Equinox I (04).pdf

Equinox I (04).pdf Equinox I (04).pdf

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194 THE EQUINOX not only methods of great use as a sedative before commencing a Magical Operation, but methods of inordinate importance to such aspirants, who, having discarded the Shibboleths of sect, have adopted the fatuities of reason. For it is more difficult for one who has no natural magical aptitude, and one who perhaps has only just broken away from faith and corrupted ritual, to carry out an operation of Western Magic, than it is for him to sit down and perform a rational exercise, such as the Prânâyâma exercises of Yoga, which carry with them their own result, in spite of the mental attitude of the chela towards them, so long as the instructions of the Guru are properly carried out.* As already pointed out, the mere fact of sitting for a time in a certain position, of inhaling, exhaling and of holding the breath, brings with it, even in the case of the most obdurate sceptic, a natural concentration, an inevitable Pratyâhâra, which develops in the aspirant the Siddhis, those seemingly miraculous powers which distinguish an Adeptus Major from an Adeptus Minor, and entitle the possessor to the rank of 6°=5°. From this discovery† Frater P. made yet another, and this * Prânâyâma acts on the mind just as Calomel acts on the bowels. It does not matter if a patient believes in Calomel or not. The physician adminsters it, and even if the patient be a most hostile Christian Scientist, the result is certain. Similarly with Prânâyâma, the Guru gives his chela a certain exercise, and as surely as the Calomel voided the noxious matter from the intestines of the sufferer, so will the Prânâyâma void the capricious thoughts from the mind of the disciple. † By discovery here we mean individual experiment resulting in personal discovery; anoyher person’s discovery only begets illusion and comment. Individual discovery is the only true discovery worht consideration.

THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON THE KING time one of still greater importance. And this was, that if the Adept, when once the Siddhis were attained, by a self-control (a still higher concentration) refused to expend these occult powers,* by degrees he accumulated within himself a terrific force; charged like a Leyden jar, instantaneously could he transmute this power into whatever he willed; but the act brought with it a recoil, and caused an exhaustion and a void which nullified the powers gained. Ultimately he proved that it was rather by the restraint of these occult (mental) powers than that of the bodily ones that Ojas is produced.† By now he was beginning to learn that there was more than one way of opening the Lion’s jaws; and that gentleness and humlity would often succeed where brutality and much boasting were sure to fail. The higher he ascended into the realms of the Ruach the more he realized that the irrational folly of performing wonders before a mob of gargoyle-headed apes, of pulling the strings of mystical marionettes and reducing himself to the level of an occult Punch and Judy showman. He had attained to powers that were beyond the normal, and now he carried them secrety like some precious blade of Damascus steel, hidden in a velvet sheath, concealed * Nearly all the Masters have been cautious how they handled this power; generally refusing to expend it at the mere caprice of their followers or opponents. The Siddhis are like the Gold of the Alchemist. Once discovered it is kept secret, and the more secretly it is kept and the more it is hoarded the richer becomes the discoverer, and then one day will come wherein he will be able to pay his own ransom, and this is the only ransom that is acceptable unto God. † Possibly the restraint of Brahmachârya produced the Siddhis, and that further restraint in its turn produced an accumulation of these occult powers, the benefit accruing from which is again placed to the credit of the bodily powers. 195

194<br />


not only methods of great use as a sedative before commencing<br />

a Magical Operation, but methods of inordinate importance to<br />

such aspirants, who, having discarded the Shibboleths of<br />

sect, have adopted the fatuities of reason. For it is more<br />

difficult for one who has no natural magical aptitude, and one<br />

who perhaps has only just broken away from faith and<br />

corrupted ritual, to carry out an operation of Western Magic,<br />

than it is for him to sit down and perform a rational exercise,<br />

such as the Prânâyâma exercises of Yoga, which carry with<br />

them their own result, in spite of the mental attitude of the<br />

chela towards them, so long as the instructions of the Guru are<br />

properly carried out.*<br />

As already pointed out, the mere fact of sitting for a time in<br />

a certain position, of inhaling, exhaling and of holding the<br />

breath, brings with it, even in the case of the most obdurate<br />

sceptic, a natural concentration, an inevitable Pratyâhâra,<br />

which develops in the aspirant the Siddhis, those seemingly<br />

miraculous powers which distinguish an Adeptus Major<br />

from an Adeptus Minor, and entitle the possessor to the rank<br />

of 6°=5°.<br />

From this discovery† Frater P. made yet another, and this<br />

* Prânâyâma acts on the mind just as Calomel acts on the bowels. It does<br />

not matter if a patient believes in Calomel or not. The physician adminsters it,<br />

and even if the patient be a most hostile Christian Scientist, the result is<br />

certain. Similarly with Prânâyâma, the Guru gives his chela a certain<br />

exercise, and as surely as the Calomel voided the noxious matter from the<br />

intestines of the sufferer, so will the Prânâyâma void the capricious thoughts<br />

from the mind of the disciple.<br />

† By discovery here we mean individual experiment resulting in personal<br />

discovery; anoyher person’s discovery only begets illusion and comment.<br />

Individual discovery is the only true discovery worht consideration.

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