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"But," I returned, hard to persuade where I could not understand, "how is it then that, when you please, you<br />

take from that same door a whole book where I saw and felt only a part of one? The other part, you have just<br />

told me, stuck through into your library: when you put it again on the shelf, will it not again stick through<br />

into that? Must not then the two places, in which parts of the same volume can at the same moment exist, lie<br />

close together? Or can one part of the book be in space, or SOMEWHERE, and the other out of space, or<br />

NOWHERE?"<br />

"I am sorry I cannot explain the thing to you," he answered; "but there is no provision in you for<br />

understanding it. Not merely, therefore, is the phenomenon inexplicable to you, but the very nature of it is<br />

inapprehensible by you. Indeed I but partially apprehend it myself. At the same time you are constantly<br />

experiencing things which you not only do not, but cannot understand. You think you understand them, but<br />

your understanding of them is only your being used to them, and therefore not surprised at them. You accept<br />

them, not because you understand them, but because you must accept them: they are there, and have<br />

unavoidable relations with you! The fact is, no man understands anything; when he knows he does not<br />

understand, that is his first tottering step−−not toward understanding, but toward the capability of one day<br />

understanding. To such things as these you are not used, therefore you do not fancy you understand them.<br />

Neither I nor any man can here help you to understand; but I may, perhaps, help you a little to believe!"<br />

He went to the door of the closet, gave a low whistle, and stood listening. A moment after, I heard, or seemed<br />

to hear, a soft whir of wings, and, looking up, saw a white dove perch for an instant on the top of the shelves<br />

over the portrait, thence drop to Mr. Raven's shoulder, and lay her head against his cheek. Only by the<br />

motions of their two heads could I tell that they were talking together; I heard nothing. Neither had I moved<br />

my eyes from them, when suddenly she was not there, and Mr. Raven came back to his seat.<br />

"Why did you whistle?" I asked. "Surely sound here is not sound there!"<br />

"You are right," he answered. "I whistled that you might know I called her. Not the whistle, but what the<br />

whistle meant reached her.−−There is not a minute to lose: you must go!"<br />

"I will at once!" I replied, and moved for the door.<br />

"You will sleep to−night at my hostelry!" he said−−not as a question, but in a tone of mild authority.<br />

"My heart is with the children," I replied. "But if you insist−−−−"<br />

"I do insist. You can otherwise effect nothing.−−I will go with you as far as the mirror, and see you off."<br />

He rose. There came a sudden shock in the closet. Apparently the leopardess had flung herself against the<br />

heavy door. I looked at my companion.<br />

"Come; come!" he said.<br />

Ere we reached the door of the library, a howling yell came after us, mingled with the noise of claws that<br />

scored at the hard oak. I hesitated, and half turned.<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong><br />

"To think of her lying there alone," I murmured, "−−with that terrible wound!"<br />

"Nothing will ever close that wound," he answered, with a sigh. "It must eat into her heart! Annihilation itself<br />

is no death to evil. Only good where evil was, is evil dead. An evil thing must live with its evil until it<br />

chooses to be good. That alone is the slaying of evil."<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong> 97

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