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tumid bulges, glaring orbs of sepian deformity, would have looked to him innocence beside such incarnations<br />

of hatefulness−−every head the wicked flower that, bursting from an abominable stalk, perfected its evil<br />

significance.<br />

Not one of them moved as we passed. But they were not dead. So long as exist men and women of<br />

unwholesome mind, that lake will still be peopled with loathsomenesses.<br />

But hark the herald of the sun, the auroral wind, softly trumpeting his approach! The master−minister of the<br />

human tabernacle is at hand! Heaping before his prow a huge ripple−fretted wave of crimson and gold, he<br />

rushes aloft, as if new launched from the urging hand of his maker into the upper sea−−pauses, and looks<br />

down on the world. White−raving storm of molten metals, he is but a coal from the altar of the Father's<br />

never−ending sacrifice to his children. See every little flower straighten its stalk, lift up its neck, and with<br />

outstretched head stand expectant: something more than the sun, greater than the light, is coming, is<br />

coming−−none the less surely coming that it is long upon the road! What matters to−day, or to−morrow, or<br />

ten thousand years to Life himself, to Love himself! He is coming, is coming, and the necks of all humanity<br />

are stretched out to see him come! Every morning will they thus outstretch themselves, every evening will<br />

they droop and wait−−until he comes. −−Is this but an air−drawn vision? When he comes, will he indeed find<br />

them watching thus?<br />

It was a glorious resurrection−morning. The night had been spent in preparing it!<br />

The children went gamboling before, and the beasts came after us. Fluttering butterflies, darting dragon−flies<br />

hovered or shot hither and thither about our heads, a cloud of colours and flashes, now descending upon us<br />

like a snow−storm of rainbow flakes, now rising into the humid air like a rolling vapour of embodied odours.<br />

It was a summer−day more like itself, that is, more ideal, than ever man that had not died found summer−day<br />

in any world. I walked on the new earth, under the new heaven, and found them the same as the old, save that<br />

now they opened their minds to me, and I saw into them. Now, the soul of everything I met came out to greet<br />

me and make friends with me, telling me we came from the same, and meant the same. I was going to him,<br />

they said, with whom they always were, and whom they always meant; they were, they said, lightnings that<br />

took shape as they flashed from him to his. The dark rocks drank like sponges the rays that showered upon<br />

them; the great world soaked up the light, and sent out the living. Two joy−fires were Lona and I. Earth<br />

breathed heavenward her sweet−savoured smoke; we breathed homeward our longing desires. For<br />

thanksgiving, our very consciousness was that.<br />

We came to the channels, once so dry and wearyful: they ran and flashed and foamed with living water that<br />

shouted in its gladness! Far as the eye could see, all was a rushing, roaring, dashing river of water made vocal<br />

by its rocks.<br />

We did not cross it, but "walked in glory and in joy" up its right bank, until we reached the great cataract at<br />

the foot of the sandy desert, where, roaring and swirling and dropping sheer, the river divided into its two<br />

branches. There we climbed the height−−and found no desert: through grassy plains, between grassy banks,<br />

flowed the deep, wide, silent river full to the brim. Then first to the Little Ones was revealed the glory of God<br />

in the limpid flow of water. Instinctively they plunged and swam, and the beasts followed them.<br />

The desert rejoiced and blossomed as the rose. Wide forests had sprung up, their whole undergrowth<br />

flowering shrubs peopled with song−birds. Every thicket gave birth to a rivulet, and every rivulet to its<br />

water−song.<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong><br />

The place of the buried hand gave no sign. Beyond and still beyond, the river came in full volume from afar.<br />

Up and up we went, now along grassy margin, and now through forest of gracious trees. The grass grew<br />

sweeter and its flowers more lovely and various as we went; the trees grew larger, and the wind fuller of<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong> 157

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