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"This food will help thee to die," answered Eve.<br />

But <strong>Lilith</strong> would not taste of it.<br />

"If thou wilt nor eat nor drink, <strong>Lilith</strong>," said Adam, "come and see the place where thou shalt lie in peace."<br />

He led the way through the door of death, and she followed submissive. But when her foot crossed the<br />

threshold she drew it back, and pressed her hand to her bosom, struck through with the cold immortal.<br />

A wild blast fell roaring on the roof, and died away in a moan. She stood ghastly with terror.<br />

"It is he!" said her voiceless lips: I read their motion.<br />

"Who, princess!" I whispered.<br />

"The great Shadow," she murmured.<br />

"Here he cannot enter," said Adam. "Here he can hurt no one. Over him also is power given me."<br />

"Are the children in the house?" asked <strong>Lilith</strong>, and at the word the heart of Eve began to love her.<br />

"He never dared touch a child," she said. "Nor have you either ever hurt a child. Your own daughter you have<br />

but sent into the loveliest sleep, for she was already a long time dead when you slew her. And now Death<br />

shall be the atonemaker; you shall sleep together."<br />

"Wife," said Adam, "let us first put the children to bed, that she may see them safe!"<br />

He came back to fetch them. As soon as he was gone, the princess knelt to Eve, clasped her knees, and said,<br />

"Beautiful Eve, persuade your husband to kill me: to you he will listen! Indeed I would but cannot open my<br />

hand."<br />

"You cannot die without opening it. To kill you would not serve you," answered Eve. "But indeed he cannot!<br />

no one can kill you but the Shadow; and whom he kills never knows she is dead, but lives to do his will, and<br />

thinks she is doing her own."<br />

"Show me then to my grave; I am so weary I can live no longer. I must go to the Shadow−−yet I would not!"<br />

She did not, could not understand!<br />

She struggled to rise, but fell at the feet of Eve. The Mother lifted, and carried her inward.<br />

I followed Adam and Mara and the children into the chamber of death. We passed Eve with <strong>Lilith</strong> in her<br />

arms, and went farther in.<br />

"You shall not go to the Shadow," I heard Eve say, as we passed them. "Even now is his head under my<br />

heel!"<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong><br />

The dim light in Adam's hand glimmered on the sleeping faces, and as he went on, the darkness closed over<br />

them. The very air seemed dead: was it because none of the sleepers breathed it? Profoundest sleep filled the<br />

wide place. It was as if not one had waked since last I was there, for the forms I had then noted lay there still.<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong> 137

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