Equinox I (04).pdf

Equinox I (04).pdf

Equinox I (04).pdf


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86<br />


1. Anandamâyâkos'a, Body of Bliss, is innermost. It is still an<br />

illusion. Atma, Buddhi and Manas at most participate.<br />

2. Manomâyâkos'a. The illusionary thought-sheath including<br />

Manas, Buddhi, Chittam, and Ahankâra in union with<br />

one or more of the Gnanendriyams.<br />

3. Viññanamâyâkos'a. The consciousness sheath, which<br />

consists of Anthakârana in union with an organ of action<br />

or of sense—Gnan- and Karm-endriyam.<br />

4. Prânâmâyâkos'a. Consists of the five airs. Here we drop<br />

below Anthakârana.<br />

5. Annamâyâkos'a. Body of Nourishment. The faculty which<br />

feeds on the five Tatwas.<br />

Besides these there are three bodies or Shariras.<br />

1. Karana Sharira. The Causal body, which almost equals the<br />

protoplast.<br />

2. Sukshma Sharira. The Subtle body, which consists of the<br />

vital airs, etc.<br />

3. Sthula Shirara. The Gross body.<br />


According to the Yoga,* there are two nerve-currents in<br />

to attempt to extract from these instructions the little sense they may contain<br />

on account of the numerous Auric Eggs, Âkâsic envelopes, Karmic records,<br />

Dêvâchanic states, etc., etc. On p. 89 of “Instruction No. III” we are told that<br />

the Sushumnâ is the Brahmarandhra, and that there is “an enormous difference<br />

between Hatha and Raja Yoga.” Plate III of Instructions No. II is quite<br />

Theosophical, and the third rule out of the Probationers’ pledge, “I pledge<br />

myself never to listen, without protest, to any evil thing spoken falsely, or yet<br />

unproven, of a brother Theosophist, and to abstain from condemning others,”<br />

seems to have been consistently acted upon ever since.<br />

* Compare with the Kundalini the Serpent mentioned in paragraph 26 of

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