Equinox I (04).pdf

Equinox I (04).pdf Equinox I (04).pdf

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84 XXXII “HA!” cries the knight, “may patient toil Of brain dissolve this cruel coil! In Afric they that chase the ostrich Clothe them with feathers, subtly foil Its vigilance, come close, then dart Its death upon it. Brave my heart! Do thus!” And so the knight disguises Himself, on hands and knees doth start His hunt, goes questing up and down. So in the fields the peasant clown Flies, shrieking, from the dreadful figure. But when he came to any town They caged him for a lunatic. Quod he: “Would God I had the trick! The beast escaped from my devices; I will the same. The bars are thick, But I am strong.” He wrenched in vain; Then—what is this? What wild, sharp strain Smites on the air? The prison smashes. Hark! ’tis the Questing Beast again!

SIR PALAMEDES, THE SARACEN KNIGHT Then as he rushes forth the note Roars from that Beast's malignant throat With laughter, laughter, laughter, laughter! The wits of Palamedes float In ecstasy of shame and rage. “O Thou!” exclaims the baffled sage; “How should I match Thee? Yet, I will so, Though Doomisday devour the Age. Weeping, and beating on his breast, Gnashing his teeth, he still confessed The might of the dread oath that bound him: He would not yet give up the quest. “Nay! while I am,” quoth he, “though Hell Engulph me, though God mock me well, I follow as I sware; I follow, Though it be unattainable. Nay, more! Because I may not win, Is’t worth man’s work to enter in! The Infinite with mighty passion Hath caught my spirit in a gin. Come! since I may not imitate The Beast, at least I work and wait. We shall discover soon or late Which is the master --- I or Fate!” 85


Then as he rushes forth the note<br />

Roars from that Beast's malignant throat<br />

With laughter, laughter, laughter, laughter!<br />

The wits of Palamedes float<br />

In ecstasy of shame and rage.<br />

“O Thou!” exclaims the baffled sage;<br />

“How should I match Thee? Yet, I will so,<br />

Though Doomisday devour the Age.<br />

Weeping, and beating on his breast,<br />

Gnashing his teeth, he still confessed<br />

The might of the dread oath that bound him:<br />

He would not yet give up the quest.<br />

“Nay! while I am,” quoth he, “though Hell<br />

Engulph me, though God mock me well,<br />

I follow as I sware; I follow,<br />

Though it be unattainable.<br />

Nay, more! Because I may not win,<br />

Is’t worth man’s work to enter in!<br />

The Infinite with mighty passion<br />

Hath caught my spirit in a gin.<br />

Come! since I may not imitate<br />

The Beast, at least I work and wait.<br />

We shall discover soon or late<br />

Which is the master --- I or Fate!”<br />


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