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choice and arrangement, never asking what I was fashioning, but evidently waiting expectant the result of my<br />

work. In a week or two it was finished−−a long loose mantle, to fasten at the throat and waist, with openings<br />

for the arms.<br />

I rose and put it on her. She rose, took it off, and laid it at my feet−−I imagine from a sense of propriety. I put<br />

it again on her shoulders, and showed her where to put her arms through. She smiled, looked at the feathers a<br />

little and stroked them−−again took it off and laid it down, this time by her side. When she left me, she<br />

carried it with her, and I saw no more of it for some days. At length she came to me one morning wearing it,<br />

and carrying another garment which she had fashioned similarly, but of the dried leaves of a tough evergreen.<br />

It had the strength almost of leather, and the appearance of scale−armour. I put it on at once, and we always<br />

thereafter wore those garments when on horseback.<br />

For, on the outskirts of the forest, had appeared one day a troop of full−grown horses, with which, as they<br />

were nowise alarmed at creatures of a shape so different from their own, I had soon made friends, and two of<br />

the finest I had trained for Lona and myself. Already accustomed to ride a small one, her delight was great<br />

when first she looked down from the back of an animal of the giant kind; and the horse showed himself proud<br />

of the burden he bore. We exercised them every day until they had such confidence in us as to obey instantly<br />

and fear nothing; after which we always rode them at parade and on the march.<br />

The undertaking did indeed at times appear to me a foolhardy one, but the confidence of the woman of<br />

Bulika, real or simulated, always overcame my hesitancy. The princess's magic, she insisted, would prove<br />

powerless against the children; and as to any force she might muster, our animal−allies alone would assure<br />

our superiority: she was herself, she said, ready, with a good stick, to encounter any two men of Bulika. She<br />

confessed to not a little fear of the leopardess, but I was myself ready for her. I shrank, however, from<br />

carrying ALL the children with us.<br />

"Would it not be better," I said, "that you remained in the forest with your baby and the smallest of the Little<br />

Ones?"<br />

She answered that she greatly relied on the impression the sight of them would make on the women,<br />

especially the mothers.<br />

"When they see the darlings," she said, "their hearts will be taken by storm; and I must be there encouraging<br />

them to make a stand! If there be a remnant of hardihood in the place, it will be found among the women!"<br />

"YOU must not encumber yourself," I said to Lona, "with any of the children; you will be wanted<br />

everywhere!"<br />

For there were two babies besides the woman's, and even on horseback she had almost always one in her<br />

arms.<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong><br />

"I do not remember ever being without a child to take care of," she answered; "but when we reach the city, it<br />

shall be as you wish!"<br />

Her confidence in one who had failed so unworthily, shamed me. But neither had I initiated the movement,<br />

nor had I any ground for opposing it; I had no choice, but must give it the best help I could! For myself, I was<br />

ready to live or die with Lona. Her humility as well as her trust humbled me, and I gave myself heartily to her<br />

purposes.<br />

Our way lying across a grassy plain, there was no need to take food for the horses, or the two cows which<br />

would accompany us for the infants; but the elephants had to be provided for. True, the grass was as good for<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong> 110

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