Equinox I (04).pdf

Equinox I (04).pdf Equinox I (04).pdf

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110 THE EQUINOX mind, being so full of other things, seems to refuse to compose itself. Nearly always I was too tired to do two (let alone three) meditations; and the weariness of the morrow was another hostile factor. Let me hope that my return here (Mexico City) will work wonders. Three days after this entry on a certain Wednesday evening we find a very extraordinary mental experiment recorded in P.'s diary. D. A. made to P. the following suggestion for a meditation practice. 1. Imagine that I am standing before you in my climbing clothes. 2. When you have visualized the figure, forbid it to move its limbs, etc. 3. Then allow the figure to change, as a whole, its illumination, position and appearance. 4. Carefully observe and remember any phenomenon in connection therewith. All this P. attempted with the following result: The figure of D.A.: leaning on an ice-axe was clearly seen, but at first it was a shade difficult to fix. The figure at once went 35° to my left, and stayed there; then I observed a scarlet Tiphereth above the head and the blue path of g (gimel) going upwards. Around the head was bluish light, and tiphereth was surrounded by rays as of a sun. I then noticed that the figure had the power to reduplicate itself at various further distances; but the main figure was very steady. Above and over the figure there towered a devil in the shape of some antediluvian beast. How long I mentally watched the figure I cannot say, but after a period it became obscure and difficult to see, and in order to prevent it vanishing it had to be willed to stay. After a further time the Plesiosaurus (?) above the figure became a vast shadowy form including the figure itself. The experiment being at an end D. A. put the following question to P. “How do you judge of distance of secondary replicas of me?” P. answered: “By size only.” D. A. comments on the above were as follows: 1. That the test partially failed. 2. That he expected his figure to move more often.* * Normally in these experiments the figure does move more often.

THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON THE KING 3. the vast shadowy form was very satisfactory and promising.* On the following day P. records first: Meditation upon Winged-Globe to compose himself. He then imagined D. A. sitting forward with his arms around his knees and his hands clasped. Around the figure was an aura of heaving surfaces, and then a focussing movement which brought the surfaces very close together. “The figure then started growing rapidly in all dimensions till it reached a vast form, and as it grew it left behind it tiny emaciated withered old men sitting in similar positions, but with changed features, so much so that I should think it were due to other reasons besides emacia- tion.” D. A. considered this meditation very satisfactory, but that nevertheless P. should attempt it again the next day. DIAGRAM 85. Aura of Heaving Surfaces. This, however, was impossible; as on the next day, Friday, he was suffering severely from headache and neuralgia; so instead, in order to compose himself, he meditated upon a cross for an hour and a quarter. The next living object meditation he attempted is described in the diary as follows: To meditate upon the image of D. A. sitting with his hands on his knees like a God.† Spirals were seen moving up him to a great height, and then descending till they expanded to a great size. Besides this no other change took place. D. A.'s comments on these remarkable experiments are as follows: The hidden secret is that the the change of size and distance is not in accordance with optical laws. No one has kept living objects “dead still.”‡ One of two things may occur: (a) The figure remains in one spot, but alters in size. (b) The figure remains same apparent size, but alters in distance. * Normally this is so. † In the position many of the Egyptian gods assume. ‡ Qy.: Is this from habit of expecting living things to move? I can, I think, succeed in keeping them still.—Note by P. 111

110<br />


mind, being so full of other things, seems to refuse to compose itself. Nearly<br />

always I was too tired to do two (let alone three) meditations; and the weariness<br />

of the morrow was another hostile factor. Let me hope that my return here<br />

(Mexico City) will work wonders.<br />

Three days after this entry on a certain Wednesday evening<br />

we find a very extraordinary mental experiment recorded in<br />

P.'s diary.<br />

D. A. made to P. the following suggestion for a meditation<br />

practice.<br />

1. Imagine that I am standing before you in my climbing clothes.<br />

2. When you have visualized the figure, forbid it to move its limbs, etc.<br />

3. Then allow the figure to change, as a whole, its illumination, position and<br />

appearance.<br />

4. Carefully observe and remember any phenomenon in connection therewith.<br />

All this P. attempted with the following result:<br />

The figure of D.A.: leaning on an ice-axe was clearly seen, but at first it was a<br />

shade difficult to fix.<br />

The figure at once went 35° to my left, and stayed there; then I observed a<br />

scarlet Tiphereth above the head and the blue path of g (gimel) going upwards.<br />

Around the head was bluish light, and tiphereth was surrounded by rays as of a<br />

sun. I then noticed that the figure had the power to reduplicate itself at various<br />

further distances; but the main figure was very steady.<br />

Above and over the figure there towered a devil in the shape of some antediluvian<br />

beast. How long I mentally watched the figure I cannot say, but after a<br />

period it became obscure and difficult to see, and in order to prevent it vanishing<br />

it had to be willed to stay. After a further time the Plesiosaurus (?) above the<br />

figure became a vast shadowy form including the figure itself.<br />

The experiment being at an end D. A. put the following question to P. “How<br />

do you judge of distance of secondary replicas of me?”<br />

P. answered: “By size only.”<br />

D. A. comments on the above were as follows:<br />

1. That the test partially failed.<br />

2. That he expected his figure to move more often.*<br />

* Normally in these experiments the figure does move more often.

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