Dutch Fairy Tales by William Elliot Griffis.pdf

Dutch Fairy Tales by William Elliot Griffis.pdf Dutch Fairy Tales by William Elliot Griffis.pdf

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Dutch Fairy Tales for Young Folks very funny were the answers of maid, butler, cook, valet and boots. The first maid, who had pulled open the drawer and let the Oni get out, held up broom and duster, as if to take oath. She declared: “It was a monkey, or baboon; but he seemed to talk—Russian, I think.” “No,” said the butler. “I heard the creature—a black ram, running on its hind legs; but its language was German, I'm sure.” The cook, a fat Dutch woman, told a long story. She declared, on honor, that it was a black dog like a Chinese pug, that has no hair. However, she had only seen its back, but she was positive the creature talked English, for she heard it say “soy.” The valet honestly avowed that he was too scared to be certain of anything, but was ready to swear that to his ears the words uttered seemed to be Swedish. He had once heard sailors from Sweden talking, and the chatter sounded like their lingo. Then there was Boots, the errand boy, who believed that it was the Devil; but, whatever or whoever it was, he was ready to bet a week's wages that its lingo was all in French. Now when the Princess found that not one of her servants could speak or understand any language but their own, she scolded them roundly in Dutch, and wound up by saying, “You're a lot of cheese−heads, all of you.” Then she arranged the wonderful things from the Far East, with her own dainty hands, until the House in the Wood was fragrant with Oriental odors, and soon it became famous throughout all Europe. Even when her grandchildren played with the pretty toys from the land of Fuji and flowers, of silk and tea, cherry blossoms and camphor trees, it was not only the first but the finest Japanese collection in all Europe. Meanwhile, the Oni, in a strange land, got into one trouble after another. In rushed men with clubs, but as an Oni was well used to seeing these at home, he was not afraid. He could outrun, outjump, or outclimb any man, easily. The farmer's vrouw (wife) nearly fainted when the Oni leaped first into her room and then into her bureau drawer. As he did so, the bottle of soy, held in his three−fingered paw, hit the wood and the dark liquid, as black as tar, ran all over the nicely starched laces, collars and nightcaps. Every bit of her quilled and crimped hear−gear and neckwear, once as white as snow, was ruined. “Donder en Bliksem” (thunder and lightning), cried the vrouw. “There's my best cap, that cost twenty guilders, utterly ruined.” Then she bravely ran for the broomstick. The Oni caught sight of what he thought was a big hole in the wall and ran into it. Seeing the blue sky above, he began to climb up. Now there were no chimneys in Japan and he did not know what this was. The soot nearly blinded and choked him. So he slid down and rushed out, only to have his head nearly cracked by the farmer's wife, who gave him a whack of her broomstick. She thought it was a crazy goat that she was fighting. She first drove the Oni into the cellar and then bolted the door. An hour later, the farmer got a gun and loaded it. Then, with his hired man he came near, one to pull open the door, and the other to shoot. What they expected to find was a monster. But no! So much experience, even within an hour, of things unknown in Japan, including chimneys, had been too severe for the poor, lonely, homesick Oni. There it lay dead on the floor, with its three fingers held tightly to its snout and closing it. So much cheese, zuur kool (sour krout), gin (schnapps), advocaat (brandy and THE ONI ON HIS TRAVELS 36

Dutch Fairy Tales for Young Folks eggs), cows' milk, both sour and fresh, wooden shoes, lace collars and crimped neckwear, with the various smells, had turned both the Oni's head and his stomach. The very sight of these strange things being so unusual, gave the Oni first fright, and then a nervous attack, while the odors, such as had never tortured his nose before, had finished him. The wise men of the village were called together to hold an inquest. After summoning witnesses, and cross−examining them and studying the strange creature, their verdict was that it could be nothing less than a Hersen Schim, that is, a spectre of the brain. They meant by this that there was no such animal. However, a man from Delft, who followed the business of a knickerbocker, or baker of knickers, or clay marles, begged the body of the Oni. He wanted it to serve as a model for a new gargoyle, or rain spout, for the roof of churches. Carved in stone, or baked in clay, which turns red and is called terra cotta, the new style of monster became very popular. The knickerbocker named it after a new devil, that had been expelled by the prayers of the saints, and speedily made a fortune, by selling it to stone cutters and architects. So for one real Oni, that died and was buried in Dutch soil, there are thousands of imaginary ones, made of baked clay, or stone, in the Dutch land, where things, more funny than in fairy−land, constantly take place. The dead Japanese Oni serving as a model, which was made into a water gutter, served more useful purposes, for a thousand years, than ever he had done, in the land where his relations still live and play their pranks. THE LEGEND OF THE WOODEN SHOE In years long gone, too many for the almanac to tell of, or for clocks and watches to measure, millions of good fairies came down from the sun and went into the earth. There, they changed themselves into roots and leaves, and became trees. There were many kinds of these, as they covered the earth, but the pine and birch, ash and oak, were the chief ones that made Holland. The fairies that lived in the trees bore the name of Moss Maidens, or Tree “Trintjes,” which is the Dutch pet name for Kate, or Katharine. The oak was the favorite tree, for people lived then on acorns, which they ate roasted, boiled or mashed, or made into meal, from which something like bread was kneaded and baked. With oak bark, men tanned hides and made leather, and, from its timber, boats and houses. Under its branches, near the trunk, people laid their sick, hoping for help from the gods. Beneath the oak boughs, also, warriors took oaths to be faithful to their lords, women made promises, or wives joined hand in hand around its girth, hoping to have beautiful children. Up among its leafy branches the new babies lay, before they were found in the cradle by the other children. To make a young child grow up to be strong and healthy, mothers drew them through a split sapling or young tree. Even more wonderful, as medicine for the country itself, the oak had power to heal. The new land sometimes suffered from disease called the val (or fall). When sick with the val, the ground sunk. Then people, houses, churches, barns and cattle all went down, out of sight, and were lost forever, in a flood of water. But the oak, with its mighty roots, held the soil firm. Stories of dead cities, that had tumbled beneath the waves, and of the famous Forest of Reeds, covering a hundred villages, which disappeared in one night, were known only too well. Under the birch tree, lovers met to plight their vows, and on its smooth bark was often cut the figure of two hearts joined in one. In summer, the forest furnished shade, and in winter warmth from the fire. In the spring time, the new leaves were a wonder, and in autumn the pigs grew fat on the mast, or the acorns, that had dropped on the ground. So, for thousands of years, when men made their home in the forest, and wanted nothing else, the trees were sacred. THE LEGEND OF THE WOODEN SHOE 37

<strong>Dutch</strong> <strong>Fairy</strong> <strong>Tales</strong> for Young Folks<br />

very funny were the answers of maid, butler, cook, valet and boots.<br />

The first maid, who had pulled open the drawer and let the Oni get out, held up broom and duster, as if to take<br />

oath. She declared:<br />

“It was a monkey, or baboon; but he seemed to talk—Russian, I think.”<br />

“No,” said the butler. “I heard the creature—a black ram, running on its hind legs; but its language was<br />

German, I'm sure.”<br />

The cook, a fat <strong>Dutch</strong> woman, told a long story. She declared, on honor, that it was a black dog like a Chinese<br />

pug, that has no hair. However, she had only seen its back, but she was positive the creature talked English,<br />

for she heard it say “soy.”<br />

The valet honestly avowed that he was too scared to be certain of anything, but was ready to swear that to his<br />

ears the words uttered seemed to be Swedish. He had once heard sailors from Sweden talking, and the chatter<br />

sounded like their lingo.<br />

Then there was Boots, the errand boy, who believed that it was the Devil; but, whatever or whoever it was, he<br />

was ready to bet a week's wages that its lingo was all in French.<br />

Now when the Princess found that not one of her servants could speak or understand any language but their<br />

own, she scolded them roundly in <strong>Dutch</strong>, and wound up <strong>by</strong> saying, “You're a lot of cheese−heads, all of you.”<br />

Then she arranged the wonderful things from the Far East, with her own dainty hands, until the House in the<br />

Wood was fragrant with Oriental odors, and soon it became famous throughout all Europe. Even when her<br />

grandchildren played with the pretty toys from the land of Fuji and flowers, of silk and tea, cherry blossoms<br />

and camphor trees, it was not only the first but the finest Japanese collection in all Europe.<br />

Meanwhile, the Oni, in a strange land, got into one trouble after another. In rushed men with clubs, but as an<br />

Oni was well used to seeing these at home, he was not afraid. He could outrun, outjump, or outclimb any man,<br />

easily. The farmer's vrouw (wife) nearly fainted when the Oni leaped first into her room and then into her<br />

bureau drawer. As he did so, the bottle of soy, held in his three−fingered paw, hit the wood and the dark<br />

liquid, as black as tar, ran all over the nicely starched laces, collars and nightcaps. Every bit of her quilled and<br />

crimped hear−gear and neckwear, once as white as snow, was ruined.<br />

“Donder en Bliksem” (thunder and lightning), cried the vrouw. “There's my best cap, that cost twenty<br />

guilders, utterly ruined.” Then she bravely ran for the broomstick.<br />

The Oni caught sight of what he thought was a big hole in the wall and ran into it. Seeing the blue sky above,<br />

he began to climb up. Now there were no chimneys in Japan and he did not know what this was. The soot<br />

nearly blinded and choked him. So he slid down and rushed out, only to have his head nearly cracked <strong>by</strong> the<br />

farmer's wife, who gave him a whack of her broomstick. She thought it was a crazy goat that she was fighting.<br />

She first drove the Oni into the cellar and then bolted the door.<br />

An hour later, the farmer got a gun and loaded it. Then, with his hired man he came near, one to pull open the<br />

door, and the other to shoot. What they expected to find was a monster.<br />

But no! So much experience, even within an hour, of things unknown in Japan, including chimneys, had been<br />

too severe for the poor, lonely, homesick Oni. There it lay dead on the floor, with its three fingers held tightly<br />

to its snout and closing it. So much cheese, zuur kool (sour krout), gin (schnapps), advocaat (brandy and<br />


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