Forlong - Rivers of Life

Forlong - Rivers of Life Forlong - Rivers of Life
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178 Rivers of Life, or Faiths of Man in all Lands. misfortunes of the tribes, as I will further on more fully show. Very shortly after this the nation fell, never again to rise into a kingdom if they ever before gained this rank. It seems most probable that some insults to tho dominant faiths of all the great nations of Westem Asia, by this obscure little hill tribe may have tended to their destruction, for great kings, whatever they may personally think, do not like to bave firebrands cast into their midst, which most religious questions or reformations are. Let us look for a moment at the important phase of Ophiolatry, “Divination by Serpents.” We read that Helenus and Cassandra by means of serpents were able to see into the future; the serpent, it is said, “cleansed the pass- ages of their senses by their tongues;” and, adds the "scholiast on Euripid. . . . serpents approaching licked their ears and made them so sharp of hearing that they alone among all men could understand the councils of the gods and became very excellent prophets.” 1 The narrator of the gospel tale of Christ giving sight to the blind, seems to have borrowed the process from the example of the serpents who cured the blind Plutus; for Aristophanes says, they licked his eyelids and his sight became at once “more than humanly acute.” 2 The Paracæ (sic), says Philostratus, ate serpents’ flesh and thus understood the languages of the brute creation; by eating the heart and liver “they understood their thoughts.” It is the erect serpent-rod of Mercmry which. conducts mankind to hell: Ceres went thither drawn by serpents; and the reptile’s bite sent Eurydike to hell. Was not Cerberos the watch-dog of that very hot plate almost a serpent? He had “dragon’s tail, and a skin studded with serpents’ heads” says Apollodorus; and looking from “the fathomless abyss up to the realms of eternal light,” what do we see? Still a serpent! For yonder is Rhea or Ops the serpent, deceiving her Lord by giving him a Stone (Betulus) to devour, called the “Ab-ad-ir or SERPENT DOMINUS SOL,” instead of his offspring: in which tale we possibly see the origin of the gospel saying in regard to the Stone, the bread, and the serpent. 3 This Abadir Stone was indeed a serpent and sun-stone, for it was a Lingam, and it “assumed a CONICAL figure,” 4 so that Saturn took to consuming his own strength, which is the ease with the midsummer sun, when all the crops, as in the tropics, have been by that time reaped; when the sun may indeed be said to consume himself on bare fields, and pastures, and desolate, and almost leafless forests, having nought but hard, parched soils, and naked rocks and stones, from off which his fierce heats have eaten away all verdure. In all lands and faiths the serpent is he who gives knowledge. In Eden as well as in the Punjab it is shown that nāgas or Tak Shaks bring in learning; it is a very doubtful matter if we can say as much for the pious prophets of mankind. Boodha and Confucius, as philosophers, are exceptions, and must rank before Thales, Pythagoras, 1 2 Buchart, quoted by Deane, 336. Spanheim, 212. 3 The bishop or head of the Christian Church of Abysinia is styled Ab-un, which is I suspect derived from a serpent; it looks very like AB or OB-ON the Serpent-Sun. 4 Serpent Worship, 340.

Serpent and Phallic Worship. and other wise ones of earth; but pure pietists like Rama, Sakya, Christ, and Mahomed, rather brought in turmoil, bloodshed, and misery, than joy, peace, and learning; nor was the misery assuaged until scared-away philooophy and science returned, to damp the irritable and inflammatory matter which had been aroused; and it seems as if all dogmas founded on superstitions, or the marvellous and incomprehensible, and carrying strong cursings or anathemas against all who oppose them or introduce learning at variance with them, must have this retarding and injurious effect upon us. If so, it becomes our duty to repress all superstitions and “mysteries;” assured, that when these disappear, turmoil, misery, and crime will also fly away. Colonel Tod writes 1 that the serpent of Boodha possessed all science and pure religion, which Krishna as an Eagle had to fly far and, wide to obtain from Boodha. Christians say that Mahomed flung the world back many centuries, especially in Asia; but Mahomedans rightly repel this as a slander. Let me here make a few remarks upon that good, because necessary feature in the Jews—common to us all, viz., the continual changing of their ideas of God as they advanced in intelligence. Jews for ages clung to the stone which they said their patriarch Jacob set up, and which they removed to Jerusalem. The houses of their gods were Beth-els (literally houses of El), and all over Syria, and indeed Asia Minor, Sivaik Shrines were known as Betuli, that is Lingams, or Maha-Devas. According to Lewis and the learned Bochart, the Phenicians were the first worshippers and anointers of Betyls. During this rage for Lingam-Worship, the southern tribes oondemned Yonism, or as they called it Dove-worship, by their kinsmen the Samaritans on Mount Gerizim. Maimonides disliked the worship of Ba-al-Peor, which he said (but I think ignorantly) “consisted of exhibitions of the Yoni to him,” for I find that the worship was that common in the east. St. Jerome said “it (Peor) was principally worshipped by women.”—“Colentibus maxime fœmimis Baal Phegor ob obsceni magnitudinem quem nos prinpum possumus appellare.” 2 We have lost much of the true worship of the Jewish tribes, from the various destructions of their records; but above all from that weeding out of gross, dcgrading, and objective features of their early worship; which necessitated the obscuring, if not blotting out, not only every term or sentence which allowed the “image” of a God—a feature forbidden in their faith. about perhaps the time of David, though little attended to till the fifth century B.C., but also the obscuring of everything too anthropomorphic for the advanced ideas of the third century, when their “shreds and scraps of leather”-literature, began to be gathered together, and took a form which seemed to consolidate the people and make them a nation. I long since came to the opinion, to which every student of Asiatic faiths must come, and which I am glad to say Bishop Colenso has now thoroughly established as correct that the worship of the Jews was precisely that of the people amongst whom they 1 Rajasthan, I. 537. 2 Sellon’s “Hindoo Annotations,” p. 37. 179

Serpent and Phallic Worship.<br />

and other wise ones <strong>of</strong> earth; but pure pietists like Rama, Sakya, Christ, and<br />

Mahomed, rather brought in turmoil, bloodshed, and misery, than joy, peace, and<br />

learning; nor was the misery assuaged until scared-away philooophy and science returned,<br />

to damp the irritable and inflammatory matter which had been aroused; and it<br />

seems as if all dogmas founded on superstitions, or the marvellous and incomprehensible,<br />

and carrying strong cursings or anathemas against all who oppose them or<br />

introduce learning at variance with them, must have this retarding and injurious effect<br />

upon us. If so, it becomes our duty to repress all superstitions and “mysteries;”<br />

assured, that when these disappear, turmoil, misery, and crime will also fly away.<br />

Colonel Tod writes 1 that the serpent <strong>of</strong> Boodha possessed all science and pure<br />

religion, which Krishna as an Eagle had to fly far and, wide to obtain from Boodha.<br />

Christians say that Mahomed flung the world back many centuries, especially in<br />

Asia; but Mahomedans rightly repel this as a slander.<br />

Let me here make a few remarks upon that good, because necessary feature in<br />

the Jews—common to us all, viz., the continual changing <strong>of</strong> their ideas <strong>of</strong> God as they<br />

advanced in intelligence. Jews for ages clung to the stone which they said their<br />

patriarch Jacob set up, and which they removed to Jerusalem. The houses <strong>of</strong> their<br />

gods were Beth-els (literally houses <strong>of</strong> El), and all over Syria, and indeed Asia Minor,<br />

Sivaik Shrines were known as Betuli, that is Lingams, or Maha-Devas. According<br />

to Lewis and the learned Bochart, the Phenicians were the first worshippers and<br />

anointers <strong>of</strong> Betyls. During this rage for Lingam-Worship, the southern tribes<br />

oondemned Yonism, or as they called it Dove-worship, by their kinsmen the<br />

Samaritans on Mount Gerizim. Maimonides disliked the worship <strong>of</strong> Ba-al-Peor, which<br />

he said (but I think ignorantly) “consisted <strong>of</strong> exhibitions <strong>of</strong> the Yoni to him,” for I<br />

find that the worship was that common in the east. St. Jerome said “it (Peor) was<br />

principally worshipped by women.”—“Colentibus maxime fœmimis Baal Phegor ob<br />

obsceni magnitudinem quem nos prinpum possumus appellare.” 2<br />

We have lost much <strong>of</strong> the true worship <strong>of</strong> the Jewish tribes, from the various<br />

destructions <strong>of</strong> their records; but above all from that weeding out <strong>of</strong> gross, dcgrading,<br />

and objective features <strong>of</strong> their early worship; which necessitated the obscuring, if not<br />

blotting out, not only every term or sentence which allowed the “image” <strong>of</strong> a God—a<br />

feature forbidden in their faith. about perhaps the time <strong>of</strong> David, though little<br />

attended to till the fifth century B.C., but also the obscuring <strong>of</strong> everything too anthropomorphic<br />

for the advanced ideas <strong>of</strong> the third century, when their “shreds and scraps<br />

<strong>of</strong> leather”-literature, began to be gathered together, and took a form which seemed to<br />

consolidate the people and make them a nation.<br />

I long since came to the opinion, to which every student <strong>of</strong> Asiatic faiths must<br />

come, and which I am glad to say Bishop Colenso has now thoroughly established as<br />

correct that the worship <strong>of</strong> the Jews was precisely that <strong>of</strong> the people amongst whom they<br />

1 Rajasthan, I. 537.<br />

2 Sellon’s “Hindoo Annotations,” p. 37.<br />


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