Forlong - Rivers of Life

Forlong - Rivers of Life Forlong - Rivers of Life
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556 in, 167; household lingams in, 186; stone circles in, 193; prayer for offspring in, 205; sect quarrelling in, 211; common ancient and modern sculptures in, 250; and ser- pent, 254; and hill worhip, 269; lamp-tower of, 33; mountain worship in, 355; lingams in, 395; religious prejudice in, 396, 397; sunworship in, 487; solar ruins in, 489, 491; ancestor worship in, 542; formation of gods in, 546 Indra, 7; and water, 58, 74, 112, 235; dress of, 245, 255, 315, 411; like Pl. V.-7; war of, 486 Indraprestha, founded, 101, 114 Initiation, ceremony, 176 Innis-Murray stone, 485 Inspiration, idea, 542 Io, line and circle, 110; and Kadmus, 126; and Manoo, 148; Bakoth and Triumphe, 171, 189, 271, 483 Ioannes, 231 Ion, 177; names ending in, 412 Ione, temple to, 76; dome, 175, 182; shrine to, 263, 276, 285, 305, 340, 439, 453 Iowa, Snake Mound, Pl. VI.-9 Iran, 262 Irawady, etymology of, 411, 412 Ireland, spiral on rude stones in, 184; stone circle at Furzel Moor in, 193; serpent and cross in, 229; piscophallic worship in, 247; serpent in, 253; fire-worship in, 339, 381, 385; why called “Green Island,” 450 Irros, 411 Ishi, 411, 467 Ishtar, or Star of Love, 72; and ark, 109, 186; on Egyptian ark, 190, 208, 213, 234; with holy child, 433, 520; see Eye, Venus, &c. Isis, water, the sign of, 22; wor- ship of, 22, 29, 200; and sacred trees, 43; head-dress of, 45, 207; and Ygdresil, 55, 64; how shown, 72, 73, 87, 109, 110, 119, 147, 165; cones offered to, 184; on Egyptian ark, 190; ark of, 197; procession of, 198; month or name of, 226; and babe, 231; and horses, 233; and fleur-de-lis, 249; and Delta, 257, 267, 277; and Kyno-kephali, 373; various names of, 378, 466, 473, 511; and child, Pl. V.-2. Ismian car, 201 Is-ra-el, 180, 296, 408, 529 Israelites, naked festivals of, 47 (note); and grove, 72, 290 Italy, Aruns ancient tomb, Pl. V-7 Ivy, 83, 236 Ixion and wheel, 225, 527 JACK-IN-THE-BOX, 450 Jack-in-the-Green, 84 Jacob, and Lingam stone, 66, 103; a demi-god, 118; oath of, 124; etymology of, 141; and circumcision, 174; stone of, 296; and Laban, 363, 384; Lingam of, 398, 399; and oak, 539 Jaga-nāt, 243, 286, 454 Rivers of Life, or Faiths of Man in all Lands. Jah, meaning of, 56; endings in, 180, 216, 231, 411 Jahveh, 15, 51, 143; and serpents, 146; and phallic worshippers, 148, 149, 156, 160; compared with Jupiter, 161, 164; god of oaths, 170; a J. Lapis, 174; nature of, 174, 180, 204; Federis, 188, 213, 219, 231, 329, 411; see Jehovah Jhaveh-Nissi, 201, 329 Jain-Shid, 336 Jain, and Lingamism, 47, 102, 258 Jaintia, fête, 80 Jakin, and Boaz, of Solomon, 45, 63, 173, 215, 219, 220 Jal (Indian), 493 Jama (or Juma), etc., 336 Jamsheed, cup of, 195 January, festivals in, 430 Janus, as phallus, 224, 430 Japan, sacred bean of, 50; symbol of divinity in, 62; and serpent, 94; deities of, 153; and crook, 253; and mountain worship, 269 Jehovha, 15; female, 77; Nissi, 78, 87, 103, 128; Nissi, 136, 138, 140, 152-6, 164, 174; and shield, 131; calf emblem of, 216, 222, 223; and Petra, 301; Fire-god, 325, 523; see Jahveh Jerusalem, holiness of, 190; cave of the rock at, 260; and fire-worship, 340, 341 Jesse, root of, 158, 341 Jesus, root of, 236; see Christ Jethro, and Moses, 159, 160 Jews, anthropopathism of, 9, 14; commercial faith of, 15; proportion of, to other faiths, 19; and flowerworship, 48; grove worship of, 87; wandering Arabs, 95; real god of, 103, 165; and stone worship, 150; state of, in Egypt and afterwards, 157; before Sinai, 159; god of, 160; monotheism of, 162; genealogy of, 164; sociology and religion of, 168; great ophites, 177; religious development among, 179; rock-worship of, 190; copiers of Phenicians, 193, 194; phallic processions of, 198; phallo-solar cult among, 209; change of faiths among, 212; great phallic worshippers, 213; to 440 B.C., 221; and bells, 233; and fire, 241; and human sacrifice, 242; brazen serpent of, 254; first mention of, 314; and Fire-worship, 325; god of, 381, 524; festivals of, 400; solar hymns of, 412; theology of, 414; festivals of, 425; at Easter, 441, 442; autumn fêtes of, 459; and Bethel-worship, 485; gods of, 532; and dead, 539; and bone worship, 545 Jivana, 203 Jodea-Gopa, cave of, 44 Jogis, 493 John, 231; Church of St., 263; figure of, 292; fête of, 452 Jonah, myths about, 65; and Arion, 247, 439 Joseph, staff of, 89; the “Inceaser,” 194, 195; interpreter, 270, 501; bones of, 545 Josephus, and age of the world, 23 Josiah, and pillar god, 174, 190; and finding of book, 201, 212, 221; and sun stone, 530 Joshua, last act of, 71; “great stone” of, 163; and rod, 193 Jötun-heim, 525 Jove, bi-sexual nature of, 22; and descent of gods, 30, 39; sometimes Bacchus, 41, 128; and eagle, 174; Androgyne, 223; see Jupiter Judea, tree worship in, 88; Schechem tomb, Pl. VIII., 2 Julian, emperor, 514 July, 431; fêtes in, 456 Jupiter, represented by trees and plants, 57; Pluvius, 58; Tonans, 64, 153, 154; and oak, 65; mother of gods, 69; as serpent, 90, 96; Genitor, 98, 110; Amon and ser-pents, 146; compared with Jhavah, 161; Federis, 170, 190, 353; Plu-vius, 234; Latiaria, 242; Amon, 243, 269; Latian, 296; and Python, 303; Stator and Victor, 368; one-eyed, 375; see Zeus, Jove, Jahveh June, derivation of, 447; fêtes in, 452 Juno, the sign of, 22, 27; and skies, 73; Argonian, 90, 104, 110, 133, 141; Emesa, 199; de Bresse, 268; 272, 277, 285; Inferna, 329; at Byblus, 516 K, SANSKRIT, 496; in divine names, 497 Ka-aba, or Meka, 70; and Lingam, 162, 181, 190, 242, 260; covering of, or Kisweh, 316; and cognates, 365, 383, 394, 399, 488 Kabet-es-Sakra, 182 Kabiri, cones offered to, 184; and beres, 305, 369, 374 Kabool, 101 Kadeem (Indian word), 36 (note) Kadesh, 36 (note) Kadmians, 70, 177, 261, 312 Kad-milus, &c., 471 Kadmus, and serpents, 126; and Hivites, 177, 307 Kailāsa, Siva’s palace, 49, 353 Kakus, 371 Kala, Kāli, 258, 262, 495; as Testis, 384. See Siva Kala-bria, 378 Kaldia, astrol. records of, and world’s age, 23; and serpent worship, 104; astron. of, &c., 105 Kalendar, origin of, 393; gardener’s, 421; origin of, 428, 452 Kalends, 404, 407, 428, 430 Kal-ionia, caves, &c., of, 167, 258 Kallimakus, hymn to Apollo, 478, 482, 510; and Septuagint, 526 Kalpa, development of, 39 Kalpa Raksha, 39 Kalpe, 272 Kalya, serpent fought by Krishna, 53, 67, 146

Kam, 471 Kama, 156, 213, 297 Kamal, Love-God, 48, 320, 368, 487 Kamalate, 50 Kambodia, temple of, 112; early legends of, 113; details of shrine, 114, 115, 284 Kamorus, 320 Kan—in various words, 365, 371 Kandahar, 111 Kandas (Vedic), era, 20 Kandoo, 255 Kanishka, stoopa of, 38 Kanitia, image made by, 70 Kanopus, 295 Kapila, philosophy, 330 Kar or Karis, 372, see Kan and K. Karli, Boodhist temple at, 44, 45 Karnak, ruins of, and deriv., 282-5, sacred tumulus at, 302 Karns (Brit.) and white stones, 167; Jacob’s, 174; Brit., 282, 289, 290; quartz stones in, 292 Karr, Freytag, 445 Kartika, full moon of, 53, 432 Kashmeer, serpent worship in, 101, 111, 284; Stoopas, &c., in, 489, 490 Kaspeirians, 491 Kastaly, spring of, 90, 256, 260, 262, 263, 292, 513 Kasyapa, 487 Kataksha, 36 (note) Kedeshim, 517 Kekrops, 105, 234, 242, 376, 396 Kelpies, water, 59 Kelts, tree ideas of, 41, 54; sun worship of, 281; and kuklos, 287; Scotch and snake, 292; festivals of, 424 Ken, 521 Kent cavern, 24 Kentauro, Etrurian, 332, 527, 528 Kentucky Mound, Pl. VI., 10 Kerloaz, stones of, 224, 278 Kerman-Kelstach, 387 Ketumalia, 113 Key, a fetish, 69; carried by celestial virgin, 516 Khi-asm, 135, 228 Kieros, 208 Kibla, 283, 336, 359, 444, 483 Killamery, serpent cross of, 254 Killarney, tree cleft of, 69 Kiron, 528 Kistvaen, 283, 287 Kiun, 78; and Queen, 163, 164, 198, 210, 518, 521, 530 Klachan, 54, 70, 156, 349, 383 Knowledge, tree of, 39, 75, 78 Knox, John, 19 Ko, and Kon, importance of, in names, 246, 497, 498, 520 Kol-oph-on, 497 Kopts, and serpent, 105 Kongx Om-pax, 499, 500 Konis, 499 Konisalos, 295 Koran, age of, 14; origin of, 16 Korasan, holy elm of, 31, 89; sacred trees in, 88 Koreans, ancestor worship among, 541 Koreish, and palm, 62 Koodabeh, 101 Index. Koohna, 214 Koorga, 542 Kooroos, 486 Kootab, column, 490 Kot-Eswar, 494 Kootha, 180 Kooths, 70; and serpent, 146, 314, 320, 358, 374, 380, 383; festivals of, 424, 484, 494 Kottabos, game of, 499 Krishna, wife of, 50; and Toolai, 53; wars with serpent Kalya, 53; and Boodha, 86; and Naga, 145; as eagle, 179, 208, 234; and Krissa, 258; sweethearts of, 259; seat of, 262; and white snake, 292; and Christ, 416; worship of, 433 Krissa, gulf of, and Krishna, 258 Kronos, birth of, 22; and Osiris, 78; a serpent, 105, 242 Kubele, and plants, 57, 59, 141, 143, 147, 201, 241, 246 Kunda, 173 Kunim, 444 Kunthos, 173 Kunti, 173 Kupros, 246 Kurios, 464, 496, 519 Kyklops and ophiolatry, 14; and sun-worship, 281, 285; and Kelts, 287; country of, 312, 314, 358, 372, 375, 380; and Apollo, 481, 484 Kymri, 137 Kyno-kephali, 373 LADDERS to heaven, meaning of, 206; and phalli, 227 Lady, meaning of, 77; every mythic a serpent, 79; purification of our, 81; bread distributor, 191, 234, 302, 308 Lakshmi, symbol of, 50; and milky sea, 93, 147; form of, 223, 277, 457, 458 Laplanders, 353 Lar, and cognates, 308, 309 Lares, and Penates, 186; Jewish, 209; serpent in connection with, 232, 237, 285, 297, 308, 369, 387-9, 447, 494, 502, 535, 542 Larice, 294 Larissa, 306, 308, 391 Lama (Thibetan), 184; and crozier, 252 Lamb, 405, 415; of God, 434; sacrifice of, 441; and cross idea, 443 Lammas, 458 Lamps, 198, 337, 340 Laotzees, 14 Lāt, 37, 45; = Lar, 308; of Delhi, 337; Ferozsha’s, 489, 490 Latona, and palm, 62, 90, 132, 133; and Kunthos, 173, 478; derivation of, 482 Laurel, 81 Law, book of, 16, 60 Law of the Lord, 20 Leaping, through fire, 330 Lebadea, 376, 377 Legba, Dahomey Priapus, 106, 107, 121 Left-hand, sect, 72 557 Lemnos, rites and deities of, 372, 373 Lemures, or Larvæ, 308, 388, 391, 445, 545 Lent, 438; in Francona, 444 Letters, symbolism of, 235, 236, 238, 295; interchange, &c., of, 296-8, 301, 359, 412, 463, 464, 466, 504; containing roots of faiths, 547 Levites, 42 Lewis, isle, Calernish Circle, Pl. VII., 7 Liber, 57, 170, 171, 222, 237 Libera, 171, 222 Liberalia, 172 Liberty, derivation of, 57; tree of, 57, 172 Libra, the scales, 170-3 Life, door of, 69, 122, 127, 204; wood of, 60; tree of, 72, 74-9, 85; worship of, 90; abode of, 93; Boodhist, wheel of, 97; Asyrian, tree of, 121; tree of, 201; and Jesus, 202; Asyrian trees of, 207, 209; name for serpent also signifies, 222; column and door of, 233; tree of, 244; worship of, 345 Lights, feast of, 431; extinguishing of, 458 Ligneus penis, 386 Lily, sacred to Apollo, 48; and Vir- gin Mother, 58 Linga, in yoni, 38, 67, 120, 121, 123; in Argha, 160, 198; worship of, 206, 226, 232; at Stonehenge, 281, 300, 342; at Rome, 397 Lingajee, 205, 547 Lingam, and yoni worship, 21, 47; worshipped by Roman Emperor, 53; tree of life, 75; name for, 97; origin of, 103; white, 106; worship of, 118; rural, and vase, 121; peculiar, 122; agitation of, 135; and thyrsus, 155; in Jewish ark, 162; Mount Noba, 175; at Pompeii, 232; British, 281; various symbolism for, 294; Moslem, 337; and cognate words, 33; in St. Peters, 380; various, 386; in Ireland, 485; in India, 494 Lingapooja, 199 Lion, in pillars, 337; of Juda, &c., 472 Lithuania, and serpent, 199; and sacrifices, 242 Lituus, 252 Livonia, and serpent, 199 Loch Etive, Karns, 167 Lochnell, serpent of, 167, 285, 288, 290 Logos, 22, 27, 33; and Ygdrasil, 55, 74, 105, 197, 209, 236, 239, 359; Deinos, 408, 413, 416 Loki, 81; symbol of, 87, 100 Lord, meaning of, 74; in O.T., 103, 104; body of, in monstrance, 196; linga, 205, 302 Lota, tree, 59 Lotus (fig.), of single, 48; androgyne nature of, 49; details of, 50, 58, 75, 120; blue, 171; on Egyptian ark, 191, 200; crown of gods, 215, 235, 368 Louvre, phallic group in, 97

556<br />

in, 167; household lingams in, 186;<br />

stone circles in, 193; prayer for<br />

<strong>of</strong>fspring in, 205; sect quarrelling<br />

in, 211; common ancient and modern<br />

sculptures in, 250; and ser-<br />

pent, 254; and hill worhip, 269;<br />

lamp-tower <strong>of</strong>, 33; mountain worship<br />

in, 355; lingams in, 395; religious<br />

prejudice in, 396, 397; sunworship<br />

in, 487; solar ruins in, 489,<br />

491; ancestor worship in, 542;<br />

formation <strong>of</strong> gods in, 546<br />

Indra, 7; and water, 58, 74, 112,<br />

235; dress <strong>of</strong>, 245, 255, 315, 411;<br />

like Pl. V.-7; war <strong>of</strong>, 486<br />

Indraprestha, founded, 101, 114<br />

Initiation, ceremony, 176<br />

Innis-Murray stone, 485<br />

Inspiration, idea, 542<br />

Io, line and circle, 110; and Kadmus,<br />

126; and Manoo, 148; Bakoth and<br />

Triumphe, 171, 189, 271, 483<br />

Ioannes, 231<br />

Ion, 177; names ending in, 412<br />

Ione, temple to, 76; dome, 175, 182;<br />

shrine to, 263, 276, 285, 305, 340,<br />

439, 453<br />

Iowa, Snake Mound, Pl. VI.-9<br />

Iran, 262<br />

Irawady, etymology <strong>of</strong>, 411, 412<br />

Ireland, spiral on rude stones in, 184;<br />

stone circle at Furzel Moor in, 193;<br />

serpent and cross in, 229; piscophallic<br />

worship in, 247; serpent in,<br />

253; fire-worship in, 339, 381, 385;<br />

why called “Green Island,” 450<br />

Irros, 411<br />

Ishi, 411, 467<br />

Ishtar, or Star <strong>of</strong> Love, 72; and ark,<br />

109, 186; on Egyptian ark, 190,<br />

208, 213, 234; with holy child,<br />

433, 520; see Eye, Venus, &c.<br />

Isis, water, the sign <strong>of</strong>, 22; wor-<br />

ship <strong>of</strong>, 22, 29, 200; and sacred<br />

trees, 43; head-dress <strong>of</strong>, 45, 207; and<br />

Ygdresil, 55, 64; how shown, 72, 73,<br />

87, 109, 110, 119, 147, 165; cones<br />

<strong>of</strong>fered to, 184; on Egyptian ark,<br />

190; ark <strong>of</strong>, 197; procession <strong>of</strong>,<br />

198; month or name <strong>of</strong>, 226; and<br />

babe, 231; and horses, 233; and<br />

fleur-de-lis, 249; and Delta, 257,<br />

267, 277; and Kyno-kephali, 373;<br />

various names <strong>of</strong>, 378, 466, 473, 511;<br />

and child, Pl. V.-2.<br />

Ismian car, 201<br />

Is-ra-el, 180, 296, 408, 529<br />

Israelites, naked festivals <strong>of</strong>, 47<br />

(note); and grove, 72, 290<br />

Italy, Aruns ancient tomb, Pl. V-7<br />

Ivy, 83, 236<br />

Ixion and wheel, 225, 527<br />

JACK-IN-THE-BOX, 450<br />

Jack-in-the-Green, 84<br />

Jacob, and Lingam stone, 66, 103; a<br />

demi-god, 118; oath <strong>of</strong>, 124;<br />

etymology <strong>of</strong>, 141; and circumcision,<br />

174; stone <strong>of</strong>, 296; and<br />

Laban, 363, 384; Lingam <strong>of</strong>, 398,<br />

399; and oak, 539<br />

Jaga-nāt, 243, 286, 454<br />

<strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, or Faiths <strong>of</strong> Man in all Lands.<br />

Jah, meaning <strong>of</strong>, 56; endings in,<br />

180, 216, 231, 411<br />

Jahveh, 15, 51, 143; and serpents,<br />

146; and phallic worshippers, 148,<br />

149, 156, 160; compared with<br />

Jupiter, 161, 164; god <strong>of</strong> oaths, 170;<br />

a J. Lapis, 174; nature <strong>of</strong>, 174, 180,<br />

204; Federis, 188, 213, 219, 231,<br />

329, 411; see Jehovah<br />

Jhaveh-Nissi, 201, 329<br />

Jain-Shid, 336<br />

Jain, and Lingamism, 47, 102, 258<br />

Jaintia, fête, 80<br />

Jakin, and Boaz, <strong>of</strong> Solomon, 45, 63,<br />

173, 215, 219, 220<br />

Jal (Indian), 493<br />

Jama (or Juma), etc., 336<br />

Jamsheed, cup <strong>of</strong>, 195<br />

January, festivals in, 430<br />

Janus, as phallus, 224, 430<br />

Japan, sacred bean <strong>of</strong>, 50; symbol <strong>of</strong><br />

divinity in, 62; and serpent, 94;<br />

deities <strong>of</strong>, 153; and crook, 253; and<br />

mountain worship, 269<br />

Jehovha, 15; female, 77; Nissi, 78,<br />

87, 103, 128; Nissi, 136, 138, 140,<br />

152-6, 164, 174; and shield, 131;<br />

calf emblem <strong>of</strong>, 216, 222, 223;<br />

and Petra, 301; Fire-god, 325, 523;<br />

see Jahveh<br />

Jerusalem, holiness <strong>of</strong>, 190; cave <strong>of</strong><br />

the rock at, 260; and fire-worship,<br />

340, 341<br />

Jesse, root <strong>of</strong>, 158, 341<br />

Jesus, root <strong>of</strong>, 236; see Christ<br />

Jethro, and Moses, 159, 160<br />

Jews, anthropopathism <strong>of</strong>, 9, 14;<br />

commercial faith <strong>of</strong>, 15; proportion<br />

<strong>of</strong>, to other faiths, 19; and flowerworship,<br />

48; grove worship <strong>of</strong>, 87;<br />

wandering Arabs, 95; real god <strong>of</strong>,<br />

103, 165; and stone worship, 150;<br />

state <strong>of</strong>, in Egypt and afterwards,<br />

157; before Sinai, 159; god <strong>of</strong>,<br />

160; monotheism <strong>of</strong>, 162; genealogy<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 164; sociology and religion<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 168; great ophites,<br />

177; religious development among,<br />

179; rock-worship <strong>of</strong>, 190; copiers<br />

<strong>of</strong> Phenicians, 193, 194; phallic<br />

processions <strong>of</strong>, 198; phallo-solar<br />

cult among, 209; change <strong>of</strong> faiths<br />

among, 212; great phallic worshippers,<br />

213; to 440 B.C., 221; and<br />

bells, 233; and fire, 241; and<br />

human sacrifice, 242; brazen serpent<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 254; first mention <strong>of</strong>, 314;<br />

and Fire-worship, 325; god <strong>of</strong>, 381,<br />

524; festivals <strong>of</strong>, 400; solar hymns<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 412; theology <strong>of</strong>, 414; festivals<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 425; at Easter, 441, 442; autumn<br />

fêtes <strong>of</strong>, 459; and Bethel-worship,<br />

485; gods <strong>of</strong>, 532; and dead, 539;<br />

and bone worship, 545<br />

Jivana, 203<br />

Jodea-Gopa, cave <strong>of</strong>, 44<br />

Jogis, 493<br />

John, 231; Church <strong>of</strong> St., 263; figure<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 292; fête <strong>of</strong>, 452<br />

Jonah, myths about, 65; and Arion,<br />

247, 439<br />

Joseph, staff <strong>of</strong>, 89; the “Inceaser,”<br />

194, 195; interpreter, 270, 501;<br />

bones <strong>of</strong>, 545<br />

Josephus, and age <strong>of</strong> the world,<br />

23<br />

Josiah, and pillar god, 174, 190; and<br />

finding <strong>of</strong> book, 201, 212, 221; and<br />

sun stone, 530<br />

Joshua, last act <strong>of</strong>, 71; “great<br />

stone” <strong>of</strong>, 163; and rod, 193<br />

Jötun-heim, 525<br />

Jove, bi-sexual nature <strong>of</strong>, 22; and<br />

descent <strong>of</strong> gods, 30, 39; sometimes<br />

Bacchus, 41, 128; and eagle, 174;<br />

Androgyne, 223; see Jupiter<br />

Judea, tree worship in, 88; Schechem<br />

tomb, Pl. VIII., 2<br />

Julian, emperor, 514<br />

July, 431; fêtes in, 456<br />

Jupiter, represented by trees and<br />

plants, 57; Pluvius, 58; Tonans,<br />

64, 153, 154; and oak, 65; mother <strong>of</strong><br />

gods, 69; as serpent, 90, 96; Genitor,<br />

98, 110; Amon and ser-pents, 146;<br />

compared with Jhavah, 161; Federis,<br />

170, 190, 353; Plu-vius, 234;<br />

Latiaria, 242; Amon, 243, 269;<br />

Latian, 296; and Python, 303; Stator<br />

and Victor, 368; one-eyed, 375; see<br />

Zeus, Jove, Jahveh<br />

June, derivation <strong>of</strong>, 447; fêtes in,<br />

452<br />

Juno, the sign <strong>of</strong>, 22, 27; and skies,<br />

73; Argonian, 90, 104, 110, 133,<br />

141; Emesa, 199; de Bresse, 268;<br />

272, 277, 285; Inferna, 329; at<br />

Byblus, 516<br />

K, SANSKRIT, 496; in divine names,<br />

497<br />

Ka-aba, or Meka, 70; and Lingam,<br />

162, 181, 190, 242, 260; covering<br />

<strong>of</strong>, or Kisweh, 316; and cognates,<br />

365, 383, 394, 399, 488<br />

Kabet-es-Sakra, 182<br />

Kabiri, cones <strong>of</strong>fered to, 184; and<br />

beres, 305, 369, 374<br />

Kabool, 101<br />

Kadeem (Indian word), 36 (note)<br />

Kadesh, 36 (note)<br />

Kadmians, 70, 177, 261, 312<br />

Kad-milus, &c., 471<br />

Kadmus, and serpents, 126; and<br />

Hivites, 177, 307<br />

Kailāsa, Siva’s palace, 49, 353<br />

Kakus, 371<br />

Kala, Kāli, 258, 262, 495; as Testis,<br />

384. See Siva<br />

Kala-bria, 378<br />

Kaldia, astrol. records <strong>of</strong>, and world’s<br />

age, 23; and serpent worship, 104;<br />

astron. <strong>of</strong>, &c., 105<br />

Kalendar, origin <strong>of</strong>, 393; gardener’s,<br />

421; origin <strong>of</strong>, 428, 452<br />

Kalends, 404, 407, 428, 430<br />

Kal-ionia, caves, &c., <strong>of</strong>, 167, 258<br />

Kallimakus, hymn to Apollo, 478,<br />

482, 510; and Septuagint, 526<br />

Kalpa, development <strong>of</strong>, 39<br />

Kalpa Raksha, 39<br />

Kalpe, 272<br />

Kalya, serpent fought by Krishna,<br />

53, 67, 146

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