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Little Ones, from a crowd of children, speedily become a youthful people, whose government and influence<br />

would be all for righteousness? Ruling the wicked with a rod of iron, would they not be the redemption of the<br />

nation?<br />

At the same time, I have to confess that I was not without views of personal advantage, not without ambition<br />

in the undertaking. It was just, it seemed to me, that Lona should take her seat on the throne that had been her<br />

mother's, and natural that she should make of me her consort and minister. For me, I would spend my life in<br />

her service; and between us, what might we not do, with such a core to it as the Little Ones, for the<br />

development of a noble state?<br />

I confess also to an altogether foolish dream of opening a commerce in gems between the two<br />

worlds−−happily impossible, for it could have done nothing but harm to both.<br />

Calling to mind the appeal of Adam, I suggested to Lona that to find them water might perhaps expedite the<br />

growth of the Little Ones. She judged it prudent, however, to leave that alone for the present, as we did not<br />

know what its first consequences might be; while, in the course of time, it would almost certainly subject<br />

them to a new necessity.<br />

"They are what they are without it!" she said: "when we have the city, we will search for water!"<br />

We began, therefore, and pushed forward our preparations, constantly reviewing the merry troops and<br />

companies. Lona gave her attention chiefly to the commissariat, while I drilled the little soldiers, exercised<br />

them in stone−throwing, taught them the use of some other weapons, and did all I could to make warriors of<br />

them. The main difficulty was to get them to rally to their flag the instant the call was sounded. Most of them<br />

were armed with slings, some of the bigger boys with bows and arrows. The bigger girls carried aloe−spikes,<br />

strong as steel and sharp as needles, fitted to longish shafts−−rather formidable weapons. Their sole duty was<br />

the charge of such as were too small to fight.<br />

Lona had herself grown a good deal, but did not seem aware of it: she had always been, as she still was, the<br />

tallest! Her hair was much longer, and she was become almost a woman, but not one beauty of childhood had<br />

she outgrown. When first we met after our long separation, she laid down her infant, put her arms round my<br />

neck, and clung to me silent, her face glowing with gladness: the child whimpered; she sprang to him, and<br />

had him in her bosom instantly. To see her with any thoughtless, obstinate, or irritable little one, was to think<br />

of a tender grandmother. I seemed to have known her for ages−−for always−−from before time began! I<br />

hardly remembered my mother, but in my mind's eye she now looked like Lona; and if I imagined sister or<br />

child, invariably she had the face of Lona! My every imagination flew to her; she was my heart's wife! She<br />

hardly ever sought me, but was almost always within sound of my voice. What I did or thought, I referred<br />

constantly to her, and rejoiced to believe that, while doing her work in absolute independence, she was most<br />

at home by my side. Never for me did she neglect the smallest child, and my love only quickened my sense of<br />

duty. To love her and to do my duty, seemed, not indeed one, but inseparable. She might suggest something I<br />

should do; she might ask me what she ought to do; but she never seemed to suppose that I, any more than she,<br />

would like to do, or could care about anything except what must be done. Her love overflowed upon me−−not<br />

in caresses, but in a closeness of recognition which I can compare to nothing but the devotion of a divine<br />

animal.<br />

I never told her anything about her mother.<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong><br />

The wood was full of birds, the splendour of whose plumage, while it took nothing from their song, seemed<br />

almost to make up for the lack of flowers−−which, apparently, could not grow without water. Their glorious<br />

feathers being everywhere about in the forest, it came into my heart to make from them a garment for Lona.<br />

While I gathered, and bound them in overlapping rows, she watched me with evident appreciation of my<br />

<strong>Lilith</strong> 109

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