Forlong - Rivers of Life

Forlong - Rivers of Life Forlong - Rivers of Life
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426 English Months. Phenicians, Kooths, Kelts, Skands JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Great Games, Sword-dances, &c. Days of Bad Luck. Sacred to wanton characters, repressed in England by Henry VIII., 1536. Keltic Gule Fete. Wakes, Dancing, and much Licentiousness. Early Harvest Offerings. Great Gule or Fete … … … Laplanders begin Great Sacrifices. Days of Bad Luck. … … … … … … … … … … … 17. Athyr Osiris goes into Ark, or seed into ground. Cock sacrifices. The tutelar deity Vacina or Vacuna. Rest or Ease. Das of bad luck. Rush-bearing. Long phallic-looking figures carried about by Women. Druidic Wakes, Dancing, Wrestling, Fighting, and much Obscenity. Women try by Love Philtres to see their Fate. Days of Fear and Unluckiness. Days of Fear and Bad Luck. Some nude Ceremonies. TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS Protestants CHRISTIANS Greeks and Roman Catholic Sects. 2. Dog Days begin. Vistation of our Lady. 6. Old Mid-summer. 15. St. Swithin. Fairs and Wantonness. 1. Lammas Day—the Gule of August or Yule, or Petri ad Vincula. First Bread with the new Corn. 6. Transfiguaration. Swallows leave. 24. St. Bartholemew. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Harvest Homes. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … CHRIST formerly said to be born. … … … … … … … … Swallows migrate. … … … Churches everywhere consecrated. Vigils, Wakes, and Village Dances in Churchyards, with Drinking and other excesses. 6. St. Faith a Virgin Martyr. 22. Scotch Fasts. 22. St. Mary Magdalen. 25. St. James. 26. St. Anne, mother of Virgin. 29. Martha—St. Mary V.V. 3. St. Stephen’s reliques exhibited. 5. Dedication of St. Mary. 10. Nut Day. 15. Assumption of our Lady. … … … … … … … … 25. Decollation of St. John Baptist. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 8. Nativity of our Lady. Holy Rood or † Day. 18. Ember. … … … … … 19. St. Janarius … … … … … 21. St. Matthew. … … … … 23. AUTUMNAL EQUINOX. … 29. St. Michaelmas. … … … … … … … … … … … … 1. Feast of Rosary. 3. St. Dionysius Areopagite. 18. St. Luke. Times of Fear and Bad Luck. Apples … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … used for divination. … … … Hallow-Eve Fires and Revelry. … St. Simon and Jude. … … … Druid Fires extinguished and re- 1. All Saints, Fire carried about; used to be Old Fools’ Day, but this was changed to lighted on hills, and carried about 1st April. for purifying purposes. … … 2. All Souls, great Cake-making and Bell-ringing. Wax Candles in great demand. Unlucky Days. … … … … … … … … … … … … 3. Holy Well Day. 11. Martinmas Feast of Black Puddings 11. Martinalia Wine Fetes. Meetings—Fairs, and running after and such like. Vinalia of Ancients. and killing Bulls. Parents give Presents to their Children. Very Unlucky Days. Prognostications of Good or Evil diligently looked for. … … … … … … … … Druidic Oak Ceremonies. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Joyous Gatherings, Bonfires, and much Dancing and Masquerading. Advent. 30. St. Andrew. Boy Bishops. Ember. 21. Shortest Day. … … … … 25. Christmas. … … … … … Christ formerly said to be conceived. 27. St. John the Apostle. … … … … … … … … Ragmena. Mumming. … … … 18. Dedication St. Peter and St. Paul. 21. Presentation of our Lady. 23. St. Clement’s feast to Vulcan. 25. St. Catherine’s Day—a Spinsters’ Feast. 6. St. Nicholas’ Day. 8. CONCEPTION OF OUR LADY. BRUMAL season begins. 21. St. Thomas. Doubting Day. … … … … … … … … … 24. Bells must ring all night. … … 26. St. Stephen. … … … … 28. Innocents’ or Childermas Day. … Men and Women change clothes.

OF FAITHS, SYNCHRONOUSLY ARRANGED. Hindoos, Buddhists, &c. Jews and Mahomedans. Greeks, Romans and Southern Europe. 27. Bathing and Alms-giving. 31. Solemn Fast. 3. Worship of Lakshmi. Rice in the ear. Feasts to Ceres. 13. Offerings of Grain to “the Unknown.” … … … … … … … … … Feast to PARVATI with offerings of New Rice; SNAKES worshipped. … … Great DOORGA Fetes. … … … 20. Harvest Rejoicings—Evil destroyed—Plenty given. … … … … … … Great bathings as sun enters Libra. … 23. DOORGA consigned to Ganges. … 26. Siva worshipped—Games with Nuts—Worship of Kali. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Ras Jatra amours or Krishna, fetes of Fruits and Plenty. … … … … … … … … … 30. Kartik. All Temples consecrated. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … New Rice Fetes. … … … … … … … … … … … … … Lakshmi, Fetes to, for 2d Harvest. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Lakshmi Fetes … … … … … Charity to all … … … … … 15. 1st of AB. Death of Aaron. 23. Feast of AB. 26. Do. Fearing to die in Desert. 29. Tubeah. 3. Feast for Lamps being extinguished. 10-11 is 1st of ELUL, 1877. Penance and Mortification. Moses ascended Sinai and remained till 10 Tisri. New Moon. … … … … … Great Feasting and Ablutions in preparation for the New Year. … … … … Vine-gathering. … … … … … 12-20. 1st of TISRI; 7th Sacred and 1st Civil Month—Great trumpet fete. In 1875=5637. 14. Fast of Guedaliah. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 19. Sin for Golden Cone or Calf. 21. Nipur. Cocks and Hens sacrificed. 22. Atonement or Expiation. Moses descends from Sinai—sea closed. All carry lights. 26-7. TABERNACLES. Every Male to go to Jerusalem, and all carry lights. Day of Trumpet-Blowing—Yom Ternah. 1. Hosana Raba, or Rosh Hosanna. 4.-22. Tisri, end of Tabernacles. 12. 1st or RAMADAN—Mahomedan. 11-2. Is 1st of HES, Bull or Marcheman. 8th Sacred but 2d Civil Month. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 10. Is 1st of KIS or Kislen. 9th Sacred Month … … … … … … … … … 4. Hanuca—Re-Dedication of Temple and sort of Feast of Lights. 18. 1st TEBET, 10th Sacred Month, 4th Civil. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 25. Darkness for three days on account of Septuagint Translation. … … … 28. Feast of Lights. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Changing Houses. 6. Apollo’s Fetes for 8 days begin. 7. Juno Caprotina (of the Fig Tree). 8. Vitulatio. 10. Etesian Winds. 14. Fortuna feminina. 15. Castor and Pollux. 19. Lucaria, 4 days. 23. Neptune. 25. Furinalia (Feast of Robbers). 1. Mars and Hope. 8. Sol Indiges. 10. Ops and Ceres. 11. Hercules. Autumn begins. 12. Lignapesia. 13. Diana, Vertumnus, and Slaves. 18. Conualia. 19. Vinalia. 23. Vulcanalia. 24. Moon. … … … 27. Vulturnalia. … … … … … 30. Ornaments of Ceres shown. … … 1. Jupiter and Neptune. Games begin. … 3. Dionysica—8-day Games. 6. Erebus, Ram and Black Sheep. 427 13. Jupiter, Nail fixed by Pretor in Capital. 15. Circensian Games. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Great Harvest Games … … … … 24. Autumnal Equinox. … … … … Vesta, Saturn, and Manta, mother of the Lares. … … … … … … 27. To Venus. … … … … … … 30. Minerva. … … … … … … 5. Ornaments of Ceres shown. 6. Manes. 13. Fontinalia, to Jupiter Liberator. 19. Armilustrium, a Fete like Yule-tide. … … … … … … … … … 28. Lesser Mysteries begin. … … … 1. Jupiter’s Banquet. … … … … 3. Neptunalia. … … … … … 7. Show of Ornaments. … … … … … … … … … … … … … 11. Vinalia with Bacchic rites. 13. Lectisternia. 16. End of Seed Time 19. Kubele—Priests’ Supper. 21. Liberalia 22. Pluto and Proserpine 22. Brumalia, Shortest Day. 4. Minerva and Neptune. 5. Faunalia. 11. Halcyon Days for 14 days. 14. Brumalia—Ambrosiana. 17. Saturnalia. 19. Ops—(Opaliana). 21. Hercules and Venus. 22. Lares fetes. … … … … … Do., and Jupiter … … … … 24. Juvenalia. … … … … … … 25. Winter Solstice. … … … … … 27. Saturnalia to Phebus. … … … … Fetes connected with Light. … …

426<br />

English Months. Phenicians, Kooths, Kelts, Skands<br />

JULY<br />

AUGUST<br />





Great Games, Sword-dances, &c.<br />

Days <strong>of</strong> Bad Luck.<br />

Sacred to wanton characters, repressed<br />

in England by Henry VIII., 1536.<br />

Keltic Gule Fete.<br />

Wakes, Dancing, and much Licentiousness.<br />

Early Harvest Offerings.<br />

Great Gule or Fete … … …<br />

Laplanders begin Great Sacrifices.<br />

Days <strong>of</strong> Bad Luck. … … …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

17. Athyr Osiris goes into Ark, or seed<br />

into ground. Cock sacrifices.<br />

The tutelar deity Vacina or Vacuna.<br />

Rest or Ease. Das <strong>of</strong> bad luck.<br />

Rush-bearing. Long phallic-looking<br />

figures carried about by Women.<br />

Druidic Wakes, Dancing, Wrestling,<br />

Fighting, and much Obscenity.<br />

Women try by Love Philtres to see<br />

their Fate.<br />

Days <strong>of</strong> Fear and Unluckiness.<br />

Days <strong>of</strong> Fear and Bad Luck.<br />

Some nude Ceremonies.<br />


Protestants<br />


Greeks and Roman Catholic Sects.<br />

2. Dog Days begin.<br />

Vistation <strong>of</strong> our Lady.<br />

6. Old Mid-summer.<br />

15. St. Swithin.<br />

Fairs and Wantonness.<br />

1. Lammas Day—the Gule <strong>of</strong> August or<br />

Yule, or Petri ad Vincula.<br />

First Bread with the new Corn.<br />

6. Transfiguaration.<br />

Swallows leave.<br />

24. St. Bartholemew. … … …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

Harvest Homes. … … … …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

CHRIST formerly said to be born.<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

Swallows migrate. … … …<br />

Churches everywhere consecrated.<br />

Vigils, Wakes, and Village Dances<br />

in Churchyards, with Drinking<br />

and other excesses.<br />

6. St. Faith a Virgin Martyr.<br />

22. Scotch Fasts.<br />

22. St. Mary Magdalen.<br />

25. St. James.<br />

26. St. Anne, mother <strong>of</strong> Virgin.<br />

29. Martha—St. Mary V.V.<br />

3. St. Stephen’s reliques exhibited.<br />

5. Dedication <strong>of</strong> St. Mary.<br />

10. Nut Day.<br />

15. Assumption <strong>of</strong> our Lady.<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

25. Decollation <strong>of</strong> St. John Baptist. …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

8. Nativity <strong>of</strong> our Lady.<br />

Holy Rood or † Day.<br />

18. Ember. … … … … …<br />

19. St. Janarius … … … … …<br />

21. St. Matthew. … … … …<br />


29. St. Michaelmas. … … … …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

1. Feast <strong>of</strong> Rosary.<br />

3. St. Dionysius Areopagite.<br />

18. St. Luke.<br />

Times <strong>of</strong> Fear and Bad Luck. Apples … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …<br />

used for divination. … … … Hallow-Eve Fires and Revelry. … St. Simon and Jude. … … …<br />

Druid Fires extinguished and re- 1. All Saints, Fire carried about; used to be Old Fools’ Day, but this was changed to<br />

lighted on hills, and carried about<br />

1st April.<br />

for purifying purposes. … … 2. All Souls, great Cake-making and Bell-ringing. Wax Candles in great demand.<br />

Unlucky Days. … … … … … … … … … … … … 3. Holy Well Day.<br />

11. Martinmas Feast <strong>of</strong> Black Puddings 11. Martinalia Wine Fetes.<br />

Meetings—Fairs, and running after and such like.<br />

Vinalia <strong>of</strong> Ancients.<br />

and killing Bulls.<br />

Parents give Presents to their Children.<br />

Very Unlucky Days.<br />

Prognostications <strong>of</strong> Good or Evil<br />

diligently looked for.<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

Druidic Oak Ceremonies. … …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

Joyous Gatherings, Bonfires, and<br />

much Dancing and Masquerading.<br />

Advent.<br />

30. St. Andrew.<br />

Boy Bishops.<br />

Ember.<br />

21. Shortest Day. … … … …<br />

25. Christmas. … … … … …<br />

Christ formerly said to be conceived.<br />

27. St. John the Apostle.<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

Ragmena. Mumming. … … …<br />

18. Dedication St. Peter and St. Paul.<br />

21. Presentation <strong>of</strong> our Lady.<br />

23. St. Clement’s feast to Vulcan.<br />

25. St. Catherine’s Day—a Spinsters’<br />

Feast.<br />

6. St. Nicholas’ Day.<br />


BRUMAL season begins.<br />

21. St. Thomas. Doubting Day. …<br />

… … … … … … … …<br />

24. Bells must ring all night. … …<br />

26. St. Stephen. … … … …<br />

28. Innocents’ or Childermas Day. …<br />

Men and Women change clothes.

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