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The princess stood waiting me, in a robe embroidered with argentine rings and discs, rectangles and lozenges,<br />

close together−−a silver mail. It fell unbroken from her neck and hid her feet, but its long open sleeves left<br />

her arms bare.<br />

In the room was a table of ivory, bearing cakes and fruit, an ivory jug of milk, a crystal jug of wine of a pale<br />

rose−colour, and a white loaf.<br />

"Here we do not kill to eat," she said; "but I think you will like what I can give you."<br />

I told her I could desire nothing better than what I saw. She seated herself on a couch by the table, and made<br />

me a sign to sit by her.<br />

She poured me out a bowlful of milk, and, handing me the loaf, begged me to break from it such a piece as I<br />

liked. Then she filled from the wine−jug two silver goblets of grotesquely graceful workmanship.<br />

"You have never drunk wine like this!" she said.<br />

I drank, and wondered: every flower of Hybla and Hymettus must have sent its ghost to swell the soul of that<br />

wine!<br />

"And now that you will be able to listen," she went on, "I must do what I can to make myself intelligible to<br />

you. Our natures, however, are so different, that this may not be easy. Men and women live but to die; we,<br />

that is such as I−−we are but a few−−live to live on. Old age is to you a horror; to me it is a dear desire: the<br />

older we grow, the nearer we are to our perfection. Your perfection is a poor thing, comes soon, and lasts but<br />

a little while; ours is a ceaseless ripening. I am not yet ripe, and have lived thousands of your years−−how<br />

many, I never cared to note. The everlasting will not be measured.<br />

"Many lovers have sought me; I have loved none of them: they sought but to enslave me; they sought me but<br />

as the men of my city seek gems of price.−−When you found me, I found a man! I put you to the test; you<br />

stood it; your love was genuine!−−It was, however, far from ideal−−far from such love as I would have. You<br />

loved me truly, but not with true love. Pity has, but is not love. What woman of any world would return love<br />

for pity? Such love as yours was then, is hateful to me. I knew that, if you saw me as I am, you would love<br />

me−−like the rest of them−−to have and to hold: I would none of that either! I would be otherwise loved! I<br />

would have a love that outlived hopelessness, outmeasured indifference, hate, scorn! Therefore did I put on<br />

cruelty, despite, ingratitude. When I left you, I had shown myself such as you could at least no longer follow<br />

from pity: I was no longer in need of you! But you must satisfy my desire or set me free−−prove yourself<br />

priceless or worthless! To satisfy the hunger of my love, you must follow me, looking for nothing, not<br />

gratitude, not even pity in return!−−follow and find me, and be content with merest presence, with scantest<br />

forbearance!−− I, not you, have failed; I yield the contest."<br />

She looked at me tenderly, and hid her face in her hands. But I had caught a flash and a sparkle behind the<br />

tenderness, and did not believe her. She laid herself out to secure and enslave me; she only fascinated me!<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong><br />

"Beautiful princess," I said, "let me understand how you came to be found in such evil plight."<br />

"There are things I cannot explain," she replied, "until you have become capable of understanding<br />

them−−which can only be when love is grown perfect. There are many things so hidden from you that you<br />

cannot even wish to know them; but any question you can put, I can in some measure answer.<br />

"I had set out to visit a part of my dominions occupied by a savage dwarf−people, strong and fierce, enemies<br />

to law and order, opposed to every kind of progress−−an evil race. I went alone, fearing nothing, unaware of<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong> 83

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