Forlong - Rivers of Life

Forlong - Rivers of Life Forlong - Rivers of Life
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554 Enlightener, 165 Enlivener, 132, 172, 200, 359 Enoch, and Adam’s staff, 59 Ephesus, temple of, 70, 103, 158 Ephod, and pomegranate, 55, 85; in ark, 193; and Gideon, 210, 211, 348 Epidaurus, ophiolatry at, 91, 95 Equinox, vernal, fêtes of, 434, 439 Erebus, 105 Eris, 125 Erektheum, 91 Erektheus, 89, 105, 195, 300, 374, 375 Eros, 213, 469 Esau, quarrel between Jacob and, 141 Esh-bal, fire, 32; El, 384 Eshwara, 120, 139, 154, 208, 364, 489, 494 Eskulapius, and serpent, 96; rod of, 97, 223, 264; and serpent, 290, 291, 316, 353, 528 Essenes, 388, 400, 413 Esus, 64; and Mars, 67, 139 Eternal Father in all faiths, 7 Eternity, circle of, 49; God in, 93; sun of, 117; circle of, and mahadeva, 120, 145, 202; Trinity in, 233, 246 Ethiopia, 100; deriviation of, 352 Ethiopians, 311, 314, 473 Etruskans, 252, 279; who? 307; Gods of, 365; and Termini, 395; and revelation, 401 Eucharist, 244, 273, 345, 399; Greek and Persian, &c., 400, 475, 488; Mithraic, 509 Euergetis, 182, 269, 270 Euia, 183 Eunuchs, 148, 241 Euphemisms in phallic faiths, 207, 214, 225, 255, 291, 359, 488, 502 Europa, 79 Europe, banners of, 28; beech of, 31; tree-worship in, 79; serpent worship in, 99 European races, origin of, 28 Eurydike, and serpent, 178 Eve, 22; virgin, mother, 32; and apple, 35, 61; and fig tree, 76; fall, 93, 119, 120, 142; and serpent, 96, 126, 140, 183; or Eva, 237, 295 Exodus from Egypt, 151, 195, 330 Eye, 72, see Yoni Ezekiel, God of, 329 Ezra, worship of tomb of, 30, 96 FAITH, church articles of, 14 Faiths, unity in origin of, 2; God in all, 7; biblical, 20; rise of streams of, 21; order of, 27, 39; inter-relation of, 40; primal purity of, 48; connection of new, with old, 77; no separate chapter given to phallic, 93; roots of old, 99; inattention to, 118; of Syria and Moab, 175; phallo-solar, 220; meaning of old, 221; tranfusion of, 240; revolu- tions in, 256, 381; Indian origin of Greek, 262; symbols of most modern and ancient, 265; elemental, in Britian, 278; shrines known from, 284; terms common to all, 293; Rivers of Life, or Faiths of Man in all Lands. Father of all, 322; gradual development of, 330; grossness of idea in early, 347; change and decay in 401, 402; search for roots of, 409; synchronous table of, 424; rise and fall of, 476; problems of ancient, 485; and literature, 506, 507; progress of, 514; support and success of, 547; how to study, 548 Fall, myth of, 411, 515, 556 Fanny, 310, see Phanes Fanum, derivation of, 305, 310 Fascinum, and cognates, 305, 310 Father, roots pointing at, 270, 299, 321, 322; All, 335, 347 February, fêtes in, 436 Females, apotheosis of, 87; symbol of, 110, 127, 129, 147, 187, 192, 203, 233 Feralia, of February, 438 Fertility, Asyrian worship of, 213; coins, showing worship of, 224; symbol of, 227; Maya as, 250; worship of, 280; Lord of, 295; things sacred to God of, 338 Fertilizer, 55, 104, 171, 185 Festivals, importance of, towards understanding faith, 80; Benares serpent, 123; Jewish trumpet, 171; of fire, 340; religious, 399; solar, 416, 417, 421; Energies, fig. 422; of the various months, 430 sqq. Fetishism, 9, 13, 19, 21, 27, 29, 197, 541 Ficus, Indica (fig.), 31, 34; Religiosa, 34; leaf and fruit, 34; entwined with palm, 39; confusion of Homa with, 42; sycamores, 61; with mosk, 71, 75-7, 79, 120; (wood) obtaining fire from, 309 Fidhneimhedh, 386, 448, 485 Figs, fruit by which Eve fell, 34; basket of, in Bacchic processions, 35 Fijians, ophiolatry among, 124; religion of, 537, 538 Fingal, 289 Fire, holy, how derived, 34, 79; St. John’s, 87; God of, 122; female emblem, 138; rites, 183; and calf, 216; God of, 240; tongues of, 241; Sivaik notion of, 278; stones, 294; holy, 309; leaping, 330, 331; Amonian terms for, 379; words connected with worship of, 391; passing children through, 452 Fire-worship, 27, 323; in various lands, 325; in Greece and Rome, 365, 369; in Ireland, &c., 381 Fire-worshippers, dynasty of, 101 Firidoon, 101 Firmament of Genesis, 7 Fish, worship of, 28; idea, kissing under phallus, Pl. V. 6, 198; and men, 211; nymph, of Mahomedans, 230; and woman idea, 244; Asyro- Phenician, god, 245; goddess, 246; and serpent, 255, 338; and kin- drep roots, 339, 505 Flagellants, 530 Fleece, golden, 207 Flesh, 197, see Basar, Sarx Fleur-de-lis, 29; phallic ornament, 35, 58, 64, 198, 233, 249, 264, 299 Florida, age of coral reef at, 23 Flowers, worship of, 48, 58 Fontinalia, 351 Foot, worship of, 52, 291, 348, 359, prints, 360, 504; phallic, 503 Forbes-Leslie, col., on elemental faiths, 278, 283, 360 Fornacalia, and cognate roots, 365, 438 France, and tree of liberty, 57; and footprints, 362 French, and interpretation of faiths, 222; serpent goddess, 224 Freyja, see Friga Friday, Good, 68, 75; Venus’ day, 83; buns of, 185; Moslem, &c., 335, 439 Friga, 22, 81, 86, 237, 309; as the Moslem Ark, 335, 358 Frutilla, 226 Furies, idea of, 100 Fylfot, 233 GABRIEL, 16, 17, 282, 350 Gad, 532, 533 Gad-el-glas, 450 Gadir or Gades, 246, 313 Gakars, 492 Gal, words in, 383 ‘Gala’ days, 383 Gan-Eden, 172, 338, 351; fable of, 411, 414, 454 Ganesha, 222, 363, 430, 499 Garden, story of early sacred, 33; meaning of, 38, 172 Garooda, Vishnoo’s vehicle, 28 Gaza, 246 Ge, conjunction of, with Ouranos, 40; palm first offspring of, 62, 74; and Noah, 148; and her centre, 189, 205 Gegasios, 493 Gehenna, 529 Gemara, age of, 14 Genealogy of Gods, 31; Kentaurs, 528 Genesis (book of) writer of, 75; and serpent, 96 Genetrix, 131, 134, 185 Geology, arguments from, as to world’s age, 26 George, St., 502, 514 Gerizim, 162, 177, 179, 211, 525 Germany, and Jewish Synagogues, 60; maternal goddess of, 86, 242; and footprints, 382; Good Friday in, 445. Giants, 81, 522, 525, 526, 529 Gibeon, high plate of, 175 Gibeonites, 177 Gideon, 170 Gilgal, 156, 162, 193, 283-7 Giovanni, Notte di San, 453 Glas, Irish names in, 450 Gnosticism, 197 Gnostics, and serpent, 95, 197, 238, 273, 274, 503, 504, 508, 512, 529 Go, Ga, Ko, 248 Goad, 290, 295, 305, 322; primæval, 450

God, in Old Testament, 103; the Light, 104; first idea of, 110; serpent-solar, 177; changing idea of, among Jews, 179; a bread giver, 189; depraved Jewish idea of, 190; Asyro-Phenician Fish, 245; in serpent form, 273; male, 294; personal, 330; names of, 335; derivation of, 338; the creation of man, 347; duality of, 348; as battle insignia, 398; varying ideas of, 412; universal idea of death of a, 454; various names for, by all nations, 465; ideas of, 469; of savages, 536; development of a, 546 Goddess, Gaulic serpent, 224; Mohammedan fish, 230; woman as snake, 231; of pity, 533 Gothland Phallus, Pl. VIII., 4 Gooroo, 14 Goose, Brahma’s vehicle, 28 Gorak Nát, 492 Gordon - Cumming, Miss, quoted, 289 Gorgon, 202 Gorilla, the, 108 Gosain, 249 Gospel, 196, 239 Gospels, aim of, 19 Graces, 303; Trikaris, 372 Granth (Seik), age of, 14 Greece, tree serpent faiths in, 90, 95; mythology of, 127; olympic games of, 221; isles of, 257; geography of, 258; serpent worship in, 377; and fire worship, 387, 388; faiths of, 398; and the resurrection, 544; and Rome,.paganism of, 9, 105; learning of, 126; gods of, 396, 397; festivals of, 425, 538 Greenlander, 8 Griene (or Graine), 450, see Sun Groves, worship of, 31; Gaelic and Cingalese for, alike, 41; first temple, 70, 71; Jewish, 123, 147, 208, 212, 233; worship of, 213, 279; and Eduth, 149, 160, 162, 207; hangings for, 220; and Sun, 408 Guebres, 386, 481 HADES, see Ades Hadrian, and serpent, 96 Hagar-Kim, sculpture of potted tree from ruins of, 37 Hallow E’en, 462 Hallowtide, 41 Ham, 182, 197, 269, 271, 320, 352, 374 Hamoth, 177, 180 Hammers, 365 Hand, 134, 158; phallic, 247; Almighty as, 471, 487, 488 Hanooman, veneration of, 27; father of European race, 28 Hanza, 135, 136, 229, 250 Hare, 28 Harmonia, 106, 177, 372 Harpokrates, 125, 205, 496 Harvest festivals, 457 Haum, 203; magorum, 385 Hazel, 58 Hea, 125, 140, 145, 166; sacrifices to, 241, 261 Index. Head-dresses, phallic, 184, 185, 203, 252, 297, 318, 378 Heart, root of, 500 Heathens, proportion of, to other faiths, 19 Heavens of different faiths, 8, 293; seven, 523 Heaving, old custom of, 442 Hebrews, see Jews Hebron, 312 Heel, 94, 140, 246 Helen, and plants, 57 Helena, Empress, and tree of life, 90 Helenus, and divination, 178 Heliogabelus, 53, 292, 294, 387, 477, 485 Heliopolis, 490, 493 Helios, El, 165, 180, 415 Hell, 221, 293, 320, 543 Hephestus, derivation of, 272, 294, 372, 374 Hera, 285 Hera-Kala, 12, 280, 381 Herakles, representative man, 27; and plants, 57, 62, 99; and amazons, 100; and rock, 103, 105, 125; and Hesperides, 133; Phenecian temple to, 193; Tyrian, 214, 279, 285; pillars of, 219, 272, 313; shield of, 249; and rape of Apollo’s tripod, 265; in Petra, 301; meaning of, 318; in Gaul, 325; footprints of, 361, 368, 380; etymology of, 530 Heraklides, what, 320 Hera-Kuna, 377 Hercules, see Herakles Heredy, 274 Hermæ, 121, 176; at cross roads, 225, 229, 394, 451 Hermagenes, 148 Herm-Athena, 237 Hermes, Lingam god, 37; standard of the groves, 41; in Africa, 106; and Toth, 143, 165, 170, 211; and Ham, 271; pillar of, 512 Hermes Trismegistus, 9 Hermetes, 225 Hermione, 177; derivation of, 225 Hermon, Mount, 177, 194, 211; derivation of, 225; dragon at, 287, 382 Herodias, daughter of, Bohemian legend regarding, 58 Hesperides, 133; dragon of, 184 Hestia, 269, 306 Hezekiah, state of Jewish sects in time of, 211, 221 Hieroglpyhs, sacred, 233, 238, 239, 299 Hieropolis, 485, 530 Hilkiah, and “Finding of the Book,” 16, 201, 212 Himalaya, age of, 26, 110, 111, 354 Hindooism, in Kambodia, 113, 114, 117 Hindoos, Trinity of, 17; and Soma sacrifices, 42; and turtle, 52; and faiths, 240; fire-worship among, 323; cremation ceremony among, 328; festivals of, 424; sun-worship among, 495 Hingoolaj, or Kāli, 495 Hinnom, 221, 295, 524, 529 Hippa, in Door of Life, 483 Hippos, 306, 307, 481; worship of, 482, 483, 486 555 Hivites, 177, 287, 296; see Kadmus Hobah, 329 Hogmany, 431 Holly tree, 43, 83 Holy, origin of word, 36 (note); spirit, 278; rood, 458; tide, 461; table, 475 Holy Well day, 53 Holy Ghost, meaning of, 36 (note), 78, 241, 432; female, 469; names of, 469 Holy of Holies, 44, 162, 196, 218, 256, 286, 346, 459 Homa, god of Vedic times, 31; form of Bacchus, 42, 43, 79; see Soma Honour and virtue, 124 Hoods, serpent, 116 Horeb, 294 Horse, see HIPPOS Horse-shoe, Boodhist seer in, 20; at Karnak, 282; in Bretony, 253; in North Europe, 340 Horus, 200, 202; vernal, 204; and Isis, 233, 245, 268, 304, 527 Host, elevation of, 130, 135, 198, 202-4, 348 Hostia, 198; Sainte, 202, 204, 509 Hosts, Lord of, 441 Hu, 107 Hui(a), 148 Huldah, prophetess, and Hilkiah, 16 Hur, 153-5, 257 Huxley (Professor), on religion and science, 12 Hygia, or cure for all, 96, 97, 377 Hyksos, 501 Hyperborean, 133, 377, 497 Hyrieus, 376-8 IAKOS, 171, 172, 237, 335, 450; in Kaldia with crosses, Pl. V.-5 Iambus, Iamidæ, Iamus, 271, 300 Iao, 15; Manoo, son of, 148, 149, 164, 180, 224, 271, 273, 274, 510, 511, 547 Iapygians, 378 Iar, 412, 530 Iconography, 64, 316 Idols, common to all religions, 10; under Banian, 31; of Jacob, 51; fallen from Jove, 70; worship of, succeeded tree, 79; and boat, 80; of Rebecca, 209, 329 Ier, 530 Ignis fons, 297; sacerdos, 385 I.H.S., monogram, 467 Ikthus, 338 Ilioun, 464 Images, favourite woods for phallic, 34; worship of, 187 Imāms (Persian), 317 Immortality, belief in, 536, 538, 540, 544 Inakus, 307 Incarnations, 93, 96, 102 (note), 108; Christ, a solar, 274; 546 India, missionary work in, 11; tree and stone worhip in, 41; caves of western, 43; marriage and baptism ceremonies in, 54; success of Christianity in, 99; aborigines of, 108; ophiolatry in, 119; oaths in, 165; caves

God, in Old Testament, 103; the<br />

Light, 104; first idea <strong>of</strong>, 110; serpent-solar,<br />

177; changing idea <strong>of</strong>,<br />

among Jews, 179; a bread giver,<br />

189; depraved Jewish idea <strong>of</strong>, 190;<br />

Asyro-Phenician Fish, 245; in serpent<br />

form, 273; male, 294; personal,<br />

330; names <strong>of</strong>, 335; derivation<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 338; the creation <strong>of</strong> man,<br />

347; duality <strong>of</strong>, 348; as battle insignia,<br />

398; varying ideas <strong>of</strong>, 412;<br />

universal idea <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> a, 454;<br />

various names for, by all nations,<br />

465; ideas <strong>of</strong>, 469; <strong>of</strong> savages,<br />

536; development <strong>of</strong> a, 546<br />

Goddess, Gaulic serpent, 224; Mohammedan<br />

fish, 230; woman as snake,<br />

231; <strong>of</strong> pity, 533<br />

Gothland Phallus, Pl. VIII., 4<br />

Gooroo, 14<br />

Goose, Brahma’s vehicle, 28<br />

Gorak Nát, 492<br />

Gordon - Cumming, Miss, quoted,<br />

289<br />

Gorgon, 202<br />

Gorilla, the, 108<br />

Gosain, 249<br />

Gospel, 196, 239<br />

Gospels, aim <strong>of</strong>, 19<br />

Graces, 303; Trikaris, 372<br />

Granth (Seik), age <strong>of</strong>, 14<br />

Greece, tree serpent faiths in, 90, 95;<br />

mythology <strong>of</strong>, 127; olympic games<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 221; isles <strong>of</strong>, 257; geography <strong>of</strong>,<br />

258; serpent worship in, 377; and<br />

fire worship, 387, 388; faiths <strong>of</strong>,<br />

398; and the resurrection, 544; and<br />

Rome,.paganism <strong>of</strong>, 9, 105; learning<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 126; gods <strong>of</strong>, 396, 397; festivals<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 425, 538<br />

Greenlander, 8<br />

Griene (or Graine), 450, see Sun<br />

Groves, worship <strong>of</strong>, 31; Gaelic and<br />

Cingalese for, alike, 41; first temple,<br />

70, 71; Jewish, 123, 147, 208, 212,<br />

233; worship <strong>of</strong>, 213, 279; and<br />

Eduth, 149, 160, 162, 207; hangings<br />

for, 220; and Sun, 408<br />

Guebres, 386, 481<br />

HADES, see Ades<br />

Hadrian, and serpent, 96<br />

Hagar-Kim, sculpture <strong>of</strong> potted tree<br />

from ruins <strong>of</strong>, 37<br />

Hallow E’en, 462<br />

Hallowtide, 41<br />

Ham, 182, 197, 269, 271, 320, 352, 374<br />

Hamoth, 177, 180<br />

Hammers, 365<br />

Hand, 134, 158; phallic, 247; Almighty<br />

as, 471, 487, 488<br />

Hanooman, veneration <strong>of</strong>, 27; father<br />

<strong>of</strong> European race, 28<br />

Hanza, 135, 136, 229, 250<br />

Hare, 28<br />

Harmonia, 106, 177, 372<br />

Harpokrates, 125, 205, 496<br />

Harvest festivals, 457<br />

Haum, 203; magorum, 385<br />

Hazel, 58<br />

Hea, 125, 140, 145, 166; sacrifices to,<br />

241, 261<br />

Index.<br />

Head-dresses, phallic, 184, 185, 203,<br />

252, 297, 318, 378<br />

Heart, root <strong>of</strong>, 500<br />

Heathens, proportion <strong>of</strong>, to other<br />

faiths, 19<br />

Heavens <strong>of</strong> different faiths, 8, 293;<br />

seven, 523<br />

Heaving, old custom <strong>of</strong>, 442<br />

Hebrews, see Jews<br />

Hebron, 312<br />

Heel, 94, 140, 246<br />

Helen, and plants, 57<br />

Helena, Empress, and tree <strong>of</strong> life, 90<br />

Helenus, and divination, 178<br />

Heliogabelus, 53, 292, 294, 387, 477, 485<br />

Heliopolis, 490, 493<br />

Helios, El, 165, 180, 415<br />

Hell, 221, 293, 320, 543<br />

Hephestus, derivation <strong>of</strong>, 272, 294,<br />

372, 374<br />

Hera, 285<br />

Hera-Kala, 12, 280, 381<br />

Herakles, representative man, 27;<br />

and plants, 57, 62, 99; and amazons,<br />

100; and rock, 103, 105, 125;<br />

and Hesperides, 133; Phenecian<br />

temple to, 193; Tyrian, 214, 279,<br />

285; pillars <strong>of</strong>, 219, 272, 313; shield<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 249; and rape <strong>of</strong> Apollo’s tripod,<br />

265; in Petra, 301; meaning <strong>of</strong>,<br />

318; in Gaul, 325; footprints <strong>of</strong>,<br />

361, 368, 380; etymology <strong>of</strong>, 530<br />

Heraklides, what, 320<br />

Hera-Kuna, 377<br />

Hercules, see Herakles<br />

Heredy, 274<br />

Hermæ, 121, 176; at cross roads,<br />

225, 229, 394, 451<br />

Hermagenes, 148<br />

Herm-Athena, 237<br />

Hermes, Lingam god, 37; standard <strong>of</strong><br />

the groves, 41; in Africa, 106; and<br />

Toth, 143, 165, 170, 211; and Ham,<br />

271; pillar <strong>of</strong>, 512<br />

Hermes Trismegistus, 9<br />

Hermetes, 225<br />

Hermione, 177; derivation <strong>of</strong>, 225<br />

Hermon, Mount, 177, 194, 211; derivation<br />

<strong>of</strong>, 225; dragon at, 287, 382<br />

Herodias, daughter <strong>of</strong>, Bohemian<br />

legend regarding, 58<br />

Hesperides, 133; dragon <strong>of</strong>, 184<br />

Hestia, 269, 306<br />

Hezekiah, state <strong>of</strong> Jewish sects in<br />

time <strong>of</strong>, 211, 221<br />

Hieroglpyhs, sacred, 233, 238, 239, 299<br />

Hieropolis, 485, 530<br />

Hilkiah, and “Finding <strong>of</strong> the Book,”<br />

16, 201, 212<br />

Himalaya, age <strong>of</strong>, 26, 110, 111, 354<br />

Hindooism, in Kambodia, 113, 114, 117<br />

Hindoos, Trinity <strong>of</strong>, 17; and Soma<br />

sacrifices, 42; and turtle, 52; and<br />

faiths, 240; fire-worship among,<br />

323; cremation ceremony among,<br />

328; festivals <strong>of</strong>, 424; sun-worship<br />

among, 495<br />

Hingoolaj, or Kāli, 495<br />

Hinnom, 221, 295, 524, 529<br />

Hippa, in Door <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong>, 483<br />

Hippos, 306, 307, 481; worship <strong>of</strong>,<br />

482, 483, 486<br />

555<br />

Hivites, 177, 287, 296; see Kadmus<br />

Hobah, 329<br />

Hogmany, 431<br />

Holly tree, 43, 83<br />

Holy, origin <strong>of</strong> word, 36 (note); spirit,<br />

278; rood, 458; tide, 461; table,<br />

475<br />

Holy Well day, 53<br />

Holy Ghost, meaning <strong>of</strong>, 36 (note), 78,<br />

241, 432; female, 469; names <strong>of</strong>,<br />

469<br />

Holy <strong>of</strong> Holies, 44, 162, 196, 218,<br />

256, 286, 346, 459<br />

Homa, god <strong>of</strong> Vedic times, 31; form<br />

<strong>of</strong> Bacchus, 42, 43, 79; see Soma<br />

Honour and virtue, 124<br />

Hoods, serpent, 116<br />

Horeb, 294<br />

Horse, see HIPPOS<br />

Horse-shoe, Boodhist seer in, 20; at<br />

Karnak, 282; in Bretony, 253; in<br />

North Europe, 340<br />

Horus, 200, 202; vernal, 204; and<br />

Isis, 233, 245, 268, 304, 527<br />

Host, elevation <strong>of</strong>, 130, 135, 198,<br />

202-4, 348<br />

Hostia, 198; Sainte, 202, 204, 509<br />

Hosts, Lord <strong>of</strong>, 441<br />

Hu, 107<br />

Hui(a), 148<br />

Huldah, prophetess, and Hilkiah, 16<br />

Hur, 153-5, 257<br />

Huxley (Pr<strong>of</strong>essor), on religion and<br />

science, 12<br />

Hygia, or cure for all, 96, 97, 377<br />

Hyksos, 501<br />

Hyperborean, 133, 377, 497<br />

Hyrieus, 376-8<br />

IAKOS, 171, 172, 237, 335, 450; in<br />

Kaldia with crosses, Pl. V.-5<br />

Iambus, Iamidæ, Iamus, 271, 300<br />

Iao, 15; Manoo, son <strong>of</strong>, 148, 149, 164,<br />

180, 224, 271, 273, 274, 510, 511,<br />

547<br />

Iapygians, 378<br />

Iar, 412, 530<br />

Iconography, 64, 316<br />

Idols, common to all religions, 10;<br />

under Banian, 31; <strong>of</strong> Jacob, 51;<br />

fallen from Jove, 70; worship <strong>of</strong>,<br />

succeeded tree, 79; and boat, 80;<br />

<strong>of</strong> Rebecca, 209, 329<br />

Ier, 530<br />

Ignis fons, 297; sacerdos, 385<br />

I.H.S., monogram, 467<br />

Ikthus, 338<br />

Ilioun, 464<br />

Images, favourite woods for phallic,<br />

34; worship <strong>of</strong>, 187<br />

Imāms (Persian), 317<br />

Immortality, belief in, 536, 538, 540,<br />

544<br />

Inakus, 307<br />

Incarnations, 93, 96, 102 (note), 108;<br />

Christ, a solar, 274; 546<br />

India, missionary work in, 11; tree and<br />

stone worhip in, 41; caves <strong>of</strong> western,<br />

43; marriage and baptism ceremonies<br />

in, 54; success <strong>of</strong> Christianity<br />

in, 99; aborigines <strong>of</strong>, 108; ophiolatry<br />

in, 119; oaths in, 165; caves

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