Equinox I (04).pdf

Equinox I (04).pdf Equinox I (04).pdf

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172 THE EQUINOX On the 7th of March P. left Calcutta for Benares, arriving there on the following day, and lodging at the Hôtel de Paris he continued his concentration practices. In his diary on this date he writes: “The fear of the future seems practically destroyed, and during the last six months I have worked well. This removes all possible selfishness of incentive (after 4¾ years) Maitri Bhâvana is left, and that alone. Aum! At Benares he visited the temples, and had a long conversation with Sri Swami Swayam Prakashânanda Maithila; and then after three days’ sojourn there journeyed to Agra. “I saw the Taj. A dream of beauty,” he writes, “with appallingly evil things dwelling therein. I actually had to use H.P.K. formula! The building soon palls; the aura is apparent, and disgust succeeds. But the central hall is of strained aura, like a magic circle after the banishing.” At Agra P. met Astrologer and Geomancer Munshi Elihu Bux; who told him that by looking hard at a point on the wall constantly and without winking for many days he would be able to obtain an hypnotic power even to Deadly and Hostile Current of Will. On the 16th P. left Agra and went to Delhi, and there on the 23rd he was joined by D.A., and these two with their companions on the following day journeyed to Rawal Pindi and from this city they set out together to travel for five months in the northern and little frequented districts of Baltistan, and to seek that great solemnity and solitude which is only to be found amongst the greatest mountains of earth. With the Dhyâna Visions and Trance we arrive at another turning point in Frater P.’s magical ascent. For several years he had worked by the aid of Western methods, and with them he had laid a mighty and unshakable foundation upon which

THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON THE KING he had now succeeded in building the great temple of Self- Control. Working upon Eastern line he had laid stone upon stone, and yet when the work was completed, magnificnet though it was, there was no God yet found to indwell it. It was indeed but an empty house. Though we have now arrived at this turning point, it will be necessary before we review the contents of this chapter to narrate the events from the present date—March 1902, down to the 11th of August 1903; when, by the chance (destined) meeting with Ourada the Seer, he was eventually enabled to set in motion the great power he had gained, and by wrestling with the deity, as Jacob wrestled with the Angel by the ford of Jabbok, see God face to face and LIVE. For a space of nearly six months P. and D.A. journeyed amongst the vast mountains beyond Cashmir, and though during this period no record of his meditations has been preserved, time was not idled away and exercises in meditation of a more exalted kind, on the vastness of Nature and the ungraspable might of God, were his daily joy and consolation. In September he returned to Srinnagar, and thence journeyed to Bombay where he remained for but a few days before his return journey to Europe. Arriving in Egypt he remained in that ancient land for some three weeks, somehow feeling that it was here that he should find what he had so long now been seeking for in vain. But realizing the hopelessness of waiting in any definite country or city, without some clue to guide him to his goal, he left Egypt at the beginning of November and continued his journey back to England only to break it again at Paris. In this city he remained until April the following year 173


he had now succeeded in building the great temple of Self-<br />

Control. Working upon Eastern line he had laid stone upon<br />

stone, and yet when the work was completed, magnificnet<br />

though it was, there was no God yet found to indwell it. It<br />

was indeed but an empty house.<br />

Though we have now arrived at this turning point, it will<br />

be necessary before we review the contents of this chapter to<br />

narrate the events from the present date—March 1902, down<br />

to the 11th of August 1903; when, by the chance (destined)<br />

meeting with Ourada the Seer, he was eventually enabled to<br />

set in motion the great power he had gained, and by wrestling<br />

with the deity, as Jacob wrestled with the Angel by the ford of<br />

Jabbok, see God face to face and LIVE.<br />

For a space of nearly six months P. and D.A. journeyed<br />

amongst the vast mountains beyond Cashmir, and though<br />

during this period no record of his meditations has been preserved,<br />

time was not idled away and exercises in meditation of<br />

a more exalted kind, on the vastness of Nature and the<br />

ungraspable might of God, were his daily joy and consolation.<br />

In September he returned to Srinnagar, and thence journeyed<br />

to Bombay where he remained for but a few days<br />

before his return journey to Europe.<br />

Arriving in Egypt he remained in that ancient land for<br />

some three weeks, somehow feeling that it was here that he<br />

should find what he had so long now been seeking for in<br />

vain. But realizing the hopelessness of waiting in any definite<br />

country or city, without some clue to guide him to his goal, he<br />

left Egypt at the beginning of November and continued his<br />

journey back to England only to break it again at Paris.<br />

In this city he remained until April the following year<br />


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