Wagtail, 135, 225, 487 Wakes, 457 Water, symbolism of, 58; holy, 175, 295 Wedges, 174 Well, sacred (Sivaik), 39, 67; or Koos, 173; holy covered, 181, 263, 268, 350; worship, 460, 461; pillar by a, 530 Wesley, John, footprints of, 504 Wheel, 225 (see Chakra) Whida, and ophiolatry, 105 Whipping, 437; in India, 442, 444, 450, 530 Whitestones, found in British karns, &c., 167 Window, phallic, 205; church, 233; vesica, 234 Wings, meaning of, 245 Winter, fêtes in, 430 Wiskonson, strange animal mounds. Woden (Mercury), offerings to, 8; serpent deity, 99, 242, 473 Woman, idea of, on Syrian coins, 92; Greek idea of, 127; in phallic group, 133; and serpent, 140; as river, 145; as snake goddess, 231; and serpent, 338 World, date of creation of, 22, 23; argued from geology, 26 Worship, phallo-tree, enquiry as to, 73; serpent and phallic, 93 XERXES, and plane tree, 66 YACHVEH, 160, 164, 180, see Jahveh Ya-Fattah, 335 Yahveh, 160, 164, 165, see Jove Year, divisions of, 421; months of, 428; recification of, 429; leading festivals of, 430 Yeva, 132 Ygdrasil, 54, 68

Yoni, 27; virgin mother, 33, 54, 55, 61, 64, 65, 119, 122, 125, 126; virgin and child in, 145; or Boat Argha, 186; worship of, 204; in Greek, 205; Jewish, 208 Yonism, by Jews, 179; in Egypt, 200 Yooséf, 189 Yule, and oak, 68; and mistletoe, 80; Log, 97, 229, 430; fêtes at, 431, 434, 435 ZAKAR, and Nekeba, 126, 145, 197, 358, 468 Zalmoxis, 538 Zanim, 464 Zanzibar, motto of Seyid of, 335, 338 Zenar, 240 Index. Zend-Avesta, age of, 14, 15, 17, 20, 101 Zeuta, 123 Zeuth-Zeus, 69 Zeus, pine sacred to, 59; on Mount Lycæus, 67; sacrifice to, 105, 132, 133, 140; root of, 165, 180; Patrous, 301; on hills, 364 (see Jupiter) Zion, Mount, 175, 183, 194, 211, 312 353 Zodiac, ancient, 25; of Dendera, 32; signs of, 170, 171, 173; on Jewish temple, 220; ancient, 227, 237; in Ceylon, 255; signs of, 403; sun in, 416-8; signs of, and festivals, 446 Zohak, 100, 101 Zon (God) 139 565 Zone, sacred, 211; derivation of, 321 Zonoth, 321 Zoo (Zoë), 106 Zoroaster, 7, 9 (note), 14, 15, 20; and sacred cypresses, 88; and zone, 321; the golden-handed, 330; and oppoent, 385; and Mithras, 483; epithets of, 488, 518 Zoroastriansm, in Persia, 100, 101, 328 Zoroastrians, proportions of, to other faiths, 19; and Homa rite, 42; and serpent, 94, 142; and sacred thread, 240; god and devil of, 330 Zulus, religion of, 536 Zuzims, 525

564<br />

64; phallo-worship, enquiry as to,<br />

73, 74; and solar idea, as developed<br />

at Rome, 76; symbolic <strong>of</strong> nations<br />

and man, 78; oldest temple, 187;<br />

common snake and lingam <strong>of</strong><br />

aboriginal tribes, 91; in Africa,<br />

107; in phallic group, 133; inscriptions<br />

on, 172; worship <strong>of</strong>, 432; processions,<br />

440; dry, <strong>of</strong> Persia, 88;<br />

budding, Pl. V.-9<br />

Tree-worship, 27, 31; Bo-tree not<br />

parent <strong>of</strong>, 36; as shown by Amravati<br />

Tope, 40, 41; forbidden by<br />

Canute, 43; among Kelts, Skands<br />

and others, 54, 66<br />

Tre-foil, 35, 36, 198 (see fleur-de-lis)<br />

Triangle, idea <strong>of</strong>, 49; double, 55; in<br />

Oskan and Samnite, 55; herons<br />

feeding from, 61; equilateral, 61;<br />

sacred double, 75; on cup, 203;<br />

in Hindooism, 226<br />

Triazoltenti, Mexican deity, 144<br />

Tribes, ten lost, 355<br />

Trident, see Tri-Sool<br />

Trimoorti, 66, 67, 202; three rivers<br />

a, 290, 488<br />

Trinacria, 312, 378<br />

Trinity, in Vedic days, 14; Phenician,<br />

14; Hindoo, 17, 20; in unity, 55;<br />

African, 105, 10; Io, 110; idea <strong>of</strong>,<br />

125; <strong>of</strong> Nineveh, 140; Hindoo,<br />

203; first person <strong>of</strong>, 216; in unity,<br />

224; in eternity, 233; emblem <strong>of</strong>,<br />

236; sexes in, 316; classical, 318;<br />

Christian, 347, 348; <strong>of</strong> all peoples,<br />

467, 470; Mithraik, 485<br />

Tripaty, temple <strong>of</strong>, and Vishnoo, 145<br />

Tripitaka, age <strong>of</strong>, 14, 17<br />

Tripod, 121, 125, 234, 262; Delphic,<br />

264, 302, 490<br />

Trisool, 40, 59, 67, 132, 186, 248, 263,<br />

264, 267, 354<br />

Triton, and Buccina, 130; etymology<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 378<br />

Triune, branches representing in<br />

India, 34, 224, 249; phallic, 252,<br />

279, 413<br />

Trophonius, cave <strong>of</strong>, 184, 257, 260,<br />

376, 377<br />

Troy, 313<br />

Trumpets, Jewish, feast <strong>of</strong>, 171;<br />

Roman, 252, 449; feast <strong>of</strong>, 459<br />

Trith, indifference <strong>of</strong> men to, 5;<br />

Descartes and G. M. Lewes on, 6;<br />

and Maya, 29; and Time, worshipping<br />

Siva, 245; pursuit <strong>of</strong>, 322<br />

Trutina, 172<br />

Tsoorya, 213 (see Soorya and Sun)<br />

Tsur, 58, 103, 166, 210, 248, 268, 297,<br />

309; -im, 312, 383, 384, 465<br />

Tubal-Cain, 371-3<br />

Tuisko, 448, 468<br />

Tumuli, introduced by Boodhism, 46;<br />

British, 167, 291, 303; <strong>of</strong> Kentucky,<br />

&c., 387.<br />

Turanians, and serpent, 95, 126, 308,<br />

368<br />

Turtle, supposed aphrodisiacal properties<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 52<br />

Twelfth Day, 432-34<br />

Tykon, 295<br />

Tyndall, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, on creation<br />

<strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, or Faiths <strong>of</strong> Man in all Lands.<br />

Typhon, 234; wife <strong>of</strong>, 248; <strong>of</strong> Nile,<br />

254, 404, 405, 413, 414, 428; and<br />

Taurus, 461, 503, 527<br />

Tyre, coin <strong>of</strong>, 97, and Pl. IV.; Tsoorya,<br />

213; temples <strong>of</strong>, 214; coins <strong>of</strong>,<br />

219, 279; ancient name <strong>of</strong>, 309, 312<br />

Tyrol, superstition in, 84<br />

UNA, 277<br />

Umbilicus, 18<br />

Umbo, 63<br />

Unicorn, 137<br />

Unitarians, 347<br />

Ur, 139, 154, 265, 279; and Pur, 298,<br />

309, 325, 329, 356, 385, 469<br />

Uraeus, 290, 378<br />

Uriel, 282<br />

Urmila, 33<br />

Urim, and Thumim, 29, 193; origin<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 245<br />

Ushas, 326<br />

Uxor, derivation <strong>of</strong>, and cognates,<br />

376<br />

Uzzah, Arabian goddess, 62; and ark,<br />

153, 202, 223<br />

VACUNA, 454, 459<br />

Valentine, St., day <strong>of</strong>, 438<br />

Varnasi, 268<br />

Varoona, 326<br />

Vase, worship, 190, 265, 266, 270,<br />

452<br />

Vasta-Yaga, 326<br />

Ved, Sanskrit, 172<br />

Vedanta, 277<br />

Vedantists, 315<br />

Vedas, 13; age <strong>of</strong>, 14, 17, 19, 20, 315<br />

Vehars, <strong>of</strong> Japan and India, 489<br />

Vehicles, <strong>of</strong> gods, 318<br />

Venice, stones <strong>of</strong>, 2; lion pillars <strong>of</strong>,<br />

45, 158; phallus found near, 208;<br />

St. Mark’s columns at, 215, 337<br />

Venus, water the sign <strong>of</strong>, 22; Urania,<br />

crown <strong>of</strong>, 45; and Lotus, 49; phalares<br />

sacred to, 53; flowers sacred<br />

to, 57; and mistletoe, 81; Paphian,<br />

98; Mylitta, 98; phallic gem from<br />

Lajard’s Culte de, 98; de Medici,<br />

129; origin <strong>of</strong>, 130; on Roman banners,<br />

134; Genetrix, 185; sailing,<br />

200; and tortoise, 207; Urania,<br />

214; wheel and bird <strong>of</strong>, 225; Egyptian,<br />

244, 277; <strong>of</strong> Arabia, 299; <strong>of</strong><br />

Orpheus, 304; and fire, 325; day <strong>of</strong>,<br />

336; Sicilian, 371; and Vulcan,<br />

372; Basilissa, 378; Marina, 520;<br />

Egyptian, 521; with apple, 522<br />

Vertumnus, and plants, 57<br />

Vesica piscis, church windows, 55,<br />

234-236<br />

Vesta, shrine <strong>of</strong>, 45; and plants, 57,<br />

140; 289, 306; in Greece, 324;<br />

shrine <strong>of</strong>, 339; temple <strong>of</strong>, 342<br />

Vestals, 369<br />

Vestibulum, 234, 240<br />

Vestments, various, 316, 346<br />

Vienna, and sacred tree, 56, 89, 153<br />

Vigils, 457<br />

Vine, sacred to Bacchus, 41, 42;<br />

Christ as, 78, 272<br />

Vir, 297<br />

Virga, 205<br />

Virgin, mother, and palm, 60, 61; and<br />

child in Yoni, 145; Panhagia,<br />

263; Paritura, 404; born, meaning<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 415, 432; eastern solar, 433<br />

Virgo Intacta, and sun, worship <strong>of</strong>,<br />

206, 234, 417<br />

Virility, symbolised by palm, 62<br />

Virtue (and Honour), 124<br />

Vishnoo, 7, 17, 28; and lotus, 49,<br />

66; and milky sea, 93, 186; eagleborne,<br />

95; temple to, in Kashmeer,<br />

111; and concha, 129; at Tripaty,<br />

145; in fish Avatar, 247; and goose,<br />

250; derivation <strong>of</strong>, 339<br />

Vishnooism, 47<br />

Vishnoovas, and serpent, 119, 232<br />

Viswajeni, 237<br />

Vool, 371<br />

Voyney, Rev. Charles, 7<br />

Vulcan, and hazel-nuts, 58, 105, 294,<br />

303; at Etna, 325; fêtes <strong>of</strong>, 365;<br />

derivation <strong>of</strong>, 371-3; various names<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 375<br />

Vulture, 362<br />

WA, symbolic, 235<br />

Wafer, 198, 204<br />

Wagtail, 135, 225, 487<br />

Wakes, 457<br />

Water, symbolism <strong>of</strong>, 58; holy, 175,<br />

295<br />

Wedges, 174<br />

Well, sacred (Sivaik), 39, 67; or<br />

Koos, 173; holy covered, 181, 263,<br />

268, 350; worship, 460, 461; pillar<br />

by a, 530<br />

Wesley, John, footprints <strong>of</strong>, 504<br />

Wheel, 225 (see Chakra)<br />

Whida, and ophiolatry, 105<br />

Whipping, 437; in India, 442, 444,<br />

450, 530<br />

Whitestones, found in British karns,<br />

&c., 167<br />

Window, phallic, 205; church, 233;<br />

vesica, 234<br />

Wings, meaning <strong>of</strong>, 245<br />

Winter, fêtes in, 430<br />

Wiskonson, strange animal mounds.<br />

Woden (Mercury), <strong>of</strong>ferings to, 8;<br />

serpent deity, 99, 242, 473<br />

Woman, idea <strong>of</strong>, on Syrian coins, 92;<br />

Greek idea <strong>of</strong>, 127; in phallic group,<br />

133; and serpent, 140; as river, 145;<br />

as snake goddess, 231; and serpent,<br />

338<br />

World, date <strong>of</strong> creation <strong>of</strong>, 22, 23;<br />

argued from geology, 26<br />

Worship, phallo-tree, enquiry as to,<br />

73; serpent and phallic, 93<br />

XERXES, and plane tree, 66<br />

YACHVEH, 160, 164, 180, see Jahveh<br />

Ya-Fattah, 335<br />

Yahveh, 160, 164, 165, see Jove<br />

Year, divisions <strong>of</strong>, 421; months <strong>of</strong>,<br />

428; recification <strong>of</strong>, 429; leading<br />

festivals <strong>of</strong>, 430<br />

Yeva, 132<br />

Ygdrasil, 54, 68

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