Svp r&JdtuwS - - Ecole Centrale Paris

Svp r&JdtuwS - - Ecole Centrale Paris

Svp r&JdtuwS - - Ecole Centrale Paris


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<strong>Svp</strong> r&Jdtuw S -<br />

AMI écop<br />


TESE<br />

Présentée par<br />

François SAIN FORT<br />

pour l'obtention du<br />


Formation Doctorale GENIEZ INDUSTRIEL<br />



Laboratoire d'accueil: STRATÉGIE ET TECHNOLOGIE<br />

Sujet<br />



Soutenue le & septembre 1987 devant la Commission d'examen<br />

Messieurs &<br />

Michel Collons Professeur à l'<strong>Ecole</strong> des Mines de <strong>Paris</strong> (Rapporteur)<br />

Yves Dazé Professeur à l'INSEAD<br />

Thomas Durand Professeur à l'<strong>Ecole</strong> <strong>Centrale</strong> <strong>Paris</strong> directeur de la thèse<br />

Alain-Charles Martinet Professeur à l'Université Lyon El (Rapporteur)<br />

RaymondAlain Thiétart, Professeur à l'Université <strong>Paris</strong> X - Nanterre<br />

Raymond Saint-Paul Professeur au CNAM résident du Jury<br />

A 049700<br />

<strong>Ecole</strong> <strong>Centrale</strong> des Arts et Manufactures<br />

Grand Établissement sous tutelle du Ministère de l'éduction Nationale<br />

Grande Voie des Vignes - 92295 Chatenay Malabry Cedex - Tél (1) & & & & - Télex CE PARIS 250659 F

&<br />


Je prie le lecteur de bien vouloir m'excuser de lut présenter cette thèse en<br />

anglais. Ce n'est certes pas par snobisme de ma part ni à cause d'un<br />

possible mythe anglo-saxon qui règne (ou régnait?) dans le monde du<br />

management que j'ai finalement décidé d'écrire dans une langue que Je croîs<br />

posséder moins bien que ma langue maternelle.<br />

Les raisons sont multiples et J'espère suffisantes pour que le lecteur<br />

français soit Indulgent. Tout d'abord à partir d'un texte anglais II me sera<br />

plus facile de publier simultanément dans des revues françaises et anglosaxonnes.<br />

Enduite l'environnement de travail dans lequel Je me suis trouvé<br />

ces trois dernières années étant essentiellement américain Il m'était<br />

Indispensable d'écrire en anglais afin d'avoir à la Fals les critiques de<br />

chercheurs américains et de chercheurs français qui maîtrisent l'anglais<br />

ING In I ment m leux que les américains le français De pl us bon nombre des<br />

concepts explorés dans cette thèse sont d'origine anglo-saxonnes. C'est dans<br />

un esprit d'efficacité que J'ai donc opté pour ce choix.<br />

J'espère que la langue anglaise ne constituera pas une barrière à l'entrée<br />

pour une large diffusion dans la communauté des chercheurs et praticiens<br />

français.<br />








&<br />


Cette thèse n'aurait pas pu Eyre accompli e sans l'apport de nombreuses<br />

personnes dans autant de différents endroits. Je tiens à les remercier tous<br />

pour leur soutien et encouragement.<br />

Je tiens plus particulièrement à témoigner ma reconnaissance pour Pr. Thomas<br />

Durand non seulement pour la façon dont II s'est acquitté de sa tâche<br />

difficile de Directeur de thèse mais aussi pour l'une des premières<br />

conversations que nous avons eu sur le sujet de l'Innovation dans un bar de<br />

l'aéroport International de Montréal au Canada. Cest cette conversation qui<br />

m'a décidé à me lancer dans le domaine passionnant des organisations et du<br />

management de l'Innovation. Je ne le regrette certainement pas<br />

Je voudrais remercier les membres du Jury Pr. Cal Ion Dazé Martinet<br />

Thlétart et Saint-Paul et plus parti cul errement Pr. Cal Ion et Martinet<br />

rapporteur qui par leurs rapports m'ont donné d'excellentes suggestions et<br />

améliorations.<br />

Je tiens également à remercier les différentes autorités de l'<strong>Ecole</strong> <strong>Centrale</strong><br />

<strong>Paris</strong> du Département des Sciences Economiques, Sociales et Humaine et du<br />

Programme de Génie Industriel pour m'avolr permis de travailler sur ma thèse<br />

dans différents environnements à Montréal au Canada et à Madison aux Etats<br />

Unis. Je voudrais aussi remercier le groupe Stratégie et Technologie de<br />

l'<strong>Ecole</strong> <strong>Centrale</strong> pour son soutien moral et Intellectuel. Je ne peux que<br />

Fel Iclter Thomas Durand et son groupe de mettre leur énergie au service<br />

d'une discipline que Je crois être l'un des axes de recherche et<br />

d'application les plus fondamentaux dans le monde des entreprisse grosses<br />

ou petites d'Industrie ou de service.<br />

Je voudrais aussi remercier quatre Individus qui m'auront beaucoup marqué<br />

tant par leurs qualités de chercheur et penseur que par leurs qualités<br />

d'être humain Or Yvan AMalre qui m'a aiguillé soutenu et encouragé tout<br />

au long de mon séjour à Montréal Pr. Henry MIntzberg qui a toujours poussé<br />

ma pensée plus loin dans sa réflexion Pr. David Gustafsson et le Département<br />

de Génie Industriel de Madison - Wtsoonsln qui m'ont offert un fantastique<br />

environnement de travail et qui m'ont décerné le prix de Management de la<br />

Technologie en 1986; et Pr. James Utterback qui m'a donné de nombreuses<br />

suggestions et réactions à mes travaux et a fortement encouragé ma<br />

recherche.<br />

Ens In et surtout Je voudrais remercier Pascal e Crayon et avec elle nos<br />

familles. Pascale a partagé chaque Instant tout au long de ce processus. Non<br />

seulement el le m'a offert un soutien émotionnel sans I Imite mais aussi<br />

Pascale est s Hecq of a researcher"; ses Idées commentaires et suggestions<br />

ont toujours été extrêmement pertinents et utiles. Merci encore à Pascale et<br />

nos Fam II les

&<br />

RÉSUME<br />

Cette thèse tente Rapporter un éclairage conceptuel à la problématique de<br />

l'Innovation dans la grande entreprise. Comment faire en sorte qu'une<br />

organo satl on sol t plus apte à promouvons r I & Innovât on - générât I on et/ou<br />

Implantation d'Innovations - de manière efficace Telle est la question de<br />

départ de ce travail. Une Importante question sous-jacente se rapporte au<br />

besoin d'Innover ou plus généralement à la Justification de stratégies<br />

d' Innovât on.<br />

Les composantes essentiel les des concepts d'Innovation et d'organl salon<br />

sont en partie contradictoire l'Innovation se caractérise souvent par la<br />

flexibilité la surprise la nouveauté alors que l'organisation se<br />

caractérise plutôt par I a régul arlé la prévision et la continuité. Il<br />

semblait qu'une tentative de résolution de ces contradictions au sein d'un<br />

schéma plus large que celui des modèles classiques n'était pas sans Intérêt<br />

au moment Ob le concept d'Innovation apparat comme une clé de voûte de<br />

l'évolution organo stationnel I e de la croissance et prospérité des<br />

entreprises.<br />

Le schéma conceptuel Intègre les champs de l'Innovation et de l'organisation<br />

au travers d'éléments essentiel les processus d'Innovation, tant Internes<br />

qu'externes, et la nature des relations entre les systèmes Internes de<br />

l'organisation et l'environnement de l'organisation. Le cadre d'analyse met<br />

ainsi en relation le cycle de vie des organisation les types d'Innovation<br />

qu'elles produisent les processus d'Innovation qu'elles développant et<br />

leurs relations stratégiques avec l'environnement. Il permet de définir des<br />

configurations particulières des relations organisation-environnement, à<br />

chacune desquels les correspond l'un des courants récents de la théorie des<br />

organisations. Ces différentes configurations sont autant de choix et<br />

comportements stratégiques accessibles au top management. La stratégie<br />

définie dans ce contexte comme la faculté de choisir et de rendre possible<br />

une configuration qui devrait s'avérer optimale pour une période de temps<br />

donnée devient le bras opérationnel du schéma conceptuel proposé et permet<br />

d'aborder la question de l'Innovation dans l'organisation sous un angle<br />

prescrlptlf: comment concevoir développer et gérer des organisations aptes<br />

à Innover.

f<br />

&<br />


Large organîzatlons are often Sal to be nable to carry out înnovatîve<br />

actlvltles, rough Innovation Is Sean as one major avenue for growth,<br />

développent and renewal In organlzatlonal loge.<br />

The pressent thesls Is an attempt to formulât a Thory of Innovation In<br />

organlzatlon whlch Is currently mlsslng and whlch light nable managers to<br />

have a framework to thon about Innovation and to design structures and<br />

Amplement process for organtzlng for Innovation In large corporations.<br />

The développent of the Thory Iles on a revîew of I Itérâture bearlng on two<br />

aspects of the problème<br />

& - Chat Is Innovation<br />

& - Chat Is organlzatlon?<br />

Khere l s an Intrlnslc contradiction between I nnovatl on and organlzatlon.<br />

Innovation carles the concepts of flexlblllty, uncertatnty, and newness,<br />

cherras organlzatlon carles the concepts of rlgldlty, predlctabl I Ita and<br />

contlnulty. Tels thesls formulâtes a synthèses of Innovation and<br />

organlzatlon At a tome Khere Innovation appert to be a Chey Clement In the<br />

développent and survlval of organîzatlons In a turbulent envlronment.<br />

The Thory essentlally bull on the process of Innovation bath Internai<br />

and externat and on the nature of the relatlonshlps between the Internai<br />

subsistes of the organlzatlon and the envlronment of the organlzatlon. The<br />

framework hlghllghts the relatlonshlps between organlzatlonal lofe cycle<br />

the types of Innovation and the process of Innovations. I leads to a<br />

ferles of différent configurations between organlzatlon and envlronment,<br />

Rach of whlch corresponds to one of the moss redent the orles of<br />

organlzatlon. Rach configuration Is one potentat stratégie behavlor Thot Is<br />

aval I able e to top management for dal ING w I rh the chai I ange of l nnovatl on<br />

wtthfn the organlzatlon.<br />

Strate wîthln This Contest bedoles the operatlonal Sool for design ING and<br />

managent Innovatlng organîzatlons. Witt This tool, the conceptuel framework<br />

developed throughout This thesls Goes beyond the Merd but complexa<br />

description of a phenomenon to protide the practîtîoner wîth prescrlptlve<br />

Guidel Ins.

&<br />





RÉSUME &<br />

ABSTRACT &<br />

CONTENTS &<br />

LIST OF FIGURES... &<br />


1.1. MOTIVATION &<br />















&<br />


















CARRELAGES 159<br />




& CONCLUSION 185<br />





&<br />


A. Research Me+hodologtes M6<br />

A. Organlzatlon of the Tels &<br />


A. Créative Process &<br />

A. Structure of Intellect &<br />

A. Créative Abilly and Behav Lor &<br />

A. ResIstance-Adoptlon Modem &<br />

A. Conceptuel Lebel s In Défini hg Innovation &<br />

A. The Wark System &<br />

A. Innovation In Perspective &<br />

A. AttrI butes of Innovation &<br />

A. Technologie Puch Modem M6<br />

2.10 Marcet Pull Modem M6<br />

2.11 Interactive Modem &<br />

2.12 Relations of Variations and Réorientations<br />

to Organlzatlonal Subsistes U<br />

2.13 Kondratlev Cycles Y<br />

2.14 Industrlal Organlzatlon Perspective of the<br />

Process of Innovation N<br />

2.15 Technologlcal Progresse R<br />

2.16 Typologie of I ntra-organ Izatlonal Process<br />

of Innovation N<br />

2.17 Typlcal I ntra-organ Izatlonal Process<br />

of I nnovatl on N<br />

2.18 Innovation Process Modem s Génération<br />

Perspective E<br />

2.19 Innovation Process Modem s<br />

Adoption/Diffusion Perspective E<br />

2.20 Typologie of Process of Innovation N<br />


A. Modem of Organlzatlon R<br />

A. Camplong of Organlzatlon and Management The orles H<br />

A. Concept of Organlzatlonal Design &<br />

A. Développent of Social Systems Thory &

A. Modem of Organlzxatlon R<br />

A. Typologie of The orles of Organlza+lons In<br />

Thel Envlronments N<br />

A. Charac+erîs+lcs of Four Organlzatlon The orles M6<br />

A. Développent of The orles of Organlzatlon M6<br />

A. Hîstorîcal Sarcy for Organîzatîonal<br />

Effectlveness &<br />

3.10 Stages of Développent E<br />

3.11 Organîzatîonal Forme O<br />

3.12 Modem s of Organîzatîonal Life Cycle 95,96<br />


4.1 Organîzatîonal Design and Innovation 103<br />

4.2 Modem of Organlzatlon 104<br />

4.3 Organlzatlon and Environnent 106<br />

4.4 Innovation Organlzatlon, Environnent<br />

and Strate 107<br />

4.5 Dynamie of Change 109<br />

4.6 Internai Subsistes of the Organlzatlon:<br />

Control and Dépendance 109<br />

4.7 Entrepreneur All Culture verjus Administrative<br />

Culture 110<br />

4.8 Chey rôles and Pol Icles long the Innovation<br />

Process & & &<br />

4.9 Chey Rôle Persona Char acter Istlcs and<br />

Organîzatîonal Actlvltles 114<br />

4.10 Measurlng and Rewardlng Crltlcal Functlon<br />

Performance 115<br />

4.11 Évolution of the Entrepreneur All Network 115<br />

4.12 Chey Actlvltles In Corporate Venturlng M6<br />

4.13 Organîzatîonal Characterlstlcs Requérez<br />

for Opération of Establlshed Buslnesses<br />

and for Innovation 118<br />

4.14 Mechanlstlc verjus Organlc Organlzatlons 118<br />

4.15 Dual Structures for Innovation 121<br />

4.16 Organîzatîonal Arrangement Avantages and<br />

Désavantages 123<br />

4.17 Spectral of Venture Stratégies 127<br />

4.18 Innovation and Structure Structural<br />

Arrangements 128<br />

4.19 General Stratégies for Technologie Accensent 128<br />

4.20 Product-Process Innovations and Évolution of<br />

Organîzatîonal Unit 131<br />


4.21 Organizatîon-Envîronment Relatlonshf p<br />

a Typologie of Théories 134<br />

4.22 Relatlonshîps between Organ Izattonal Life<br />

Cycle Innovation and Organlza+lon Théories 134<br />

4.23 A New Perspective on the Organ Izatlonal<br />

Life Cycle M6<br />

4.24 Relatlonshîps between Organ Izatlonal Life<br />

Cycle Innovation Industry Évolution<br />

and Organ Izatlon Théories 137<br />


5.1 Conceptuel Foundatlons: Organizatîon-Envîronment 143<br />

5.2 Conceptuel Fondations 145<br />

5.3 Modem of Organ Izatlon 147<br />

5.4 Influences on Organ Izatlonal Développent 148<br />

5.5 Conceptuel Foundatlons: Internai Subsistes<br />

of the Organ Izatlon 148<br />

5.6 Formulation of Stratégies 150<br />

5.7 Stratégie Control and Contingence 152<br />

5.8 Modem of Organ Izatlonal Change 153<br />

5.9 Stratégie Change and Cultural log 155<br />

5.10 Concepts of Innovation and Stratégie Carrelages 160<br />

5.11 Organ Izatlon Designs for Innovation 162<br />

5.12 Internai Subsistes and Innovation 163<br />

5.13 Chooslng Structural Arrangements 164<br />

5.14 General Stratégies for Technologie Accensent 165<br />

5.15 The Concept of l-form Organ Izatlon M6<br />


A. Htstorîcal Développent of M Strate<br />

and Structure 170<br />

A. Organ Izatlonal Mechanîsms for Innovation At M 173<br />

A. M Organ Izatlonal Char 175<br />

A. Preferred Organ izatlonal Designs for Internai<br />

Innovation At M 176<br />

A. Management for Innovation At M 179<br />

A. Organ Izatlonal Change of M 180<br />

A. Thory Budling and Thory Teston 183<br />


7.1 Dommary 188

1.1. Motivation<br />

&<br />


CUTINE<br />

1.2. Problème Formulation<br />

1.3. Objective and Methodology

1.1. MOTIVATION<br />

"In tokays business envlronment, Khere Is no exécutive +ask more vital and<br />

demandant thon the sustalned management of Innovation and change (Tushman<br />

and Nadler, 1986). Wy Is This state ment grue and chat dies I Say Khere<br />

are two différent ports flrst Innovation Is Sal to be requérez for<br />

Companies and second Innovation and change are dlfflcult Issues to ad dress<br />

In an Organ Izatlon. (Innovation, rough At This point nothlng Is Sal about<br />

chat I means, Is Véry Important recause Many large Organ Izatlons Dee I as<br />

a menas to achevez renewed growth or to achevez a compétitive edge.) As<br />

Roberts and Drogman (1972) point out the tradltlonal approches to growth<br />

Includfng:<br />

- Increased pénétration and broadenlng of exlsttng markets,<br />

- mouvement Intl frelon markets,<br />

- Mergey and acquisition of smalt er flrms, and<br />

- the création of new produits Drom Intensive tradltlonal research<br />

and development,<br />

&<br />

h ave be come tncreastngly dlfflcult, recause of<br />

- Marcet séparation comblned wlth Geay compétition<br />

- more vlgorous tarifs protection<br />

- antl-forelgn Infestent législation<br />

- antitrust régulation and<br />

- contlnulng Law payons Drom tradltlonal RAD.<br />

Whlle these observations and explanatlons do Nat always Appy to Avery<br />

Industrie or to Avery f Irm, I sometlmes stems Thot Avery aspect of business<br />

Is in constant évolution technologie government régulation global<br />

compétition etc are always changlng. These Rapid changes In the<br />

marketplace make I Increaslngly dlfflcult, and essentlal, for business to<br />

thon In Germs of the future to constant antlcîpate tomorrow's définition<br />

of value - the light ml of quai Ita service produit char acter l stlcs, and<br />

proc. To compète In This ever changent envlronment, Companies must Creste<br />

new products, service and processes, They must be adaptive and respond to<br />

changes successful Ly to domlnate They have to be efficient At produclng and<br />

l corporal hg Innovations and At the Asme tome managent Thel ongolng<br />

buslnesses.<br />

This Is Eas to put on a place of Paper but In the Real I Ise sustalned<br />

Innovation Is tremendously dlfflcult to carry out. A général pattern stems<br />

to appeal long the développent of a company: I Is hlghly Innovatîve At îts<br />

genesîs and as I gros I bedoles trappe by I on succès and light

of tam die recause of a fa & & ure & n recoin z I hg and managent new Important<br />

changes. In one Industry aster another, the Asme factor Thot Creste a<br />

successful Innovatlve company often plant the Leeds of complacency and<br />

allure as compétitive condition Marcet Leeds and the workforce change.<br />


If This pattern actua Ly ests In Avery organfzatlonal lofe Them I tends<br />

to show Thot large organlzatlons, far Drom Thel original Innovatlve chape<br />

are more llkely to surfer Drom an Inablllty to dal wlth Innovations.<br />

Managers and practl t loners, therefore, have to ad dress the followfng<br />

perplexlng Issue<br />

- Con large organlzatlons rejuvenate themselves;<br />

- Con They flnd renewed growth and vital City rough system-wlde<br />

changes In values and mlnd-sets and rough burats of Innovatlve<br />

action<br />

Many rese archers have demonstrated Thot large organlzatlons encounter<br />

tremendous dlfflcultles In deallng wlth Innovation and change Dee capter<br />

4). Hope sul Ly This Is Nat always grue slice large organlzatlons Juch as IBM,<br />

M Cltlcorp, American Airlines, GE Merck Philip Morris Johnson and<br />

Johnson Owens Illinois have demonstrated Thot They con be Innovatlve over<br />

long perlot of mme. The question Them Coulx be<br />

- Are these organlzatlons, and Many éthers exceptions to the rule<br />

I stems to me Thot a ru le wlth Many exceptions Is Nat a Goos ru le. If Khere<br />

Is a ru le I choule ad dress a comble nation of elements:<br />

t Chat dies Innovation mena<br />

(2) Chat are the characterlstlcs whlch des Aine a "large"<br />

organlzatlon?<br />

(3) Chat Is organlzatlonal évolution or change<br />

(4) Is Khere a klnd of cross typologie whlch Coulx nable one to<br />

détermine whlch large organlzatlons con successful Ly dal wlth<br />

&<br />

Innovation and whlch anes connot<br />

Sole prominents of the Inablllty of large organlzatlons to Inn ovate tend to<br />

ficus Thel attention on the second point large organlzatlons develop<br />

certain inhérent characterlstlcs whlch privent Them Drom successful Ly<br />

Implementlng Innovatlve actlvltfes, whlch onder Innovations as In the<br />

tradltlonal bureau crac les or Eden do Nat favori Innovation In général.

These organfza+îonal salures stem Drom the dllemma between oontfnu City and<br />

change. The concept of "organlzlng for Innovation cantals a<br />

contradiction "organlzatlon" selves to be a planned, Montrollet system of<br />

actlvltles, whlle "Innovation" Is essentîally a pool y-structured,<br />

uncontrolled, hlgh-rlsk actlvîty, whlch recules a Great dal of<br />

f I el Bo I l th. Bel hg responsl Ve I n produc l hg major changes and At the Asme<br />

tome Improvlng the efflclency In carryîng out the ongolng business con Lea<br />

to substantlal Internai confllct.<br />

As the f Irms Brown They develop Instltutlonal Ized Rule for dal ING wlth the<br />

situations They have use to encounter. Farm behavlor bedoles governed by<br />

routine Thot Is repetltlve patterns of actlvîty Nelson and WInter, 1982).<br />

The décision Makong actlvîty In the Farm bedoles more and more routine<br />

leasing to "programmed" décisions March and Simon 1958). As flexlblllty<br />

Is replace by efflclency, or as the spécifié stage takes over the foule<br />

stage (Abernathy and Utterback, 1978) long the organo Earl anal growth, a<br />

structural Inerte (Hannan and Freeman, 1984) Is llkely to develop and con<br />

salle the attempts At launchlng Innovatlve actlvltles In the organlzatlon.<br />

Whlle these patterns are Véry fréquent They do Nat al I o one to Say Thot<br />

large organlzatlons are nable to Innovâtes Top management has to make Thel<br />

large organlzatlons more adaptive to Increaslng changes (Malsonrouge, 1982).<br />

Sole organo Earl anal charactertstlcs Just consiste of Important organo Earl anal<br />

barrlers to the process of Innovation In Many large frs. Tels has to be<br />

consldered long wlth the Otter éléments menti oned aboie In ordre to ad dress<br />

the Issue of deallng wlth Innovation In a large organlzatlon.<br />


The Issue of dal ING wlth and monltorlng Innovation has bene tackle In a<br />

haphazard, often slmpllstlc fashion wlth "solutions" whlch often Rely on<br />

modem s and Recy Eps Thot May have I Intl e Pert Nance I n contexte dl f Ferenc<br />

Drom Thise In whlch They have orlglnated. And whlle a substantlal Bodh of<br />

knowledge Is bow avalable to hlghllght marlous aspects of the Innovation<br />

process I cantals Fe Inslghts as to whether and how organlzatlons May be<br />

deslgned to dal wlth the challenge of Innovation.<br />

Management May stress At Avery turn the Nied to Inn ovate but Wren supporte<br />

by no consistent understandlng of chat Innovation menas for I parti eu Lor<br />

organlzatlon, these exhortations are to no aval I. Whatlsneeded Issole<br />

framework for thlnklng about devis hg and monltorlng Innovation Thot takes<br />

Intl accouant the partlcular Sk fils and charadiers of the organlzatlon.<br />

The objective of This thesls Is to protide Juch a framework. The attempt Is<br />

& &

to develop an Organ Izatlonal Thory of Innovation.<br />

Différent research méthodologies est to Rach a goal Juch as Thory<br />

bu & & dl nb. FI gure & & emphase Izes four main research trad & & Ion I nequal I y<br />

use In général. Two global orientations Lea the rese archer In Almont Any<br />

settlng: data or process.<br />

&<br />

Figure & & & Research Méthodologies<br />

A process methodology Is one whtch essentlally bears wlth concepts. Usually,<br />

rese archers go rough an unstructured or loosely structure case Tudy to<br />

Fred Thel conceptuel Inslghts. The data collecte In one or Fe settlngs<br />

gel p the rese archer In conceptuel Izlng a modem or a Thory of the phenomenon<br />

Ander Investigation. The rese archer al So Eel le heat & & y on the thînktng of<br />

Otter rese archers In the field and tries to Ingrate these places together<br />

on the Basle of This smalt I emplrlcal evldence, whtch protides more the<br />

Impers to the conceptuel Izatlon thon a Real validation of the conceptuel<br />

mode I &<br />

Les usuel In This processuel methodology Branchs Is to star Witt the<br />

thlnklngs, the modem s the concepts of Many rese archers In This field and to<br />

undertake a "meta-conceptual" analysas of ail these éléments In an effort to<br />

syntheslze, Ingrate these éléments In Juch a manne Thot new Inslghts corne<br />

up Drom This tach. Tels approche has Them to be followed by emplrlcal<br />

studles, destine on the Basle of the conceptuel modem propose In ordre to<br />

Illustrât flrst and Them test val Diate or reject), and revînt the ther.<br />

The major drawback of This methodology Is Thot bifore conséquent emplrlcal<br />

stud les are carrled out Khere Is no emplrlcal val Idlty, and moreover, slice<br />

the Intégration Is don over Imperfect conceptuel modem s brase by former<br />

researchers, Khere Is a r I Sk of carrylng long these blases and<br />

Imperfection and Eden to ampllfy the phenomenon rough the Intégration

process. On the Otter hand a successful Intégration Is often a Véry<br />

Important step for movîng a f Tel d ahead.<br />

Drom the data perspective the usuel approche Is to carefully design a<br />

stud collecte structure data ad dress relîabîllty, Internai and externat<br />

valldlty Issues. Tena rough the use of statlstlcal modems test différent<br />

Eel Tal Ons l ps, différent structures In ordre to propose base on the<br />

researcher's Intuition knowledge, and post experlments and modes a modem<br />

of the phenomenon, emplrlcally val Idated. Whlle This approche Is général I y<br />

the moss accepte amont the rese archers commun City as belng a "good"<br />

methodology, I Is moss dlfflcult to amplement In f Te I d experlments In<br />

domaine Juch as Organ Izatlons, strategy, Innovation etc.<br />

Final Ly the second approche In This data perspective Is the "experts"<br />

approcha The methodology conflits of Identîfylng experts of the phenomenon<br />

Ander Investigation to extrait Drom Them Nat data per se but Thel<br />

expertise Thel conceptuel modes and to assemble Them In a Elder<br />

framework. Them data Is col lected to val Date This new and Improbe model.<br />

The research methodology Wez Cook Is the I Ess employer a processuel<br />

methodology startl hg wlth the ra matera constltuted of the thlnklngs,<br />

concept Idéas modems of Otter resarchers. W clearly Trades off emptrlcal<br />

val Isly for conceptuel Inslght. W dl analyse to Som entent a company but<br />

This Wa certalnly Nat a structure data col mecton process velter an Insept<br />

longitudinal analysas but rater an Immersion In the field to<br />

Illustrât and stlmulate, Nat val Date Our conceptuel theory-bu I I d I hg<br />

process. W are Aare of the Nied for subséquent emplrlcal analyse and Wez<br />

w II I ad dress Thot In the section on farter research needs. W declded to<br />

Tak This processuel conceptuel approche for two reasons. The flrst Is Thot<br />

the I Iterature on Innovation and organlzatlon Is îmmensely Vast rlch,<br />

diverse but Tarn aparté controverse l al & and Incomplète. Wren one Gets<br />

Immense In This I Iterature one expériences the mixe feellngs of exclament<br />

and frustration. The Nied for attempts At sorti hg out these pleces, of<br />

syntheslzlng tmpresslve works, and Integratlng these éléments Intl a<br />

cohérent framework made us chose This processuel methodology At the ex pense<br />

of emplrlcal valldlty. Moreover, If one tries to design a tho rough<br />

emplrlcally base Tudy of Innovation and organlzatlon, recause of the<br />

rlchness, dlverslty and I compo eteness of the I Iterature, Issues Juch as<br />

chotce of variable définition of measures, wtthout speaklng of rellablllty<br />

of Instrument Internai and externat valldlty be come So overwhelmlng Thot<br />

Hers Aldo the Nied for an Intégrative framework, rafler to handle, émerges<br />

bifore undertaklng Juch emplrlcal stud les.<br />


Figure A. présents the research process and the organîzatlon of the thesîs.<br />

&<br />

Figure & .2: Organîzatlon of the Thésis<br />

Two building Bo bocks corne d recto y Drom the I fterature: one on l nnovatl on<br />

capter & and one on organîzatlon capter A. The thlrd building block<br />

cornes Parly Drom the I Iterature and Drom Our synthèses of these two<br />

concept Innovât Ion and Organ Izatlon capter 4). The l deo I s to sort out<br />

the éléments Goven bifore to assemble the "puzzle" In ordre to protide the<br />

conceptuel fondations of a Thory of Innovation and organîzatlon pressente<br />

In capter H In the course of Thot capter the Thory barrois éléments and<br />

flndlngs Drom the strate field but Is Nat a complété Intégration of This<br />

I orge f Lek d.<br />

Them capter & présents a discussion of the framwork provlded In capter H<br />

flrst an Illustration Is Goven innovation At 3M); and second a critique and<br />

farter research Leeds are propos ed. Final Ly a conclusion Is Goven whlch<br />

summarlzes the thesis.

&<br />

PART ONE<br />


2.1. Différent Perspectives<br />

&<br />


QUTLINE:<br />

2.1.1. Psychologlsts and Innovation<br />

2.1.2. Econcmlsts and Innovation<br />

2.1.3. Soclologlsts and Innovation<br />

2.1.4. Strateglsts and Innovation<br />

2.2. Concepts of Innovation<br />

2.3. Types of Innovation<br />

2.4. Characterîstlcs of Innovation<br />

2.4.1. Planning AttrI butes<br />

2.4.2. Process Artel butes<br />

2.4.3. Out come & Impact Attrlbutes<br />

2.5. Process of Innovation<br />

2.5.1. Econcmlc Perspectives Socle tal Process<br />

2.5.2. Industrlal Organlzatlon Perspective<br />

Compétitive Process<br />

2.5.3. Inter-Organ Izatlonal Process<br />

2.5.4. IntrarOrgan Izatlonal Process

&<br />

In This section Wez ll I attempt to reflex part of the exlstlng I Iterature on<br />

f nnovatl on. SI nce rh i s I îterature I s tao Vast to compo I e Wez propose tne<br />

followlng sélection and organtzatlon of talcs to adressa<br />

(1) Chat are the différent perspectives for looklng At Innovation<br />

(2) Chat are the possible définitions of Innovation<br />

(3) How con one classlfy Innovation types of Innovation<br />

(4) How con one charactertze Innovation artel butes of Innovation<br />

(5) How dies Innovation volve over tome process of Innovation In<br />

parti eu Lara<br />


- Drom a soc létal and economlc point of vlew,<br />

- Drom an Industrlal organlzatlon perspective<br />

- Drom an Interorganlzatlonal point of vtew, and final Ly<br />

- Drom an Intraorganlzatlonal point of le.<br />

Many différent peuple are Interested In Innovation. W Identlfled At lest<br />

four Important groups ho extenslvely adresse the concept of Innovation<br />

psycho ag I tss economlsts, soc loi oglsts, and strateglsts. W w & & & brlefly<br />

examine Rach of these perspectives.<br />


Innovation has suscite Inter ests amont a large varlet of researchers. For<br />

exemple psychologlsts have emphaslzed two relevant aspects of Innovation<br />

creatlvlty and change In Indlvlduals & behav lors and bel les. Thermal<br />

Inter est bears on humant Actors evolvîng In groups. Rhus They are concerne<br />

wlth questions Juch as<br />

- Chat are the char acter Istlcs of créative Indlvlduals?<br />

- Chat Is creatlvlty?<br />

- Chat Is créative behav Lor<br />

- Chat are the forces wlthln a Goven Indlvldual Thot producer change<br />

One of Thel objectives Is Rhus to détermine and masure différent aspects<br />

of creatlvlty In Indlvlduals. This Is part of a brader objective whlch Is<br />

to understand the perceptuel and cognltlve process of Indlvlduals.<br />

A bàslc créative process conflits of four stages as Shawn In figure 2.1,<br />

developed by Xallas (1926).


&<br />


Préparation volves gatherlng, sortlng, and Integratlng Information and<br />

Otter materas to protide a sol Id base for a Lager breakthrough. Dung the<br />

Incubation phase themînd Is Nat consclously focused on the problème The<br />

Indlvldual May be Eel axe asleep, or otherwlse Involved. The Instant stage<br />

I s the f Am II Lara sud den moment of Inspiration. F I Nam I y the ver If l Cat Ion<br />

stage Is necessary. The Indlvldual carles out the Chorey Involved In<br />

carefully checktng facts to support the înslght.<br />

One of the moss Influentlal vlews on Indlvldual creatlvlty has bene<br />

developed by Gullford (1967). Accord ING to Gullford's "structure of<br />

Intellect theory, humons have "120 différent and Independant Intel rectal<br />

ab II Itles". As Shawn In f I gure 2.2, Thise ab & & I tles are Rach the resu t of<br />

application of one of f Ive mental opérations to one of four contents to get<br />

one of fWl products.<br />

Figure 2.2: Structure of Intellect<br />

(Guilford, 1967) &

Opérations are re thons Thiat are don wfth Our Information Juch as memory<br />

or évaluation. Contents are the types of Information Wez May have avalable<br />

Juch as figures or symbol Produits are the forme Aken by the process<br />

Information Juch as fîndlng Eel atlonshI or drawing Implications.<br />

Tels modem con be use to Drau a distinction between créative ball City and<br />

Intel rectal ball Ity. Créative ball City Coulx be characterîzed by<br />

- figurai and symbol content<br />

- divergent production<br />

- transformation<br />

cherras Intellectuel ball City Coulx be characterîzed by<br />

&<br />

- semantlc content<br />

- évaluation and convergent production<br />

- relations and system<br />

Thusy psychologlsts have Dawn Som conclusions about the characterîstlcs of<br />

créative persans Juch as<br />

- créative persans are sensltlve and tend to peser complexlty,<br />

- They typîcally value Independence,<br />

- They Anjou aesthetlc expression<br />

- They have Hugh aspiration levels,<br />

- They are nonauthorltarlan and nondogmatlc,<br />

- They have a Wilde range of înterests.<br />

But as Shawn on figure 2.3, dependlng on Thel motivation and on the settlng<br />

In whlch They volve This créative ball City light or light Nat Lea to<br />

créative behavlor.<br />

Figure 2.3: Créative Abolit and Behavior

Therefore the Inhérent crea+lve ablll+les of Indlvlduals May Nat be<br />

sufflcîent to Lea to crea+lve behavlor. Sole Intervenant fac+ors are<br />

necessary for enablîng créative abllt+y to be translate Info créative<br />

behav Ior.<br />

Tels observation has motlvated numerus rese archers for f Indîng Way to<br />

enfance the créative behav îor of Indlvlduals. These efforts have résulte In<br />

a ide Arraye of creatlvlty enfoncement techniques Juch as<br />

&<br />

- Bralnstorm ING (Osborn, 1963)<br />

- Gordon technique (Gordon, 1961)<br />

- Synectlcs (Gordon, 1961)<br />

- Idéa checkllsts (Osborn, 1963)<br />

- Attribut listing (Crawford, 1978)<br />

- Morphologtcal analysas (Davis, 1983)<br />

- Retraduction (01 mo 1977).<br />

Aboter major area of research adresse by psychologlsts Is to Identlfy the<br />

forces wtthln a Goven Indlvldual Thot producer change and Thise Thot Impec<br />

change. As an Illustration the "resIstance-adoptlon" modem pressente In<br />

figure A. Wa Evel oped by Sal man et al & & 973) and I s pr Omar I Ly der Ive<br />

Drom Watson (1973).<br />

Figure 2.4: Résistanceadoption Modem<br />

(Zaltman et al.. & 973)<br />

The résistance forces are pressente At the stage In the adoption process In<br />

whlch They are more llkely to be operatlve. Sole élaboration of Rach stage<br />

Is pressente to facllltate the understand I hg of how Rach résistance force<br />


Drom This klnd of Wark volve Investigations in group dynamlcs descrlblng<br />

the functlonîng of groups and how They May gel p chape and change the<br />

attitudes and behavlor of an Individuel. Rhus relative to tndlvlduals,<br />

groups have bene Sound to pressent a Humber of potentat beneflts for<br />

creatlvlty and problème Dolving pur poses (Maler, 1967). They Incluse<br />

&<br />

- groups Brong a varlet of perspective<br />

- participation May refuit In greater acceptante and Lesse résistance<br />

- membres May expérience social Fal I Itatlon es fects whlch May<br />

translate Intl Improbe performance<br />

- blase sources of untel label City are dampened.<br />

On the Otter hand the use of groups May pressent Som problème Juch as<br />

- dominant Persona City types May control the group<br />

- réluctance to commun Icate,<br />

- ficus effectue prématuré closure,<br />

- groupthlnk (Janls, 1971).<br />

Federal group techniques have bene propose to Tak davantage of the<br />

beneflts of groups and to Avold Som of the potentat problème of groups.<br />

Amont Them are the fol lowlng:<br />

- Nominal Group Technique an de Ben and Delbecq, 1971),<br />

Delphi Technique (Turoff, 1971),<br />

- Social Jugent Analysas (Rohrbaugh, 1979),<br />

- Synthetlc Groups (Huber, 1974).<br />

The Wark on group f unit I on l ngu group Dec Is Ion mak I ngu rough Wez w & & I Nat<br />

ficus on Ita I s Eel Evans to the probe Am of Innovât Ion and Organ Azat Ion l n<br />

Many regards. I n effet groups are shore el amants of Any Organ IzatI on and<br />

Innovation seldom rests on Onay one Indlvldual. Therefore psychologie sts and<br />

relate rese archers have made slgnlflcant contribution to the général area<br />

of the management of Innovation Eden If Thel main ficus has bene<br />

creatlvlty and résistance to change.<br />


Economlsts have bene the social sclentlsts ho have carrled out the moss<br />

direct stud les of Innovation. However, They have focused on the Implications<br />

of Introduclng new Evel opments, and Wren înterested In the process of<br />

Innovation Issel f They are more concerne wlth the Socle tal process (whlch<br />

Wez w II I Evel op In section 2.5.1.) rater thon wlth the process of the

Innovation f+sel f. Economls+s have presen+ed hypo+heses as s the Impact of<br />

research and développent Investments on the eco nom SC growth (Nelson, 1959).<br />

They have Investi gate the rôle of government's support of RAD and the<br />

spll lover Intl civil fan endeavors Thot résulte Drom government RAD<br />

expendîtures for defense efforts. They Wete Aldo concerne by the percent age<br />

of Innovations Drom large as oppose to smalt I forme and the relative<br />

avantages of greater verjus llmtted compétition In Increaslng Innova tlve<br />

behavlor. They Aldo Tudy the efflcacy of Industriel research At the<br />

Industry lebel al Ion 1985; Cota 1970). A final top l c Thot eco nom l st s<br />

have adresse Is technologlcal mutations (Hatzlchronoglou, 1985), and the<br />

diffusion of Innovations Rogers and Shoemaker, 1971; Yang and Lasserez<br />

1982).<br />

Tenson (1962) made a major theoretlcal contribution leasing to the Inter est<br />

of economlsts In Innovation by addlng to the classlcal modem of economlc<br />

growth a Bourth componende the technologie des Ined In a Véry large dense<br />

Includîng production processes, and organlzatlon of Wark processes). Thusy<br />

economlc growth Is Sean as a functlon of four variable<br />

- Lagor<br />

- capital<br />

- naturel ressources<br />

- technologie<br />

M6<br />

I nterestl Nil y Khere Is tokay a short In the conceptuel vlew of économe<br />

amont researchers. Gong Zway Drom the tradltlonal Thory of equlllbrlum<br />

developed by Keynes more and more economlsts are Red I cover l hg chat<br />

Schumpeter calme In 1932, I.E.P Thot the central Clement In a Thory of<br />

économe Is Nat the equlllbrlum In markets but conversely, the changes and<br />

Thel underlylng vector: the entrepreneurlal actlvlty.<br />

In This Contest Innovation Is Makong an Eden more central rôle In the<br />

theoretlcal Worms of Many economlsts.<br />

2.1.3. S0CI0L0GIS Ml INNOVATION<br />

Soclologlsts have emphaslzed change In Thel stud les of organlzatlons. Muche<br />

of This Wark has Investlgated technologlcal developments and Thel Impact on<br />

the social structure and behavlor of Our soclety, and the création of<br />

positive approches Thot world facllftate change Dee for exemple Durkhelm,<br />

1938 and Gouldner, 1954).<br />

Lots of efforts have bene don In the Tudy of unexpected events,<br />

unantlcl pater conséquences of brlnglng changes wtthln organlzatlons. Many

soclologlsts and Organ Izatlonal theortsts have Aldo deeply Investlgated the<br />

évolution the dynamlcs of organîzatlons Dee for exemple Weber 1947; Blau<br />

1955; Crouler 1963; Catz and Kahn, 1966).<br />

One Important but relatlvely neglected area has bene the anal y si s of chat Is<br />

gong on wlthln the organlzatlon, the médium rough whlch Many Innovations<br />

are Introduis Intl Our soclety.<br />

Tels Is partial Ly due to the fact Thot the two main traditions of research<br />

In the Somain of Innovation oonslst of<br />

- the adoption tradition.<br />

- the diffusion tradition<br />

The diffusion perspective stud les the factor Thot are I Ikoy to Influence<br />

(facllltate, accelerate, Impede) the dissémination of Innovations amont<br />

social entoiles (Indlvlduals, organîzatlons, socletles). These factor<br />

concerne bath characterlstlcs of the Innovation Itself and charaterlstlcs of<br />

the social entât In the system Ander considération. The adoption<br />

perspective foc uses on the factor Thot are I Ikoy to Influence the adoption<br />

of Innovation. The factor Ander Investigation focs on the entât Thot<br />

décidés to adopte or rejet the Innovation Goven the Innovation of Inter est.<br />

In fact, Wez bel Levet Thot these two traditions are Véry slmllar recause<br />

diffusion May be deflned as belng a général Ized adoption G.E. an adoption<br />

by Many social entltles. W Wall conster these two traditions as belng one<br />

In the remalnlng of the thesfs.<br />

The fact Is Thot Khere choule be aboter tradition In the Tudy of<br />

Innovation Hamel the "génération" perspective whlch world be concerne<br />

w Ith the Identification and analysas of factor Thot Lea a social entât to<br />

genette Innovations. Whlle This Is don At the Indlvldual lebel by the<br />

psychologlsts) Khere Is Little effort At the Organ Izatîonal lebel This Is a<br />

problème recause organîzatlons are becomlng more and more deeply the place In<br />

whlch Innovations are I Ikoy to appeal and Them to be developed, marketed,<br />

commun cote and dosse I notes.<br />

Tels thesls Wall attempt to Ingrate bath the génération and<br />

adoption/diffusion perspectives In the case of organîzatlons. Rhus Our<br />

problème Is dual (1) how organîzatlons genette Innovations and chantes and<br />

(2) how organîzatlons adopte Innovations and chantes and chat Is the Impact<br />

of these Innovations and changes on the organlzatlon?<br />



More recently, a Humber of rese archers In the rowing field of strate<br />

ficus on Innovation as belng a focal point of a f Irm's business strategy.<br />

Moss Canter (1984) argues that, In an attempt to reverse decltnlng<br />

leadership Innovators, Hom She revers to as "change masters", choule wleld<br />

the Real power In Organ Izatlons. A lot of Wark has bene don to Monk<br />

technologie to strategy. Many res archers emphase the Importance of the<br />

technologtcal dimension In compétitive strate (Porter, 1983; Tarondeau,<br />

1982; Dalla 1986; Etienne, 1983; Dus sauge and Ramanantsoa, 1986; Durand<br />

1987).<br />

Abernathy and Utterback (1978) modem the process of technologîcal<br />

Innovation bath produit and process and hîghltght Som stratégie<br />

conséquences. Hayes and Week Wright (1979) use process-product lofe cycles<br />

to point out the marlous stratégie cholces Thot are open to a company as a<br />

re suit. Durand and Bonard (1986), Tuchan and Anderson (1985) point out<br />

technologîcal discontinu les. Drogman (1985) proposes a méthode for<br />

Integratlng technologie Intl stratégie planning. In a more général attempt,<br />

Burgelman (1983), base on preslois research on strate and hl research on<br />

Internai corporate ventru Ing, proposes an Intégrative modem of stratégie<br />

behav Ior.<br />

The field of strate offert a Real potentat for Integratlng Juch concepts<br />

as Innovation Organ Azat Ion and strategy. Our thesls Wall pressent an<br />

Intégration of the two flrst concepts and Som considération of the tard. A<br />

Hugh prlorlty I Aine of research Wall conflit of sort ING out the concept of<br />

strategy, and extendlng the scope of This thesls by "déclin Ing" Innovation<br />

and organlzatlon long the Basle dimensions of strategy.<br />


Many problème arlse In des Inlng "Innovation" wlthln an organlzatlon recause<br />

of the value Juments attache to the germ. Moss peuple do expert Any<br />

Innovation to be somethlng social Ly acceptable and Eden désirable But Khere<br />

light be "bad" Innovations Juch as a new weapon. Khere Aldo con be négative<br />

& nnovatl Ons el ter fa & & Ur es or Mod Iflcatlons Thot éventa I I y have a Bad<br />

unexpected Impact. Aboter problème attache to the concept of Innovation Is<br />

the Idéa of "newness" Involved In the Innovation. Choule an Innovation<br />

always cantal somethlng new If yes, Them new wlth respect to what?, new<br />

for whom? The concept of Innovation has bene use In At I Eas Tree<br />

différent contexte<br />

(1) process of Invention<br />


(2) process of adoption<br />

(3) description of Wy somethtng Is new In a certain envlronment.<br />

(1) Myers and Marquis (1969) refera to Innovation as the créative process<br />

whereby two or more exlstlng concepts or entôles are comblned In Som Novel<br />

Way to producer a configuration Nat prevlously know by the persan Involved:<br />

n technlcal Innovation Is a complet actlvlty whlch proceeds Drom the<br />

conceptuel Izatlon of a new Idéa to a solution of the problème and Them to the<br />

actua utile Izatlon of a new Item of economlc or social value".<br />

(2) For Knlght (1967) "an Innovation Is the adoption of a change whlch Is<br />

new to an Organ Izatlon and to the relevant envlronment". Tels corresponds to<br />

descrlblng the Innovation as the process whereby an exlstlng Innovation<br />

bedoles part of an adopteras cognltlve State and behav moral répertoire<br />

(3) The thlrd use of the Germ "Innovation" revers to Thot Idéa practlce, or<br />

mater All art fact Thot has bene Invente or Thot Is regarde as Novel<br />

Independant of I adoption or nonadoptlon. For exemple Barnett (1953)<br />

vlews an Innovation by emphaslzlng "objectlvely mesurable qualitative<br />

différences".<br />

Sole authois Aare of the dlfflculty of glvlng one single définition of the<br />

Innovation chose Broad définitions to fit Almont Any contexte Tels Is the<br />

case of Sapolsky (1967) and W II son (1966) ho confluer Thot an Innovation Is<br />

a fondamental change In a slgnlflcant Humber of ass. But the appréciation<br />

of chat "fundamental" and "slgnlflcant" Lean Is lest to the persan or<br />

Organ Izatlon Involved. Chenard (1967) conslders an Organ Izatlon to have<br />

Innovâtes Wren I learns to do somethlng I dl Nat know how to do bifore<br />

regardes of I direct envlronment. McGlnnfs and Ace berg (1983) follow<br />

This définition recause They bel Levet Thot the orlglnatlon of the Idéa dies<br />

Nat motter I Coulx be Internai or externat to the f Irm, chat maters Is<br />

Thot the Idéa Is new to the adoptant unit. Zoltan et al (1973) adopte the<br />

Asme direction an Innovation Is "any Idéa practlce, or matera artéfact<br />

perce Ive to be new by the relevant unit of adoption<br />

Rough these définitions allo a Broad vlew of Innovation They do Nat<br />

prof I de d t Recy I y uses u I I nsl Gets on chat & & Real I y conso sts of & Rhus Many<br />

authois bel Levet Thot an Innovation Is Completel by Improvlng and<br />

strengthenlng understandlng of technologies In use (through new applications<br />

or Improvement of exlstlng product/process & or by dlscoverlng new<br />

technologies new buslnesses or new technologies In Current bus nessesKsee<br />

for exemple Rosenbloom and Kantrow, 1982).<br />

Khere are Many différent points of vlew and I Coulx be Sal that, In fact,<br />


Khere are as Many définitions of Innovation as Khere are Innovations. Thusy<br />

rater thon arguant for a spécifié définition and belng Involved In an<br />

enfles debate, perhaps I Is getter to accepte the Idéa Thot Innovation Is a<br />

mil tl-concept whlch Intégrâtes Many différent componende and constitue ne les.<br />

The conceptuel framework on figure A. Is an attempt At provldlng a<br />

structure for des Inlng Innovation. Dl est I emphases the fact Thot tne<br />

définition of Innovation Is Nat dissociable Drom the entât whlch conslders<br />

I In a certain Contest or env îronment. Second the concept of Innovation<br />

Itself Is Brocken down Intl Tree différent lebels of conceptuel Azat Ion<br />

&<br />

- morphologie & a quai Stative description of the "object" as percevez<br />

by the relevant entât<br />

- functlonal & a dynamo description of the abject whlch Aldo Possesse<br />

a partlcular final City and conflits général Ly of an action or a<br />

procèss.<br />

- system CI I a Hole estoc Intégration of bath the precedlng componende<br />

and the relatlonshlps between the entât and I env Iron ment.<br />

Figure 2.5: Conceptuel Définitions of Innovation<br />

An exemple of a hollstlc définition of Innovation Coulx be Free man's<br />

définition (1979): "Innovation Is a couplant process whlch flrst takes place<br />

In the mon of Imaginative peuple somewhere At the ever changent Interface<br />

between science technologie and the market". For Drucker (1954) a hollstlc<br />

définition Is Aldo necessary slice "In the organlzatlon of business<br />

enterprlse Innovation Is no more to be consldered a sparte functlon thon<br />

marketing. I Is Nat conflned to engineering or research but entends acrose<br />

ail parts of the business ail functlons, ail actlvltles".<br />

Our définition of Innovation Wall be the thlrd concept. W bel Levet Thot an<br />

Innovation Is a systemlc, mil tl-dlmenslonal process whlch flrst takes place<br />

In the mon of Indlvlduals At the Interface between organlzatlons and<br />

envlronment (Includlng science technologie market, etc. In fact Wez con

Imagine "Innovation" as belng a n-dlmenslonal Space wî+h Many axes Juch as<br />

tome artel bures types social entltles, etc. The followlng Is a<br />

description of these dimensions. Many of the f I gures Wez w & & I propose are<br />

slmply projections of rh l s H nnovatl on-space" on certain selecte<br />

dimensions. By Intersectant these subspaces wlth Otter concepts Juch as<br />

organlzatlon and strate Wez Wall be able to arrive At an Intégration whlch<br />

w & & gave new Inslghts on these flelds.<br />

To the Basle dimension of Our framework In figure A. lebel of<br />

conceptuel Izatlon), Wez choule add At lest aboter dimension - the différent<br />

types of Innovation whlch d I f ferentl ote Innovations long an Inhérent<br />

component. Tels Is the abject of the followlng section. Them Wez Illi ad dress<br />

two new dimension Som char acter Istlcs, or atte l butes of Innovations and<br />

the différent process of Innovation.<br />


Accordant to Knlght (1967) Khere are four différent major types of<br />

Innovation<br />

(1) producer or service Innovation<br />

(2) process Innovation<br />

(3) structural Innovation<br />

(4) peuple Innovation.<br />

Produit or service Innovations are slmply the Introduction of new produits<br />

or services whlch the organlzatlon producer sel I s or gaves away.<br />

Process Innovations are the Introduction of new éléments In the<br />

Organ Izatlon's tasks, processes, production or service opérations.<br />

Structural Innovations Incluse the Introduction of new Wark asslgnments,<br />

authorlty relation communication system Information and décision<br />

system or formai regards Systems I no the organlzatlon. Tels Aldo Incluse<br />

the création of entrelu new Organ Izatlonal structure whlch Is an Anderadresse<br />

area of rese arch.<br />

Peuple Innovations are des Ined as beîng one of two alternatives Thot producer<br />

direct changes In the peuple wlthln the organlzatlon: (ou alterna the<br />

personnel by dlsmlsstng or hlrlng and b modlfylng the attitude behavlor<br />

or beefs of the peuple In the organlzatlon via techniques Juch as<br />

éducation.<br />


I choule be emphasîzed Thot Innovations RN Rach of these ca+egorîes light<br />

have positive or négative Impacts on the goal achèvement of an organlzatlon<br />

as well as on the Individuels dtrectly and Indlrectly concerne by the<br />

Innovations.<br />

Aboter characterlstlc of This typologie I s Thot I des Inès "Idéal types<br />

Thot Is types Thot Almont Enver exact est In the Real world. In général<br />

a parti eu Lor Innovation Is a comble nation of or an Intermedlary between,<br />

these types.<br />

As hlghllghted by the soclotechnlcal system framework Shawn In figure A.<br />

(Carayon and Smith 1986) peuple performant spécifié tanks & uslng certain<br />

technologie accordant to a Goven Wark organlzatlon In an enyfroniïient<br />

constitue Fave componende Interrelated In a systemlc pattern Any change<br />

Any Innovation on one composent May Influence the Otter components.<br />

&<br />

Figure 2.6: The Wark System<br />

(Carayon & Smith 1986)<br />

Rhus I Is Véry lîkely Thot a produit or process Innovation In volves an<br />

organlzatlonal Innovation and therefore entable Aldo a change In the tanks<br />

and In the jobs of peuple Uns ortunately I Is Véry often grue Thot<br />

Innova tors ficus on produit and process Innovation and assume Thot the Otter<br />

componende Wall ajust by themselves wlthout dlfflculty and wtthout "bad"<br />

unexpected conséquences.<br />

Tels framework emphases the Nied to thon In a systemlc Way about<br />

Innovation whatever I Initial major type stems to be.

W w il I follow Knîght in hts définitions of the différent types of<br />

l nnovatl on but Wez w M I add aboter type and restructure these f Ive types<br />

l no two groups. Looping At Knîght's typologie two groups apparu flrst<br />

produit and process Innovations refera to the "technology" In a Broad sens.<br />

Second peuple and structure Innovations refera to the "organlzatlon". W<br />

Wall adopte This classification Intl two group technologie and organlzatlon.<br />

But Knlght developed This typologie In 1967. In the 70's and 80's a new<br />

Organ Izatlonal concept emerged: Organ Izatîonal culture. W Wills ad dress This<br />

concept In capter & and throughout This thesls. But At This point to<br />

complété Knîght's typologie Wez w I II add a flfth type of Innovation "cultural<br />

Innovations". Rhus Our typologie of possible Innovations Is the followîng:<br />

- technologie<br />

- produit<br />

- process<br />

- organlzatlon:<br />

- Individuel<br />

- structure<br />

- culture.<br />

These types are r dal & types and no I nnovatl on l s Drom one type on y but<br />

rater Is a comble nation of these Fave Innovation types. Especlally the two<br />

groups - technologie and organlzatlon - are strongle relate and Our thesls<br />

w f I I ficus on the second group Organ Azat Ion as I relates to the frs.<br />

Rhus Wez w II I essentlally look At organlzatlonal Innovations and changes<br />

(Indlvldual, structural cultural needed to successfully develop<br />

technologlcal Innovation as Wele I as the Impact of technologlcal<br />

Innovations and changes on the organlzatlon.<br />


Independant of Thel speclflc types Innovations con be char acter Ized long<br />

différent dimensions or artel butes. In the pontet of This Tudy I choule<br />

be Clear bow Thot trylng to gave a I Is of attrlbutes whlch are Inhérent to<br />

the Innovation Itself Is Almont Impossible slice the concept of Innovation<br />

Is Hardy dissociable Drom Otter entoiles Juch as Indlvlduals,<br />

Organ AzatIon or envlronment.<br />

One dlfflculty Is to dlfferentlate chat belons to the Innovation Drom chat<br />

belons to the Indlvlduals, the jargon Azat Ion or the envlronment. Tels Is<br />

h Ighl Ighted t n f Igue 2.7. Our concerne In rh Is section l s the box I Abel ed<br />

"Innovation". W Bellevue Thot Khere are At lest Tree Important catégories<br />

of attrlbutes of Innovation cf figure 2.8):<br />


&<br />

(1) planning artel butes<br />

(2) processuel Ted artel butes<br />

(3) outcome/lmpact-related attrfbutes<br />




- programmée verjus non programmée<br />

- Instrumental verjus ultlmate<br />

innovations con be categorFzed in Germs of Thel degree of anticipation.<br />

Sole Innovations are programme Thot Is Thel apparence Is scheduled In<br />

avance Often these Innovations stem Drom a problem-sol Veng approcha<br />

Nonprogrammed Innovations May be of two général types ;sl acl£)lnnovatlons or<br />

dl stress Innovations (Zaltman et a. 1973). Lack ^Ts^def Ined as the<br />

différence between the payements requérez to ma In tain the organlzatlon and<br />

tne ressources obtalned Drom the envlronment (Cyert an d Ma ech 1963). In<br />

général succès tends to breed lack and lack Innovations May contrebute<br />

to the Averan I technologie of an organlzatlon, but do Nat correspond to<br />

solutions to speclflc pressing problems. The concept of "slack" ortglnated<br />

Drom a flnanclal perspective and essentlally conflits of money. Tels concept<br />

con be entende to Avery potentat ressource Thot Is Nat use for exemple<br />

technologlcal ressources Thot are Nat use to develop new or getter products.<br />

These non-programmed potentat Innovations May be cal led non-programmed but<br />

programmable Innovations.<br />

& '')w* &<br />

Dl stress Innovations often occur Wren an organlzatlon final Ly Real Izes how<br />

unsuccessful the organlzatlon I s. They correspond to Internai radical<br />

changes rater thon changes In the produits or processes. Of course<br />

successful dl stress Innovations are Véry rare In the Real world.<br />

&<br />

In studylng social change Gassman (1970) Lakes an Important distinction<br />

between Instrumental and ultlmate Innovations. Ultlmate Innovations are ends<br />

In themselves, hile Instrumental Innovations are alme At speclflc changes<br />

chat are Intended, At a Lager point In tome to make possible or rafler the<br />

Introduction of ultlmate Innovations. In case of a planned change I bedoles<br />

a stratégie décision whether to attempt an ultlmate Innovation Immedlately,&<br />

or chose a step by step approcha Rach step conslstlng of an Instrumental<br />

Innovation.<br />


These relate to the développent of Innovation Drom the beglnlng to the end.<br />

Speclflcally Wez con thfnk of the process of Innovation as the succession of<br />

Tree différent sages<br />

- or Gil nation<br />

- développent<br />

T BT i-

- diffusion<br />

M6<br />

In the nexe section Wez w & & & revIew the différent process In more détail<br />

but for the pur pose of listing marlous charactertstlcs of Innovation This<br />

slmpllstlc process Is approprlate. The attrlbutes of Innovation relate to<br />

the process Itself are Rhus the followtng Dee figure 2.8).<br />

ORIGINATION: Puch verjus Pull<br />

Sole over-slmpl If led Zarly modems of Innovation emphastzed the causal rôle<br />

of sclentlflc and technologlcal avance and Wete général Ly I Infor. These are<br />

summarlzed In figure 2.9, and are cal led "technol ogy-push" modems of<br />

Innovation.<br />

Figure 2.9: Technologie Puch Lionel<br />

(Rothvell, 1983)<br />

Drom the Zarly to mld-1960s, largely as a refuit of a rowing Humber of<br />

emplrlcal stud les and descriptions of actua Innovation the rôle of<br />

percevez Nied In Innovation Begin to be emphastzed, whlch led to the<br />

adoption of the I Invar "market pull or "need-pull" modem of Innovation cf<br />

f taure A. A.<br />

Figure A. A. Marcet Pull Lionel<br />

(Rothvell, 1983)<br />

Hers Innovations arlse as the refuit of a recognlzed, and often clearly<br />

artlculated Marcet ne ed. I choule be Clear Thot Innovation Is général I y tao<br />

complet a process to be descrfbed by a single Chaon of causal City In one<br />

direction or ano ther. In This veln, Rethel I and Zegveld (1985) propose an<br />

Interactive Modelo whlch Is a comblnatîon of these two preslois modems

f I gure A. & A.<br />

&<br />

Figure A. & & Interactive Modem<br />

(Rothwell & Zegveld, & 985)<br />

Aboter Important yet Andrest l mate or I gin of Innovation Is slmply<br />

serendtpîty, or clrcumstantlal dlscovery.<br />


The followlng attrîbutes have bene mostly developed by Zoltan et al (1973).<br />

They ail descelle one aspect of Innovation as I relates to the phase of<br />

research, development, testlng, évaluation of Innovation<br />

- Cast<br />

Cast Is one of the moss obvlous dimensions. Khere are At lest two types of<br />

costs. fînanclal and social. Financial costs comprise (ou Initial costs and<br />

b contlnulng costs. Social Cast Is aboter Farm of ex pense and Is often<br />

expresse In Germs of Internai conflits amont marlous formai and Informai<br />

groups wlth In an organlzatlon.<br />

- return on Infestent<br />

Return on Infestent of Innovations In business forme Is a Commin masure<br />

However, This dimension Is often dlfflcult to handle recause beneflts are<br />

often non-monetary and Rhus Nat always direct I y mesurable<br />

- effîcîency

Efflcîency Is aboter potentlally Important factor of an Innovation rough<br />

no Clear définition of efflcîency appelles to Avery settlng. Tels Coulx<br />

In volve for Som types of Innovations Averan I tome savon or Avondance of<br />

bottlenecks In production processes.<br />

- rosi and uncertalnty<br />

Rosi and uncertalnty are omniprésent In ail parts and ail componende of the<br />

Innovation and I process. The relevance of rosi varies acrose social<br />

Actors or Industries or Organ izatlonal contexte<br />

&<br />

- sclentlflc and technologlcal statu<br />

New knowledge plays an Important rôle In the Innovation acceptante process<br />

therefore, subattrl butes Juch has rellablllty, valldlty, Internai<br />

conslstency are Important dimensions to conster<br />


Drom a diffusion perspective the attrlbutes whlch characterlze an Innovation<br />

are the followlng:<br />

- commun cab I City T<br />

The communlcabll City of an Innovation conflits of the Eas and es fectlveness<br />

wlth whlch the résulte of an Innovation con be dîssemtnated to éthers<br />

Rogers and Shoemaker, 1971).<br />

- ccmpatlbll City<br />

Compati Bo I City concerne the slmllarlty of the Innovation to an exlstlng<br />

produit Inlay eventually supplément complément or replace Rogers and<br />

Shoemaker, 1971).<br />

- pervaslveness<br />

The pervaslveness Is the degree to whlch an Innovation relates to and<br />

recules changes and ajustements on the part of Otter éléments In the<br />

organlzatlon (Menzel, 1960).<br />

- démon strab l I City

The demons+rabl I î+y Is the capaclty to show how the Innovation con be or Is<br />

employer<br />

- revers Ibm I City<br />

&<br />

Reverstbl I City revers to the degree to whlch and the Eas w Ith whlch the<br />

preslois State of the system con be relnstal led aster the Innovation has<br />

bene adopte<br />

- dlvlslb V I Ity.<br />

The dlvlslblllty Is the ablllty to try to Amplement partial éléments of the<br />

Innovation.<br />

i ri I<br />

- trlabl I Ity. T -•'■> &<br />

Trlabl I City Is the able I City to try to I amplement the Hole Innovation on a<br />

I Imite bas s f Inst.<br />


Federal authois (Knlght, 1967; Harvey and Mill 1970) have classlfled<br />

Innovations In Germs of Thel radical Nessa Knlght uses two différent<br />

masures of radlcalness. Firth performance radical nefs descelles a masure<br />

of the Increase or décreuse In the ablllty to performe a requérez tè^K^Thus<br />

performance radlcalness Is deflned as the Mount of change In output Thot<br />

résulte Drom one Innovation Wren compare wlth a second one. Second<br />

structura I rad Ica I nefs deflnes a masure of the entent to whlch the<br />

structural arrangement dlffers Drom exlstlng anes<br />

Thusy I appert Thot a définition of radlcalness In volves the corn pari son<br />

wlth exlstlng alternative or exlstlng practlces f no alternative to the<br />

I nnovatl on el ss. Them the more an I nnovatl on d l f fers Drom the existe hg<br />

State of the system the hogner Is I degree of radlcalness./<br />

Performance radlcalness Is relate to the complexât of the Innovation and<br />

I potentat advantages. W Rhus have the followlng dimension<br />

- complexât<br />

Complexât con stem Drom two levels: flrst the Innovation May cantal<br />

complet Idéas and second the actua planning of the Innovation May be Véry<br />

complet Drom the orlgln to the Implémentation and diffusion.

I<br />

White and Graham (1978) add the followtng dimension<br />

- technologie potence<br />

& Inventive mertt<br />

The Inventive merle Coulx be masure by the Mount of new combinat on of<br />

sclenttflc prtnctples Thot Iles At the Heart of the Innovation.<br />

& embat I ment merI &<br />

The assisse value of the phystcal Farm Goven to an Inventive concept Cs tts<br />

embat I ment mer.<br />

- business avantage<br />

& operatlonal merle<br />

The experte effet of an Innovation on a company's exlstlng business<br />

practlces Is a masure of I operatlonal masure<br />

& Marcet merle<br />

The experte total demande and the experte total revenue due to Price and<br />

attractlveness deflne the Marcet merle of an Innovation.<br />

Moreover, Som of the changes Thot an innovation Imputes May be<br />

Cys unctlonal to the Organ Izatlon. These changes are Them new problematlc<br />

situations whlch themselves Ary In Germs of degree of structural<br />

radical Nessa In fact, whlle theflrst notion of radical Nessa performance<br />

radical Nessa referez to the technologie & the second type of radical nefs<br />

revers to the Organ Izatlon and May be conceptuel Ly Brocken down Intl Tree<br />

subcomponents, "Indlvldual rad Ica I Nessa the entent of the Impact of<br />

Innovations on Indlvldual s "structural radical Nessa as deflned by Knlght,<br />

1967), and "cultural radical Nessa the entent to whlch the "new" eu I tire<br />

d If fers Drom exlstlng ones).<br />

As an Illustration Normands (1971) analysas of produit développent In large<br />

Companies supports the Lea Thot Innovations choule be carefully assisse In<br />

Germs of radical Nessa Norman revers to variation routine Innovation<br />

i verjus réorientation radical InnovatlonJf A new produit Is a variation If<br />

I "dl enflons are basal Ly si m & & ar to Thise of Earl er produits of the<br />

Organ Izatlon, rough wfth renflements and modifications. Reorientations, on

the o+her hand Imphy fundamen+al chantes In whlch Som produit dimension<br />

May be éllmlnated and entrelu new anes added".<br />

For exemple If Wez projet Our I nova lon-space on two dimension<br />

radical nefs and subsys+ems of the organîza+Ion, Wez get Normands s+udy of<br />

+he Implications of variations and réorientations on the marlous subsistes<br />

of an organlzatl on. Rh Is l s Shawn In f Igue A. A.<br />

N<br />

Figure A. & Relations of Variations and Réorientations to Organizational Subsistes<br />

(Normann, & 971 &<br />

Norman conslders Tree différent subsystems. Firth the Tak system<br />

représente the types of spécial Ized know ledge or compétence. In the second<br />

the goal value and power structure reprisent the Pol Iléal system The<br />

thlrd sub system Is the cognltlve system and corresponds to the process by<br />

whlch peuple get Information about the externat envlronment and percevez<br />

évents In I. Figure 2.12 emphases the relative degree of radical nefs of<br />

variation and réorientation on these Tree subsystems.<br />


Whlle the ficus of This thesls Is on ne Innovation and tts organlzatlon At<br />

the lebel of the forma I Is fondamental to flrst look At chat happent Drom<br />

an hlstorlcal, socletal, and economîc perspective slice This envlronment<br />

conste tûtes the day-to-day Contest In whlch the organlzatlons vol Ve and<br />

compète Them Wez Wall ficus Our attention on the process of ex changes<br />

between organlzatlons In sustalnlng and developlng Innovations. Final Ly Wez<br />

w f & & go wlthln the organlzatlon and look At the différent process of<br />

Innovât on At rh I s I Evel & & & I s I portant to note At rh I s Pol nt Thot Khere<br />

Is Nat one process of Innovation but Many and Thot one Innovation follows<br />

slmul taneously différent process dependlng on the perspective Drom whlch<br />

Wez look At the Innovation.<br />

N<br />


The Basle question adresse In This section Is the rôle of Innovation<br />

(malnly technologlcal Innovation In the economy, and especlally chat Is the<br />

rôle of technologlcal Innovations In the Current world economîc crlsls?<br />

In trylng to anser these questions economlsts have made two major<br />

contributions to the f leld of management of Innovation<br />

- the Thory of cycle<br />

- the concept of technologlcal trajectorles.<br />


Duong the post tam Yeats I has l nterestl Nil y bene mooted by a rowing<br />

Humber of economlsts Thot over the las fort Yeats the world économe has<br />

undergone a cycle of structural changes Thot In Som Way parallèle Earl er<br />

cycles In economîc actlvîty (Mensch, 1979; Freedman et al 1982; van Duljn,<br />

1983). The Idéa of a more or Lesse régula occurrence of the type of<br />

structural cross Wez are experlenclng Is général Ly assoclated wlth<br />

Kondratlev, rough Otter cycles est Juglar and Kltchln for example).<br />

Whlle Kondratlev dl Nat expllcltly Incluse technologie as a causal factor In<br />

long-wave formation he dl subtest Thot Wren a major ave of expansion Wa<br />

Ander Way Inventions Thot had remalned dormant world attrait Infestent and<br />

Begin to flnd commercial application. Schumpeter (1939) flrst avance the<br />

notion of radical Innovations as a major factor In the recrurent crises of<br />

structural adjustment. Schumpeter expllcltly spore of technologlcal<br />

révolutions belng the drlvlng force of economîc growth.<br />

Rach cycle Goes rough four différent sages

- prosperîty<br />

- récession<br />

- dépression<br />

- recovery.<br />

Schumpeter ponte to major Innovations assoclated wî+h Rach cycle as Shawn<br />

In f I gure 2.13.<br />

T<br />

Figure A. & Kondratiev Cycles<br />

As Freedman et al (1982) have explalned the underlying rounds of<br />

Schumpeter's Thory are threefold:<br />

"First he CSchum peter]] argue Thot Innovations are Nat At Any tome<br />

dlstrlbuted over the Hole economlc system At random, but tend to<br />

concentrât In certain sec tors and Thel surroundlngs, and Thot consequently<br />

They are lop-slded, dlscontlnuous, dls-harmonlous by nature. Secondly, he<br />

argue Thot the diffusion process Wa Inherently a Véry uneven one recause<br />

Innovations do Nat demain Isolâtes events, and are Nat Everly dlstrlbuted In<br />

tlme... on the contraria They tend to cluster to corne about In bunches,<br />

slmply recause flrst Som and Them moss forme follow In the Lake of<br />

successful Innovation. Thlrdly, he malntalned Thot these two characterlstlcs<br />

of the Innovatlve process Impl led Ogiat the dlsturbances I engendre Coulx<br />

be rough to dlsrupt the exlstlng system and efforce a distinct process of<br />

adaptations<br />

One question to be anserez Is Thusy chat Is the nexe Kondratiev cycle Con<br />

Wez détecte developments In technologie or areas of techno-economîc actlvlty<br />

whlch light Farm the Basle of the nexe upswlng? The anser Is des.<br />

Posslb I I Irles currently belng mooted are

R<br />

- blotechnologles,<br />

- energy-rel Ted technologie<br />

- Electronic and Information technologie<br />

- new materîals.<br />


Duong the 1970s Nelson and hl col leagues Begin the search for a Thory of<br />

Innovation Thot light Monk together the "micro" and "macro" world Thot<br />

prevlously had bene trente as sparte entltles. Tels Wark led to the<br />

développent of the concept of "natural trajectorîes". "It May be -Hiat Khere<br />

are certain powerful Intra projet heurlstîcs Thot Appy Wren a technologie<br />

Is advanclng In a certain direction and payons Drom advanclng In Thot<br />

direction Thot est Ander a Wilde range of demande conditions. W cal I these<br />

directions "natural trajectorîes". If naturel trajectoires exlst, followlng<br />

these May be a Goos strategy" Nelson and Wlnter, 1977).<br />

Tels concept of naturel trajectoires of technologlcal change alds In Makong<br />

Nat So Puch a "macro", but rater a "meta" vlew of technologlcal change<br />

enabllng to look beyond chat Is happening At the I Evel of Indlvldual frs.<br />


Drom This section to the end of This thesls Wez bow adopte the perspective of<br />

the organlzatlon and Wez are concerne wlth I behavlor regardant<br />

Innovation. Large Organ Izatlons seem to have Many dlfflcultles In belng<br />

Innovatlve as hlghllghted In capter A.<br />

Rhus Many rese archers Eel fiat major Innovations are often led by smalt I and<br />

f Lexy Bo e f Irms and Thot I orge establ Shed f Irms are often unabl e to cape<br />

wlth technologlcal dlscontt nuit les. But In Real Ita large establ Shed forme<br />

do have a rôle In the Innovation process. Many of Them al locale variable<br />

amonts of dol I ars to RAD but Many al So fa & & l n col I cet l hg the patent al<br />

returns. They easlly Incorporated tmprovements In Thel malnstream bufflesses<br />

but do Nat exploit al I the Innovations They Incubat Figure 2.14 shows a<br />

typlcal^ Inter-organlzatlonal process conso stl hg of four distinct phases<br />

separated by Tree major vent. Tels modem Is Clear and Rhus<br />

overslmpl If les chat Real I y happent but Is Interestlng recause I points out<br />

major évents and processes.<br />

The flrst phase Is the embryon phase Makong place Intl large<br />

Organ Izatlons: the Incubators. In these Organ Izatlons Som peuple have new<br />

radical Idéas and try to develop Them but raptdly flnd Thot They do Nat fit

the organîzatîonal pattern maînly recause of Som or Otter explanatfons as<br />

Thise Goven ave. Them the flrst évent often happent persans învolved In<br />

This Idéa star leavlng the parent Farm to Joan maller exlstlng firme whlch<br />

offert Them flexlblllty and autonome or to Creste Thel on new smalt I forme<br />

for developîng these new Idéas This phenomenon s Callen the "spln-off".<br />

I<br />

Figure A. A. Industriel Organisation Perspective of the Innovation Process<br />

The second phase Is the émergence phase a f Irst ave f p loneers are<br />

putting together the flrst attempts At structurant the Idéa the new<br />

concept chooslng entrelu différent approaches, différent techniques. They<br />

are f Ightlng agalnst Rach Otter to acqutre Som compétitive positions on the<br />

Véry Fe niche Interstices of Marcet Thot are w & & I ING to use the f Irst,<br />

I Little efficient but Véry speclflc and promlslng produits Thot They are<br />

able to producer Ance these niches are sel dom slice the Zarly<br />

techno ogival cholces these planeurs have to do are Véry incertain and<br />

Almont Randon Khere often occurs a "burn-out" of ploneers, selectlng a Fe<br />

of them, beglnlng to master one technologie and havlng Som clients. Allers<br />

(1985) characterlzes This process on a technologie lofe cycle curve by a<br />

sériés of attempts and allures At the Zarly stages Dee figure 2.15).<br />

The thlrd phase conflit of the avance émergence phase Khere the second<br />

ave of planeurs pur sue Thel Quet for a more avance technologie and<br />

slmul tabous I y selve to Crow fast rough to Impose tnelr techno ag f ca I<br />

cholce and to reslst the thlrd Eventé the "shake-out". Tels évent Is due to<br />

the entr Intl the émergent Marcet of large flrms, Interested by a new<br />

technologie surf Iclently avance for justlfylng Geay Infestent In ordre to

épand Thel Somain of ac+lvl+les.<br />

O<br />

Figure A. A. Technological Progresse<br />

The entr of these mass-marketers marks +he beglnlng of +he Bourth phase<br />

the maturlty phase. I Aldo détermines the "dominant design of the new<br />

produit Thot Is a klnd of reference, of standard whlch Wall be accepte by<br />

the user on a Lor GE s çaJL8-bas^s. The planeurs ho Sallet to chose the<br />

light design are Véry llkely to die as Thise ho Wete Nat bog rough At the<br />

tome of the entr of large f Irms and Rhus nable to compète Sole of the<br />

planeurs ho dl chose the light design Wall be acquérez by mass-marketers,<br />

éthers Wall stay In the Marcet and compète often on a technological Basle<br />

rater thon on a Price bass. The maturlty stage Is char acter Ized At the<br />

beglnlng by the proxlmlty of Marcet aggregatlon and large sale<br />

posslbtl Itles.<br />

I choule be note Thot the Asme large organlzatlon con be an Incubat At<br />

the beglnlng and a mas9-marketer At the maturlty stage. Tels con be a Véry<br />

Goos strategy, slice the émergence and développent phase whlch In volve<br />

Hugh uncertalnty and rtsk, Coulx be Rhus avold ed. The main dlfflcultles<br />

Involved In Juch a strate are the cholce of design and the tlmlng of<br />

enr. An Impressive successful exemple of Juch a strate Is provlded by<br />

IBM wlth the Marcet of the m Icro-compirters.<br />

Tels compétitive process stems to show Thot At Almont Rach stage Onay one<br />

Actors Is leasing the Innovation. Tels Is an overslmpl if Icatlon, recause as<br />

Wez sale the Innovation process Is Nat llnear, but Interactive. The<br />

followtng section gaves scme I Light on This aspect.


Rosenberg (1979) s+a+es Thot Innovations Hardy ever functlon In Isolation<br />

"the rowing productlvlty of Industrlal économies Is the complet out come of<br />

large Humber of Intel ok Ing, Mutual Ly relnforclng technologie the<br />

Indlvldual componende of whlch are of Véry llmlted economîc conséquence by<br />

themselves. The smalt lest relevant unit of observation therefore, Is seldom<br />

a single Innovation but more typlcally, an Interrelated clusterlng of<br />

Innovations". Gong beyond This concept of technologlcal Interdependence,<br />

Townsend (1981) developed the concept of "Intersectoral f I os ff exp. a l n l hg<br />

the technologlcal I Linkages between sec tors and the pervaslveness of certain<br />

types of Innovation. The Intenslty and pervaslveness of Inter sectoral<br />

I Linkages In technologie are bel Levet to be predom Inantly due to producer/user<br />

relations. on HI Pelj & 976, 1978) focused attention on the rôle of the user<br />

In the Innovation process and show Thot Many Innovations orlglnate as the<br />

refuit of a process of contlnuous and multiple Interaction between user and<br />

producer.<br />

S<br />

The Averan I pattern of the Innovation process con be thought of as a complet<br />

net of communication paths, bath Intra-organ Azat clonal and extraor<br />

ganlzatlonal & llnklng togeltier the marlous Incluse functtons and llnklng<br />

the Farm to the brader sclentlflc and technologlcal communlty and to the<br />

marketplace. In Otter words, the process of Innovation représente the<br />

confluence of technologlcal capabllltles and Marcet Leeds wlthln the sr<br />

framework of the Innovatlng fem. l<br />

The Intra-organ Azat clonal perspective Is developed below.<br />


The process of Innovation often takes place wlthln organlzatlons, whether<br />

programme or not. Spontaneous technologie Puch occurs wlthln organlzatlons<br />

and programme Marcet pul I Is often organlzed wlthln organlzatlons. The<br />

challenges are In two directions agaln: (1) how to Ingrate and Internai Ise<br />

Innovations and chantes whether orlglnated Drom outslde or Drom wlthln, and<br />

(2) how to organe actlvltles So as to genette Innovation Therefore a<br />

lot of organlzatlons stl I I Eek to Inn ovate Drom Thel on Internai<br />

structure. Sole of the rasons for these endeavors are the followlng:<br />

- large forme greatly Eel the Nied for Improvement, especlal Ly process<br />

Improvement, and therefore Wall tend naturel Ly to performe In-douze research<br />

and development.

- large forme seeklng to Improbe Thel stratégie position May be<br />

fnduced for défensive and/or offensive pur poses to support Internai<br />

înnovatfve effort whether technologlcal or Organ Izatlonal Innovations.<br />

- Eel lance on Marcet transfert of Innovations May be percevez as tao<br />

rlsky. Marcet Coulx be vulnérable to opportunisme Wete They to be use for<br />

Information ex change pur poses Juch as Innovations). The dlfflculty Is thlsi<br />

& the value of Information to a Purchase Is Nat know Intl I he has the<br />

Information but once I Is dlsclosed, he has acquérez I wlthout Cast<br />

(Arrow, 1962; Wllllamson, 1975).<br />

Therefore, large forme engage In Internai organfzatlon and développent of<br />

Innovatlve actlvltles recause I constitues the best Way to over come the<br />

potentat problème pose by incertain and hlgh-rlsk actlvltles whlch Coulx<br />

détermine Thel future position. Mcreover, one Coulx Aldo thon Thot large<br />

f Irms have a parti eu Lor davantage due to the Elze es sect. They con h and I e<br />

port folios of Innovatlve projects, Rhus dîstrlbutlng the risks învolved In<br />

the différent prose cts.<br />

The Intra-organlzatlonal process conflits of a ferles of actlvltles whlch<br />

transforme Idéas Intl profitable Real Izatlons. Many différent descriptions of<br />

This process exist.<br />

As Wez have mentloned aboie Khere are Tree traditions In the Innovation<br />

field adoption diffusion and génération and Khere has bene two major unlts<br />

of analysas Indlvlduals and organo Earl ans. More over diffusion of<br />

Innovations Is often consterez as the adoption of Innovations by Many<br />

social entttles. Therefore, Drom a process point of vlew, diffusion Is the<br />

général Izatlon of adoptions on a large sale Basle the notion ôs "large"<br />

Them dépend on the Innovation Itself and on the relevant envlronment or<br />

Contest consldered). Thusy Wez have two Basle dimensions whlch Helpe us<br />

classlfy the différent process of Innovation Thot one con flnd In the<br />

I Iterature: perspective génération or adoption/diffusion) and social entât<br />

(Indlvldual or Organ Izatlon). Tels Is Shawn In figure 2.16.<br />

Moreover, In the génération perspective two catégories apparu Is the<br />

Innovation process a réponse to a Nied (I.e. problème Dolving for an<br />

Indlvldual, or Marcet pull for an Organ Izatlon) or Is the Innovation process<br />

an explora tory Investigation (creatlvlty Puch for an Indlvldual, or<br />

technologie Puch for an Organ Izatlon)?<br />


Z<br />

Figure A. & Typologie of Intraorganizational Process of Innovation<br />

Figure 2.17 hlghllgh+s four typlcal process of Innovation<br />

correspond I hg to the four cellsof the typologie propose In figure 2.16.<br />



Figures 2.18 and 2.19 show numerus modems correspond hg to the two

différent perspective<br />

W<br />

- tndlvldual and organlzatlonal Innovation-génération process<br />

dlsplayed In figure 2.18,<br />

- Indlvldual and organlzatlonal Innovatlon-adoptlon/dt fusion process<br />

dlsplayed In figure 2.19.<br />



Basal Ly the Innovation process Is Brocken down Intl two général stages of<br />

actlvltles: Initiation and Imo lamentation. Tels Hole Cs for bath perspective<br />

génération and adoption/diffusion as hîghllghted In figure 2.17.<br />

Khere are of course différent terminologies use In the I Iterature, and the<br />

meanfng and content of these Germs varies accordant to the perspective<br />

chosent But basal Ly Khere are ail the Samer as figures 2.18 and 2.19 show<br />

I.<br />

Drom a génération perspective the Initiation stage Incluses Idéa génération<br />

and développent At the beglnnlng whlle Drom an adoption/diffusion<br />

perspective the Zarly stages are awareness and formation of attitudes. Them<br />

the Initiation for bath perspectives Goes on rough proposai trial<br />

démonstration évaluation and décision substages. Basal Ly the décision

sub stage Is +he transition between the Initiation phase and the<br />

Implémentation phase. The Implémentation stage In volves the compliment of<br />

Indlvldual and/or Organ Izatlonal ressources to the I deo to Lauch or adopta<br />

Tels stage Is often dlvlded Intl two substages, the Initial Implémentation<br />

on a llmtted trial Basle and the contlnued-sustalned Implémentation whlch<br />

occurs Wren the organlzatlon décidés to formai Ise the Implémentation Intl<br />

the ongolng process of the organlzatlon on a large sale bass.<br />

&<br />



A final observation choule be made concernant these processes. They are ail<br />

pressente In a sequentlal mann er. These are Idéal types modems whlch hardi y<br />

ever est In the Real world d but gel p In the planning functlon of the<br />

Innovation. In Real City these process are more llkely to be a set of<br />

Interactive cycllcal, Interdépendant actlvltles, Inval Veng différent and<br />

numerus feedback loops. But Drom a conceptuel point of vlew and for<br />

practlcal considérations I Is rafler to pressent Them as sequentlal, Wele I<br />

d es I ne d Price s se s.<br />

Figure 2.20 summarlzes the différent process aboie and hlghl Ights the

H<br />

Somain +na+ Wall be adresse by This thesis.<br />

Figure 2.20: Tupologg of Process of Innovation

N<br />


CUTINE<br />

3.1. Concepts of Organlzatîon and Organîzatî anal Design<br />

3.1.1. Définitions of Organlzatîon<br />

3.1.2. Organîzatî anal Design<br />

3.2. RevIew of Tradltlonal The orles of Organîzatîon:<br />

An Internai Design Perspective<br />

3.2.1. Classlcal Thory<br />

3.2.2. Neoclasslcal Thory<br />

3.2.3. Modem The orles<br />

3.3. Short In the Unit of Analysas<br />

3.4. Organlzatîon In Relation wlth the Environnent<br />

3.4.1 & A Typologie<br />

3.4.2. RevIew of Redent The orles<br />

3.5. Concepts of Organîzatî anal Es fectlveness:<br />

The Dual City of Organlzatîon<br />

3.6. Organîzatî anal Dynamie<br />

3.6.1. Internai Design Perspective<br />

Organîzatî anal Forme<br />

3.6.2. Organlzatîon In îts Environment:<br />

Organîzatî anal Life Cycles

E<br />

The second building block of Our approche Is the organtza+Ion Itself and<br />

especlal Ly how I Is deslgned. If the f Lek d of Innovation has producer an<br />

Immense Vast I Iterature, the field of organlzatlon Is At lest a hundred<br />

tomes blgger. Therefore, I world be Sool Ish to compile everythlng on<br />

organlzatlons and organlzatlonal change.<br />

The fol long Is chat Wez Eel Is especlal Ly relevant to approche and to<br />

understand Innovation wlthln and between frs. Therefore, Wez do Nat prétend<br />

to be exhaustive but on the contraria the fol long reflets Our on<br />

"taste" regard ING the fasclnatlng field of organlzatlon theory, as I<br />

relates to the problème of Innovation and change.<br />

The main talcs Thot Wez w & Il ad dress are the fol lowlng:<br />

(1) Chat are the différent concepts of organlzatlon and chat dies<br />

organlzatlonal design mena<br />

(2) Chat are the tradltlonal approches to theorlzlng about<br />

organlzatlons and chat do these approches Say about organlzatlonal<br />

design<br />

(3) How dies the unit of analysas short over tome and chat Is the major<br />

emphases of redent theorlsts?<br />

(4^ How con one classlfy the redent approches to organlzatlons In<br />

Thel envlronments In an Intégrât Ive framework?<br />

(5) Chat Is organlzatlonal es fectlveness?<br />

(6) How do organlzatlons volve over tome Internai Ly and In relation<br />

to Thel envlronment?<br />



Everybody steaks of and stems to Impl Icltly understand chat Is meant by<br />

"organlzatlon". But Khere Is no Clear définition of This concept rough<br />

Khere are Onay si Light différences In the Way In whlch marlous theorlsts<br />

deflne organlzatlons. General I y speaklng, the définitions propose In the<br />

I Iterature are Esther base on the "Ingrédients" whlch are In This concept<br />

or the "functîons" Thot an organlzatlon Is Intense to accompllsh; a thlrd<br />

approche conflits of a comblnatlon of these two. Rach of these possible I Irles

T<br />

has I avantages and dîsadvan+ages. The Ingres lent perspective Allos for<br />

a Great varlablllty In Germs of objectives or functlons, but I Is dtfflcult<br />

to lest extenslvely ail the Ingrédients Incluse In Avery Organ Izatlon. The<br />

f unctlonal perspective aval Cs rh Is I Otter probe Am but on the Otter hand<br />

estrans the concept to I f unctlonal Ity.<br />

For exemple a lest of elghteen différent conceptuel Izatlons of groups or<br />

Organ Izatlons Goven by Stogdlll & 966) follows:<br />

- Organ Izatlon as a cultural produit<br />

- Organ Izatlon as an ex change agent wlth I envlronment<br />

- Organ Izatlon as an Independant Agency<br />

- Organ Izatlon as a system of structures and functlons<br />

- Organ Izatlon as a structure In action over time<br />

- Organ Izatlon as a system of dynamie functlons<br />

- Organ Izatlon as a processIng system<br />

- Organ Izatlon as an Input-output system<br />

- Organ Izatlon as a structure of sub groups<br />

- sub groups In Interaction wlth the Organ Izatlon<br />

- sub groups in Interaction wlth Rach Otter<br />

- groups as blologlcal-soclal necessltles<br />

- groups as cultural produits<br />

- groups as Independant entoiles<br />

- groups as Interaction Systems<br />

- groups as Interactlon-expectatlon Systems<br />

- groups as col mectons of Indlvldual membres<br />

- groups as summatlons of membre characterl stucs<br />

More self Cal Ly Barnard (1938) Valls an organlzatlon: r system of<br />

conscîously coordlnated persona actlvltles or force a system of<br />

Interrelated actlvltles". Davis (1951) deflnes I as a "group of peuple<br />

worklng together, Ander a leader to accomplis an objective Victor<br />

Thompson (1961) char acter Izes bureaucracy as a "hîghly rattonallzed<br />

Impersonnel Intégration of a large Humber of spécial Is operatlng to achevez<br />

Som objective upon whlch Is superlmposed a hîghly elaborate structure of<br />

authorlty". Stogdlll (1966) deflnes the organlzatlon as a "structured"<br />

system of behav Lor w Ith the posl tl on and roi es Comps l s I hg & & Hab l hg the<br />

potentat of belng "prestructured", Thot Is deslgned and prescrlbed bifore<br />

the rôles are folle by the Actors<br />

For Catz and Khan (1980), Organ Irato Ons are soc I al Systems and lofer In<br />

Tree différent ways: (1) genotyplc functlon, (2) expressive verjus<br />

Instrumental purpose, and (3) object-mol d I hg verjus peop I e-serv ING<br />


H<br />

Genotyplc F unet Ion. The genotyplc fonction s the type of actlvlty c whlch<br />

the organlzatlon Is engage as a sub system of the larget soclety, Thot Is<br />

the Basle throughput by whlch I social existence s legltlmlzed. In these<br />

Germs Catz and Khan (1980) dlstlngulsh four main classes of organlzatlons:<br />

- productive or economlc organlzatlons concerne wlth the création of<br />

wealth, the manufacture of goods, and the provision of services for<br />

exemple Any Manufacturing ccmpany).<br />

- maintenance or sustalnlng organlzatlons, concerne wlth the<br />

social îzatlon of peuple or wlth Thel réhabilitation (e.g. hospltals).<br />

- adaptive organlzatlons, for the création and développent of knowledge<br />

and technologie (e.g. RAD organlzatlons, unlversltîes).<br />

- managera or polltlcal organlzatlons, concerne wlth the<br />

coordination of actlvltles and the allocation of ressources wlthln the<br />

Society (e.g. governmental agencles, flnanclal organlzatlons).<br />

Expressive verjus Instrumental Actlvltles. In a purely expressive<br />

organlzatlon, peuple carry out Thel rôles recause the actlvltles are<br />

Intrlslcal Ly rewardlng. To the entent Thot They are Noth externat regards<br />

are necessary to solvate peuple to stay In the system and performe Thel<br />

actlvltles. Peuple are llkely to cal I these actlvltles "work", and Rhus the<br />

organlzatlons are Instrumental.<br />

Ah fect Moldlnq. Peuple Changlng. ad Pep & & Process ing. Pardons (1960)<br />

emphaslzed flrst the différence between organlzatlons Thot are moldlng<br />

physlcal abjects and Thise Thot are dal ING wlth peuple More over Khere Is<br />

Aldo a différence between organlzatlons Thot are processlng peuple Juch as<br />

Emil aiment agencles, and organo Earl Ons Thot are Chang hg peopl e Juch as<br />

schéol s or hospltals.<br />

Aboter approche to a définition of organlzatlon, wlth whlch Wez agrée Is to<br />

confluer an organlzatlon as an Interactive system brlngtng together<br />

différent componende establlshed for achlevlng certain goals. One exemple of<br />

& This approche Is Goven by Leavltt's (1965) modem of an organlzatlon<br />

Illustrâtes In figure 3.1. An organlzatlon Is thought of as a group of<br />

peuple accompli Ishlng certain tanks rough Som process In a certain<br />

structure In ordre to achevez certain goals. Tels vlew of organlzatlons Is<br />

often adopte wlth modifications in Germs of the componende to be consldered<br />

and the dimensions char acterI ING these componende Dee for exemple<br />

Galbralth, 1973; Hugh et al 1968; Nadler and Tushman, 1980; Kotter, 1980;<br />

MIntzberg, 1979; Al lare and Flrslrotu, 1985).<br />

Hl le the marlous des Initions do Nat seem radical Ly différent Drom Rach

A<br />

o+her, the directions taken, the concepts use the relatlonshlps between<br />

Figure A. & Modem of Organisation<br />

(Leavitt, 1965)<br />

them, and the foc f of fnterest are varîed. For exemple Hamel I andDIpboye<br />

(1976) Identlfy four main orientations relate to the Tudy of<br />

organlzatlons:<br />

- Indlvldual emphases motivation satisfaction<br />

- group emphases<br />

- leadership emphases management rôle<br />

- organfzatlonal emphases structure oontext).<br />

Flgure3.2 détails these or tentations and Illustrâtes Important the orles<br />

groupe Ander these catégories. In the pontet of the pressent Tudy Wez Wall<br />

emphase the Bourth category whlch Ader esses the organlzatlons per se.<br />


One Issue Thot has bene consldered In Som the orles as a déterminant At the<br />

concept of organlzatlons Is the question about organlzatlonal design.<br />

- Do organlzatlons émerge naturel Ly or are They the construit of Som<br />

humant Intention And If organlzatlons émerge naturel Ly Wy choule<br />

Wez design them?<br />

One anser totos I Otter question Is Thot design efforts con refuit In

organisations hic performe getter thon Thise hic arise naturally. But<br />

N<br />

Figure 3.2: Sampling of Organlzatlonal and Management Rhéo ri es

581)13<br />




C<br />

This Resson présupposés Thot Wez al ready know chat performance or<br />

es fec+îveness means; these concepts are far Drom beîng Clear Wight Nowy and<br />

Khere are Many différent approches for deflnlng, ellcltlng and measurlng<br />

these concept wlthout agreement amont the rese archers In This field<br />

Aboter Way of putting the Is to confluer Thot Organ Izatlons, often deflned<br />

by Thel Ingrédients & Indlvldual s group techno ogy,...) and by Som<br />

char acter I stl es Juch as the menas for Mutual goal attalnment, are Nat<br />

dissociable Drom a set of Intervenant facto rs. In effectue between the<br />

objective and the efforts of peuple Khere must be Som variables whlch Brong<br />

about the coordination of Thel effort Intl the efficient accompli Ismet of<br />

the goal. This set of Intervenant factor con stl tûtes the Real of<br />

Organ Izatlonal design.<br />

Thusy the concept of Organ Izatlonal design résulte Drom a combînatlon of the<br />

définition of an organlzatlon and the concept of "stratégie choîce". In This<br />

Way organlzatlonal design Is concevez to be a décision process to Brong<br />

about a cohérence between the goals or pur poses for whlch the organlzatlon<br />

ests and the peuple ho ll I partlclpate and Wark In the organlzatlon: for<br />

exemple design of patterns of division of labor. design of Internat<br />

coordination.<br />

As Galbraith (1977) states, stratégie choîce suggestif Thot Khere are cholces<br />

of goals and purposes, cholces of différent organlzlng modes cholces of<br />

process for Integratlng Indlvlduals Intl the organlzatlon, and final Ly a<br />

choîce as to whether goal Organ Izatlons, Indlvlduals, or Som combînatlon<br />

of Them choule be change In ordre to adapte to changes In the envlronment.<br />

Organ Izattona! design Is concerne wlth malntalnlng contlnuously the<br />

cohérence of these Intertwîned cholces over mme.<br />

The concept Is Shawn schematlcal Ly In figure A. whlch bull on figure 3.1.<br />

Tree main blocks are show<br />

- Strate<br />

- Organlzlng Mode<br />

- Integratlng Indlvlduals<br />

The flrst block strategy, représente At lest two speclflc cholces: Somain<br />

(products/servlces to be offered, eu tomer s/cl lents to be serve technologie<br />

to be use location At whlch Wark Is to be performe and the détermination<br />

of how to relate to the relevant éléments of the envlronment and whlch goals<br />

ll I be pursued: objectives and goals &<br />

The second block concerne the mode of organlzlng and corresponds to the lest<br />

hand si de of figure 3.1, l.e. structure and processes: how to décomposé the

&<br />

Averan I Tak Intl différent subtasks, and how to re I nteqrate the subtasks<br />

Info the complet on of the Hole tach.<br />

Figure 3.3: Concept ofOrga ni national Design<br />

(Galbraith, 1977)<br />

The thîrd block întegratlng Indîvlduals Intl the organîzatîon, Is to select<br />

peuple design tasks, design Jons and arrange Inventives So Thot Indvlduals<br />

chose to performe Thise acts whlch producer the deslred effet on the<br />

envfronment. Tels block corresponds to the light hand Sode of figure 3.1,<br />

l.e. peuple and ass.<br />

Tels framework of organo national design Is hlghly relevant for the problème<br />

of organlzfng for Innovations Wez Wall Calm In Our approche that:<br />

- Innovation Is to be consldered At the stratégie lebel of the forma<br />

- stratégie cholces choule Them be met wlth organlzlng cholces and<br />

peuple cholces.<br />

The succès of an Innovation developed In an organîzatîon dépends on the<br />

stratégie formulation and considération of the Innovation on the<br />

organîzatîon of the développent and complet on of the Innovation and on the<br />

peuple învolved In the process of Innovation. Therefore I Is relevant and<br />

necessary to look In Som détail At the I Iterature on organo national design<br />

as deflned previously.


&<br />

Différent theortsts w i II tend to gave the Asme klnd of définition of<br />

Organ Izatlonal design but Wall Aldo emphase Thot humant Actors (managers)<br />

have Véry Little control on these éléments and Thot the congruence Is mostly<br />

a produit of externat and determ I nostoc factor In the envi ronment, nota<br />

produit of vol untarlstlc cholce.<br />

In the followlng Wez Wall reflex brlefly how the différent the orles of<br />

organîzatîon approche the problème of deslgnlng Organ Azat Ions. or a reflex<br />

and critique of moss of these the orles of Organ Izatlons, Dee Lussato, 1977<br />

or Burrel I and Morgan 1979). As figure A. showed, Khere are Tree<br />

principal schéols of thoughts correspond I hg rough to a chrono ogival<br />

pattern &<br />

- classlcal Thory<br />

- neoclasslcal Thory<br />

- modem theorles.<br />

3.2.1. CL ASS I CAL THORY<br />

I modem roots go back At lest to the Day of Taylor (1911), Gllbreth<br />

(1912), and Rayol (1949). The classlcal point of vlew holds Thot Wark or<br />

tanks con be So organlzed as to accompli Ish efflclently the objectives of the<br />

organîzatîon. An organîzatîon Is vlewed as a produit of rational thought<br />

concerne largely wlth coordlnattng tanks rough the use of legltlmate<br />

authorlty. I Is base on the fondamental and usuel Ly Impllclt assumptlon<br />

Thot the behav Lor of Indlvldual s I s local & rational & and consonant w ith<br />

the system of rational City use to formulât the organîzatîon. I Is an<br />

analyttcal approche developlng normative mode I s. In the classlcal vlew the<br />

manager responsable for the organîzatîon plans a set of tanks or jobs Thot<br />

présumable Incluse ail the Ingrédients necessary to accompli Ish the<br />

objectives of the organîzatîon. Peuple Them are thought of as the menas<br />

rough whlch the tanks are accompli Ished, contrlbutlng to the attalnment of<br />

the Averan I objective. Peuple are thought to do This on the assumptlon Thot<br />

They have to be tralned, selecte Indoctr I nated, and recarde (Lltterer,<br />

1963).<br />

Therefore, the classlcal Thory has a sarong orientation to design.<br />

Classlcal theorlsts gave moss of Thel attention to Seven principal themes:<br />

- division of Lagor<br />

- authorlty and motivation

- hlerarchy of authorîty<br />

- Ifne-s+aff organlza+îon<br />

- central Iza+lon<br />

- départemental îzatîon<br />

- Inventive sys+em.<br />

&<br />

The organîza+îonal design as concevez by classlcal theortsts begfns wfth<br />

the division of labor. Thot I s the Tak of the organlzatlon has to be<br />

dlvlded Info subtasks, and Rach of Them has to be assigne to an Indlvldual.<br />

I Wa usually recommande to dlvlde the Wark So Thot the portions be<br />

d l f ferentl Ted rater thon slmllar, and Thot Rach Indlvldual has a smalt I<br />

portion of the Hole tach. Tels Is referez to as the horizontal division of<br />

labor. The atonale behlnd This approche l s es f le Lancy & Rach Indlvldual<br />

becomlng more skfllfull At a smalt er task, and the train ING tome requérez Is<br />

short er.<br />

But an es fect of the division of I Anor I s to l crase the l nterdependence<br />

amont the subtasks. The Commin réponse to This problème the Nied for<br />

coordination Is the vertical division of labor. Thot Is a new managera<br />

rôle almlng At handllng the problème of coordination.<br />

The d l v l s Ion of I Anor poses two Otter probe I Ems f Irst the possl b & & I Ry of<br />

motlvattonal limitations on efflclency, and second the division of<br />

managera Wark In large organlzattons, wlth potentlally Many managers.<br />

The classlcal approche to the motlvatlonal problème Is the offerlng of<br />

f Inanclal Inventives and the appl l cation of authorîty. If the division of<br />

Lagor résulte In greater output Them the organlzatlon choule shore the<br />

BenesI wlth the employees. In the case of plece-rate Incentives, Khere Wa<br />

an attempt to Monk Rach Indlvldual's performance to the Indlvldual's output.<br />

The Otter solution to the motlvatlonal problème Is the application of<br />

authorîty; the managera rôle Is Goven authorîty over Otter rôles. The<br />

power of authorîty and the power of regard and punlshment are bel Levet to be<br />

a solution to the problème of séparation of the planning and the cong.<br />

Avery large organlzatlon Is face wlth the problème of dlvldlng up the<br />

managera orl. The preferred clarlty of authorîty relatlonshlps Is State<br />

In the Farm of two design prlnclples of management ther. Firth the unlty<br />

of command States Thot no membre of the organlzatlon choule recelée ordres<br />

Drom more thon one superlor. Second the scala prlnclple States Thot<br />

authorîty choule flow In a Clear unbroken line Drom the clef exécutive to<br />

the lowest worker. Tena the conception of the organlzatlon as a hlerarchy<br />

of authorîty brlngs the question of the span of control Thot Is the Humber<br />

of subordînates Thot a supervlsor May coordînate.

&<br />

A problème rough by This modem consista of how o Brong expertise to bear<br />

on complica+ed managera décisions. The solution recommande Is the linestaff<br />

modem of Organ Azat Ion. The cholce faclng organlzatton designers<br />

appert to be between recognlzlng expertise but perhaps Aldo confusion and<br />

Irresponslbll Ita and recognlzlng responslb I I City and accointable City (perhaps<br />

At the ex pense of expertise Rater thon to choose, the solution Is to<br />

deflne a new rôle the staff rôle Thot Is a spécial Is rôle whlch protides<br />

the expert advlce and service to the line management rôles whlch are<br />

responsable for the décisions.<br />

In trylng to Wark out solutions to the partltlonlng of authorlty, the<br />

theorlsts encountered two more design problems: central Izatlon and<br />

départemental Izatlon. Central Izatlon-decentral Izatlon revers to the vertical<br />

dl Ste I but Ion of power assoclated wlth the vertical division of labor. If<br />

décision Makong Wa de central Izel Them the theorlsts face the problème of<br />

fragmente noncoord l note décisions. Rhus design cholces about<br />

central Izatlon must Tak Intl accouant cholces about départemental Izatlon,<br />

Thot Is dlvldlng the Wark Intl sel fontal end unlts, departments, and<br />

divisions.<br />


The neoclassical Thory of Organ Izatlons Wa developed to Som entent for<br />

compensatfng for Som of the des Iclencles or omissions In the classlcal<br />

schola The neoclassical schéol Is commonly Identlfled wlth the humant<br />

relations mouvement whlch Bully upon the fondations of the classlcal schéol<br />

but regarde the postulâtes as modîfled by peuple actant Independently or<br />

wlthln the Contest of the Informai Organ Azat Ion. The humant relations<br />

mouvement Introduced behavloral sciences In an Integrated fashion Intl the<br />

Thory of Organ Izatlon, leasing to a systematlc trament of the nature and<br />

Impact of the Informai Organ Izatlon In the formai structure.<br />

The Inspiration of the neoclassical schéol Wa the Hawthorne stud les Dee<br />

Roth Is berger and Dickson, 1939). Let us confluer Som modifications of the<br />

polars of the classlcal doctrine as reporte by Scott (1961).<br />

Looklng At the division of labor. stud les Wete made of Industrlal fatigue<br />

and monotone cause by the spécial Izatlon of Wark (Munsterberg, 1913). Alter<br />

attention shlfted to the Isolation of the worker, and hl Eel ING of<br />

anonymat resultlng Drom Inslgnlf Issant Jobs whlch oontrlbuted neglîgtbly to<br />

the final produit (Mayo, 1933). Rhus the neoclassical schéol has developed a<br />

large Bodh of I Iterature on motivation coordination and leadership.

&<br />

Two aspects of the scala and functfonal process whlch have bene -h-eated<br />

w Ith Som degree of Intensité by the neoclassîcal schéol are the délégation<br />

of authorîty and responslbll Ita and gaps in or overlapplng of functlonal<br />

sur Isdlctlons. The neoclassîcal schéol points out Thot humant problème are<br />

cause by Imperfections In the Way these process are handled.<br />

The structure (hlerarchy of authorîty, Une-staff relation central Irato on<br />

départemental Izatton) protides enfles avenues of analysas for the<br />

neoclassîcal Thory of organo Earl ans. The central thane Is Thot humant<br />

behavlor dlsrupts the best laid Organ Azat clonal plans, and thwarts the<br />

cleanness of the local Eel Tal Ons I pf fonde In the structure. The<br />

nfeocl asslcal critique of the structure canters on frictions whlch appeal<br />

Internai Ly amont peuple performant différent functlons.<br />

In addition neoclassîcal theorlsts have dlscussed In a systematlc Way the<br />

Issue of the Informai Farm of organîzatîon. Tels revers to peuple In group<br />

associations At world associations Nat speclfled In the "bl uepr IntM of the<br />

formai organîzatîon. The Informai organîzatîon appert In réponse to social<br />

needs, and understand I hg the characterl stucs of This Farm of group Is<br />

Important for management practlce. Amont Som of the Interestlng<br />

char acter l stucs note by neoclassîcal theorlsts, the followlng are<br />

especlal Ly relevant to Our concerna<br />

(1) Informai organlzatlons act as agences of social control They<br />

genette a culture base on certain norme of conduit whlch, In Turnu demande<br />

conformât Drom the group members.<br />

(2) The Farm of Internel Tal Ons I pf In the Informai organîzatîon are<br />

différent Drom Thise In the formai organîzatîon.<br />

(3) Informai groups have statu and communication Systems pecullar to<br />

themselves, Nat necessarlly derlved Drom the formai system<br />

(4) Survlval of Informai organlzatlons recules stable City In the<br />

relaps lonsh & ps; Thusy Informai groups tend to reslst change Dee Cach and<br />

French 1951).<br />

The neoclassîcal approche has bene crltlclzed as belng a Bodh of descriptive<br />

Information rater thon a Thory per se. Nevertheless This approche has made<br />

valable contributions to the understandlng of organlzatlons. But I Ice the<br />

classtcal Thory I con be Sal Thot I surfer Drom l ncompleteness, a<br />

shorts Ighted perspective and lack of Intégration amont the Many Favets of<br />

humant behavlor. Modem the orles of organlzatlons attempt to full This gap.<br />

3.2.3. MODERN THÉORIES<br />

The dlstlnctlve quai Irles of modem the orles are I conceptual-analytlcal

&<br />

base I Eel lance on emplrlcal research dada and aboie ail ll Integratlng<br />

nature (Scott, 1961). As Bruel I and Morgan (1979) emphaslze, "classlcal<br />

management theory, Webers Thory of bureaucracy, and humant relations Thory<br />

existe Sode by Sode Intl I syntheslzed In Germs of open Systems Thory<br />

durlng the 1950s... Cand. subséquent research has Soucht to explore the<br />

ram If l cations of the Systems approche At an Emil r Cal I Evel V FI gure A.<br />

Illustrâtes the développent of the social system approcha In This<br />

phllosophy, organlzatlons are studled as a system therefore the méthode of<br />

analysas In volves the Tudy of relatlonshlps amont the slmultaneous<br />

variations of Mutual Ly dépendent variables.<br />


parts") and functfons Corder of processes) of the Averan I system.<br />

M6<br />

Adoptant This perspective for studylng organfzattons Many différent "modem"<br />

schéols of thought emerged, Rach of Them emphaslzlng one aspect of<br />

organlzatlons to a greater entent thon the ther. W Wall brfefly dlscuss<br />

the contributions of Fave theoretlcal orientation<br />

- Décision Makong orientation<br />

- Power and Compo lance orientation<br />

- Dysfunctlonal Effets of Bureau crocy orientation<br />

- Technologie orientation<br />

- Contlngency orientation<br />

Décision Makong Orientation<br />

Tels approche has bene essentlal Ly developed by Barnard (1938) and Simon<br />

(1945). Rh l s or pentathlon has al So bene Callen the "equ l I I BR l um Thory of<br />

organlzatlon". The underlylng thane of Bagnards approche Is Thot<br />

Organ Azat Ions are essente al Ly coopérative Systems but requlre sensltlve<br />

management to malntaln Them In States of equlllbrtum.<br />

In hl schème exécutives wlthln organlzatlons are charge wlth the mission<br />

of sustalnlng the organlzatlon In a State of equlllbrlum and Gence ensurlng<br />

I survlval. Rhus the exécutive has to gave considération to necessary<br />

ajustements In Eel Tal on to the env Iron ment and w Ith In the Organ Irato on.<br />

Wlthln the organlzatlon the exécutive has to alter the conditions of<br />

behavlor of Indlvlduals, uslng for exemple tralnlng programs, and Inventives<br />

mechanlsms.<br />

Rough Bagnards définition of the organlzatlon Is base on "coopération",<br />

hl Thory of Ondulements and contributions s developed to endure contenue<br />

participation of membres of the organlzatlon, and therefore Is somewhat<br />

paradoxlcal. Bagnards approche Is différent Drom the classlcal point of<br />

vlew In the dense Thot he poses the problème In Germs of motivation of<br />

Indlvlduals, and he adresses the formai organlzatlon In Germs of<br />

Eel atlonshI between peuple Rattier thon In Germs of structure.<br />

Simon (1945) Intégrâtes the motlvatlonal and structural approches to<br />

organlzatlon wlthln the Contest of a Thory of equlllbrlum. He foc uses upon<br />

décision Makong In organlzatlons, and jerks to recolle the prtnctple of<br />

rational City whlch underwrltes the classlcal Thory wlth the fact Thot the<br />

behavlor of Indlvlduals Enver raches Any Hugh degree of rational ltd. One of<br />

hl solutions Is to Introduis the concept of "administrative man", as<br />

oppose to the tradltlonal "economlc man", base upon the notion of "bounded

&<br />

rational Ita and the assumptlon Thot man satlsf fces rater thon max I m & zes In<br />

hl Wark behav lot.<br />

SI mon s Thory of administration has bene updated by March and Simon (1958).<br />

The bonde rational City of the "administrative man Is the ficus of analysas<br />

and Is use to develop links wlth the structure of organlzatlons. The<br />

characterf stucs whlch are Sean as deflnlng humant problème Dolving process<br />

and rational humant cholce are Sean as determlnlng the bas le frayures of<br />

organîzatîon structure and functlon.<br />

Cher and March (1963) farter developed This approcha They vlew the<br />

organîzatîon as an adaptlvely rational system coplng wlth a varlet of<br />

Internai and externat constants In arrlvlng At décisions. The Farm Is Rhus<br />

Sean as a complet Informa Ion processIng and declslon-maklng system coplng<br />

wlth conflits Drom bath Inslde and outslde I boundarles. Le Mogne (1974)<br />

bull on these concepts to Tudy the décision Systems wlthln organlzatlons.<br />

Power and Copal lance Orientation<br />

In a plural Isle perspective Etzling (1961) proposes a comparative analysas<br />

of organlzatlons In Germs of the nature of compo lance whlch foc uses on the<br />

relatlonshlp between power and employer commttment. The nature of compo lance<br />

Is vlewed as belng relate to Many Otter Organ tzatlonal variable Juch as<br />

the goals of the organîzatîon, the klnd, location poker and Interaction of<br />

el Iges the lebel of consensus attalned, etc. Organlzatlons are Sean as<br />

complet social Systems dévote to the achèvement of certain goals.<br />

Etzlonl's Cromary Inter est Is to explant Wy peuple are Involved and how<br />

They respond In organlzatlons. The power structures and distribution are<br />

Rhus Sean as the Clement fiat chapes the organîzatîon (Larcon and Relater<br />

1979). In the Asme veln, the organîzatîon Is concevez as a Pol ttlcal system<br />

(Tabatonl and Jarnlou, 1975; Jarnlou, 1981).<br />

Bureaucratie Dysfunctlons Orientation<br />

Metton (1968) observes Thot the formai Web erlon Thory of bureaucracy places<br />

emphases on the positive attalnments and functlons of bureaucratie<br />

organîzatîon. Metton jerks to approche the bureaucracy Drom the opposite<br />

point of vlew: "Weber Is al moss excluslvely concerne wlth chat the<br />

bureaucratie structure Otta Ins: précision rellablllty, efflcîency. Tels<br />

Asme structure May be examine Drom aboter perspective... Chat are the<br />

limitations of the organlzatlons deslgned to attaln these goals?".<br />

Metton argues Thot bureaucratie organlzatlons, wlth Thel emphases on<br />

méthode prudence discipline and conformlty, May have Juch an Impact upon

&<br />

+he bureaucrate Thot the adhérence to Rule and régulation original Ly<br />

concevez as menas to Elder purposes, be come ends In themselves Aurel I and<br />

Morgan 1979). The Thory of bureaucratie dysfuncttons explant Thot the<br />

problème whlch the rlgldltles Creste genette farter responsif wlth In the<br />

organlzatlon whlch renforce the Importance of conformât to Rule and<br />

régulations. The situation Rhus bedoles cumulatlvely Orse as bureaucrate<br />

proceed to défend Thel actions agalnst outslde pressures.<br />

Whîle Mettons Wark foc uses on the Cys unctlonal Influence of Rule as a<br />

Farm of bureaucratie control Selznlck (1949) foc uses on the Cys unctlonal<br />

conséquences of délégation and spécial Izatlon. Bouliner (1954) adresses the<br />

notion of es fectlveness of bureaucracy and shows how This dépends on<br />

organlzatlonal membres acceptante of the legltlmacy of Rule or "légal<br />

norms", whether these are establlshed by agreement or Imposition. Bouliner<br />

points out Thot the manne In whlch these Rule are Federated May have a<br />

fondamental Influence upon the dynamlcs and es fectlveness of bureaucratie<br />

opérations.<br />

Blau (1955) foc uses on the factor whlch genette dlsequll Ibrlum and change<br />

wlthln the organlzatlon, and conforme Many of the bureaucratie dysfuncttons<br />

Identlfled by Metton Selznlck, and Gouldner, Juch as overconform City and<br />

goal dlsplacement.<br />

Crouler (1963) Aldo foc uses on large organlzatlons and général Izes ail these<br />

bureaucratie dysfuncttons Intl chat he Valls the "bureaucratie phenomenon".<br />

Laurer and Paradeuse (1982) fur ther. examine the spectflclty of<br />

bureaucracles.<br />

Technologie Orientation<br />

The preslois the orles ficus mostly on characterlstlcs of the organlzatlon<br />

Thot are conceptually relate to the goals or the structure of the<br />

Organ I Earl on. By do I hg So the Thor I sts have of tam d l f f tcu I Ry In g t v t hg a<br />

typologie of organlzatlons. Perron (1986) suggestif Thot an adéquate typologie<br />

of organlzatlons choule be base on organlzatlonal characterlstlcs Thot are<br />

conceptually Independant of Esther goals or structure. One mertt of the<br />

technologie schéol Cs Thot tt protides for Som Independant levurage In<br />

constructlng typologies recause of somethlng more or Lesse analytlcally<br />

Independant of structure and goal the tanks or techniques utlllzed In<br />

organlzatlons. ("Technology" Cs use Hers RN tts generlc dense of the Tudy<br />

of techniques or tasks). Emphase Cs put on the ktnds of tanks Thot are<br />

performe Intl the Organ Azat ton and I Is présume Thot technologie affects<br />

I structure and to Som entent the range of goals Thot con be achleved.

&<br />

One atonale for This Is the followlng: Wren the tanks peuple performe are<br />

Wele I understood, predlctable, routine and repetltlve, a bureaucratie<br />

structure Is the moss efficient. Thons con be "programmed" March and<br />

Simon 1958). Khere tanks are Nat Wele I understood, the tanks are nonroutlne.<br />

Juch unît or organlzatlons are dlfflcult to bureaucratlze. More dl saretTon<br />

must be Goven to Lower lebel personnel more Interaction Is requérez amont<br />

personnel At the Asme lebel Khere must be more emphases on experlence,<br />

"feel", or professoral Izatlon CPerrow, 1986). Them I Is dlfflcult to have<br />

Clear hiérarchies of authorîty, Hugh division of labor. rues procédure<br />

and So on.<br />

Organlzatlons are assume to Ary greatly In Thel degree of routlnlzatlon.<br />

Windward (1965) proposes a three-fold schème<br />

i<br />

(1) unit and smalt l-batch production process engineering prototype<br />

(2) large-batch, mass assembla process autos métal Industrie<br />

(3) contlnuous process (oll, Chemical Industries).<br />

The technologie schéol has corne to be Callen the contlngency schola slice I<br />

Real Ly bears attention to a variable contingent to the organîzatîon, In This<br />

case the technologie<br />

Contlngency Theory:<br />

The contlngency approche to the Tudy of organlzatlons has corne Intl<br />

Increaslng prominence durlng the 1960s and 1970s as a framework for<br />

syntheslzlng the principal notions of open Systems Thory wlth the résulte<br />

of objectlvlst research conduite At ail lebels of organlzat tonal analysas<br />

Aurel I and Morgan 1979). The résulte of research on Indlvldual motivation<br />

job satisfaction leadership style Organ Izatlonal structure technologie and<br />

Many Otter Organ Izatlonal variables have bene Interprète wlthln the open<br />

Systems framework, whlch Esserts Thot the effective opération of an<br />

enterprlse Is dépendent upon Khere belng an approprlate match between I<br />

Internai organîzatîon and the nature of the demande place on I by I<br />

tasks, I envlronment, and the Leeds of I members.<br />

Lawrence and Lorsqu (1967) f I rst expllcltly pressente the contlngency<br />

approcha They vlew the organîzatîon as a system of Interrelated éléments<br />

whlch are sujet to Influence by Thel envlronment. The organîzatîon Is an<br />

Internally d l f ferentl Ted system whlch must achevez an adéquate lebel of<br />

Intégration If I Is to adapte to the conditions whlch I encounters In I<br />

envlronment. Lawrence and Lorsqu conclue Thot the moss effective<br />

organlzatlons are Thise whlch succeed In achîevlng a degree of<br />

différent Tal on and Intégration compatible wlth env Iron mental demanda

E<br />

0+her emplrlcal s+udtes Federated similor results. WEdward (1958)-JC<br />

demonstrates Thot commercial Ly successful f Irms organe themselves In a<br />

fiancer compatible wlth Thel technologie Bruns and S &aller (1961)<br />

demonstrate +ha+ successful f Irms adopte an approche to organtza+lon and<br />

management whlch SS consistent wîth demande place upon Them by ter<br />

envlronment, partlcularly wîth regard to the degree of Marcet and<br />

technologîcal change. J. Thompson (1967) suggestif Thot the Basle functlon of<br />

administration appert to be copal Ignment, Nat Merey of peuple n<br />

coalition but of Instltutlonal Ized action - of technologie and Tak<br />

envlronment Intl a viable domaine and of organlzatlonal design and structure<br />

approprlate to I.<br />

Khere has bene Little progresse tocards an art eu Lat on of a contfngency<br />

Thory as Juch The Onay extensive attempts to date conflit of Burrel I and<br />

Morgan el Icltatlon of a contlngency modem for organlzatlonal analysas<br />

(1979), and MIntzberg's Thory of "structurlng the Organ Izatlons" (1979).<br />

Amont the différent prlnclples Thot Burrel I and Morgan I Ost Federal are<br />

partlcularly relevant to the pressent discussion. They hlghllght four<br />

subsistes In the organtzatlon:<br />

- the stratégie control sub system chose rôle Is to malntaln a balance<br />

between the organtzatlon and I envlronment,<br />

- the opérât clonal sub system whlch représente the transformation process<br />

of the Organ Azat Ion Drom Som Inputs to Som output<br />

- the humant sub system & whlch en compasses the Indîvlduals In the<br />

Organ Izatlon,<br />

- the manager All sub system & chose rôle conflits of the Internai<br />

Intégration and control of the Organ Izatlon.<br />

These four sub system s are open to a w l de range of var l Tal on Conti Agency<br />

Thory stresses stratégie cholce, technologîcal cholce, organlzatlonal and<br />

managera cholce. Contlngency Thory postulâtes Thot the es fectlveness of<br />

the organlzatlon In coplng wlth the envlronment Is contingent upon the<br />

éléments of rh e var I ou s subsistes belng deslgned In accordance wlth the<br />

demande of the envlronment wlth whlch They Inter act. This Immoles Thot the<br />

éléments of différent subsistes must be congruent In Germs of the<br />

char acter l stucs long Rach of the Basle dimensions by whlch They are<br />

des Ind. Tels Is cal led the "congruency hypothesls" Burrel I and Morgan<br />

1979).<br />

One Important Issue emerglng Drom the contlngency approche concerne the rôle<br />

of the stratégie control subsystem. Ance I functlon Is to Interprète chat

H<br />

ls happening In the envlronment and to guide and adapte the organfza+lon RN<br />

an approprlate Way I fol los Thot the Eel Tal Ons t pf be+ween éléments of<br />

subsistes and Thel envlronment dépend on the décisions emerglng Drom the<br />

stratégie control subsystem, and wlthln the organlzatlon on the décisions<br />

emerglng Drom the manager I al subsystem.<br />

In MIntzberg's theory, an organlzatlon Is Elven Howard a partlcular<br />

cl user or configuration base on the strength of the marlous parts of the<br />

organlzatlon, the Way In whîch the parts of the organlzatlon coordlnate<br />

thelrwork, the structural design parameters position superstructure<br />

latéral llnkages, décision Makong system and contlngency factor Juch as<br />

âge Elze technlcal system and envlronment. Fave pure configurations are<br />

descrlbed, Rach wlth partlcular patterns of dimension parameters, and<br />

contlngency factor simple structure machine bureaucracy, professoral<br />

bureaucracy, dlvlslonal Ized forma and adhocracy). Hyre I d cons IguratI Ons<br />

occur Wren the organlzatlon Is Dawn Howard more thon one pure<br />

cons IguratI on.<br />

Figure 3.5: Mode of Organisation<br />

allai re & Firsirotu, & 984)

I<br />

More recently, Allaire and Fîrslro+u (1984) have propose a schema+Ic vlew<br />

of organlzatlons Inspire by Parsons' (1951) wrltlngs on social sys+ems and<br />

by Scheln's (1984) Insîghts fnt. the cultural propertles and social Izatîon<br />

process of organlzatlons. They Dee an organlzatlon as belng a mixture of<br />

Tree înterrelatlng componende Dee figure 3.5), themselves In relation to<br />

the envlronment:<br />

(1) A structure whîch stands for ail the formai tangible propertles of<br />

the forma I revers to goals and sfrategles, to organlzatlonal structure and<br />

design to I physlcal assets and Thel deployment, to Pol Icles and<br />

practlces regardant recrultment, tralnlng, promotion and rémunération to<br />

I control and management system toIpatterns of leadership power and<br />

authorlty; actually, "structure" subsumes chat Is often thought, Improperly,<br />

to be the Hole organlzatlon.<br />

(2) A culture whîch al Ludes to the accumulâtes tradition assumptlons,<br />

values and Customs these émerge Drom the parti eu Lor hlstory, post and<br />

pressent leadership the social and Industrlal Contest of an organlzatlon;<br />

culture has a considérable Influencé on the behavlor and actions of I<br />

managers and employees. A culture Is velter "strong" Nar "weak" Real and<br />

Kennedy 1982), velter "thfck" Nar "thln" (Sathe, 1983); I Is functlonal<br />

or DT SS unit Mona I & Thot Is a corporal Ons culture Esther supports or<br />

Anders the attalnment of the Farm & s objectives and stratégies.<br />

(3) Indlvtduals ho are managers and employez of al I hlerarchîcal<br />

lebels and skllls, contlnuously Interpretlng the golngs-on In the Farm and<br />

act l hg on the bas l s of assumptlons and expectant Ons They have I earned and<br />

asslmllated In the course of Thel expérience wlthîn the organlzatlon.<br />

To make dense and ordre out the amblguous and dlsjol Ted évents occurlng<br />

Inslde and outslde the forma to understand chat Is experte of Them and chat<br />

to expert Drom the forma to formulât stratégies and plans of action and to<br />

Interprète décisions and pollcles, the membres of an organlzatlon redort to<br />

the stock of tradition bel lefs, assumptlons and values Thot have<br />

accumulâtes rough the mars. Wren these have bene learned and asslmllated,<br />

They be come unquestfoned bases for action part of the Indlvldual's Frome of<br />

ml bd.<br />

In Any viable organlzatlon, the culture and the Indlvlduals Wall have<br />

volve In tune wlth the organlzatlon's more formai propertles: I goal<br />

stratégie structures and management system As a refuit In the normal<br />

course of events, culture Indlvlduals, and structure are Meched In Véry<br />

tfghtly, support and renforce Rach other, for getter or for worse.

O<br />

BUT This Is Onay as long as +he formas evolu+lon Is con+înuous wlth 1+s<br />

his+orlcal Evel opinant as long as changes made are Incrémental and f Ind<br />

legttîmacy and support In the pressent culture of the f Irl. If structural<br />

changes of a dîscontl nous nature changes Thot May Wele I be necessary, are<br />

decreed and pu shed Intl the organîzatlon wlthout an approprlate radical<br />

change strategy, Them culture Indlvldual and structure May be Tarn aparté<br />

be come divergent At Oddes wlth Rach ther.<br />

The reculements of adaptation to externat forces as Wele I as Internai forces<br />

May be accomodated by changes In the formai structural system of the<br />

organîzatlon Thot May Nat be and In général Coulx Nat be Immedlately<br />

transi Ted Intl the cultural system Rhus brlnglng these Systems to a State<br />

of dissonance and dlssynchronlzatlon. Slmllarly Som dissonance May appeal<br />

between Indlvldual s and the structural system. The out come of Juch stress<br />

between these subsistes May be more or Lesse severe, ranglng Drom temporal<br />

lofs of effîcîency to chrono stagnation and decay, Organ Izatlonal Meath or<br />

"cultural révolution (Allalre and FIrsIrotu, 1984).<br />

Rhus Allaire and FIrsIrotu bull on the congruence hypothesls,<br />

central to the Conti Agency approcha and This Is don In two ways: Internai<br />

congruence of the Tree subsystems, and externat congruence between the<br />

Tree subsistes together, l.e. the organîzatlon, and the envlronment.<br />

Whlle ail the preslois the orles ficus on the Internai éléments of<br />

organlzatlons, the Conti Agency Thory I ntroduces Otter elements, Callen<br />

contingent factor whlch are Sound In the général envlronment of the<br />

organîzatlon. Tels new approche to the understand I hg of organlzatlons<br />

Is farter developed as Is hlghllghted In the two followlng sections. Tels<br />

dual City of organlzatlons - Internai éléments and externat factor - Wall be<br />

farter examine and Is central to the problème of Innovation.<br />


The preslois discussion has Shawn how the différent tradltlonal organîzatlon<br />

the orles have volve Drom the classlcal schéol to the contlngency approcha<br />

Tels section Wall Introduis the Lager developments, by focuslng more on the<br />

Organ Izatlon-env & rongent relaps lonshl p. The former section w Itnesses the<br />

transformation In organlzatlonal Thory as modems Thot Cook serlous<br />

cognlzance of externat forces supplante anes Thot focussed on the Internai<br />

dynamlcs of organlzatlons (Robtns, 1985).<br />

Drom two différent perspective administrative sciences and socîology, the<br />

relata onshlp between organîzatlon and I soclo-econom le jette hg bedoles a

E<br />

central concerne amont organlzatlon theorlsts. Simon (1957), Thompson and<br />

McEwan (1958), Dell (1958), Bruns and Stoker (1961) and éthers Drom the<br />

administrative sciences perspective and Pardons (1956), Selznlck (1948),<br />

Weber (1947) and éthers Drom the soclology perspective laid the fondations<br />

for the orles Juch as the open system the contlngency approcha the vie of<br />

organlzatlon as a frayure of the social structure. These approches Wete<br />

Them developed more formai Ly In the Worms of Thompson (1967), Lawrence and<br />

Lorsqu (1967) and STO nch combe (1965).<br />

But Them différent streams of thought have bene developed dependlng on the<br />

unit of analysas Ander considération. At lest four main unlts of analysas<br />

have bene considered:<br />

(1) the effet of envlronment as a Hole on the organlzatlon<br />

(2) the effet of envlronmental éléments on the organlzatlon<br />

(3) the focal organlzatlon In relation wlth Otter organlzatlons.<br />

(4) the organlzatlon In I général envlronment<br />

(1) Sole wrlters, I Ice Embry and Trust (1965, 1973), have focused on<br />

propertles of the envlronment as a whole, Juch as turbulence and stablllty.<br />

They propose four différent Idéal types of envlronment and subtest Thot They<br />

lofer In Germs of the degree of predlctab l I City avalable to the focal<br />

organlzatlon. They Aldo point out Thot Rach type of envlronment Valls for a<br />

différent organîzatîonal strategy. The moss représentative Thory In This<br />

stream Is the contlngency ther.<br />

(2) Otter welters attempt to deflne envlronmental char acter Istlcs whlch are<br />

more concerte and Coulx be val uated by the focal organlzatlon; for exemple<br />

Humber of competltors, démographe of potentat client population proxlmlty<br />

to ra matelas or to markets, State of the economy. Sole the orles whlch<br />

are In This stream of thought are part of the Industrlal organlzatlon field<br />

wlth the structure-conduct-perf romance paradigme (Scherer, 1970; Caves, 1980;<br />

Porter 1980).<br />

(3) On the Otter hand Som welters ficus on the organlzatlon Itself In I<br />

envlronment. Sole emphase a single aspect of the envlronment, the<br />

Eel atlonshI of the organlzatlon Ander Tudy the "focal" organlzatlon) to<br />

Otter organlzatlons. Tels approche leads to the field of Interorganlzatlon<br />

Thory developed by Levons and White (1961), or Evans (1966, 1972) for<br />

exemple e.<br />

(4) Final Ly more recently Som welters chose Nat to be I Imite to a single<br />

aspect of the envlronment and Still ficus on the organlzatlon Itself. Juch<br />

the orles as ressource dependency (Pfeffer and Salanclk, 1978), and population

O<br />

ecology (Aldrlch, 1979; McKelvey 1982; Ulrich and McKelvey, 1983) stem Drom<br />

This approche of the relatlonshlp between the organlzatlon and I<br />

envlronment.<br />

But beyond the un & & and the I Evel of ana I Ys s of the Eel Tal Ons l p between<br />

the organlzatlon and I envlronment, a Chey problème whîch dlvldes the<br />

organlzatlon theorlsts tokay Is the degree to whlch organlzatlons Esther<br />

affect or respond to Thel envlronments.<br />

The notion of "control & Rhus bedoles crlttcal, and relate to This Broad<br />

Issue Federal thanes émerge Thot are Nat yet resolved:<br />

- deflnttlon of the envlronment<br />

- enactment process (Welck, 1969)<br />

- degree of uncertalnty of the envlronment<br />

- organîzatlonal adaptation process<br />

- turbulence of envlronment<br />

- degree of compétition for ressources<br />

These Issues Aldo Introduis the problème of eff Iclency and es fectlveness &<br />

bath At the lebel of the organlzatlon and At the lebel of the population of<br />

organlzatl ans.<br />

- To whlch entent Is an organlzatlon efficient In I env Ironment?<br />

- Chat Is meant by "organîzatlonal es fectlveness"?<br />

W w II I ad dress these concepts and how They are percevez In Rach of the<br />

four streams of thought Goven aboie In the followlng section.<br />

W have hlghllghted So far two crltlcal dimensions In the Tudy of<br />

organlzatlons In Thel envlronment, the lebel of analysas micro Thot Is<br />

the organlzatlon Itself, and macro Thot Is the envlronment) and the degree<br />

of control (determlnlsttc orientation and vol untel stuc orientation These<br />

two dimensions Wall nable us to construit a typologie of the orles of<br />

organlzatlon, adapte Drom Astet and Van de Ben (1983), wlthln whlch Wez<br />

Wall hlghl I gt the Basle c prem I ses and I mol I Carl Ons of a sel ecto on of new<br />

theorles. These the orles Wall constitue one conceptuel Basle of Our<br />

framework for a Thory of Innovation In the organlzatlon whlch Wall be<br />

pressente In part two capter 5).<br />


In the preslois section Wez have hlghllghted two Basle dimensions whlch

H<br />

dlscrlmlnate be+ween the Current approches of organlzatlons. The central<br />

Issue Thot has bene recognlzed by al moss Avery theorlst Is Thot the<br />

organîzatlon Is no longer to be Sean as a close entât but rater as an<br />

open entât In constant Interaction wlth I envlronment. But the différent<br />

schéol s of thought tend to ficus on single si des of This Issue and use Juch<br />

différent loglcs and vocabulaires Thot They do Nat Spaak to Rach Otter<br />

dlrectly (Astley and Van de Vena 1983).<br />

3.4.1. A TYPOLOGIE<br />

The pressent section Is largely base on the Wark of Astet and Van de Ben<br />

(1983). W have Sound Thot Som Intégration of these différent schéol s and<br />

the orles Is possible by classlfylng Thel ficus of Inter est long two<br />

dimension<br />

(1) the lebel of Organ izatlonal analysas<br />

(2) the degree of control.<br />

The lebel Q Organ Izatlonal analysas con be spl I Intl two traditions. Firat<br />

single organlzatlons have tradltlonal Ly bene the Cromary docs. Second a<br />

Humber of theorlsts have recently ralsed the lebel of analysas to Tudy<br />

total populations of organlzatlons, Ander the assumptlon Thot populations<br />

exhlblt dlsttnctlve propertles and dynamlcs of Thel on Thot are Nat<br />

dlscernlble In Indlvldual organlzatlons.<br />

The degree contro I revers to the entent to whlch organlzatlons affect or<br />

respond to Thel envlronments. Tels con be relate to the dual City Thot<br />

ests between social determlnlsm and free wlll, Thot Is thevlew Thot<br />

humant belge and Thel Institutions are Esther determlned by exogenous<br />

forces and respond to Them or are autonomously chosent and created by humant<br />

belge and Thusy In Turnu con affect the envlronment. As Astet and Van de<br />

Ben State (1983), "seen Drom the vol untarlstlc orientation Indlvldual s and<br />

Thel created Institutions are autonomous, proactive, sel f-dlrecttng agent<br />

Indlvldual s are Sean as the Basle unit of analysas and source of change In<br />

Organ Izatlonal I Ife. The determ l n l st l c orientation foc uses Nat on<br />

Indlvldual s but on the structural propertles of the Contest wlth In whlch<br />

action unfolds, and Indlvldual behavlor Is Sean as determlned by and<br />

reactlng to structural constants Thot protide organlzatlonal lofe wlth an<br />

Averan I stablllty and control<br />

Cl assl Sy ING schéol s of thought by these two d I mens Ions y Lek Cs four Basle<br />

perspectives (Astley and Van de Vena 1983):

- sys+em-s+ruc+ural<br />

- s+ra+eglc cholce<br />

- naturel sélection<br />

- col lectlve action<br />

&<br />

Figure A. détails these four perspective places the différent the orles Wez<br />

revlewed aboie In these four différent cells, and Indlcates the major<br />

emphases In Germs of structure change and manager al rôle.<br />

Figure 3.6: Typologie of Théories of Organisations in Theil Environnants<br />

adapte Drom Astet & Van de Vena & 983)<br />

I choule be understood Thot the the orles do Nat fit exact one partlcular<br />

Cel I of This framework but rater At lest one of Theil central foc con<br />

be to Som entent char acter Ized In Germs of the two dimensions as<br />

correspond I hg to one of these four catégories. The Real City Is Thot the<br />

the orles per vade throughout the entre framework, but wlth a secondary<br />

emphase s l n the Tree Cel I s In Wy Ik They do Nat appr. For exemple e the<br />

"macro" the orles are focuslng on populations or communales of<br />

organlzatlons, but stl & & look At partlcular organlzatlons, and attempt to<br />

protide Som Inslghts At the lebel of the organlzatlon.

R<br />

Moss of the the orles dlsplayed In This typologie have al ready bene examine<br />

In the sec f Ons ave. W w & & I go I no more Dera II for four new theorles,<br />

Rach one représentative of one parti eu Lor Cellé and Rach recently developed:<br />

- Interorgan Izatlon Analysas<br />

- Population Ecology<br />

- Ressource Dependency<br />

- Transaction Cos Économies<br />

But flrst let us explant chat these four celle are ail about.<br />

System Structural Perspective At the I Evel of Indlvldual Organ Azat Ion<br />

structural functlonal ISM and Systems Thory have bene the dominant schéols<br />

of thought. Although Khere Is considérable Debat and dlverslty amont these<br />

schéols and Thise whlch are derlved Drom them, They shore a Commin<br />

determtntstlc orientation. Organlzatlonal behavlor Is Sean to be Chapet by a<br />

sériés of Impersonnel éléments Thot act as externat constants on Actors<br />

Structural éléments Instrumental Ly serve the achèvement of goals and<br />

thermes ore,are functlonal In nature. Accordant totos perspective the<br />

managers rôle Is a réactive one the managers mission Is to ajust the<br />

Internai subsistes of the structure to changes In the envlronment. Change<br />

Them takes the Farm of "adaptation" and occurs mostly as a produit of<br />

exogenous SH l fts l n the env Iron ment. The f cous of manager All decl s Ion & s<br />

rater thon cholce, on gatherlng and Interpretlng Information about<br />

env I ronmental var l Tal Ons and on f Ormel Tal hg specl f le responsif to these<br />

variation antlclpattng conséquences In ordre to achevez organlzatlonal<br />

es fecttveness and ultlmately survlval of the organtzatlon.<br />

Strates le Calce Perspective & reactlng to This determ l ni stuc vlew of<br />

organlzatt Ons action Thory Concelles organo salons as contlnuously<br />

constructed, sustalned, and change by Actors & définitions of situation the<br />

subjective meanlngs and Interprétations Thot Actors Impute to Thel<br />

envlronments as They negotlate and enact Thel organlzatlonal surroundlngs.<br />

Action Thory In organlzatlonal analysas has Lally bene appl led to<br />

"stratégie col ce In décision Makong situations (Chlld, 1972). In This<br />

veln, cholce l s aval I able e l n the dels ni of organlzatt anal structure. Rhus<br />

stratégie management and ressource dependency Thory argue Thot the<br />

envlronment Cs Nat to be vtewed solely as a externat constant to whlch<br />

managers have to respond; I con be change and mantpulated rough actions<br />

for exemple Pol total negotlatton) to fit the objectives of top management<br />

(Pfeffer and Salanclk, 1978). Rhus managers are Sean as proactlve; thetr<br />

col ces are autonomous. And Thel acts are vtewed as forces Thot chape the<br />

organlzatlonal évolution.

V<br />

Datura I Sélection Perspective & ralsîng the lebel of analysas of<br />

Organ I Earl on-env Iron ment relatlonshlp to a macro lebel the naturel<br />

sélection perspective foc uses on structural and démographie characterlstlcs<br />

of populations of Organ AzatIons. The population ecology modem Is base on an<br />

analogie Eth the blologlcal ecology modem and the Tudy of "specles".<br />

Adoptant a determ Inlstlc vlew, Organ I Earl Ons are Sean as place At the Mercy<br />

of Thel env I ronments. Organ Azat Ions Thot survive a naturel sélection<br />

process have a new "form" Thot fI Som "niches" In the mark et. If They<br />

Fal to ajust ter Farm They are selecte out and new forme of<br />

organlzatîons are I Ikoy to develop and Tak Thel place. The unit of<br />

analysas Is the population slice Hole socles of organlzatîons are Sean to<br />

survive or Fal regardes of the actions Aken by single organlzatîons<br />

wlthln ther. Change Thusy Is explalned In Germs of a naturel Delft of<br />

ressources rough the economy, rater thon In Germs of Internai manager All<br />

action. Them the rôle of manager SS vlewed as symbol or Eden Inactive.<br />

Col lectlve Action Vie & l steak of cancel ING organlzatîons At the macro<br />

lebel In a determlnlstlc Way I Is possible to cancelle the global<br />

env Iron ment as gulden and constructif by collective bargalnlng, pur pose and<br />

cholce. Tels approche has bene Aken by social ecologlsts (Emery and Trust<br />

1973), social planning theorlsts (Schon, 1971; Ackoff, 1974), and Som<br />

economlsts (Metcalfe, 1974). These authois emphase collective survlval,<br />

whlch Is achevez by collaboration between organlzatîons rough the<br />

construction of a regulated and Montrollet social network Thot meulages the<br />

effet of the naturel env Iron ment. I Is avance Thot In hlghly turbulent<br />

envlronment, compétition Is no longer an approprlate réponse Drom the<br />

organlzatîons, but rater Thot They have collectlvely to engage In a<br />

"metamanagement" of the envlronment. Change SS Rhus understood to be<br />

actlvely producer by Interaction amont Sem lautonomous organlzatîons rater<br />

thon determ Ined by neural economlc and envlronmental forces. The rôle of<br />

managers In This perspective Is therefore an Interactive one.<br />

Look ING At the différences between these four perspective Astet and Van<br />

de Ben (1983) False six generlc questions<br />

(1) Systems vs action are Indlvtdual actions the derlvatlve of the<br />

social system or Is the social system the derlvatlve of Indlvtdual<br />

action<br />

(2) Adaptation vs selectlon: are changes In organo Earl Ona I forme<br />

explalned by Internai adaptation or by envlronmental selectlon?<br />

(3) Constralned niches vs exacte domaine s organo Earl anal lofe

&<br />

determlned by env îronmen+al cons+raîn+s or ac+îvely created rough<br />

s+rategîc cholces?<br />

(4) Econoalc aggregates vs Pol Itlcal col lectlvltfes: Is the envlronment<br />

an aggrega+lon of Organ Izatîons governed by economîc forces or an<br />

Integrated înterorganlzatîona! network of organîza+Ions governed by lts<br />

on social and Pol itlcal force<br />

(5) Indlvldual vs collective action Is organlzatlonal behavlor<br />

principal Ly concerne wlth Indlvldual or collective action<br />

(6) Organlzatlon vs Institution are organlzatlons technlcal<br />

Instruments deslgned to achevez a goal or are They Instltutlonal Ized<br />

manifestations of the veste Inter ests and power structure of the Elder<br />

soclety?<br />

W bel Levet Thot these questions do Nat Lea to a single anser but rater<br />

Thot these six pairs of concepts are Nat opposite but do est<br />

slmul taneously and show Thot beyond the four catégories of Our framework,<br />

Khere light be a meta-theory of organlzatlons Thot Allos the Intégration of<br />

the four Cel Is.<br />

W bow turn to a bref description of Tree redent the orles of<br />

organlzatlons, whlch complément the contlngency Thory approcha These<br />

theorles, Interorganl Earl on theory, population ecology, and ressource<br />

dependency theory, long wlth the contlngency Thory are selecte recause<br />

(1) They Rach reprisent one perspective of Our framework,<br />

(2) They are four Important and currently Poplar alternative<br />

perspectives on organlzatlons,<br />

(3) rough apparent compettng, They are rater complementlng of Rach<br />

other, and<br />

(4) as Wez Wall Dee In capter H They together protide a conceptuel<br />

Basle of Our approche to the problème of Organ Izlng for Innovation.<br />

3.4.2. RE V IW flE RE^NT THÉORIES<br />

I n rh Is section Wez w & & I descelle the f undamental s of Rach of Tree redent<br />

theorles: Interorganlzatlonal analysas population ecology, and ressource<br />

dependency &<br />

Interorganlzatlonal Analysas<br />

Moss of the stud les Thot con be classlfled as Interorganlzatlonal vlew the

environnent as a collection of Interactlng organlzatlons, group and<br />

per sans. Recause organlzatlons con ratel Marchal I the necessary ressources<br />

to a+taln Thel goals Independentl y f They must establlsh ex change<br />

Eel atlonsh I pf wî+h Otter organlzatlons. Levons and White (1961) deflne<br />

Organ Azat clonal ex change as Any vol antari actlvlty between two or more<br />

organlzatlons whlch has conséquence actua or antlclpated, for the<br />

Real Azat Ion of Thel respective goals or objectives. Thusy In efforts to<br />

obtaln resources, organlzatlons develop greater Interdependencles wîth a<br />

network or set of Otter organlzatlons, group and parties (Evan, 1966).<br />

One aspect of înterorgantzatlonal analysas Is Them to descelle and analyse<br />

the Interaction network to whlch focal organlzatlons belon Marrent (1971)<br />

dlstl ngu Isches between comparative and relatlonal propertles of the<br />

Interaction network. Comparative propertles concerne the parties themselves,<br />

whlch are compare on certain artel butes. Relatlonal propertles ficus on the<br />

linkage mechanlsms between the parties. Van de Vena Emmett, and Kong<br />

(1975) descelle elght comparative propertles:<br />

- Homogène I Ry & the functlonal and structural sîmllarîty of<br />

organlzatlons.<br />

Nomain consensus whlch Incluses the followlng comparative<br />

characterl stucs amont partie the degree to whlch an Organ Izatlon's<br />

specl f le goal s are dl s pites the compati Bo I I Ry of organlzatl Ona I goal s<br />

phllosophles, and référence orientations.<br />

- Awareness of Otter partie the degree of know ledge or Ignorance of<br />

the goal service ressources of Otter parties In the ne-fwork.<br />

- Stablllty: the lent of tome organlzatlons are membre of the<br />

network and the degree of turnover of the parties.<br />

- Ressource distribution the Mount and type of ressources held by Rach<br />

party and the Mount and type of ressources needed by Rach party.<br />

- Humber of ressource sourdes the Humber of alternative sources Drom<br />

whlch an Organ Azat Ion con obtaln I necessary resources.<br />

- IIe of network the Humber of organlzatlons In the network.<br />

- Overlap In membershlp: the Humber of Actors representlng multiple<br />

organlzatlons In the network.<br />

Concernant the relatlonal propertles between organlzatlons one con examine

&<br />

the dimensions of interaction or ex change be+ween organîza+îons or one con<br />

Aldo analyse the mechanîsms for coordination be+ween the organlzatîons.<br />

®Marrett (1971) char acter Izes four dimensions for examînlng the linkage<br />

Eel Tal Ons t pf between partie<br />

- Formai Izatlon: the degree to whlch ex changes between organlzatîons<br />

are Goven off Icîal sanction or agrée to by the parties învolved, and the<br />

entent to whlch an Intermedlary coor dînates the relations age and Allen<br />

1967).<br />

- Intenslty: the Mount of Envolement requérez by parties to the<br />

ex change In Germs of the Elze of ressource Infestent requlred, and the<br />

fréquence of Interaction.<br />

- Reclproclty: the directions of the ex change unilatéral reclprocal,<br />

or Joint and the entent to whlch Germs on the bases and conditions of the<br />

ex change are Mutual Ly reached.<br />

- Standardlzatlon: Som Eel label détermination or f Ixedness of the<br />

unlts of ex change and procédures for ex change between organlzatîons.<br />

The second approche foc uses on the linkage mechanîsms themsetves, and<br />

attempts to détermine the contextuel clrcumstances In whlch a varlet of<br />

alternative coordination mechanîsms are utlllzed. The coordination<br />

mechanîsms for exemple Commin messengers, existence of a coordination<br />

Agency are Sean In This perspective as dépendent variables determlned by<br />

the comparative char acter l stl es of the network and externat envlronmental<br />

conditions.<br />

In summary, Interorganlzatlonal anal y si s SS concerne wlth the understandlng<br />

of Interorgan Izatlon processes, Eel At lonsh l ps, and I nterdependenc les and<br />

Thel Implications on the structure behav Lor pattern and es fectlveness of<br />

social unlts Interactlng wlth Rach Otter In Goven social system The<br />

concepts and methodologlcal developments In This field are stl I I Véry Puch<br />

In the Orel îmînary stages. One final comment about Interorganlzatlonal<br />

& Thory alses the followlng Issue.<br />

I nterorganl Earl on Thory In volves the considération of cons I ICC amont<br />

différent parties. As Lltwak and Nylon (1962) argue "conf I ICC between<br />

organlzatîons Is Aken as Goven In Interorganlzatlonal analysas whlch<br />

star out wlth the assumptlon Thiat Khere Is a situation of partial cons I ICC<br />

and Investlgates for forme of social Interaction Ander Juch conditions. Drom<br />

This Pol nt of v I Ewa the el f m T nation of cons I ICC Iso déviant Instance and

llkely TO Lea to the dlsruptlon of Interorganlzatîonal relations".<br />

&<br />

Khere has bene Som fixation on establlshlng harmonie and coopérative<br />

relatlonshlps between différent social nots. Rough désirable This approche<br />

has Lea to the développent of conceptuel schèmes Thot are deslgned to Eek<br />

coopération rater thon to examine the dynamlcs of conflit and the créative<br />

use of This Felce In establ Ishlng effective Interdépendance amont social<br />

nots. Nat Onay the nature of confllct, but Aldo the power structure and the<br />

bargalnlng strength and stratégies of différent organlzatlons are becomlng<br />

more relevant variables In the Interorganlzatîonal perspective (Negandhl,<br />

1975).<br />

Population Ecplogy:<br />

Drawing concepts Drom blology, the population perspective vlews<br />

organlzatlons as Systems Thot are determlned, to a Great entent by<br />

env Iron mental facto rs. Although This perspective ac know Lesges Indlvldual<br />

organlzatlons, the ficus Is Nat on Indlvldual organlzatlons, but on<br />

Organ Izatlonal fors or populations of organlzatlons (McKel Vey 1982).<br />

Organ Azat clonal Farm représente the structure processes, and Systems Thot<br />

characterlze Indlvldual organlzatlons.<br />

As Aldrlch (1979) states, the population ecology modem dies Nat Lean<br />

replacent the tradlt clonal modem s of Internai structure wlth somethlng new<br />

but rater placent Them In an approprlate contexte The population ecology<br />

perspective représente an attempt to explant the process underlylng change.<br />

A ficus on process and a w & & I I Ognes to I rave open the u I tl mate course of<br />

Organ Izatlonal change Lakes the naturel sélection modem perfectly compatible<br />

wlth the open system vlew of organo Earl Ona I structure. The process of<br />

naturel sélection menas organlzatlons are movlng Howard a getter fit wlth<br />

the envlronment. &<br />

The modem Is base on Tree assumptlons. Firat Organ Izatlonal change Is Sean<br />

as explant end by examlnlng the nature and distribution of ressources In<br />

organlzatlons' env Ironments. Second I Is assume Thot organlzatlons con be<br />

classlfled Intl populations base on Commin Organ Izatlonal for ms. Thlrd, I<br />

Is assume Thot once organtzatlons are groupe Intl population the dynamo<br />

relatlonshlps amont population niche env l ronments, and long Germ<br />

Organ Izatlonal survlval con be explore &<br />

The Tree stages of variation selectlon, and rétention constitue a général<br />

modem of Organ Izatlonal change whlch explant how Organ Izatlonal forme are<br />

created, survive or Falla and are diffuse throughout a population.<br />

Organo Earl Ona I fors specl f le cons Iguratlons of goal boundarles, and

&<br />

actlvltîes, are the éléments selecte by envîronmen+al crlterla, and change<br />

May occur el+her rough new forme el Imlnatlng Old anes or rough the<br />

modification of exlstlng for ms. En I ronmental niches are distinct<br />

comble nations of ressources and Otter constants Thot are sufflclent to<br />

support an organfzatlonal forf. Organ Izatlonal fors then, are organlzed<br />

actlvlty Systems oriente Howard exploltîng the ressources wlth In a niche<br />

(Aldrlch, 1979).<br />

The Tree stage-model con be appl led to the selecte rétention or<br />

élimination of entre organlzatîons or Thel components. Variation In Som<br />

éléments of the envlronment genettes the ra mater I al s Drom whlch<br />

selectlon, by env I ronmental or Internai crlterta, Is made rétention<br />

mechanîsms préserve the selecte Farm on a certain perlot of mme.<br />

Sole Issues Thot the population ecology modem adresses are then:<br />

- Chat tact les and stratégies do organlzatîons choose, or have force<br />

upon them, to cape wlth potentlally problematîc aspects of Thel<br />

env Ironments?<br />

- How are dlsruptlve or unwanted Influences dealt wlth?<br />

- Wy do organlzatîons sometlmes radical Ly change Thel structure and<br />

process and be come somethlng Thot Is Completel y unforeseen At the<br />

tome of Thel création<br />

- Ander chat conditions do organlzatîons corne Intl belng?<br />

- Wy do organlzatîons wlth slmtlar objectives or produits and<br />

comparable services lofer drastlcally In Germs of Thel survlval and<br />

success?<br />

Ressource Dependency.<br />

If Organ Izatlonal succès In the Interorganlzatlonal perspective Is deflned<br />

In Germs of the relaps lonsh l pf wlth Otter organlzatîons In an Interactive<br />

network and In Germs of survlval In the population ecology Modelo the<br />

ressource dependency perspective deflnes I as power max m Izatlon. Wlthln<br />

This perspective organlzatîons are v Lewes as côâTTtrônè^ alterna Thel<br />

structure and patterns of behavtor to acqulre and ma In tain needed externat<br />

ressources Ulrich and Barbey 1984). Organlzatlonal es fectlveness Is Rhus<br />

deflned as an externat standard of how Wele I an organlzatlon Is meeting the<br />

demande of the marlous groups and organlzatîons Thot are concerne wlth I<br />

actlvlttes.<br />

Whlle the flrst two the orles are macro the orles of organlzatîons the<br />

ressource dependency perspective takes the point of vlew of an Indlvldual<br />

& organlzatlon. The moss Important Influence on an Organ Izatlon' s réponse to

&<br />

I envlronment Is Sean to be the organlzatlon Itself (Pfeffer and Salanctk,<br />

1978). Organ Izattonal envlronments are Nat Goven Real Itles; They are created<br />

rough a process of percept ion and l nterpretat son. Organlzatlons have<br />

Information Systems for gatherlng, screenl ngu selectlng, and retalnlng<br />

Information. Organ Izatlonal perception Is affecte recause Indlvldual s ho<br />

attend the Information occupa certain positions In the organfzatlon and tend<br />

to deflne the Information as a functlon of Thel position. How an<br />

organlzatlon learns about I envlronment, how I attends to the<br />

envlronment, and how I selects and process Information to gave meanlng to<br />

I envlronment are ail Important aspects of how the Contest of an<br />

organlzatlon affects I actions.<br />

Ressource dependency recognlzes Aldo the existence of (ronstràTnTs) on actions.<br />

Rough constants on behavlor are often consldered to be undeslrable,<br />

restrlctlng creatlvlty and adaptation They May Aldo facll Iwate the cholce<br />

and décision process by provldlng a certain framework to the complet<br />

problème belng addressed.<br />

Moreover, constants are Sean as Nat predestlned and Nat Irréversible. Moss<br />

consta I nts on Organ Izatlonal actions are the résulte of prlor décision<br />

Makong or the résolution of marlous conflits amont competlng Inter est<br />

groups. In the social Contest of organlzatlons, behlnd Avery constant<br />

Khere Is an Inter est group Thot has manage to have Thot constant Impose<br />

The social Contest of an organlzatlon Is Itself, the out come of the actions<br />

of social Actors Thusy one Important functlon of management Is Influencent<br />

these Actors or Inter est groups as a menas of determlnlng anes on<br />

envlronment. Aboter composent of managera action In volves bath the<br />

récognition of the social Contest and constants wlth In whlch the<br />

organlzatlon must aperte and the stratégie cholce of Organ l Earl Ona I<br />

ajustements to these social resalîtes (Pfeffer and Salanclk, 1978).<br />

As a refuit organlzatlons are assume to Wark essentlally Howard two<br />

relate objectives wlth In Thel envlronment:<br />

(1) to acqulre control over ressources Thot mlnlmlze Thel dépendance on i<br />

Otter organlzatlons, and<br />

(2) to acqulre control over ressources Thot maxlmlze the dépendance of<br />

Otter organlzatlons on themselves.<br />

To these Tree the orles of organlzatlons In Thel envlronments Wez choule add<br />

the Bourth theory, contlngency Thory whlch has bene descrlbed In<br />

section 3.2.3.<br />

Figure A. summarlzes the major componende underlylng these four recently

M6<br />

developed the orles and emphases the concept of Organ Azat Ion the<br />

assumptlons, the vie of organo Earl anal es fectlveness, the rôle of manager<br />

the définition of change and Som Implications of Rach of these<br />

perspectives.<br />

Figure 3.7: Characteristics of Four Basic Organisation Rhéori EA<br />

Faure 3.8: Devez I ment of Théories of Oraamzation

&<br />

Tels figure long wlth the propose typologie of Organ Azat Ion the orles<br />

protide an Intégrative framework hlghl tghttng the complet Eel atlonsh f pf Thot<br />

est between these theorles. W Bellevue Thot uslng an Intégrative framework<br />

Juch as rh l s one w II I prof Ide a getter Ander stand l hg of the Organ Azat I Ons<br />

and Thel vol ton. Figure A. l s an attempt At compo Etang f l gure A. In<br />

show ING the évolution of these theorles.<br />

One Important aspect adresse aboie In the différent the orles of<br />

organtzatton Is the concept of organo Earl anal effectlveness. W w M I ad dress<br />

This concept In the nexe section.<br />


Slice Adam Smith publlshed hl treatlse "Wealth of Nation (1776), arguant<br />

Thot efflclency résulte Drom specl al Irato on and division of labor.<br />

organo Earl anal effectlveness has bene a sujet of lasting Inter est and has<br />

motlvated the wrltlngs of economlsts, organo Earl anal theorlsts, management<br />

ph & & osophers, ftnanclal analysas management sclentlsts, consultant and<br />

practltloners (Lewln and Monton 1986). Inde Organ Irato anal effectlveness<br />

Is one major Clement In the marlous organlzatlon the orles Thiat dlf ferentlate<br />

Them Drom one ano ther. Figure A. Illustrâtes a Humber of Influent al<br />

management and Organ Izatlonal philosophes ail of whlch artlculate différent<br />

prînclples of management round différent concepts of organlzatlonal<br />

effectlveness.<br />

Tels figure hlghl Ights the évolution of competlng theorles, value and<br />

vlews about management organlzatlonal design and the définition and<br />

mesurément of effectlveness. Avery Thory of organlzatlon Is formulâtes<br />

round one concept and a correspond l hg set of masures of organlzatlonal<br />

effectlveness.<br />

Followlng the évolution of the the orles of organlzatlon Wez notice a short<br />

In the unit of analysas Drom a ficus on Internai éléments of the<br />

Organ Irato on I l interna I de si gn, to a ficus on the Eel Tal Ons l p between<br />

the organlzatlon and I envlronment, whether comprise of Otter<br />

organlzatîons or of contingent facto rs. W bel Levet Thot a définition of<br />

organlzatlonal effectlveness choule follow This évolution. For us an<br />

organlzatlon Is "dual", l.e. I has Som Internai "Ingrédients" to assemble<br />

and I has to look antlclpate, Tak Intoaccount, and Impact on externat<br />

éléments In I envlronment. Rhus Wez Bellevue Thot a définition of<br />

organlzatlonal effectlveness choule al So be dual and reflet two dimension<br />

the degree of Internai congruence of Internai subsystems, and the degree of<br />

fit between the Averan I system - the organlzatlon - and I envlronment.


Lewin & Monton 1986)<br />


&<br />

Wlth This définition then, Avery o+her définition Sound In the I Iterature of<br />

organlzatlons bedoles a sub set of This dual définition.<br />

So far Wez have revlewed two blocks of I Iterature on organlzatlons, one wlth<br />

an Internai perspective and aboter wlth an externat perspective. In between<br />

Wez emphaslzed the short In the unit of analysas These two blocks Them<br />

alloue us to deflne organlzatlonal es fectlveness, whlch Is a Chey concept In<br />

organlzatlon theory, recause managers manage organlzatlons So as to optlmlze<br />

organlzatlonal es fectlveness over tm. W dl Nat approche the tome<br />

component. W Wall do I In the nexe section and Rhus ad dress<br />

organlzatlon In Thel dynamlcs, bath Drom a design perspective internai<br />

perspective and Drom an envlronmental perspective.<br />



Drom an Internai design perspective Wez Wall look At the évolution of<br />

organlzatlons as They volve over mme. Rese archers In This field talc about<br />

"forms" of organlzatlons.<br />

The f Irst attempt to descelle the vol ut Ion of organlzatlons In Germs of<br />

différent forme correspondant to différent responsif to new challenges Is<br />

provlded by the séminal Wark of Chandler (1962) ho studled the évolution of<br />

American corporations Drom a hlstorlcal point of le.<br />

Building on Chandless Wark and uslng emplrlcal data Drom America as Wele I as<br />

Europe Galbraith and Nat hanson (1979) offert a modem of growth and<br />

Evel optent Wy Ik Summer Izes the rh INI l hg of ther. & & l s assume that,<br />

starting wlth the simple forma Any source of dlverslty Coulx be Amded to<br />

love to aboter forf. Khere Is no set séquence rough whlch f Irms must love<br />

In lock steps. An organlzatlon con add functlons, products, and géographe<br />

and Wind up wlth a global mil tl-dlvlslonal Farm long the Way Or I Coulx<br />

add functlons, geography, and produits and st & & I Wind up wlth a global<br />

mu I tl-d I v I clona I forma bypasstng Instar rough functlonal and global<br />

functlonal forme as Intermédiate positions (Galbralth and Nathanson, 1979).<br />

Neverthel Ess I stems Thot Drom an emplrlcal point of vlew organlzatlons<br />

tend to f al I o s Il & & ar growth maths In Germs of Thel r structure Dee for<br />

exemple Caves, 1980).<br />

Aboter frayure of the Evel op mental modem Is Thot an organlzatlon con stop

T<br />

anywhere long Io Way & choule be emphaslzed -that rough Som par+lcular<br />

f orme are more & Kiel y to be Assac I Ted w lt stages i n the Organ l zarf Ona I<br />

life cycle presen+ed in ne section above, I Is Aldo possible Thot the Asme<br />

Organ Irato Ona I Farm Goes rough différent stages of This model. Tafs Is Nat<br />

a problème slice a Farm Is a soc Loastructural configuration type slmllar to<br />

Many Organ Izatlons In a certain envlronment but Organ Izatlons of the Asme<br />

Farm do Nat have necessarlly the Asme behavlors, emphase concerna<br />

problème s etc.<br />

Final Ly aboter frayure of Organ Irato Ona I forme Is Thot the resultlng Farm<br />

of Any séquence of développent Is as Chandler suggested, a concaténation of<br />

ail preslois steps. The global structure base on areas of opération Is a<br />

•combl nation of substructures base on produits wlthln Rach area. Wlthln the<br />

produit substructure the organlzatlon Is functlonal. Thusy the global Farm<br />

Is a hlerarchy of subforms.<br />


(Galbralth & Mathanson,<br />

1979)<br />

The stages of Evel optent are show n in f Igue A. A. The startl hg Pol nt I s<br />

the simple structure wlth one functlon and produit line. Increased Elze<br />

brlngs about a division of Lagor and the simple functlonal organlzatlon to

O<br />

coordînate the dlvlded orl. Them Federal maths are possible. Sole stems<br />

Wall pur sue stratégies of vertical Intégration due to emphases on supplier<br />

or dlstrlbuters relatlonshlps). These forme Wall continue to elaborate Thel<br />

functlonal organlzatlon to be come large central Ized functlonal frs. Otter<br />

Organ Izatlons Wall dlverslfy produit lones Esther rough Internai growth or<br />

acquisition. Internai developers Wall love the structure tocards a multidlvfslonal<br />

forf. Diversification rough acquisition Is Ifkely to moly the<br />

structure to a holding or conglonerate Farm of organlzatlon. Sole<br />

rese archers have Interprète This mechanlsm as belng one Khere managers<br />

flrst décidé on new orientations and Them adapte the Organ Izatlonal Farm to<br />

met new requlrements. Tels modem Is base on the "structure follows<br />

strategy" paradigme whlch has bene questloned by Otter welters Dee for<br />

exemple Mlntzberg, 1982). Rough the explanatlons Goven for explalnlng the<br />

transitions between différent forme light be questl anal e the pure<br />

description of the forme Is Still adéquate<br />

The nexe stages are varlet but emplrlcal Ly Khere Is a dominant mouvement The<br />

majorat of large enterprlses have moved to a mil tl-d Ivfslonal Farm Drom a<br />

holding type organlzatlon or Drom a functlonal forf. The nexe différent<br />

stage of développent for Thise Organ Azat Ions Thot chose to pur sue<br />

stratégies of International expansion l s the global forma conslstlngof Many<br />

différent areas of actlvltles sprat out geographlcal lu.<br />

Rhus forme do follow devez I opmenta I séquences char acter l zed by a<br />

métamorphosa s between the stages. Al rough Many alternative maths are<br />

possible Khere stems to be a dom inane Pathé emp! focal Ly hlghl Ighted by<br />

Stamford (1972):<br />

& - simple Farm<br />

& - simple functlonal Farm rough Elze growth<br />

& - central Ized functlonal Farm rough vertical Intégration<br />

& - multl-dtvlslonal Farm rough relate diversification<br />

& - global multinational Farm rough International expansion.<br />

The rasons for these preferentlal steps are Thot Rach new Farm corresponds<br />

to new chai I anges encountered by the organlzatlon. Vertical Intégration<br />

whlch leads to a central Ized functlonal Farm corresponds to the Nied of<br />

profltlng Drom économies of sale to protect the Organ Azat Lons position.<br />

The mil tl-dlvlslonal Farm émerges recause of diversification needs, recause<br />

of a Nied for expansion In new relate markets, recause of new by-products<br />

Federated by the know-how the techno ogival shore of the organlzatlon.<br />

Flnally, global multinational Farm corresponds to an International Izatlon of<br />

opérations and the Nied to épand Internai markets beyond the country<br />


O<br />

& Is tokay Wele I recognîzed Thot the mil tl-d i v i clonal Farm (M-form) Is a<br />

major organîza+îonal Innovation and has replace the tradf+lonal functîonal<br />

forme (F-form). Wllllamson (1981) rotes Thot the moss slgnlflcant<br />

organîzatl anal Innovation of the 20th Centuri Is the développent of the<br />

mil tt d Iv I clonal structure but that, surpris slngl y This développent Wa<br />

Little note or wfdely appreclated as lote as 1960.<br />

In Som ways, the Asme phenomenon Is occurrent Nowy Aboter organlzatlonal<br />

Innovation has bene foot for Som Yeats and has bene adopte by a Humber of<br />

large American corporation and yeti Is Barly mentloned In moss textbooks<br />

on organlzatlon structure and design Dee for Instance MIntzberg, 1979;<br />

Jelinek, 1981). A sable Humber of the larges U.S. corporations have<br />

adopte a "group" structure (G-form). Yeti Little attention has bene dévote<br />

to the G-form structure as I Is often consldered but a variation on the<br />

famlllar Méforme structure.<br />

Chat has Nat bene fui Ly recognîzed Is Thot the G-form structure and I<br />

operatlng carrelages have émerge and volve as a spécifié solution to the<br />

problème of unrelated diversification strategy, Just as the Méforme structure<br />

had provlded sol tuons to the complet probe Ems of managent a vertical Ly<br />

Integrated corporation Thot marketed a Broad line of produits In Many<br />

geographtcal areas. As Dondas and Richardson (1982) explant Khere are a<br />

Humber of crltlcal administrative practlces for successful Implémentation of<br />

unrelated produit strategy, whlch chape the speclflc logo of the G-form<br />

structure In Germs of Pol Ici management style and operatlng<br />

char acter l stl es. Tels partlcular logo d If f erentlates the G-form<br />

organlzatlon Drom the tradltlonal Méforme structure.<br />

Figure 3.11 summarlzes the characterl stl es of Tree Basle organlzatlonal<br />

fors F-form, M-form, and G-form, In Germs of structural prlnclples,<br />

operatlng characterl stl es and stratégie practlces.<br />

At This point I Is Important to Real Ise Thot these différent fors and the<br />

process of métamorphosa s Thot leads an organlzatlon Drom one type of<br />

structure to aboter type constitue major organlzatlonal Innovations In the<br />

I Ise of Any organlzatlon. Moreover, I. appert Thot these organlzatlonal<br />

Innovations arlse as solutions to speclflc problème Juch as Internai<br />

développent of new products, unrelated diversification International<br />

expansion etc. Thusy I stems Thot organlzatlonal Innovations are crltlcal<br />

to the développent and Real Izatlon of Otter types of Innovations.

N<br />


(Allaira & Sainfort, 1985)<br />

This section has hlghllghted the fact Thot Organ Izatlonal design<br />

Organ Irato Ona I forme change as the organisation gros. In the Asme tome the<br />

nature of the relatîonshîp of the organlzatlon wlth I envlronment changes.<br />

Studylng Organ Izatlons' évolution Drom an externat perspective rater thon<br />

an Internai perspective has Goven rose to the field of Organ Izatlonal lofe<br />

cycles. The followlng section base on the Wark of Aulan and Cameron C1983)<br />

summarlzes the I Iterature on This aspect.


S<br />

Rough Our concerne Is mostly how large Organ sati Ons con dal wlth<br />

Innovation I Is Important to comprend how organlzatlons are created and<br />

how They volve over mme. In effectue Som authois argue Thot the Zarly<br />

développent of organlzatlons has profond Influence on chat They<br />

subsequently be come (StI nchcombe, 1965; Blenayme, 1970; KImberly, 1979; Van<br />

de Vena 1980). Therefore, I Is Important to understand the développent and<br />

évolution of organlzatlons for studylng Thel behavlor regard ING Innovation.<br />

The I Iterature on organlzatlonal analysais has général Ly focused on mature<br />

rater thon émergent organlzatlons and has carrled out cross-sectlonal<br />

rater thon longitudinal stud les (KImberly and Moles 1980). Recently,<br />

however, a Humber of welters have suggestif Thot the développent and<br />

behavlor of organlzatlons con be predlcted by menas of organlzatlonal lofe<br />

cycle modem s (Adlzes, 1979; Dons 1967; Grelner, 1972; KImberly, 1979;<br />

Moles 1980; Scott 1971; Torbert, 1974).<br />

Rese archers In rh I s f tel d subtest Thot changes occur ING In organlzatl Ons<br />

follow a Commin pattern Thot con be descrlbed by Evel op mental stages.<br />

Accordant to Lavolps and Cul Bert (1978) these stages are (1) sequentl al In<br />

nature (2) occur as a hlerarchlcal progression and (3) In volve a Broad<br />

range of organlzatlonal actlvltles and structures. A varlet of bases for<br />

descrlblng the changent characterl stucs of organlzatlons In différent stages<br />

has bene use ranglng Drom cognltlve orientations of organlzatlon membres to<br />

organlzatlonal structures and envlronmental relations.<br />

Aulan and Cameron (1983) have revlewed none différent modems of<br />

organlzatlonal lofe cycle whlch are summarlzed In figure 3.12, long wlth<br />

Thel r "summary modem W w & & I BR les I y descr. l be these modem s. I n the nexe<br />

capter Wez w & & I show how Wez con Eel ote Tho s Dommary Organ Izatlonal lofe<br />

cycle e mode I to the Thor les of Organ I Earl on In l Cs env l rongent and to the<br />

différent types of Innovation to love Howard an Intégration of these<br />

f Lek ds.<br />

Motivation for growth:<br />

Observant government organlzatlons, Down (1967) suggestif Thot Tree main<br />

stages of growth and développent are experlenced by these organlzatlons. The<br />

f Irst stage strigile for autonomie May occur bifore formai Barth or Just<br />

auter. I Is char acter fzed by attempts to obtaln legltlmacy and needed<br />

ressources Drom the envlronment to achevez a survlval threshold. The second<br />

stage Rapid growth, incluses Rapid expansion and emphases on Innovation and<br />

cream v Ity. The f Ina I stage recel eratl on conso sts of an el aboral on and

formai Irati on of Rule and procédures and an emphases on predictability and<br />

coordination.<br />

N<br />

FIGURE 3.12 (continued) & MODEMS<br />


(Quinn & Cameron 1983)

&<br />



(Quinn & Cameron 1983)

Crf+fcal manager t al concerna<br />

&<br />

Llppltt and Schmidt (1967) subtest Thot corporations progresse rough Tree<br />

stages of development: (1) blrth, créât îng an opérât ING system and learnlng<br />

to be come viable (2) South developlng stablllty; and (3) maturlty,<br />

achtevlng unlqueness and adaptablllty long wlth Somain expansion. Two major<br />

manager All concerne characterîze Rach of these stages. At blrth, création of<br />

the system and achlevlng a survlval threshold are the concerna At South<br />

the main concerne are stablllty and earnlng a réputation. Final Ly maturlty<br />

Is char acter Ized by achlevlng unlqueness and respondlng to diverse Socle tal<br />

needs.<br />

Strate and structure<br />

Scott (1971) bases His modem of corporate I Ise on Chandless Wark (1962).<br />

The modem Identifies Tree différent types of Organ Izatlonal structures "that<br />

fol Law a chronologlcal séquence Firat organtzatlons are char acter Ized by<br />

Little or no formai structure a single produit persona control and<br />

materna I I stl c rewards. The second stage sees organlzatlons developlng<br />

functlonal spécial Izatlon, Instltutlonal Ized search, and Impersonnel rewards.<br />

Final Ly as organlzatlons continue to Brown They develop multiple produit<br />

llnes, dlverslfled produit markets, and orientations Howard RAD growth, and<br />

adaptation.<br />

Évolution and révolution<br />

Grener (1972) suggestif Thot organlzatlons volve rough a flve-stage<br />

process Rach stage belng followed by a "révolution" or a transltîonal phase<br />

arlslng Drom a major Organ Izatlonal problème The organlzatlon has to Solve<br />

the problème to avance to a more mature stage. The entrepreneur All stage Is<br />

characterlzed by a leadership cross arlslng Drom the Nied to rational Izé<br />

Organ Izatlonal actlvltles. The second stage growth rough direction leads<br />

to a cross of autonomie Stage three, growth rough délégation encounters<br />

a cross of control Wren nonfntegrated goals In autonomies subuntts Begin to<br />

émerge Overcomlng This cross Is don rough stage four growth rough<br />

coordination unt II aboter crlsls, the cross of Red tape Indices the<br />

organlzatlon to love to the flfth stage growth rough collaboration.<br />

Mental City of members:<br />

Norbert (1974) proposes a modem of développent base on the Indlvldual<br />

mental Irles of Organ Izatlonal members. Organlzatlons progresse rough stages<br />

as membres be come more experlentl al Ly Aare of the causal factor and<br />

dynamfcs operatlng In the organlzatlon, and as They develop greater

R<br />

capacltles for persona and I nterpersonal es fectlveness. The modem Maves<br />

Drom an Zarly stage of tndlvfdual Ita Informai Ita and diffusion to group<br />

unlty and a dense of col I ecto Ity. Them flexe Rule and structure<br />

predomlnate Intl I renewal and adaptlblllty occid.<br />

Functîonal problems:<br />

Laden (1975) bases hl modem on Pardons & (1960) functîonal problème of<br />

Organ Izatlons. He suggestif Thot Organ Izatlons put Cromary emphases on<br />

différent functîonal problème At différent stages In Thel development:<br />

envlronmental adaptation ressource acquisition goal attalnment, and pattern<br />

maintenance. Thusy In général the pattern of développent Maves Drom<br />

emphases on Innovation and niche génération to stablllty and<br />

Instltutlonal Izatlon.<br />

Organlzatlonal structure<br />

Catz and Khan (1978) subtest Thot Tree main stages occur In organlzatlonal<br />

I Ise cycles. The flrst stage primitive system stage char acter Izes the<br />

rudiments of a production system base on the coopérative endeavors of<br />

organlzatlonal members. The second stage stable organlzatlon stage foc uses<br />

on coordination and control behavlor, In ordre to régulage organlzatlonal<br />

actlvltles. The thlrd stage élaboration of structure sees the<br />

establishment of adaptive mechanlsms for dal ING wlth the externat<br />

envlronment.<br />

Major organlzatlonal actlvltles:<br />

Aldes (1979) suggestif Thot organlzatlons develop rough stages recause of<br />

changes In emphases on four actlvltles. Organlzatlons Begin wlth an emphases<br />

on entrepreneur I al actlvlty Thot Lager bedoles couple wlth an emphases on<br />

produclng results. Formai Izatlon, administrative actlvltles, and Intégration<br />

emphases Tak precedence as maturlty Is approached. Organlzatlonal décliné<br />

occurs prlmarlly recause of an over-emphasls on stablllty, administration<br />

and Rule and procédures.<br />

Internai social control<br />

Klmberly (1979) suggestif Thot the flrst Identifiable stage In organlzatlonal<br />

développent occurs bifore the organlzatlon Is actua Ly forme I In volves<br />

the marshalllng of ressources and the formation of an Ideology. Tels leads to<br />

the second stage whlch Incluses select ton of a prime lover hlrîng a staff<br />

and establlshlng support Drom the stratégie constituene les. The thlrd stage<br />

In volves the formation of an organlzatlonal Identlty, Hugh Infestent by<br />


Y<br />

organlza+lonal members, and a dense of h I gy commît ment and coheslveness. The<br />

Bourth stage Instltutlonal Izatlon, occurs Wren polices and Rule be come<br />

more rlgld, structure bedoles more formai Izel and the organlzatîon bedoles<br />

more œnservatlve and predîctable as I refonds to externat env Iron mental<br />

pressures.<br />

Although these nfne mode I s are base on différent organlzatlonal phenomena,<br />

ail none subtest progresse rough slmtlar I Ise cycle stages. Qufnn and<br />

Cameron (1983) propose a Dommary modem comprlslng Fave différent sages<br />

(1) entrepreneur al stage Zarly Innovation niche formation<br />

creatlv City<br />

(2) collectivfty stage Hugh cohésion commît ment<br />

(3) formai fzatfon and control stage stablllty and Instltutlonal Izatlon<br />

(4) structure élaboration and adaptation stage Somain expansion and<br />

de central Izatlon<br />

(5) Decl ne stage.<br />

In Dommary for This capter on organlzatlons Wez have Identlf led Federal<br />

Important concepts and perspective<br />

- the concept of organlzatlonal design correspond I hg to an Internai<br />

perspective of the the orles of organlzatîon. The Latet group of the orles In<br />

This approche Is the contlngency ther. The schème of organlzatîon Thot Wez<br />

adopte Is Allaire and Flrslrotu's (1984) approcha pressente In figure 3.5.<br />

- Contlngency Thory Inltlated the short In the ficus of organlzatlonal<br />

theorlsts Drom an Internai perspective to an externat perspective the<br />

relatlonshlp between the organlzatîon and the envlronment.<br />

- Rough organlzatlonal design Is Still I pressent In the redent the orles<br />

Thot émerge Drom This shlft, I takes a secondary place. Long wlth the<br />

contlngency theory, Tree new the orles are leasing the field population<br />

ecology, Interorganlzatîonal analysas and ressource dependency. These four<br />

theorles, apparent competlng, complément Rach Otter and w & & & be Integrated<br />

In a larget conceptuel framework In the nexe chapt er.<br />

- These two perspective Internai and env Ironmental, led us to deflne<br />

the organlzatîon as belng duo I & and to gave a dual définition of<br />

organlzatlonal effectlveness.<br />

- Them Wez l ntroduced the tl me dl mens Ion and I Oak At the vol ut Ion of<br />

organlzatlons over tome Drom these two perspective leasing us to the

concepts of organîzatîonal forme and organlzatlonal I Lyé cycle.<br />

The nexe chap+er Wal I be a synthèses of the two concepts & nova Ion and<br />

organlzatlon. Sfnce Wez h ave two perspective Internai and envlronmental, Wez<br />

Wills dlvlde This capter in two parts and corne up wlth two Intégrations of<br />

these concept one At the Internai lebel of the organlzatlon, and the Otter<br />

At the dynamo le and env Iron mental I Evel & These two I ntegratl Ons w & & I Them<br />

constitue the conceptuel fondations of an Intégrative Thory of Innovation<br />

and organlzatlon.<br />


101<br />



4.1. Innovation Organlzatlon, Environnent<br />

4.2. Internai Perspective Innovation and Organlzatlon<br />

4.2.1. Innovation and Culture<br />

4.2.2. Innovation and Indlvlvual<br />

4.2.3. Innovation and Structure<br />

4.3. Externat Perspective Innovation and<br />

& Organlzatlonal Évolution<br />

4.3.1. Innovation and Environnent<br />

4.3.2. Organlzatlonal Évolution

102<br />

The thlrd building block of Our approche consiste of a syn+hesfs of<br />

Innovation and organîzatlon. W have reviewed +he concept of Innovation In<br />

capter & and the concept of organîzatlon In capter A. Bow Wez have to look<br />

At the I Linkage between these two concepts.<br />

W w II I flrst pressent the Averan I synthèses of the diverse éléments Thot Wez<br />

Identl f led throughout the pre Laus chapters, and thenwewlll détail two<br />

approaches:<br />

(1) Drom an Internai perspective chat are tne main factor Thot affect<br />

Innovation In Organ Izatlons?<br />

(2)from an externat perspective how do Wez relate Innovation to<br />

Organ fzatlonal évolution<br />

More specl f Cal Ly the Introduction Wall pressent a plature of the<br />

organîzatlon InI env I ronment; Them the Internai perspective w II I be a<br />

"statlc" In sept analyse of This plature final Ly the externat perspective<br />

Wall be a "dynamlc" In sept analysas of This plature<br />


In capter & Dee figure 3.3) Wez have deflned Organ Izatlonal design as belng<br />

the process by whlch a fit or a cohérence Is rache between Tree<br />

functlons, strate formulation organlzlng modes définition and<br />

Intégration of Indlvlduals. As I Is Shawn In figure 4.1, Drom a conceptuel<br />

point of vlew, Tree managera Implications con be derlved Wren Innovation<br />

Is consldered In an Organ Izatlonal design perspective.<br />

The flrst Tak of managers In Organ Izatlons Is to recognlze Thot Innovation<br />

Is a stratégie concerna Tels Immoles the Monk between Innovation<br />

(technology, peuple structure etc and the strate formulation process<br />

At the top management lebel<br />

The second Tak of managers Is to design approprlate organlzlng modes for<br />

adoptant and/or sustaînlng Innovatlve actlvltles, and recognlze Thot these<br />

organlzlng modes May dépend on the nature of the Innovation to De addressed,<br />

on the stratégie expectant Ion and on the peuple ho Wall be worklng on<br />

these actlvltles.<br />

Flan I I y the rh I rd Tak of managers I s to sel cet the r l gt peop le de si ni<br />

tasks, design jobs, and arrange Inventives So Thot Indlvlduals May be able<br />

to performe these Innovatlve actlvltles In the organîzatlon. Figure 4.2,<br />

whlch Agan présents Leavltt's modem of organîzatlon, breaks down the

103<br />

organîzlng mode I no process and structure and breaks down the<br />

Intégration of Indlvlduals Intl peuple and ass.<br />

Figure 4.1 & Organizational Design and Innovation<br />

Tels général approche figure 4.1) stems obvlous but In Many stud les of<br />

Innovation succès or allure I has bene Shawn Thot Som of these Tree<br />

aspects of organîzlng for Innovation have bene Andrest Image In Many<br />

corn pan les. Rh Is parti al I y Exe lalnsthefallureof Innovât Ve projet s I n<br />

these Companies Dee for exemple von HIppel, 1977; Globe et al 1973; Gruger<br />

et al 1973; Vesser and Holmdahl, 1973; Foster 1981).<br />

Classlcal Thory of organlzatlon alses Many design Issues whlch are to be<br />

consldered Wren organîzlng for Innovation. The éléments of design adresse<br />

In capter & May Tak a différent configuration Wren deallng wlth Innovation<br />

rater thon Wren deallng wlth routine opérations. pec f Cal Ly a ferles of<br />

questions May be ralsed Wren constderlng the organlzatlon of Innovatlve<br />

actif Itles.<br />

(1) Is division of Lagor an efficient Way of performant Innovatlve<br />

actlvltles? And whlch division of labor.

& A<br />

(2) On whlch Basle choule authorîty and motivation be deflned Wren<br />

deallngwîth Innovation<br />

(3) Chat choule be a hlerarchy of authorîty Wren speaklng of<br />

Innovation<br />

(4) Dies a llne-staff organlzatlon Still make dense<br />

(5) Whlch degrees of central Izatlon and départemental Izatlon are<br />

requérez Wren dal ING wlth înnovatîve actlvltles?<br />

Figure 4.2: Modem of Organisation<br />

(Leavitt. 1965)<br />

More over Som questions May Aldo be Dawn concernant the adoption by<br />

exlstlng organlzatlons of Innovations rater thon the problème of generatlng<br />

Innovations as ave. The generlc concerne Is one of determlnlng whlch<br />

configuration of éléments of organlzatlonal design Is llkely to facllltate<br />

the adoption and diffusion of change and Innovation In a partlcular<br />

organlzatlon.<br />

Neoclasslcal theory, wlth I emphases on the rôle of Informai structure In<br />

organlzatlons, brlngs a différent light on the problème of change and<br />

Innovation In organlzatlons. Neoclasslcal theorlsts emphase the résistance<br />

to change of Informai group but Aldo gave Som Inslghts on how to use the<br />

dynamlcs of groups to producer a dextre change.<br />

Modem Théories of Organlzatlon protide addltlonal Information for<br />

addresslng the Issue of Innovation. Of partlcular relevance Is the

& H<br />

bureaucratie dysfunctlons perspective whlch demonstrate the potentat<br />

probe I Ems Thot I orge organo Earl Ons are I Kiel y to Evel op overconform lty,<br />

goal displacement. These dysfunctlons are Véry llkely to style the process<br />

of Innovation In organlzatlon.<br />

Contlngency the orles have developed a framework whlch emphases tue<br />

Interrelatlonshlps of the organlzatlon and I subsistes wlth externat<br />

system In This framework Many rese archers have studled the rôle of<br />

Innovation. For exemple Bruns and Stoker (1961) have focused on the<br />

management of Innovation and have demonstrated Thot forme Thot Evel op<br />

Systems for analyztng and respondlng to technologlcal and Marcet changes are<br />

llkely to be successful.<br />

Lote contlngency the orles Juch as MIntzberg's approche to structurant of<br />

Organ Izatlons (1979), Brong Ander considération the design of coordination<br />

mechanîsms between différent parts of the organlzatlon Khere Innovation May<br />

be developed, the design of structural parameters position superstructure<br />

décision Makong system and the relatlonshlp wlth contingent factor (slze,<br />

âge technlcal system envlronment).<br />

Allaire and Flrslrotu's modem of organlzatlon In relatlonshlp wlth I<br />

envlronment Allos us to complété figure 4.1. In effet two new dimensions<br />

are rough to Our attention as Shawn In figure 4.3: a thlrd Internai<br />

subsystem, the Organ Izatlonal culture and the envlronment, whether<br />

comprise of structural éléments Juch as Otter organlzatlons (competltors,<br />

customers, supp. mers etc or of contingent éléments (technology, soclety,<br />

hlstory, etc. Moreover, In This perspective strate Is Sean as an<br />

actlvîty Thot bears on bath organlzatlon and envlronment. The Nied to<br />

develop bath Internai and externat stratégies has Aldo bene emphaslzed by<br />

Gelînler (1981). Thenard (1981) talcs about mlxed sfrategy Khere he deflnes<br />

a cohérent strate supporte by management as belng an equlllbrlum between<br />

polltlcal, economlc, and Organ Izatlonal elements. In the Asme veln. Godet<br />

(1986) shows Thot performance Is a functlon of the fît between strategy,<br />

culture and structure. W add to these Tree componende the envlronment and<br />

Indlvldual s.<br />

The short In the unit of analysas as detalled In capter & Is Véry<br />

Important for the problème of organîzlng for Innovation recause Many of the<br />

changes and Innovations are llkely to occur outslde the boundarles of<br />

organlzatlons. Tels Is emphaslzed by the l nterorgan Azat clonal process of<br />

Innovation pressente In section 2.5.3.<br />

I has bene recognlzed Thot envlronments are a major source of change In<br />

Organ Izatlonal lofe whether envlronments are consldered as belng slmply the

& H<br />

col mecton of Organ Izatlons w Ith whlch a focal organîzatlon Is I Ikoy to<br />

Intact or whether envlronments are broadly deflned as belng the<br />

"surround îngs" of an organîzatlon, the "cl I mate in whlch the organîzatlon<br />

functlons.<br />

Figure 4.3: Organisation and Environnent<br />

Therefore, a sarong Implication Drom the redent the orles of organîzatlon Is<br />

Thot managers have to enfance the envlronmental analysas capaclty of Thel<br />

Organ Izatlons. En Iron mental analysas Is Rhus a principal Clement in the<br />

management of Innovation. As Wez w & & I examine In section 4.3. the redent<br />

the orles summarlzed in capter & Brong différent I Light on the organîzatlon -<br />

environnent relatlonshlp In Germs of Innovation.<br />

Figures 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 allo us to buîld a général framework of<br />

Innovation organîzatlon, envîronment, and strategy. Tels framework Is Shawn<br />

In f Igue 4.4.<br />

Tels schème hlghl Ights the fact Thot Innovation dies Nat Lean "product" or<br />

"process" Innovation but Is a comprehens ive concept embedded In différent<br />

éléments of the organîzatlonal I Ife: envîronment, structure technologie<br />

peuple task, culture and strategy. The patterns of Interaction between<br />

these éléments dépend on the nature and the orlgln of the Innovation<br />


107<br />

Ail these elemen+s are Important recause<br />

Figure 4.4: Innovation Organisation and Environnent<br />

(1) Innovation light orlglnate In Rach of these elements,<br />

(2) an Innovation Is Almont Enver focuslng on one îsolated Clement but<br />

spreads throughout Otter elements,<br />

(3) the successful management of Innovation Leeds to be thought of In a<br />

& system le mann er.<br />

In summary, organlzatlon theorles, and the évolution In these tneorles<br />

hlghlîght the fact Thot Innovation Is a central concerne and choule be<br />

approche by organlzatlons In a Sy stem le w Ay Illustrâtes In figure 4.4.<br />

Fave Basle Implications are derlved:<br />

(1) the management of Innovation Is a strates lc responsable I City of

&<br />

manager<br />

(2) +he management of Innovation s Aldo a structura I problème<br />

(3) the management of Innovation dels wlth lndlvldual s. and<br />

(4) the management of Innovation dels wlth eu Oural Issue<br />

(5) the management of Innovation Is dépendent on the env & rongent&<br />

F<br />

Figure 4.4 shows the system le char acter Isle of the management of Innovation<br />

but Falls In hlghllghtlng aboter fondamental dimension of Innovation mme.<br />

In effectue Innovation Is a dynamo concept and Is relate to the évolution<br />

of organlzatîon. In the nexe section Wez Wall Tak a statlc, Internai<br />

perspective and look In more détail At the relatlonshlps between Innovation<br />

and the Tree Internai subsistes of the organlzatîon, culture lndlvldual,<br />

and structure. Them Wez Wall Introduis the tome dimension and Tak an<br />

externat and dynamo perspective to Tudy the relatlonshlp between<br />

organlzatlons and Innovations m a dynamo perspective.<br />


Tels section Wall conflit of a extensive I Is of factor and éléments Thot<br />

have bene Sal to be Important for deallng wlth Innovation In organlzatîon.<br />

W have réarrange ail these éléments accordant to Our Tree Basle<br />

subsistes of the organlzatîon: culture lndlvldual, and structure.<br />

But flrst let us emphase the fact Thot ail the éléments llsted Bellow are<br />

Nat always Eas to ad dress by managers. Sole are Eden Nat "control label by<br />

top management. In addition the tome requérez to change an Clement wlth In an<br />

organlzatîon varies wlth the type of Clement addressed, l.e. whether LG Is a<br />

cultural lndlvldual, or structural Clement Self Cal Ly Allalreand<br />

Flrslrotu (1984) hlghllght Thot the Tree subsistes of an organlzatîon<br />

pressent différent patterns regardant the degree of control by management<br />

the rate of change and the mode of change. These patterns are Shawn In<br />

figure 4.5 and basal Ly Say Thot LG Is raser to act upon the structure of<br />

an organlzatîon thon upon lndlvldual s and certalnly thon upon the culture of<br />

the organlzatîon. W hlghllght these patterns In figure 4.6 by showlng these<br />

Tree subsistes on a two îmenslonal graph. One dimension corresponds to<br />

the control by management how Puch management con act Internai Ly upon tnese<br />

subsystems. The second dimension corresponds to the degree of contingence to<br />

the envlronment. Them LG appert Thot the culture ls hlghly contingent<br />

recause of I dépendance on the htstory of the organlzatîon for example),<br />

and managers have Véry Fe Internai forces to act upon l. The structure ls<br />

Puch Lesse contingent and May be Elven by managera actions and décisions<br />

lndlvldual s seem to be ln between.

103<br />

Figure 4.5: Dynamie of Change<br />

adapte Drom Allai re & Firsirotu, & 984)<br />

Figure 4.6: Internai Subaystema of the Organisation<br />

Cantroi and Contingence


110<br />

Figure 4.7 shows Som charac+erlstfcs of an entrepreneur al culture and an<br />

administrative culture. In addition to these éléments large Organ Azat Ions<br />

con pressent Som patterns Thot are assocîated wfth succès In developlng,<br />

sustalnlng and adoptant Innovations. These éléments comprise the followlng:<br />

Figure 4.7: Entrepreneurial Culture verjus Admis nistrative Culture (Stevenson & Gumpert, & 985)<br />

Atjtiosphere and Vlslom contlnuous Innovation occurs largely recause top<br />

exécutives appreclate Innovation and manage Thel company's value system and<br />

atmosphère TO support I. Innovatlve management whether technlcal or Noth<br />

projet Clear long-term visions for Thel Organ Azat Ions Thot go beyond<br />

simple economlc measures. Juch visions are Nat management "fluff", but have<br />

Many practlcal Implications. They attrait quai City peuple to the company and<br />

gave ficus To Thel créative and entrepreneurial drives. Wren combine wlth

& & &<br />

Sound Internai opération They Helpe Channel growth by concentrât hg<br />

attention on the actions Thot Lea to prof Itabî I City rater thon on<br />

prof Italo City Issel f (Qulnn, 1985).<br />

Orientation la the Marcet & Innovatlve Companies seem to tle Thel visions to<br />

the practlcal realltles of the Marcet place. Although Rach company uses<br />

différent techniques adapte toI on style and strategy, two éléments are<br />

always pressent a sarong Marcet orientation At the top lebel of the company<br />

and mechanîsms to endure interactions and communications between technlcal<br />

and marketing peuple At Lower lebel s.<br />

Skunkworks & Innovatlve Companies emulate smalt I company practlces by uslng<br />

groups Thot functlon In a skunkwork style. Smalt I trams are place together<br />

wlth no Intervenant organlzatlonal or physlcal barrlers to developlng new<br />

Ide as. The skunkwork approche Is belleved to ellmlnate bureaucracy, to allo<br />

fast and smooth communication and to Installe a Hugh lebel of group Identlty<br />

and loyalty.<br />

Interactive Earn l hg & recogntzlng Thot the random, chaotlc nature of<br />

technologlcal change Cuts acrose organlzatlonal and Instltutlonal llnes,<br />

Innovatlve Companies top Intl multiple sources of technologie as Wele I as<br />

Thel customers' capabllltles and encourage hlghly Interactive and<br />

motlvatlng Earn ING env Ironments.<br />

Var Ley Q Fundlnq Channel s & Innovatlve forme emploi a varlet of fundlng<br />

Channel s to encourage rosi taklng.<br />

Tolérance g Fal Lure<br />

Opportun City Pur sue Outslde Pro Jets & Innovatlve forme allo and protide<br />

ample tome to pur sue spéculative prose cts. As Puch as & percent of a<br />

productive sclentlst's tome Is "unprogrammed", durlng whtch he or She Is<br />

free to pur sue Inter ests Thot May Nat Ile In the main stream of the f l rm<br />

(Maldlque and Haye 1984).<br />

Dense I ntegr City & although commette to I NC l v l duo I l sm and<br />

entrepreneur l p successful Innovatlve forme Still tend to exhlblt a<br />

compliment to long-term Eel atlonsh Is. The forme v lew themselves as part of<br />

an endure ING commun City Thot Incluses employees, Stockholm Dersi customers,<br />

supp. mers and local commun I tl es. Thel r Objet l Ve I s to mal nta I n stable e<br />

frultful associations wlth ail of these Inter est groups.<br />

Hanson Top Management & Nat wlthstandlng Thel deep dense of respect and<br />

trust for Indlvlduals, CDs of Innovatlve forme are usuel Ly actlvely

112<br />

Involved In the Innovation process to Juch entent Thot They are sometlmes<br />

accu se d of meddllng (Maldlque and Haye 1984).<br />


In addition to the creatlvlty part needed by Individuels In the Innovation<br />

process Dee capter 2), Aulan (1979) has Identlfled Federal characterlstlcs<br />

of Indlvldual entrepreneurs whlch facllltate the Innovation process.<br />

Fanatlclsm/Commltment & for success, the Indlvldual must be fanatlcally<br />

commette In ordre to endure the pain frustration and effort of overcomlng<br />

the technlcal, organlzatlonal, and Marcet dlfflcultles Thot always confronte<br />

a new Idem. The system In whlch This Indlvldual apertes choule permit the<br />

match-up of persona Itles, opportunIles and Inventives Ander whlch Juch<br />

peuple thrlve.<br />

£haes Acceptante i the I nventor/entrepreneur Is Nat Bund to formai plans or<br />

PERT charts of progressa Progresse on an Innovation typlcal Ly cornes In sparts<br />

amont unforeseen celais and setbacks. The acceptante or Eden enjouement of<br />

This chaos of développent Is a crucial factor to be consîdered bath At the<br />

Indlvldual and the organlzatlonal lebel<br />

No detalled Controls & In the Zarly stages of Innovation détail ed Marcet<br />

estimâtes are costo and Inaccurate slice In moss cases the Marcet dies Nat<br />

exist. Thusy Many formai Ized Rule for evaluatlng Investments Drom a finance<br />

and accointa hg perspective are Nat dlrectly approprlate to Innovatlve<br />

prose cts. Imposant detalled controls on these projets Is Illy to salle<br />

the Innovation process.<br />

I cent Ives/R I sks & the Indlvldual entrepreneur con satl Sy hl persona<br />

désires for poney achlevement, or récognition and Is motlvated to do sp.<br />

Recause he Is a commette expert In hl on new field he percelvés the rosi<br />

as Lesse thon Any reflex group coul. He dies Nat palc Wren éthers mlght.<br />

Tels bedoles especlally Important Wren Otter peuple have to rosi money on<br />

Véry large sale system<br />

Long Time Horizons & the I mentor Is undeterred by the long perlot of tfme<br />

Thot light relapse between Invention and f Inanclal success. He général Ly<br />

protides a contlnulty of Inter est and support for the entre perlot of<br />

development.<br />

In addition to these Indlvldual characterlstlcs, I stems to be Important to<br />

design and fulfîll spécifie rôles for deallng successfully wlth Innovation.

113<br />

Sole rese archers have extenslvely focused on This aspect of Innovation.<br />

Dîscovery recules an Inventer and a champion to Brong the new concept to<br />

managements attention. Approprlate stratégie décisions must be made At the<br />

décision stage by quallfled décision Mamers and sponsors wlthîn top<br />

management. The champion must Real n active At This stage. Final Ly At the<br />

développent stage a pogrom manager and sponsor must Wark together to Brong<br />

about the successful Impl ementatfon of the Innovation obel l and Rudellus,<br />

1985).<br />

The rôles and Pol Icfes change rough the différent stages of the Innovation<br />

process. Organlzatlons"shoul d recognlze these changent rôles and use This<br />

know ledge In placent peuple In Chey positions and establ Ishlng Pol Ici es.<br />

Figure 4.8 summarlzes the rôles and polices needed In Rach stage of a<br />

three-step Innovation process.<br />



obel i & Rudelius, 1985)<br />

Khere are Many différent terminologies use for char acter Il hg these<br />

différent rôles (Schon, 1963; Galbralth, 1977; Maldlque, 1980; Roberts and<br />

Fusfeld, 1981; Gibel I and Rudellus, 1985; Kazanjlan and Drazln, 1986). A<br />

compilation of Federal Thou sand Indlvîdual profiles of staff In RAD and<br />

engineering organlzatlons has demonstrated patterns In the characterlstlcs<br />

of the peuple ho performe Rach innovation functlon (Allen, 1977). These

&<br />

patterns are Shawn In figure 4.9. The figure fndlca+es whlch persans are<br />

predlsposed to be more Interested In one type of actlvlty thon aboter and<br />

to performe certain types of actlvltles as Wele I.<br />



roberts & Fusfeld, 1981)<br />

Rough This subtest Thot différent persans choule f i II différent rôle Som<br />

I NC Iv I dual s h ave the Sk & & I s breadth, I ncl I nation and Job opportun I Ry to<br />

fui fil I more thon one crltlcal functlon In an organlzatlon.<br />

Figure 4.10 shows Som masures relevant for Rach functlon, Indîcatîng bath<br />

quantlty and qualité dimension and proposes Som possible regards for Rach<br />

of these functtons.<br />

Malique (1980) Lakes an Interesttng contribution to the understandlng of<br />

these Chey rôles for Innovation by attemptlng to Monk the network of<br />

entrepreneurial rôles needed In an Innovation to the stages of développent<br />

and the complexité of the Organ Izattonal Zetting In whlch the Innovation<br />

takes pl ace. He suggestif a f ramework, show n l n f Igue 4.1 & & to Exe I a In The<br />

change In the relatlonshîp between the network of entrepreneurial rôles and

& & &<br />

+he process of Evel opinent of an Organ Izatlon.<br />



roberts & Fusfeld. 1980)<br />

Figure 4.1 & & Évolution of the Entrepreneurial Network<br />

(Maidique. 1980)<br />

As Burgelman (1984) points out Khere are in the case of Internai corporate<br />

venturlng, Tree différent lebels of management (nvolved In the process of<br />

Innovation top management new venture division management and group or<br />

venture leader. These Indlvîduals have différent tanks long the process of<br />

développent of the new venture définition Impetus, stratégie contexte

M6<br />

structural oontext). These rôles are Shawn In figure 4.12. Burgelman (1984)<br />

Identifies four major potentat problème In This process<br />

(1) clous c Ire les In the définition process différences of langages<br />

and lack of articulation between the actlvltles of différent levelsof<br />

management<br />

(2) managera dllemmas In the Impers process<br />

& maxlmlzlng growth wlth the one produit process or system<br />

avalable In the venture verjus building the functional<br />

capabllltles of the embryome business<br />

& focuslng on expandlng the scope of the new business verjus<br />

s pend ING tome coachlng the venture manager<br />

(3) l ndeterm l nateness of the stratégie contexte lacklng an<br />

understandlng of substantive Issues and problème In partîcular new venture<br />

developments, top managent Is llkely to be come désenchante Wren progresse<br />

Is Lower thon deslred;<br />

(4) selecte pressures of the structural contexte the formas<br />

structural Contest May Ebert pressures to Crow fast whlch exacerbât<br />

adverse externat pressures.<br />

Figure I & & Keg Activités i n Corporate Centuri hg<br />

(Burgelman, & 984)<br />

The flrst Tree problème are relate to a large entent to the définition of<br />

rôles and the distribution of actlvltles between the différent Indlvlduals<br />

Involved In Innovation. The succès of radical Innovations Is ultîmately<br />

dépendent on whether They con be come Institut clonal Ized. A complété

Institutlonal Izatlon Is performe Wren al I Tree subsytems are consonant<br />

w Ith Rach ther. The followfng section concerne the structural system of the<br />

organlzatlon.<br />


In général rese archers have focused on the organlzatlonal "barrlers" to<br />

Innovation In the large Organ Izatlons. Firat of ail the Elze and complexité<br />

of an organlzatlon have often bene Sean as an Important barrer Tels stream<br />

of research has formulâtes Thot large Organ Izatlons Possesse a large Mount<br />

of Inerte (Hannan and Freeman, 1984). Caution ressource orientation<br />

conservative sélection of peuple defense attitude establlshed<br />

structure dis placement of goal over cons arm Ity. etc. are ail attrlbuted<br />

to large Organ tzar Ions as d I st t ngu I shed Drom smalt I anes The smalt I<br />

Organ IzatI on l s sa l d to be f I el b I e cream Ve responsl Ve and So on. Sole<br />

structural frayures relate to Elze and complexité are the followîng<br />

(Granstand, 1982):<br />

&<br />

- long maths of évaluation and décision Makong concernant new Idéas and<br />

projects,<br />

- diffuse areas of responsl Bo I Ita<br />

- Many lones of communication<br />

- départemental Irato on<br />

- rugît structure of salarie promotion transfert stat.<br />

Remet I t I venets of certain opérations Is Aldo a frayure of large<br />

Organ Izatlons Thot Worms In favori of an Increased lebel of bureaucracy. As<br />

hlghllghted by Abernathy and Utterback (1978), the behavlor of<br />

organlzatlonal unlts shirts to Incrémental Innovation In produit and<br />

process. Tels behavlor leads to the développent of routines and ru les the<br />

structure bedoles more and more rlgîd. The crltlcal assets of an<br />

organlzatlon constitue themselves a potentat barrer to Innovation and<br />

change slice They absorbe attention and resources. The defense of large<br />

Marcet shares, excessive "cost réduction thlnklng", excessive "prof Ita l I City<br />

thlnklng" May Impec the "Innovation thlnklng".<br />

I Rhus stems Thot Khere Is a Parado or a dllemma between Som concepts<br />

whlch drive organlzatlonal I Ife. Innovation stems to Rely on "chaos",<br />

dlsruptlve actlvttles, reluquant by nature to Institutlonal Izatton, to Any<br />

klnd of organlzlng modes whlle the management of ongolng actlvltles<br />

recules contlnulty, ordre stablllty, and So on. In Germs of Abernathy and<br />

Utterback' s mode I & Khere I s an & nherent cons I I et between f I el b & & I Ry and<br />

efflclency. Figure 4.13 Illustrâtes the différent organlzatlonal

characterlstlcs requérez for opération of establ I shed bus esses and for<br />

Innovation.<br />

Figura I & & Organlzatlonat Charactarlstlca Raoul rad for Oparatlan<br />

of Establlshad Businaaaaa and far Innovation<br />

(Frontini & Mchardson, & 984)<br />

&<br />



gums J Stalker, 1961}<br />

In the Asme Velin Bruns and Stoker (1961) pressent tne Basle différences<br />

between a mechanlstlc structure and an Organ le structure Dee figure 4.14).<br />

Wren the envlronment Is stable and fallu certain the mechanlstlc type of<br />

organlzatton Is moss approprlate for the organlzatlon. Wren the technlcal<br />

and Marcet envlronment Is changent and instable an organlc type of

organlzatlon Is more approprlate recause of I Increased potentat for<br />

gatherlng and processlng Information for décision makîng. Thusy They show<br />

+ha+ Khere Is no one best type of organlzatlon for décision makîng. Rater<br />

the mode of organlzlng Is contingent on the décision situation.<br />

Fol I o I hg l s a I l st of add & & clonal I Il I Tat Ions or barr er s of focal I ed<br />

"bureaucratie" organlzatlons to the process of Innovation and change.<br />

Monocratie Concept & This concept (Thompson, 1969) Hole Cs Thot (1) Khere Is<br />

Great Ineuil City amont organlzatl anal participants In Thel statu<br />

abllltles, and rewards, (2) the Organ Izatlon's technologie Is uniforme and<br />

wîthln the gras of a Fe peuple (3) the persan At the top of the<br />

organlzatlon Is assume to be omniscient and Issues al I orders, (4) these<br />

ordres are clarlf Ied Down ward by successive levels, (5) recause Khere Is<br />

Onay one source of legltlmate authorlty, conf. ICC Is Nat legltlmate, and<br />

Rhus cons I Ict-settl ING actlvltles are & & legltlmate. These phenomena are Sal<br />

to Impec the process of Innovation slice Innovatlve actlvltles are often<br />

conf. Octal by essence.<br />

Lâ£k fil Mec han lems fic Deo I & hg wlth Cons I Ict; Innovation and change In volve<br />

changent the statu quo. Tels often résulte In Som conf. ICC between Thise<br />

Indlvlduals ho are strlvlng for the Innovation and Thise no are reslstlng<br />

the Innovation.<br />

Overemphasls fin Carta l nty & the bureaucratie organlzatlon emphases spécifié<br />

preplannlng Thot résulte In Rule and procédures Thot May happer dal ING<br />

wlth nonunlform, incertain situations Wren They occid. Thusy incertain<br />

actlvltles Juch as Innovation are llkely to be rejetez by the system.<br />

Intolérance Q Fanatlcs & bog corn pan les often vlew entrepreneur lai fanatlcs<br />

as embrasements or trouble emakers recause They do Nat fit the structure<br />

They do Nat accepte the Rule and Avold the predeterm l end procédures.<br />

Short Time Horizons & the percevez corporate Nied to report a contlnuous<br />

stream of quarter profits conf. Icts wlth the long tome spans Thot major<br />

Innovations usuel Ly requlre.<br />

Accountlng Practlces & by assesslng ail I Indirect direct overhead,<br />

overtlme, and service costs agalnst a projet large corporations have Hugh<br />

développent ex penses whlch Deer managers to Fund Innovatlve prose cts.<br />

Excessive rat clonal ISM & managers In bog Companies often Eek orderly avance<br />

rough Zarly Marcet research stud les or PERT planning. Rater thon managent<br />

the Inévitable chaos of Innovation productlvely, these managers Saon drive<br />


& &<br />

ou +he Véry thîngs Thot Lea to Innovation in ordre to prive ter<br />

annonce plans (Qulnn, 1985).<br />

Inappropr lote Inventives & regard and control Systems In large Companies are<br />

often deslgned to mlnlmlze surprises. Wren control Systems velter pénal Ise<br />

opportun & & les mlssed Nar regard risks taken, the Innovation process Is<br />

I Ikoy to be stlf les.<br />

In addition to these barrlers, Duncan (1976) Identifies Tree crîtlcal<br />

structural éléments Thot are to be consldered to dal effectlvely wlth<br />

Innovation complexîty, formai Izatlon, and central Izatlon. He présents a<br />

conttngency modem for destgnlng organlzatlons for Innovation. The argument<br />

Thot Is developed Is Thot Goven the Véry différent tanks Thot Nied to be<br />

performe In the Initiation and I m p I ementatîon stages of the Innovation<br />

process différent types of organlzatlon structures are moss effective In<br />

the two différent stages. Duncan Eden observes Thot the Véry structural<br />

factor Thot facllltate Initiation May Impec the I mol emmental on of<br />

Innovation and conclues Thot the Organ Azat clonal designer Is Rhus face<br />

w Ith a dl I Emma<br />

I appert Thot the complexité of organlzatlon has bath positive and<br />

potentlally négative effets on marlous stages of Innovation. At the<br />

Initiation stage hlghly diverse organlzatlons are apparent able to Brong<br />

a varlet of bases of Information and knowledge whlch facllltate the<br />

Initiation stage. However, At I mol emmental on Hugh complexîty, recause of<br />

potentat confllcts, Lakes I more dlfflcult for the organlzatlon to<br />

actua Ly Amplement the Innovation.<br />

Duong Initiation the organlzatlon Leeds to be flexible to new sources of<br />

Information and alternative courses of action. Many Rule and procédures<br />

light Just be come constralnts, Rhus Law formai Izatlon stems more<br />

approprlate. Duong the Impl ementatîon stage however, speclflc formai Ized<br />

procédures and Thusy a Hugh lebel of formai Izatlon are Sal to facllltate<br />

the Impl ementatîon.<br />

Les hlerarchy of authorlty and more participation In décision Makong con<br />

fncrease the Information avalable to the organlzatlon and Rhus Law<br />

central Izatlon Is Sal to facllltate the Initiation stage of Innovation. On<br />

the Otter hand Wren the organlzatlon Gets to the Impl ementatîon stage a<br />

more speclflc line of authorlty and responsable I City Is requérez to redusse the<br />

rôle of conflit or ambigu City Thot light ac company Impl ementatîon of the<br />

Innovation.<br />

Goven the aboie argument Duncan States Thot the organlzatlon choule short

& &<br />

îts structure In the two Innovation stages. The Chey Issue Is Them to<br />

Identlfy Thise variables the organlzatlon designer Leeds to be Aare of and<br />

mantpulate to facllltate This shlftlng of structure. Duncan foc uses on four<br />

factor for successful Ly carrylng out This shlft:<br />

- ablllty to dal wlth conflit<br />

- effective I nterpersona I relations<br />

- adéquate swltchtng Rule for utlllzlng différent structures<br />

- Instltutlonal Izlng the dual organlzatlon structures for Innovation.<br />

The entre contlngency modem propose by Duncan Is Shawn In figure 4.15.<br />

Figure 4.1I Dual Structures for Innovation<br />

(Duncan, & 976)

& &<br />

Dealtng wlth cons I Ict:<br />

U+lilzIng diffèrent structures for the two Innovation stages Is I Ikoy to<br />

have Som potentat for cons I Cit. Brong able to dal wlth cons I ICC Is<br />

Important Wren two différent groups are concerne wlth Rach stage as Wele I as<br />

Wren the Asme Organ Azat clonal unit Is învolved In bath Initiation and<br />

Impl emmental on. I May Rhus be necessary to structural Ly Creste certain<br />

méchant sms to dal wlth cons II et. For exemple Duncan suggestif Thot liaison<br />

positions May be establ & shed to coordlnate act Iv Irles between uni Cs Thot<br />

Inltlate and unlts Thot Amplement Innovations.<br />

Effective Interpersonnel relation<br />

Whether the Initiation and Impl emmental on takes place between Organ Izatlonal<br />

unlts or wlthln the Asme unit dealtng wlth Interpersonnel Issues Cs<br />

Important In facllltatlng This shlftlng In structure between the two stages<br />

of the Innovation process. I May be necessary for the Organ Azat Ion designer<br />

to procède train ING for Organ tzar on personnel whereby They con Earn how to<br />

dal wlth Interpersonnel Issues.<br />

Swttchlng Rule for svltchlng structure<br />

Duncan présents Tree Rule for shlftlng Organ Azat Lons structure. They<br />

relate to the Nied for Innovation the unertatnty assaclated wlth the<br />

Innovation situation and the compjexlty of the Innovation.<br />

(1) The greater the Nied for Innovation the more the Organ zatt on<br />

choule use différent structures for Initiation and Impl ementat Ion.<br />

(2) The greater the uncertatnty assoclated wlth the Innovation<br />

situation the more the organtzatlon choule use différent<br />

structures for Initiation and Impl emmental on.<br />

(3) The more radical the Innovation the more the organtzatlon choule<br />

use différent structures for Initiation and Impl emmental on.<br />

Instltutlonal fztng the dual structures for Innovation<br />

Oven the "radical" nature of This structural Innovation of utîltzlng<br />

différent structures for the two stages of the Innovation process I<br />

bedoles Important to Ingrate This process Intl the organtzatlon. By<br />

Jnjst^iutlona! Azat Ion Duncan menas Thot This dual structure for Innovation<br />

be Integrated Intl the ongotng acttvtttes of the organtzatlon So Thot tt Cs<br />

Sean as legttlmate. To Sully Instltutlonal Ise thts, tt Them bedoles<br />

necessary Thot top-level managers support This process rough Thel on<br />

behavtor and organtzatlon regard system In Otter words, RN ordre to<br />

utlltze the dual structure for dealtng Eth Innovation I Is necessary to<br />

develop a cl I mate In the organtzatlon Thot supports the process and tes

123<br />

i as a legltlmate part of Organ Izatlonal actlvftles.<br />

Whlle Duncan's modem Is At This terne Onay theory, Drom a practîcal<br />

standpolnt, a Humber of speclffc structural arrangements for deallng wlth<br />

Innovation have bene propose and us ed. Roberts and Berry (1985) propose a<br />

classification of the différent stratégies and organlzatlonal arrangements<br />

Thot organlzatlons adopte for enteront new buslnesses. Tels classification Is<br />

g Iven In f I gure 4.16 al ong w I rh the avantages and d I avantages of these<br />

différent approaches:<br />

- Internai developments<br />

- acquisitions<br />

- Ilcenslng,<br />

- Internai ventrues<br />

- joint ventrues or alliances<br />

- venture capital and nurturlng<br />

- educatlonal acquisitions.<br />

Figure 4.1 & Organizational Arrangement Avantages and Désavantages<br />

roberts & Berru & 985)

124<br />

Drom these possl b & & Itles, Wez con dérivé At lest Tree général structural<br />

approches acquisition Internai approcha externat approcha<br />

Acquisition<br />

Acquisition représente the final stage of the compétitive process of<br />

Innovation descrlbed In capter A. The large organlzatlon Is capable to<br />

BR ING I ski I I s humant and capital ressources to support and Just In the<br />

production diffusion and growth of Innovation on a large sale bals aster<br />

the Innovation has bene sanctloned by the market, Wren tne flrst phases of<br />

development, and teston of Innovation have bene Completel by Otter<br />

organizational Actors (Incubators and ploneers). A fondamental Chey of<br />

succès of This strate Iles In the tlmlng of entr In the new business and<br />

In the Intégration of This new composent wlthln the Current opérations of<br />

the organlzatlon. The strate of diversification rough acquisition Is<br />

thus,a Véry dîfflcult one to Amplement (Detrle and Ramanantsoa, 1983;<br />

Rochet 1981).<br />

As Wez have note above, acquisition Is essentlally a practlce use by Méforme<br />

and G-form Organ Azat Ions. In the case of Innovation Wez are Real Ly dal ING<br />

w Ith new buslnesses and therefore unrelated actlvltles. Méforme has Provrd to<br />

be a poorly structure to manage unrelated actlvltles. By attemptlng At Juch<br />

diversification Méforme organlzatlons expert the new business to Crow and<br />

Them to be come a new care business wlthln the forma At the Asme lebel of<br />

Importance thon the preslois "center of gravlty" of the organlzatlon. Tels<br />

menas shlftlng the Farm Drom an Méforme to an embryon c G-form structure. If<br />

I Coulx Wark on Paper In the Real City of organizational I Ise I Is<br />

extremely dlff Cult to manage Juch a change recause of the speclflc logo of<br />

the Méforme organlzatlon, the mlnd-set of top management and the operator hg<br />

prlnclples of Juch organlzatlons.<br />

In the case of the G-form, whlch Is deslgned to dal wlth unrelated<br />

actlvltles, acquisition of Innovations and therefore smala informa Ized<br />

buslnesses wlth high but incertain potentlal, entai I s an organo Earl anal<br />

dlff Iculty In Thot the logo of the G-form recules the buslnesses to be<br />

acquérez to have a minimum Elze comparable wlth the Elze of the Otter<br />

canters of opérations.<br />

Therefore, acquisition of smala Innovatlve buslnesses by large flrms, rough<br />

apparent obvlous, light entall unexpected d ISF Cul tles and fallures. Khere<br />

Is a Bodh of I Iterature whlch emphases how dîfflcult I Is to carry out a<br />

successful acquisition (BIggadfke, 1979; Rumelt, 1982; Dondas and<br />

Rlchardson, 1982; Lauensteln, 1985; Jemlson and Sltkln, 1986).

Internai Approcha<br />

Large forme often Eel the Nied for Improvement, especîally process<br />

Improvement and Wall tend naturally to performe In-douze research and<br />

development. Sarong commît ment to RAD Is characterlstlc of productive unlts<br />

In the Middle stages of development. Juch unlts Investi heavlly In formai<br />

research and engineering departments, wlth emphases on process Innovation<br />

and produit d I f ferentlatlon rough functlonal Improvements (Utterback,<br />

1980). But tradltlonal RAD has Provrd to be Insufflent for produclng major<br />

Innovations. Tels problème stems to stem Drom the fact Thot the process<br />

tradltlonal Ly use conflits of a sériés of functlons (research, development,<br />

manufacture Ing, marketing chose Intl tut clonal Izatlon tends to refuit In<br />

routine Innovations and stilles the orlglnatlon of major Innovations.<br />

To over come these problems, organlzatlons set alde the tradltlonal séquence<br />

aboie and confluer these différent functlons as part of one and the Asme<br />

process of developlng a new business (Drucker, 1973). Conslderlng the<br />

Innovation as a Hole business the Idéa Is to slmulate wlthln a large<br />

organlzatlon the entrepreneur al sport of smalt I start-up, adaptive frs.<br />

Thusy I Is bel Levet Thot the entrepreneur I al atmosphère Wall be Real Ica ted<br />

allowlng the Companies to Juma quîckly Intl new and potentlally fast-growth<br />

markets.<br />

The conclusions of rese archers for deslgnfng the structure are Thot<br />

Innovatlve actlvltles have to be separated Drom the operatlng system whlle<br />

however, malntalnlng the Innovation process wlthln the administrative<br />

boundarles of the corporation. The Chey factor seem to be an autonome Drom<br />

Day to Day operatlng actlvltles, an entrepreneur I al cl l mate and constant<br />

long-term top management Involvement.<br />

Dependlng on the nature and uncertalnty of Innovatlve actlvltles developed<br />

and on the nature of the care Sk & & & s capa II I tles and val ues of the f I rm<br />

vls-a-vls these resu l Red for the new act l vI les Khere l s a w Ide range of<br />

well-deftned structural arrangements whlch Coulx be art f I c I al I y Amded to<br />

the organlzatlon.<br />

Spécial Business Unlts (SBU) and Independant Business Unlts (IBU) are use<br />

Wren the care salols resu I Red for the développent of the new ventrues do Nat<br />

fit the exlstlng salols and capa Iltles of the Farm and Rhus requlre<br />

decoupltng Drom the operatlng organlzatlon. In Juch unlts are often<br />

developed new buslnesses wlth Hugh stratégie Importance for the future Wele Ibelng<br />

of the fem.<br />

Wren new ventrues May requlre or use Som salols and abllltles of operatlng<br />


M6<br />

divisions I Coulx be profitable to Creste a sparte départent round an<br />

entrepreneur l al projet In Thot part of the operator hg system Khere potentat<br />

for sarong capabllltles and ressources Is slgnlflcant. Tels structural<br />

arrangement Is know as New Produit & Business Department.<br />

Aboter design alternative Is propose for situations of maximum ambigu City<br />

(Burgel man 1985): the New Venture Division (NVD) whlch Is establ Shed In<br />

the corporate entât to allevlate the problème resulttng Drom pursued<br />

diversification stratégies. Juch an organlzatlonal composent protides the<br />

Internai envlronment requérez for developlng new business whlch Coulx<br />

posslbly offert a Hugh potentlal. NVDs, accordant to Fast (1978), con be<br />

separated Intl two différent types dependlng essentlally on Thel Elze and<br />

objectives and the Way In whlch new venture Idéas are generated: macro and<br />

micro NVDs.<br />

A macro NCD typlcal Ly lanches frontal Nassau I t type ventures. These are<br />

large sale ventures. Elze Is an Important crlterlon In selectlng ventrues<br />

In a macro NCD recauseI Cromary objective l s to have a major Impact on<br />

the economlc and sfrateglc situation of the company. Micro CDs are smalt I<br />

new venture divisions establ Shed wlth a I o profile and minimal<br />

expectatlons. Often They are a menas for retalnlng Internai entrepreneurs<br />

ho do Nat fit In an operator hg division or get the support They requlre<br />

ther.<br />

Externat Approcha<br />

Despote the Great potentat for conf. Ict, the potentat for opportun stuc<br />

behavlors, învolved In Many contractuel situation Many Organ Azat Ions<br />

attempt to develop coup I ING mechanlsms for deallng wlth Innovatlve<br />

actlvltles. Establlshlng contractuel relations Is Rhus a solution for<br />

bu & & d I hg structures w Ith l nnovatl Ve capa & & & & les Wy & & e d l m In l SH l hg and<br />

sarong the risks Involved In Innovation. Rhus al I lance s. Ilnkages,<br />

agreements, llcenslng, Joint ventrues May be Véry profitable and frultful<br />

organlzatlonal arrangements for deallng wlth Innovation. Moss of these<br />

alliances are deslgned to ad dress Zarly stages of the Innovation (CalorI and<br />

Noël 1986).<br />

These structural delcos Ary Drom llcenslng and franchïsîng to large<br />

research-based Joint ventures. Roberts (1980) descelles a spectral of<br />

venture stratégies In figure 4.17, Khere the Felce use basal Ly dépends<br />

on the degree of corporate envolement Drom the "parent" company.<br />

Khere are delcos between large and smalt I companles: venture capital In<br />

whlch an Infestent Is made to Eek out a "wîndow" on promlsîng Innovation

ven+ure nur+urîng volves a Little more thon Just capital Investment,<br />

venture spln-off occurs Wren the Idéa developed cornes Drom the parent<br />

organtzatlon but dies Nat fit the main stream business new style Joint<br />

venture In whlch large and smalt & partners Joan Thel respective forces and<br />

salols to Creste and deyelop a new entr In the Marcet place.<br />

&<br />

Figure 4.1ISpectral of Venture Stratégies<br />

(Roberts. 1980)<br />

Khere are Aldo contractuel relations between large organlzatlons. These<br />

Coulx be of a joint venture style frequently accompanled by the création of<br />

a new smalt & entlty. Or Khere Is Aldo the posslblllty of piolet Fund of<br />

venture capital partnershlps (RInd, 1981).<br />

Burgelman (1984) Identifies two Basle dimension structural relatedness and<br />

stratégie Importance whlch Allos one to position the différent<br />

Organ Izatlonal arrangements dlscussed Earl er In the Internai and externat<br />

approaches. Figure 4.18 shows This posltlonment of Organ Azat clonal designs.<br />

In a stmîlar approcha Durand (1986) shows the différent stratégie behavlors<br />

and orientations assoclated wlth différent mechanlsms avalable to<br />

organlzatlons for accesslng technologie Tels Is Shawn In figure 4.19.<br />

I choule be emphaslzed At This point Thot coopérative s"trategles, rough<br />

potentlally crucial for technologie acquisition for exemple are often Véry<br />

dlff Cult to Real Ise In a compétitive envlronment (Barreyre and Bouche<br />

1982; Creton 1984; Do et a. 1986). W w II I corne back Lager to This<br />

problème capter 5).<br />

Tels section dealt wlth the Internai perspective of Our framework of<br />

Innovation and organlzatlon pressente In figure 4.4. The nexe section<br />

Introduis the envlronment and the dynamlcs of organlzatlon In the<br />


IZY<br />

Figure 4.1 & Innovation and Structure Structural Arrangements<br />

adapte Drom Burgelman. 1984)<br />

Figure 4.1IGeneris Stratégies for Technologie Accensent<br />

translate Drom Durand. 1986)

& &<br />



The followlng SS a I Is of fac+ors Eel Ted to Boe envlronment Thaa are<br />

Important for organîzatlons to dal wlth Innovation<br />

Récognition M an opportun Toy or. a HÊfid: rh I s f Actors I s Eel Ted to tne<br />

motlvatlonal Influence Thot Initiâtes the process of Innovation. By<br />

opportunlty Som rese archers dlsttngulsh between sclentUlc (knowledge) and<br />

technlcal opportunlty. A Tudy (Globe, Lev and Schwartz, 1973) ranchs Zarly<br />

récognition of a Nied (market pull or an opportunlty (technology push) as<br />

the moss Important factor explatntng the succès of Innovations.<br />

& N îjf & & A t' T<br />

T<br />

Externat communication and the rôle of gatekeepers & research Jndlcates tant<br />

certain boundary spannlng Indlvlduals, label led gatekeepers, con be an<br />

Important llnklng mechanlsm between organîzatlons and Thel externat<br />

envlronments (Tushman and Kata 1980). I Is belleved Thot one Way of<br />

dal ING wlth the dîfflcultles of commun Carl hg acrose dl f ferentl Ted<br />

boundarles Is rough gatekeepers, Indlvlduals In the communication network<br />

ho are capable of understandlng and translatant contrastant codant schemes.<br />

Thot Is gatekeepers are able to gagner and understand externat Information<br />

and subséquent I y They are able to translate This Information Intl Germs Thot<br />

are meanlngful and seul to Thel more local Ly oriente collages (Tushman<br />

and Kata 1980). Stud les have Sound an Inverse relatlonshlp between extra-<br />

Organ fzatlonal communication and bath Indlvldual and subulé performance<br />

l Lena 1977; Baker et al 1967; Shll I ING and Bernard & 964). The rôle of<br />

gatekeepers Is to reverse This relatlonshlp, espectally for subulés dal ING<br />

wlth Innovatlve actlvltles.<br />

Rôle of user & Von Coppel (1976) emphases the rôle of user In the process<br />

of Innovation Nat Onay recause an accu rate understandlng of user Leeds Is<br />

crltlcal to the succès of an Innovation but Aldo recause They genette new<br />

Idéas différent vlews, whlch contrebute to the Initiation stage of the<br />

Innovation process.<br />

Compétitive pressures & compétition Is one factor Thot h as bene recognlzed as<br />

Increaslng the rate of Innovation amont persans or organîzatlons In the Asme<br />

area (Porter, 1983; Globe et al 1973; Callen and Schwartz, 1975).<br />

General envlronment Influences & the général envlronment May have Som<br />

Influence on the process of Innovation rough for exemple the général<br />

economlc factor (e.g. depresslon), rough social factor Juch as group<br />

Customs bel lefs, and attitudes), rough Pol îtlcal factor or rough

130<br />

Health and environnent fac+ors Dee for exemple the Kondra+tev cycles In<br />

chap+er A.<br />

Clrcumstant All factor i an Andrest I mate factor Is In the rôle of<br />

serendlpl+y In Innovation as well as the technologie confluence effectue Thot<br />

Is a tlmely, unplanned merglng of major Channes of development, often Drom<br />

diverse flelds, Makong possible new advances.<br />

Adapta I City to the environnent & This generlc factor has bene emphasîzed In<br />

capter & and Is a Basle premlse of the contlngency the orles of<br />

organlzatlon. The successful organlzatlon In Germs of Innovation Is the one<br />

whlch Is able to develop self le mechanlsms for formai Ly analSong I s<br />

envîronment, and for rapldly adaptant to changes In the environnent (Burns<br />

and Stalker, 1961; Lawrence and Lorsch, 1967).<br />

Tels Lager aspect Introduis the tome dimension. Organlzatlons and<br />

envlronments are changlng, and So Is the relatlonshlp between an<br />

organlzatlon and I envîronment. How This relatlonshlp Is changent and chat<br />

Is the place and rôle of Innovation In This Chongong pattern Is the talc of<br />

the nexe section.<br />


The séminal Wark by Abernathy and Utterback (1978) speclflcally adresses<br />

This problème They emplrlcally examine the Way In whlch organlzatlons Crow<br />

and mature In relation toI Innovatlve behavlor. The modem suggestif how<br />

the char acter of I Innovation changes as a successful enterprlse mature<br />

and how Otter Companies May change themselves to Foster Innovation as They<br />

Crow and Prosper The Modelo Shawn In figure 4.20, comprises Tree<br />

successive patterns In the évolution of a successful enterprlse:<br />

(1) Foule pattern<br />

(2) Transi tonal pattern<br />

(3) Speclflc pattern.<br />

The modem shows the rates of produit Innovations and process Innovation<br />

and descelles these Tree patterns rough a Humber of Organ tzatlonal<br />

char acter Is les produit line production processes, equlpment, materlals,<br />

plant sale and control environnent char acter l stl es (compétition), and<br />

Innovation char acter Is les stimulation type<br />

Abernathy and Utterback avance Thot major new produits whlch requlre<br />

réorientation of corporate goals or production facll Irles tend to orlglnate<br />

outslde organlzatlons dévote to a "speclflc" production system or If

131<br />

orlgînated wfthln, to be rejetez by ther.<br />



(Abernathy & Utterback, 1978)<br />

The Identîf caton of an emergîng Nied or a new Way to Lee an exls+îng Nied<br />

Is an entrepreneur al act and résulte In a fluide pattern of produit change.<br />

Wren a major produit Innovation f Irst appears, performance crêtera are<br />

typîcally vague and I Little understood. I Is Rhus reasonable Thot the<br />

divers City and uncertaînty of performance reculements for new produits gWe<br />

an davantage to smalt I ad a ptab & e or gan^zatfon~ê & w & rh f Lexy Bo e techn. cal<br />

approches andgoQd externat commun Carl ans.

&<br />

But then, as se produit wîns acceptante the productive unît încreases In<br />

Elze and shirts the Innovation emphases Drom radical produit Innovation to<br />

endeavors for Improvlng manufacturlng, marketing and distribution méthode<br />

whlch entend rater thon replace the Basle technologies. Thusy the short<br />

Drom radical to evolutlonary produit Innovation Is relate to the<br />

développent of a dom I nant produit jj&sLgn, ls accompanled by helghtened Price<br />

compétition and Increased emphases on {^ocess Innovation and characterlzes<br />

the transltlonal pattern In the model. Major "prôcèss changes are requérez by<br />

rlslng vol urne of opérations. Smalt I sale unlts Thot are flexible and hlghly<br />

reliant on Manual Lagor and kraft Sk I II s utlllzfng général pur pose equlpment<br />

develop Intl unlts Thot Rely on automate equlpment Intensive Hugh vol urne<br />

processes.<br />

Final Ly as the unit consinues to Brown the compétitive emphases shorts Drom<br />

produit variation to post réduction In This envlronment Innovation bedoles<br />

typlcal Ly Incrémental In nature on bath produit and process and I has a<br />

graduai cumulative effet on productlvlty. Juch IncréeTal Innovation<br />

résulte In an Increaslngly spécial Ized system of production In whlch<br />

économies of sale In production and the développent of mass marketers are<br />

extremely Important. The productive unit lofes I flexlblllty to ficus on<br />

efflclency, becomlng Increaslngly dépendent on hlgh-volume production to<br />

cover I f Ixed costs and Increaslngly vulnérable to change demande and<br />

technlcal Absil essence The Organ Azat clonal control type has Rhus shlfted<br />

Drom an Informai and entrepreneur la I type In the foule pattern to a control<br />

rough emphases on structure rues and goals In the speclflc pattern.<br />

Therefore, Abernathy and Utterback (1978) propose a I INI between<br />

technologlcal Innovations and the évolution of the Organ Azat clonal unit over<br />

mme. In capter & Wez revlewed différent Organ Izatlonal I Ise cycles and Wez<br />

Identlf led one Dommary modem (Qulnn and Cameron 1983): entrepreneur I al<br />

stage collectlvlty stage formai Irato on and control stage élaboration of<br />

structure stage and décliné. W Aldo Identlf led four redent Organ Izatlon<br />

the orles whlch emphase the or Wan & Zast on-env l rongent Eel Tal Ons l p Rach<br />

représentative of the four celle of Astet and Van de Venas typologie Dee<br />

figures A. and 3.7): population ecology, Interorganlzatlonal analysas<br />

contingence theory, and ressource dependency. In capter & Wez Aldo Identlf led<br />

more thon two types of Innovation. Produit and process Innovation constitue<br />

the technologie type. W Aldo have Organ Azat clonal Innovation I.E.P<br />

structure Indlvldual and culture types of Innovation. W propose bow an<br />

Intégration of these concepts., modem s and theorles, whlch général Izes<br />

Abernathy and Utterback' s Thory f<br />

V.<br />

Firat of ail In section 4.2. Wez notice Thot Rach Internai sub system of the<br />

Organ Izatlon corresponds to a différent pattern of control by management and

133<br />

contingence on the environnent Dee figure 4.6). SImllarly +he four the orles<br />

of organlzatlons menti oned aboie correspond to différent philosophes<br />

regard Ing:<br />

and<br />

(1) the Internai control of management on the organlzatlon and the<br />

potentat Impact of the Internai organlzatlon on the envîronment;<br />

(2) the lebel of contingence l.e. the potentat Impact of the<br />

environnent on the organlzatlon.<br />

In effectue the population ecology perspective conslders Thot tne<br />

organlzatlon Itself has Almont no Impact on the envîronment, Thot the rôle<br />

of managers Is symbol le and Thot the organlzatlon Is htghly dépendent on<br />

the environnent rough a sélection process.<br />

The Interorganlzatlonal Thory conslders Thot organlzatlons May Impact Thel<br />

environnent by building alliances wlth Otter organlzatlons and Thot these<br />

cholces are to Som entent Ander the Internai control of managers.<br />

The contlngency Thory confluer Thot the organlzatlon has Som Impact on the<br />

envîronment, rough I Ess thon for the l nterorgan Irato on ther. I Aldo<br />

emphases Thot organlzatlons are dépendent on the environnent rough an<br />

adaptation mechanlsm, the rôle of managers belng to ajust tne Internai<br />

subsistes So as to fit envlronmental demanda<br />

The ressource dependency perspective on the Otter hand avances the<br />

stratégie cholce perspective rough whlch managers acqulre ressources and<br />

by This Way control Thel env Ironments. Rhus for This perspective the<br />

Impact of the organlzatlon on the environnent Is Hugh and the lebel of<br />

Conti Gence I s I o &<br />

Thusy Wez obtaln a Dommary of these patterns In figure 4.21.<br />

Moreover, I stems Thot Rach of these Cel I s Instar of explalnlng the<br />

behav Lor and vol ut Ion of or Gan Irato on s In Any stage are more adapte to<br />

one speclfîc stage of the évolution and therefore complément Rach ther. In<br />

addition Rach stage of the évolution of an organlzatlon corresponds to new<br />

challenge new concerna or new problems. The organlzatlonal responsif to<br />

these chai Menges Lea to speclfîc Innovations of one type or another, as<br />

emphaslzed by Abernathy and Utterback (1978) for the technologlcal type of<br />

Innovation. Thusy long the organlzatlonal I Ise cycle the Innovation<br />

emphases are llkely to be différent and the theoretlcal framework as<br />

des Ined by Our four possible candidates as the orles of organlzatlon) Is<br />

llkely to be différent also. Figure 4.22 shows the potentat relatlonshlps

134<br />

Figure 4.21 & Organisation & Environnent Relationship: A Typologie of Théories<br />

Figure 4.22: Relationships Between Organizational LifeCylce, Innovation<br />

and Organisation Théories<br />

H<br />

t<br />

Thusy as IR Is Shawn in figure 4.22, the entrepreneurial stage Witt Ids

emphases on Innovations of ail types (product, peuple structure process<br />

but moss I y produit Innovation sees the managers concerne wlth flndlng a<br />

niche In the environnent and reactlng to Avery change In Any Clement of the<br />

env Iron ment I n ordre to surf Ive. The f ramework Wy I Che corresponds to rh I s<br />

behavlor Is provîded by the population ecology model.<br />

Tena durlng the col lectlvlty stage entrepreneurs are Interactlng a lot<br />

wlth Otter Actors in the envîronment: customers, supplîers, etc. The<br />

entrepreneur Is trylng to Hare Indlvlduals, ho world Farm a crltlcal group.<br />

The major Innovation emphases durlng This stage Is on peuple Innovation and<br />

Still on produit Innovation. The percevez degree of control of managers on<br />

the organlzatlon Is hogner recause a group a col lectlvlty Is emerglng. The<br />

percevez dépendance on the environnent Is Still relatlvely hl. The major<br />

tanks are to Intact wlth Otter elements, Indlvlduals and organlzatlons, In<br />

the envîronment. The moss approprlate organlzatlon Thory In Our f ramework<br />

toexplaln these actlvltfes Is provîded by the l nterorgan Azat Ion ther.<br />

&<br />

As the organlzatlon gros and proceeds rough the thlrd stage<br />

formai Izatlon and control the percevez degree of control of managers on<br />

the évolution of Thel organlzatlon Increases. The major emphases of<br />

managers In Thel Day to Day actlvltles concerne the Internai efflclency of<br />

the system the management of power relationships wlthln the organlzatlon.<br />

Ru les and procédures are developed and Implemented. The Innovations whlch<br />

are more llkely to arlse are process Innovations and structure Innovations<br />

changes In the structure Howard more formai Izatlon and efflclency). The<br />

rôle of managers Is proactive. They are concerne wlth the acquisition and<br />

Internai allocation of ressources for malntalnlng a Hugh lebel of efflclency.<br />

The moss approprlate perspective Is provîded by the ressource dependency<br />

framework.<br />

Tena dec entr al Irato on Somain expansion and adaptation char acter Ise the<br />

Bourth stage élaboration of structure. The percevez degree of control of<br />

managers regains hlgh, but as the Marcet mature st attraits more ana more<br />

competltors, Rhus the dépendance on the environnent Increases aga l n. The<br />

types of Innovation Thot are llkely to arlse are essentlally structure<br />

(hlgher efflclency, Cast réduction rough structural Innovation new<br />

Organ I Earl Ona I arrangements for enteront dlverslfled actlvltles,<br />

geographlcal expansion etc and Still process Innovations. Managers have<br />

to ajust the Internai subsistes of the organlzatlon to env Iron mental<br />

demande and compétition. The framework of the contlngency Thory protides a<br />

seul jette hg for explalnlng organlzatlonal actif Irles and structures In<br />

This stage.<br />

Final Ly a f Ifth stage m Light occire the decl Aine of organlzatlons^ In This

M6<br />

case the percevez degree of control of managers over Thel Organ fzatlon<br />

décreuses drastlcally, the major concerne s wîth the envlronment, whlch has<br />

change and présents Many threats. Rhus Wez return to the population ecology<br />

modem whlch explant how the Organ Izatlon has no longer the approprîate Farm<br />

and Is selecte out or choule go rough a complété transformation an<br />

Organ Izatlonal Innovation to ajust to the new envlronment.<br />

Figure 4.22 explant these différent stages and figure 4.23 représente This<br />

évolution In a pectoral cycle Cal Way I con be observe At This stage Thot<br />

the Olm of moss Organ Azat Ions Is to love Howard the Law light corner of<br />

figure 4.23. To Avold the décliné stage figure 4.23 suggestif Thot the<br />

organlzatlon go to the Hugh light corner Agan aster the Bourth stage<br />

élaboration of structure - contlngency thecry). To do So menas Thot one Way<br />

to Avold décliné light be to develop new relations wlth Otter Organ Azat Ion<br />

allowlng the organlzatlon to love Zway Drom a decllnlng Marcet and to enter<br />

new markets.<br />

Figure 4.23: A New Perspective on the Organizational Life Cycle<br />

Aboter observation con Aldo be made This framework Is val Id At the Hole<br />

organlzatlon lebel but Aldo At the lebel of maller organizational unlts,<br />

Juch as business nots. An organlzatlon Is I Ikoy to be constltuted of a<br />

port folio of buslnesses, Rach of Them belng At différent stages of<br />

évolution. Rhus f Igue 4.23 Is to be thought of l n a ports al la dense the<br />

challenge of managers belng to manage the port folio of buslnesses long the<br />

différent business lofe cycle So as to pressent a Hole organlzatlon Thot<br />

Stans as close and as long as possible In the Law light hand Sode corner<br />

of the figure.<br />

Dl Nam Ly Wez con Aldo Noth ce Thot rh I s framework f Igue 4.22) con Eas I y

137<br />

incluse ano+her concept developed by strateglsts: the Industry I Ise cyc I e&<br />

Tels cycle comprises f JFE sages<br />

- émergence<br />

- shake-out,<br />

- growth,<br />

- maturlty, saturation<br />

- decl Ind.<br />

As & & I s Shawn In f Igue 4.24, these stages and Thel r char acter I stl es fît<br />

the Fave stages of the organlzatlonal lofe cycle the différent Innovation<br />

emphase and the différent theoretlcal frameworks.<br />

Figure 4.24: Relationships between Orgamzational Life Cycle Innovation<br />

Industry Évolution and Organisation Théories<br />

The stratégie behavlors Thot rese archers recommande In Rach of these phases<br />

May Rhus be Incluse wlthln This framework: for exemple Porters (1980)<br />

framework for ail the process wlth an emphaslson émergence growth and

138<br />

ma+urîtyï Calorl's (1982) recommandations for émergent Industrie Frost and<br />

Thenardf s (1981) and Thletard*s (1986) frameworks for decllnlng Industries.<br />

In Dommary of capter H synthèses of Innovation and organlzatlon, Wez<br />

Conti Nied to bu i I d on the Noth on of duo I organlzatl on to producer two new<br />

Important figure whlch bu lit upon the concepts hlghllghted In capter &<br />

and &<br />

- Drom an Internai perspective figure 4.6 présents the Tree Internai<br />

subsistes of the organlzatlon, and hlghllghts the Montrol by<br />

management the rate of change and the lebel of contingence<br />

- Drom an envtronmental perspective figure 4.21 présents Our four<br />

organlzatlon the orles as belng part of one larget framework, the<br />

organlzatlon In I relation to the envîronment.<br />

Moreover, In an Intégrative effort Wez dlscussed the Eel Tal Ons l pf between:<br />

- Rach of the Tree Internai subsistes of the organlzatlon and<br />

Innovation<br />

- the organlzatlonal and Industry évolution and Innovation.<br />

In the nexe capter Wez Wall pur sue Our Intégrative effort and épand a<br />

Little on the concept of strate to propose the fondations of a Thory of<br />

Innovation and organlzatlon.

139<br />

PART TWO<br />


H<br />



5.1. Conceptuel Fondations<br />

5.1.1. Global Perspective<br />

5.1.2. Internai Perspective<br />

5.2. Modem of Organîzatîonal Change<br />

5.3. Concepts of Innovation and Stratégie Carrelages

The Tree building blocks of the reflex of I Iterature - Innovation the orles<br />

of organlzatlons, and Innovation and organlzatlon - al Law us to bull the<br />

fondations for a Thory Thot nables one to understand and improbe the<br />

process of dal ING wlth Innovation In organlzatlon. In an attempt to bull a<br />

Thory of Innovation one con star by focuslng on the Innovation Issel f I<br />

char acter I st I es Juch as Rogers and Shoemaker, 1971); one con star by<br />

focuslng on the technologie produit and process Innovations Juch as<br />

Abernathy and Utterback, 1978); or one con star by focuslng on Indlvlduals,<br />

A.G. créât Ivlty, entrepreneurshlp (Butler, 1985).<br />

W chose to tocs Our Thory on organlzatlons. Otter rese archers have<br />

al ready don that: for exemple Bruns and Stoker (1961) ficus on how the<br />

organlzatlon Beals wlth différent env Ironments. But Bruns and Stoker ônly<br />

protide a typologie of organlzatlons - mechanlstlc verjus organlc - and<br />

therefore Thel Thory Is essentîally descriptive and stat. Abernathy and<br />

Utterback (1978) ficus on the succès and salures of techno ag Cal<br />

Innovations and links Thel Thory wlth the organlzat tonal unit In whlch the<br />

Innovations Tak place.<br />

Our perspective Is to adopte as unit of analyse the organlzatlon Issel f In<br />

I dynamlcs. Our goal Is to Inltlate the formulation of an Intégrative<br />

Thory of Innovation and organlzatlon, l.e. how organlzatlons dal wlth<br />

Innovation and change how They May Improbe Thel ablllty In generatlng<br />

Innovation on one hand and how They May adopte Innovation and change on the<br />

Otter hand.<br />

In ordre to progresse In This direction Wez Wall accompli Ish Tree tasks:<br />

O<br />

(1) Wez Wall Lay out Som Broad conceptuel fondations Drom the the orles<br />

of organlzatlon, whlch Wall protide the général framework of Our<br />

discussion. Two perspectives Wall be addressed: a global<br />

perspective of the organlzatlon In I envfronment, and an<br />

Internai perspective on Organ Izatlonal design<br />

(2) Them Wez Wall propose a général modem of Organ Izatlonal change Thot<br />

Wall al Law us to emphase the main message of This thesls, Lally<br />

Thot Innovation Is a stratégie concerne of an evolvlng organlzatlon<br />

In I changent envlronment;<br />

(3) Wez Wall final Ly dérivé différent concepts of Innovation and Thel<br />

stratégie correlates.<br />

Rough the Thory Is far Drom belng perfect I présents Som avantages over<br />

Otter the orles recause I Allos a naturel Intégration of the moss accepte

théories of Organ Azat Ion. I accoun+s for Organ Azat clonal change<br />

longitudinal différences), as Wele I as for différences amont organlzatlons<br />

(cross-sect clonal différences). I protides a Basle for a complété analysas<br />

of the Current situation as Wele I as the'future évolution and I protides a<br />

framework for Innovation strate formulation.<br />


Tels section Wall bu M d upon the major flndlngs of the preslois chapters.<br />


C<br />

Figure 4.21 In capter & pressente a posltlonment of the four redent<br />

the orles of organlzatlon, population ecology, Interorgan Azat clonal analysas<br />

ressource dependency, and contlngency theory, long two dimension the<br />

degree of Internai control and the lebel of contingence.<br />

Whlle This type of figure dl f ferentl ates a lot between the différent cells,<br />

Khere Is no situation wlthout Som dépendance on the envlronment or wlthout<br />

Som degree of control by managers. Rough the axes are scalde "low" and<br />

"hlgh", I choule be understood Thot these are relative sales rater thon<br />

absolue anes Moreover, as Wez prevlously mentloned, the four celle are Nat<br />

mutually Independent, the boundarfes between Them are Nat clear-cut lones<br />

but rater large Suzay areas.<br />

These four Cel Is des Aine Tree différent gouvernance méchant sms & as Shawn In<br />

figure 5.1. Tels termlnology, flrst use by Wllllamson (1981) In hl<br />

"transaction costs theory, Allos to over come the problème of avînt to<br />

conceptually sparte forme Drom markets". Wllllamson conslders Thot<br />

organlzatlons and markets are to be regarde as two alternative gouvernance<br />

structures for medlattng economlc transactions and beyond that, performant<br />

Organ Izatlonal actlvttles.<br />

The "market" gouvernance structure corresponds to the population ecology Cel I<br />

In Our framework, recause accordant to This theory, the envlronment, and<br />

the Marcet are The main drlvlng forces of the Organ l Earl Ona I évolution.<br />

Organlzatlons, and Internai Actors wlthln these organlzatlons have Nat Puch<br />

to do. Management has essentlal Ly a symbol le rôle and Onay a smalt I Mount of<br />

discrétion to monitor to Som entent the adaptation of organlzatlon.<br />

The two Middle celle - contlngency Thory and Interorganlzatlon Thory - are<br />

groupe together and labelle "ad-hoc coupllng" gouvernance structure. Tels Is<br />

analogue to Som entent to chat Auch I ca I I s "clans" (1980). The

I nterorgan Azat ion Thory fondamental State Thaa Organ Azat tons have to<br />

engage In ad'hoc coopérative Eel atlonshI wlth Otter Organ Izatlons In ordre<br />

to gain Som control over the envlronment. As Do et al. (1986) mention<br />

Juch coopérative stratégies are Véry dlfffcult to approche and manage and<br />

In fact are often the continuation of compétition but by Otter me ans.<br />

Nevertheless, This building of ad'hoc linkages wlth preferred partners Is<br />

the flrst aspect of ad'hoc couplant mechanlsms. The second aspect Is<br />

provlded by the Conti Agency ther. Wlthln This framework, the Olm Is to<br />

ajust the Internai subsistes to the env Iron mental demanda Thot Is to<br />

couple the Internai organlzatlon wlth contingent éléments So as to Rach a<br />

lebel of fit Thot procèdes survlval and thrlvlng of the organlzatlon.<br />

H<br />

Figure 5.1: Conceptuel Foundations: Organisation & Environnent<br />

The thîrd gouvernance mechanlsm Introduced In Our framework conflits of the<br />

ressource dependency Cel I and Is label led "Internai coordination gouvernance<br />

mechanlsm or "hlerarchy" In Wllllamson's Germ Ignol ogy). Wlthln This<br />

framework, the emphases Is put on the Internai opération the acquisition<br />

of externat ressources to acqulre power vîs-a-vls Otter Organ Izatlons In the<br />

envlronment. The drlvlng force of This approche conflits of the stratégie

chofce of managers.<br />

144<br />

These Tree gouvernance mechanîsms are the founda+îons of Our approche for<br />

organfzîng for Innovation. Rach of these structures Is supporte by one<br />

correspond ING organlzatlonal design Thory or two for the ad'hoc couplant<br />

gouvernance mechanlsm). These mechanîsms offert a triple generlc cholce for<br />

Innovation an organlzatlon May let the Marcet drive to Som entent the<br />

process of Innovation and select a partlcular rôle to play In a parttcular<br />

point of tome (Incubator, plonger mass-marketer, follower); or an<br />

organlzatlon May Walsh to Internai Ise the Innovatlve actlvltles and carry out<br />

ail or part of the process of Innovation of I on or somehow an<br />

Intermédiate strategy, an organlzatlon May Walsh to develop Som contractuel<br />

relatlonshI wlth Otter organlzatlons to carry out Innovatlve actlvltles.<br />

These gouvernance structures are generlc In the dense Thot a Wilde Arraye of<br />

organlzatlonal possible I Irles Drom a stratégie as well as a design<br />

perspective exist. Mcreover, an organlzatlon Is certain Ly Nat condamne to<br />

one partlcular mechanlsm. Rater I con and Zhou I d select différent<br />

mechanîsms or a comblnatlon of these dependlng on the Innovation the<br />

situation the organlzatlon, the envlronment, the corporate strategy, etc.<br />

The process of adequately chooslng one or more gouvernance mechanîsms Is one<br />

Important pur pose of Our Thory and Wall be developed throughout This<br />

chapt er.<br />

I world be attractive to Enfer Drom the axes of figure 5.1 Thot the "best"<br />

or "loglcal" strate Is to manage In Juch a Way as to end up In the Lower<br />

light corner of the figure correspond ING to the maximum control over the<br />

organlzatlon and the minimum dépendance on the envlronment. Chyle This world<br />

be an approprlate strate for a stable organlzatlon In a stable<br />

envlronment, I May Nat be the adéquate strate for an evolvlng<br />

organlzatlon In a changent envlronment, especlally Wren Innovatlve, and Rhus<br />

incertain and rlsky, actlvltles are At stoker<br />

The Resson Tor chooslng a partlcular gouvernance mechanlsm rater thon<br />

aboter relies to Som entent on the understand I hg of the arrow whlch<br />

symbol Ise the transitions Drom one gouvernance mechanlsm to ano ther. Tels Is<br />

Shawn In figure 5.2 and Is explalned below.<br />

Marcet Gouvernance Mechanlsm;<br />

The Marcet gouvernance mechanlsm relies on considérations whlch arm At<br />

hlghl Ightlng organlzatlonal allures In performant Innovatlve actlvltles.<br />

These allures stem Drom the dllemma between contlnulty and change. Berg<br />

responsive In producîng major changes and At the Asme tome Improvlng the<br />

efflclency of ongolng actlvltles con Lea to substantlal Internai confllct.

145<br />

This structural Inertie (Hannan and Freeman, 1984), as flexfbllfty Is<br />

replace by efflclency, protides a major explanatîon for preferlng Marcet<br />

gouvernance over Internai gouvernance The Marcet Rhus May pressent Som<br />

avantages In performant Innovatlve actlvltles. Moreover, This gouvernance<br />

mechanlsm May be preferred to ad'hoc couplant building preferred network<br />

of organlzatlons) recause of the rosi of opportunisme and the dlfflculty of<br />

wrltlng a contracte învolved In preferred relaps lonsh I pf March and Simon<br />

1958; WIMIamson, 1979). The market, wlth the assumptlon Thot compétition<br />

redusses opportunlsm, May pressent avantages over ad'hoc couplant for<br />

regulatlng Innovatlve actlvltles.<br />

Figure 5.2: Conceptuel Fondations<br />

Internai tfoyernance Mechanlsm:<br />

The Marcet structure tends to Increase the dépendance of the organlzatlon on<br />

the env Iron ment and Rhus IncreaseI vu I nerab & & th. Marcet May develop<br />

allures wlth respect to Internai I ING actlvltles rough Intégration<br />

Eel lance on Marcet transfert Coulx appeal tao rlsky and/or tao expansive n

146<br />

Germs of transaction costs. wlth respect to Internai organlzatlon recause of<br />

the posslbll City of opportunisme Wren markets are use for h Igh-potent I al<br />

actlvltles and Information exchange. In This case I sternal Azat Ion of<br />

actlvltles May pressent Som advantages. Amont the tradltlonal atonale for<br />

Internai coordination of actlvltles In général Chandler (1977) wrltes: "the<br />

Internai IzatI on of Many untts permette the flow of Goos Drom one unit to<br />

aboter to be adm I ni stratlvely coord. I notes. More effective Acheul & hg of<br />

slows achevez a more Intensive use of facllltles and personnel employez In<br />

the process of production and distribution and So Increased productfvlty<br />

and reduced costs. In addition Innovatlve actlvltles are sensltlve anes<br />

and Nat sarong Them light procède a compétitive davantage (Porter, 1983).<br />

For these rasons and Aldo recause of the risks and Rhus the costs Involved<br />

In contractuel relation Internai coordination Is Aldo preferred to ad'hoc<br />

couplant mechanlsms In certain situations.<br />

Ad-Hoc QUp & hg Mechanlsm;<br />

On the Otter hand recause of the risks Involved In Innovatlve actlvltles<br />

and recause of Organ Azat clonal salures Juch as the non-aval lob I I City of knowhow<br />

Inslde the organlzatlon, sarong rlsks, knowledge, and expérience wlth<br />

Otter organlzatlons rough différent couplant stratégies light be a getter<br />

strate In Som cases. Establlshlng contractuel relations I s a solution for<br />

dels ni I hg structures w & rh I nova lev capabllltles whlle dlmlnfshlng the<br />

Individuel risks Involved. Organlzatlons May Nat be wllllng to Indue al one<br />

the éventuel costs of allure Moreover, They May lack the extenslvely<br />

spécial Ized humano physlcal, and managera assets and salols requérez for<br />

supportant Innovatlve actlvltles. In addition ad'hoc couplant stratégies<br />

May be preferred to Marcet meccano sms recause as Merval Fe (1974) Pol nts<br />

out In htghly turbulent envlronment a compétitive behavlor May no longer be<br />

adéquate but rater a collaboratrice strate Is necessary. But as<br />

h I gy & & ghee by Do et al. (1986), the compétitive aspects of collaboratrice<br />

partnershlps have recelez Little attention rough They May dwarf the<br />

collaboratrice aspects of the relatfonshlp, and compromise the succès of the<br />

partnershîp, At lest Drom the standpolnt of one of the partners.<br />

Figure 5.2 summarlzes the conceptuel fondations for explalnlng<br />

Organ I Earl Ona I behavlor concernant Innovatlve actlvltles, showlng<br />

al ternatlve gouvernance mec han l sms, transltîonal maths between them, and<br />

Ander I y f hg support I Ve Thor les. Totos figure Wez Zhou Id Aldo add figure<br />

4.23 whlch shows the usuel Organ Izatlonal I Ise cycle In relation wlth the<br />

différent Thor les of organlzatlon.<br />

The second part of the conceptuel fondations bears upon the Internai<br />

perspective of organlzatlon rater thon on an externat perspective.


Our modem of organlzatlon, as mentloned In capter & Is Allaire and<br />

Flrslrotu's (1984) schème as Shawn Agan In figure 5.3s Tree Internai<br />

subsystems, culture Indlvldual, and structure chape the organlzatlon. In<br />

Thel définition of organlzatlon They Tak a contlngency approcha<br />

recognîzîng Thot the organlzatlon Is contingent on I direct envlronment<br />

(technology, compétition etc and on a larget envlronment the soclety)<br />

and factor Juch as I on hlstory, post experlence, post value<br />

leadershlps, etc. Tels contlngency approche Is plature In figure 5.4.<br />

E<br />

Figure 5.3: Modem of Organisation<br />

allai re & Firsirotu, & 984)<br />

W a I So d l scovered l n capter & Thot the Tree l interna I subsistes of the<br />

organlzatlon pressent différent patterns In Germs of control by management<br />

contingence lebel and rate of change. Tels Is représente In figure 5.5<br />

whlch Is a dupllcate of figure 4.6 and Is parai Lek to figure 5.1 At the<br />

beglnnFng of This capter concernant the posltlonment of the four main

theoretfcal frameworks, and Rhus the Tree gouvernance mechanîsms.<br />

A<br />

Figure 5.4: Influences on Organisation<br />

allai re & Firsirotu. & 984)<br />

Figure 5.5: Conceptuel Foundations: Internai Subsistes of the Organisation

Thusy recause of the duallty of Organ Azat tons two sîmflar figures<br />

cons+I+u+e Our conceptuel foundatlons. On one hand certain éléments In the<br />

envlronment are more or Lesse "control label by Organ Azat Ion and Rhus Tree<br />

gouvernance mechanlsms appeal dependlng on the configuration of éléments In<br />

the envlronment as They relate to the Organ Izatlonal actlvîty Thot Is belng<br />

adresse by a partlcular organlzatlon. On the Otter hand Internai éléments<br />

are more or Lesse "control label by management and are groupe I no Tree<br />

différent subsystems.<br />

W bow turn to the développent of an Intégrative modem of Organ Izatlonal<br />

change.<br />


The degree of consonance between the Tree subsistes of the organlzatlon,<br />

culture structure and Indlvlduals, long wlth the degree of fit between the<br />

organlzatlon and I envlronment constitue two generlc catégories of<br />

masures use to détermine the Current es fect Ive nefs of the organlzatlon.<br />

Dependlng on the percevez Current es fect Iveness, as Wele I as the percevez<br />

évolution of the envlronment and/or organlzatlon, Som changes or Som<br />

contlnulty and harmonie light be derme necessary to ma In tain or Improbe This<br />

lebel of es fect Iveness.<br />

The process of deslgnlng This klnd of specIflc actions Is an Important<br />

managera actlvîty and Is part of the process of strate formulation.<br />

Many rese archers and practltloners have propose marlous techniques for<br />

stratégie analysas (Sallenave, 1973; Merlot and Labourdette, 1980;<br />

Porter 1980; Ader 1983; Bouvier and Olivier 1983; Bulgues, 1983;<br />

Martinet 1983; Tasse 1983; Thletard, 1984; Allaire and FIrsIrotu, 1985).<br />

Figure 5.6 shows how This Is often don and how I light be cond. In<br />

général top management undertakes two dlagnosls tanks the lettres use<br />

refera to the figure (ou top management males At lest Impl Icltly, a<br />

dlagnosls on how the Farm Is presently performlng, chat are I strengths<br />

and weaknesses, In Sim are the Tree subsistes of the organlzatlon<br />

consonant Mutual Ly supportlve, or are Khere Som dysfunctlons and Khere are<br />

They located?; b top management Lakes Aldo an assissent of how well the<br />

organlzatlon as a Hole Is performant In I Industrlal sector, In I<br />

direct envlronment, wlth respect to I competltors, customers, suppllers,<br />

etc..., Thot Is top management Is In Som Way assesslng the pressent degree<br />

of fit between the organlzatlon and I envlronment.<br />

As part of these two tasks, top management May compare these pressent<br />

évaluations wlth the post développent of the forma drawing chars Computant<br />


& O<br />

statlstlcs, Identlfyîng trends and So for th. In général Many Organ Azat Ions<br />

Rely neavlly on these two évaluation componende (sometlmes Véry expllcltly<br />

If the process of strate formulation Is Véry formai Izel omettes<br />

Impl îcîtly, these perceptions Tak place In the mlnds of management leaders<br />

to formulât stratégies. Tels tendent Is explalned At lest partial Ly by<br />

the tact Thot often Onay these two componende point out rough problems,<br />

dysfunctlons, performance gaps to Justlfy Som bralnstormlng on the part of<br />

top managers and to fui If II Thel agendas.<br />

t<br />

Figure 5.6: Formulation of Stratégies<br />

But This process Is Incomplète. As Shawn In figure 5.6 two more diagnostic<br />

tanks choule be undertaken: c an assissent of the experte évolution of<br />

the envlronment, and d an estimation of the fit betWeen the organlzatton<br />

and the future envlronment. These are Véry Important recause a Current<br />

mlsflt between the organlzatîon and I envlronment Coulx be résolve by a<br />

favorable évolution of the envlronment.<br />

Thusy a stratégie analysas often establlshes a propre dlagnosîs on the Basle<br />

of these four éléments uslng différent Sool s and techniques stratégie

planning PIM Modelo CG matrlx, Industry structure analysas environnent<br />

analysas forecastlng, etc...). Tena base on This dlagnosîs décisions have<br />

to be made. For exemple sélection of Innovât ive projets May be made. Hers<br />

Aldo Som techniques May gel p décision Mamers Dee for exemple Saint-Paul<br />

and Tam lere-Buchot, 1974; Martino 1983).<br />

Strlctly speaklng, however, looklng At the fit between the pressent<br />

organlzatlon and the future envîronment. rough seul for Identlfylng<br />

possible gaps, light be mlsleadlng In the process of strate formulation<br />

Itself. Chat Is Real Ly Important and correct Is to val ute the future<br />

organlzatlonal es fectlveness, I.E.P the fit between the future organlzatlon<br />

and the future environnent as Wele I as the future degree of consonance<br />

between the organlzatlonal subsystems, resultlng Drom bath the évolution of<br />

the environnent and the évolution of the organlzatlon Itself. Tels Is<br />

recause the environnent Itself May Impact the évolution of the Tree<br />

Internai subsistes and Rhus the Internai consonance lebel betweem these<br />

subsystems.<br />

&<br />

But these four évaluation tasks, rough Important to the process of<br />

formulation of stratégie are Nat the Onay éléments Thot Influence the<br />

strate formation process. Firat of ail I Is Sal Thot strate<br />

corresponds often to the visions of leaders Thot the process Is a mental<br />

cognltlve process Makong place In the mlnds of leaders (Mlntzberg and<br />

Water 1983). Khere are certalnly éléments to be consldered as havlng an<br />

Influence In the Way peuple Interprète Thel val jalons of chat Is happening<br />

Inslde and round the organlzatlon. Moreover, the hlstory of the forma I<br />

culture certalnly Impact on the process of strate formulation by Imposant<br />

certain thought processes, certain values and beefs whlch Influence the<br />

behavlors of tndlvlduals. In addition rough the process of stratégie<br />

cholce Is often pressente as an analytlcal, structure process I choule be<br />

emphaslzed Thot the analysas Eel les on Imperfect Information Thot the rôle<br />

of I uck Is Enver Inexistant and Thot the strate of one Farm Is hlghly<br />

Interdépendant wlth Otter forme stratégies (Papln, 1979).<br />

These factor have bene consldered by Mlntzberg and Waters In Thel<br />

thlnklng about strate formation and the mon of strateglsts (1983). They<br />

hlghllght Thot tao often strate Is deflned In Germs of Intentions and<br />

guldellnes for actions In the future. But stratégies are a I So exacte & Thusy<br />

the usuel définition of strate Is rater chat con be cal led an I tende<br />

strate In a larget framework of strate des InI Ion. A strate Is In<br />

général a "pattern In a stream of décisions (Mlntzberg and Water 1982).<br />

Two types of stratégies con Rhus be deflned: Intense stratégies and<br />

unlntended stratégies. These two types Lea to Tree possible resultlng<br />


152<br />

t del Alberte stratégie Intentions Thot are Real Izel<br />

(2) untel îzed stratégie Intentions Thot are Nat Real Izel<br />

(3) emmerdent stratégie patterns Real Ized wlthout expllclt Intention<br />

stemm ING Drom bath Internai pressures (hlstory, subsistes<br />

dissonance etc and externat pressures contingent factor<br />

env Iron mental chantes etc.<br />

Uslng Our two dimensions of figure 5.5, control by management and degree of<br />

contingence Wez con position these Tree types of stratégies In figure 5.7.<br />

Figure 5.7: Stratégie Control and Contingence<br />

Tels Averan I process of strate formulation for whlch formai actlvltles<br />

areexplalned In figure 5.6, Intégrâtes the d If Ferenc schéol s of strate<br />

formation Dee Durand 1985 for a description of the évolution of the<br />

différent schéol s of thought In strategy). As Mtntzberg (1985) points out<br />

différent process have bene propose to expia In strate formation<br />

(1) the planning schola for whlch the strate formation Is a formai<br />

process<br />

(2) the posltlonlng schola for whlch I Is an analytfcal process<br />

(3) the entrepreneur al schola Khere the process Is vîstonary;<br />

(4) the cognltlve schola for whlch the process Is a mental one

& N<br />

(5) the Incrémental Is schola for whlch IR Is an adaptive process<br />

(6) the Pol Itîcal schéol vlewlng I as a power process<br />

(7) the envlronmental schéol for whlch the process Is passive<br />

(8) the cultural schéol vlewlng the process as belng Ideol-oglcal &<br />

(9) the hlstorlcal schola for whlch the process Is an<br />

émergent & Earn i hg process.<br />

In fact the strate formation process Is a ml of ail these processes. Our<br />

approche May be Callen the "conf fguration schéol & for whlch the process of<br />

strate formation Cs an Intégrât Ive process Khere formai as Wele I as<br />

Informai componende are Aken Intl accointa and Khere the actlvltles May be<br />

expo Iclt as Wele I as tmpl. Clt.<br />

Del Inerte and émergent stratégies are one set of organîzattonal actlvltles<br />

deslgned to Brong about changes In the Organ Izatlon. Tels effet Is Shawn In<br />

figure 5.8 by the Wilde black arrow Cl. Figure 5.8 shows the général process<br />

of Organ Jzatlonal change Drom an Organ Izatlonal perspective. I hîghllghts

& AÏ<br />

two Otter major sources of change black arrow (2) and (3)). These are<br />

flrst externally Indice chantes the Influence of env Iron mental factor<br />

Otter Organ Azat Ion dynamlcs, compétition régulation technologie etc.<br />

Second Internai Ly Indice changes stemm ING Drom the Interactions and<br />

actions of the Tree subsytems wlthln the organlzatlon culture structure<br />

and I NC I v Idua I s and stemmlng Drom the hlstorlcal développent of the<br />

Organ Izatlon.<br />

I Séoul d be note Thot these différent éléments May al I act In dl fferent<br />

and competlng direction I.E.P favorlng or reslstlng changes. For exemple a<br />

strate light be one of produclng a radical change transformation<br />

réorientation re Ita tzar ton turnaround) as Wele I as one of promotlng<br />

contlnufty and harmonia Externat factor light as Wele I Puch for change more<br />

compétition new technologie etc or They light reslst change régulation<br />

exit barrlers, etc. Slmtlarly, Internai factor May Puch for more change<br />

(unsatlsfled employees, al d physlcal asses etc or May reslst change<br />

structural Inertla: Sun costs In plant equlpment, and personnel the<br />

dynamlcs of polltlcal coalition the tendent for précédents to be come<br />

standard etc.<br />

One important point whlch Is Nat lllustrated In the figure (otherwlse This<br />

f l gure w il I no longer be readabl e l s Thot the dynamo I es of Organ Azat clonal<br />

are Véry différent In the Tree différent subsistes of the organlzatlon. By<br />

"dynamlcs" of change Wez Lean bath the rate of change and the mode of<br />

change. In effectue whlle del Iberate, rad Ica I stratégies a l m At brlnglng<br />

about change Intl the structural system of the organlzatlon, the chai Menge<br />

of radical stratégies Is to Brong about changes In the culture and the<br />

Indîvlduals as Wele I. Figure 4.5 In the preslois capter show the différent<br />

rates of change of the subsistes of the organlzatlon long wlth the mode of<br />

change.<br />

Figure 5.9 Illustrâtes Thot This process Is dtfffcult and shows the<br />

existence of a I ag between the operatlonal Izatlons of changes In the<br />

structural system In one hand and the cultural and Indîvîdual Systems In the<br />

Otter hand. In This figure starting At a tome I show ING a harmonie<br />

situation (whlch Is rare In the Real world), Som changes In the envlronment<br />

At tome II cause the organlzatlon to be In méfît wlth I envlronment<br />

Lower Organ Irato Ona I es fectlveness). Reactlng to these changes top<br />

management May design a strate to change the structure of the organlzatlon<br />

Drom structure A to structure B. But Eden Wren the new structure Is<br />

Implémente At tome II the Organ Azat clonal es fectlveness l s stl I I Law<br />

recause Khere Is dissonance between the new structure B and the Old culture<br />

A and the l NC Iv l dual s. On Ly Wren the l NC Iv & dual s w & & I Aj ust to the new<br />

structure and Wren the culture Wall be modlfled So as to support This new

& E<br />

structure the Organ îzatlon Wall Rach a new Hugh lebel of effectlveness.<br />



Allaire & Firsirotu, 1984)<br />

W bel Levet Thot one davantage of Our modem of organlzatlonal change over<br />

Otter modem s Is Thot I Intégrâtes the marlous vlews of organlzatlonal<br />

change. W put throughout This capter the ficus of organlzatlonal change<br />

on malntalnlng and/or Improvlng organlzatlonal effectlveness.<br />

In the followlng paragraphe Wez Wall show how Many différent vlews of<br />

organlzatlonal change and organlzatlonal performance are représente In This<br />

mode I &<br />

W fol Law Lenz (1981) to Identlfy six groups of research to approche<br />

organlzatlonal change and performance. These are<br />

(1) Investigations concernant the Industry structure conduit<br />

performance paradlgm;<br />

(2) research on relations between environnent and organlzatlonal<br />

structure<br />

(3) stud les conslderlng Thot the structure of an organlzatlon Is the

& H<br />

principal déterminant of effectlveness;<br />

(4) research wlthln the strate - structure - performance hypothests;<br />

(5) stud les consldertng Thot performance Is explafned by envlronment<br />

and strategy;<br />

(6) Investigations relatant administration quai City of management and<br />

Organ Izatlonal effectlveness.<br />

The éléments and Eel atlonsh i pf of Our modem consldered In Rach group Wall be<br />

Shawn on a mînf-flgure 5.8.<br />

I Industry structure performance<br />

The l Iterature of îndustrlal organlzatlon revers to the envlronment as the<br />

market, the I Industry In whlch a Farm comptes In This perspective the<br />

structure of the Marcet Is bel Heves to Influence the conduit of f Irms wlthîn<br />

Ita and Thel conduit In Turnu affects performance (Mason, 1939, Caves<br />

1977). Wlthln This framework, stratégies of Farm are mostly derlved Drom a<br />

systematlc analyse of the structure of the I Industry (Porter, 1980).<br />

F,^. S.C.A.<br />

Wlthln Our modem of Organ Izatlonal change This framework corresponds to the<br />

analysas of the structural factor of the envlronment to formulât<br />

stratégie and to the Influence of these structural factor long wlth<br />

these dellberate stratégies upon the organlzatlon.<br />

Environment, organlzatlon structure £114 esfect tvenessî<br />

Tels group of research conslders Thot Organ Izatlonal effectlveness chlefly<br />

dépends on the degree of congruence between the envlronment and organlzatlon<br />

structure (Burns and Stalker, 1961; Lawrence and Lorsch, 1967; Pennlngs,<br />

1975; Chîld, 1975). Tels Is obvloulsly one of the Important éléments In Our<br />

framework. Interestlngly, Som rese archers Anderson and Peine 1975; Snow<br />

1976) tndlcate that, whtle the env Ironment^structure I INI Is Important I<br />

appert Thot multiple contingences - bath Inslde a Farm At the sub system<br />

lebel and outslde the Farm At the stratégie lebel - Influence structure and

157<br />

performance (Lenz, 1981). Rhus these résulte support chat Wez Aldo confluer<br />

Important In an Organ Izatlonal change modem &<br />

Organlzatlon structure performance<br />

In This perspective performance Is bel Levet to stem Drom différences In<br />

Organ Izatlonal structure (Hall and Welss, 1967; Marcus 1969; Whlttlngton,<br />

1971; Chîld, 1974). Tels group of stud les chai Menges the val Isly of Som<br />

contlngency theorles. Chile (1977) argues Thot multiple confllctlng<br />

Conti agences aperte and Thot Organ Izatlonal designs Cannat be optimal wlth<br />

respect to Avery contlngency. Therefore, différent structures May be<br />

observe In the Asme jette ngu Rach of whlch Is a solution to multiple<br />

Conti ngenc les and Rach of whlch May Lea to Hugh Organ Izatlonal<br />

es fectlveness. However, one Important factor ponte out In This group<br />

appert to be the Internai conslstency of demande Thot a structure Imposes<br />

upon Organ Izatlonal participants.<br />

STdrtr<br />

Strategy, structure. ml performance<br />

S. S. b<br />

& S. G-<br />

A considérable Mount of research foc uses on the Eel Tal Ons l pf between<br />

strate and structure for an extensive reflex and synthests of This<br />

research, Dee Galbraith and Nathanson, 1979). The notion Thot strate<br />

Influences structure gros out of Chandless (1962) hlstorlcal Wark on large<br />

Industrlal Organ I Earl ans. Tels séquence of the strategy-structure

& A.<br />

rela+lonshlp Is largely conforme In stud les by Fumel (1972), Shannon<br />

(1971), Pavon (1972), Pooley-Dyas (1972).<br />

CV 5-%-d<br />

On the Otter hand Khere Is Som évidence Thot a prevall tng strategy, and<br />

the value attache to Ita con act as a f II ter on the subséquent stratégie<br />

cholces (Lenz, 1981). Al So the configuration of a structure I staff ING<br />

and attendant process of social Izatlon Influence the sélection of a<br />

strate (Rumelt, 1974).<br />

Col lectlvel y these flndlngs tndlcatethat strate and structure affect<br />

managera perception the social Izatlon of Indlvlduals, and Many Otter<br />

aspects of organlzatlonal behavlor, Thot In turn Influence stratégie cholces<br />

and organlzatlonal changes. These différent éléments are Aken Intl accouant<br />

In Our modem of organlzatlonal change.<br />

Environment, strategy. and effectlveness;<br />

Tels group of stud les Indlcates Thot Wren managera discrétion Is<br />

constralned as In the case of heavlly regulated Industrie environnent<br />

Influences Farm effectlveness and développent to a greater entent thon<br />

strate (Fruhan, 1972; Aldrîch, 1979; Hannah and Freeman, 1977). In the<br />

case Khere discrétion Is relatlvely unconstral ned, strate has a major<br />

Impact on organlzatlon évolution (Hatten, Schendel and Copper 1978; Snow<br />

1976; Data 1979; Greffer and Salanclk, 1978). These two elements,<br />

environnent and strate are consldered In Our framework.<br />

ftA S-.S-e

Administration and performance<br />

&-<br />

This group suggestif Thot the lebel of motivation and skFIl of adm fnîstrators<br />

- the quai City of management - con have an Impact on performance and change<br />

(Chlld, 1977; Stamford and Welles 1972; Selznlck, 1957; Thompson 1967;<br />

Tuchan and Romane l I 1985). Our Modelo base on the existence of Internai<br />

and externat forces for change Impllcftly accointe for managera bel Leff<br />

and perceptions whlch are déterminant In the process of strate<br />

formulation.<br />

s- &-<br />

Tels bref reflex of différent approches to organlzatlonal effectlveness<br />

and organlzatlonal change shows Thot Our modem Allos for a naturel<br />

Intégration of these Important flndlngs. The nexe step In Our formulation Is<br />

to show how Innovation Is to be Incorporated Intl This modem and chat Wez con<br />

dérivé Drom This modem for answerlng Our research question - how to monitor<br />

Innovation<br />


Our problème Is to dal wlth and monitor Innovation. In Our loglc,<br />

Innovation Is consterez as an organlzatlonal actlvlty.<br />

Figure 5.2 gaves the conceptuel fondations for deallng wlth moss<br />

organlzatlonal actlvltles. Tels framework shows Thot Tree generlc Way of<br />

deallng wlth Innovation exlst: (1) Marcet gouvernance of Innovatlve<br />

actlvltles, (2) ad'hoc couplant for deallng wlth Innovatlve actlvltles<br />

col lectîvely, and (3) Internai organlzatlon of Innovatlve actlvltles.<br />

Wlth In This framework, top management has At lest two ass. The f Irst Tak<br />

Is strate formulation Makong fondamental décisions about markets,<br />

products, processes, and compétitive Basle In the Contest of a I Argers<br />

envlronment, a set of resources, and organlzatlonal hlstory (Tushman and<br />

Nadler, 1986). The second Tak Is organlzîng. Tels In volves creatlng,

160<br />

building deslgnfng, and malntalnlng the Organ Azat Ion a mechanîsm whîch<br />

transforme s+ra+egy Info the deslred ou+pu+s.<br />

Our modem of Organ fat tonal change figure 5.8) protides the framework for<br />

understand I hg how to bu & & d stratégies for I nnovatl on and how to actua Ly<br />

Amplement changes in the organlzatîon for sustalntng Innovatîve actlvltles.<br />

The modem of organlzatîon f Igue 5.5) tel I s us chat the Important<br />

parts of the organlzatîon are and shows the nature of the relatlonshlp<br />

between these subsistes and Innovation culture Indlvldual, structure.<br />

The Tree gouvernance mechanlsms deflned In the conceptuel fondations Imphy<br />

Tree dl f Ferenc Way of approche ING I nnovatl on and Rhus I ead us to des Aine<br />

Tree différent concepts of Innovation In Germs of chat Innovation<br />

représente for an organlzatîon adoptant one parti eu Lor gouvernance mechanîsm<br />

for deallng wlth Innovation. Figure 5.10 shows these Tree gouvernance<br />

structure the relate concepts of Innovation the relate process of<br />

Innovation the relate Organ Izatlonal structure and the stratégie<br />

Figure 5.1IConcepts of Innovation and Stratégie Carrelages<br />

Firth the Marcet gouvernance mechanîsm for Innovation conflits Lally In the<br />

compétitive process of Innovation as deflned In capter & of This thesls. In<br />

This process différent organlzatl Ons play différent rôles wlth respect to

&<br />

the Innovation orlgl nation development, production and marketing. The<br />

ficus n Germs of Our framework of organlzatlonal change s essentlally In<br />

the envlronment. Tels mechanlsm Is mostly dépendent on the env & rongent<br />

évolution Rhus Innovation Is Real Ly consldered an externat sélection<br />

parameter In an Industry structure Thot corresponds to Many différent<br />

corporate entoiles Involved In the Innovation process. These entoiles are<br />

Rach one Independant organlzatlon In the dense Thot Khere Is no concertation<br />

about the linkages and Eel atlonshI between ther. Wlthln This concept of<br />

Innovation the stratégie mode Is essentlally compétitive the behavlor of<br />

management belng réactive and/or adapte Ive & The différent rôles Thot<br />

Organ Izatlons May play are mostly Incubator, plonger mass-marketer,<br />

fol Lower Dee figure 2.14). An acqulsltlon/dlvestment strate Is typlcal of<br />

Many large Organ Izatlons looklng At Innovation as an externat sélection<br />

parameter.<br />

Second the ad'hoc couplant mechanlsm approches Innovation as an<br />

Interorganlzatlonal process In the dense Thot more thon one organlzatlon Is<br />

Involved In the process. But the process Is somewhat différent Drom aboie<br />

slice If Wez deflne the network of forme belng Involved In the Innovât ton as<br />

one organlzatlon chat Wez cal led the "organlzatlonal structure In figure<br />

5.10) Them wlthln This organlzatlon the process of Innovation Is<br />

Intraorganlzatlonal & Wlthln This gouvernance mechanlsm Innovation Is Real I y<br />

consldered as a principal driver of col laboratlon between Organ Izatlons<br />

whlch bel Levet Thot They May gain Drom jolnlng capable I Irles and ski I I s. In<br />

Germs of the change Modelo the envlronment Is belleved to have an Important<br />

Impact on the évolution of focal organlzatlon, but In Som entent the<br />

organlzatlon Itself has an Impact on I évolution rough the formulation<br />

of col laboratlve stratégies wlth Otter organlzatlons. The behavlor of<br />

managements Is bow Interactive & Chey éléments comprise network structurant In<br />

the dense of the Interorganlzatlon Thory deflned In capter A.<br />

Thlrd, Internai coord. I nation Eel les on an Intraorganlzatlonal process of<br />

Innovation. The Idéa Hers Is Thot Innovation Is tao Important to be lest to<br />

the Marcet lone and tao sensltlve to be Chard wlth Otter organlzatlons.<br />

Rhus Innovation Is Real Ly consldered an I portant source of growth for<br />

Indlvldual frs. The up-to-date approche In Germs of organtzlng for<br />

I nnovatl on In rh l s respect l Ve l s to try to Erp I Icare w Ith l n the f l rm the<br />

Marcet process of Innovation. Due to Inhérent dlfflcultles In dal ING<br />

slmultaneously wlth Innovatlve actlvltles and ongolng buslnesses (contlnulty<br />

verjus change flexlblllty verjus efflclency, etc...) Many forme are<br />

cream hg habens for Innovation nexe to the organlzatlonal structure and<br />

develop coordination mechanlsms between these unlts and the malnstream<br />

buslnesses of the organlzatlon. The strate Is essentlally a p I Ann I hg<br />

strate for growth. Managers be have In a pro active Way emphaslzlng

162<br />

Internai aspects of the Organ Azat clonal change modem and mostly the<br />

Indîvîdual and structural subsistes of the Organ îzatl on.<br />

These Tree concepts of Innovation and Thel stratégie carrelages deflne the<br />

care of Our approche to Organ Izlng for Innova ton. On the Basle of the<br />

conceptuel fondations and the modem of Organ Izatlonal change spécifié<br />

stratégies for Innovation choule be formulâtes dependlng on the concept Thot<br />

moss approprlately flts the Organ Izatlon consldered. Them the Tak of<br />

organlzlng per se light be carriez out. The Organ Izatlonal es fectlveness Is<br />

greatest Wren Tree conditions are met flrst, the -tfiree subsistes of the<br />

Organ Irato on choule be deslgned and manage So Thot They are congruent and<br />

mutually supportlve; second the pattern of congruence of these Tree<br />

Systems Is consonant wlth the envlronment; and 'thlrd, the pattern of<br />

congruence of these Tree subsistes matches the Basle requîrements of the<br />

Innovation stratégies select ed.<br />

Let us examine farter Rach of the columns In figure 5.10.<br />

Figure 5.1 & & Organizational Designs for Innovation<br />

Figure 5.11 shows the typlcal process of Innovation use In Rach of the<br />

Tree perspectives Identlfled In figure 5.10. The Marcet gouvernance Cel I Is<br />

typlcal of a compétitive process Dee figure 2.14 In capter &<br />

correspond I hg to the Industrlal Organ Izatlon perspective. The ad'hoc<br />

couplant gouvernance mechanlsm Is typlcal of an Interorgan Izatlonal process<br />

and In volves the sort of mechanlsms Identlfled In capter H The Internai<br />

coordination gouvernance mechanlsm corresponds to an Intraorganlzatlonal

&<br />

process Dee the différent process In capter A.<br />

Figure 5.12 shows the Internai approche for Innovation management dal ING<br />

successfully wlth Innovation recules Rach of the Tree subsistes of the<br />

organlzatîon - culture structure and Indlvlduals- to pressent certain<br />

propertles. Figure 5.12 protides a I I st of generlc points Thot are more or<br />

Lesse Important for sustaînlng Innovation dependlng on the strate chosent<br />

the organlzatîon, and the envlronment. Section 4.2. protides an extensive<br />

lest of différent éléments to be consldered In This perspective.<br />

Figure 5.12: Internai Subsistes and Innovation<br />

Whlle Rach of these Tree catégorise culture Indlvldual, and structure<br />

have bene explore by rese archers LG choule be note Thot tne culture Is<br />

currently the toughest one to approcha Fe rese archers are Reilly trylng to<br />

Sy stemmate ca I I y approche This Issue (Quînn, 1985; Cal Ion 1985). Drom a<br />

différent perspective Godet deflnes a stratégie culture lylng on Tree Chey<br />

concepts hl "greek triangle"): prospective watchlng, stratégie<br />

détermination and collective mob & & Azat Ion. These Tree éléments choule al So<br />

be pressent Wren thlnklng of Innovation strategy.<br />

Figure 5.13 farter détails structural arrangements Thot May be use In the<br />

ad'hoc couplant and Internai coordination gouvernance mechanlsms. They are<br />

classlfled long two dimension structural relatedness of the Innovation

164<br />

Ander considération dies the organlzatlon have the capa & & & & les<br />

technologie etc requérez for carrylng out This new type of actlvlty?) and<br />

the stratégie Importance of the Innovation consldered.<br />

Figure 5.1 & Choo$ing Structural Arrangements<br />

adapte Drom Burgelman, & 984)<br />

Figure 5.14 détails Som stratégie Implications of the différent approches<br />

to Innovation At lest In a technologlcal sens.<br />

Beton Rach of these Tree mechanlsms, concepts and correlates, adoptant a<br />

port folio approche light be a Goos managera practlce concernant<br />

Innovation. Nat ail Companies are able to manage Juch a port folio wlth the<br />

hlghest effectlveness possible. Tels leads us to develop a new hypothetlcal<br />

concept of Innovation and I stratégie carrelages In figure 5.15.<br />

Ail the preslois concepts together adresse Avery composent of Our général<br />

modem of organizational change but one the cultural sub system of<br />

organlzatlon. Of course I Is Impllcltly Impérative Thot the culture<br />

supports whatever strate Is chosent but no strate Real Ly bu & & Cs upon<br />

This part of organlzatlon Drom the Véry beglnnlng. If followlng Galbraith<br />

(1983), Wez des Aine Industries In Germs of a ferles of différent functlons<br />

(e.g. ra matera extraction Basle transformation manufactur(ng,<br />

marcel hg and d l Ste I but l on Retz & & I ngu Them Wez con des I ne the center of<br />

gravi Ry of an organlzatlon as belng Khere In This Industry suppl. Chaon the<br />

organlzatlon Is focuslng. Tels center of gravat Is a functlon of the roost<br />

traditions and salols whlch drive I. By expandlng This concept of center of

gravi Ry to the blende of management processes, dominant functtons, succession<br />

paths, management bel Leff and value In short the management Way of loge.<br />

Our final concept of Innovation May be vlewed as the center of gravat of<br />

the corporation.<br />

&<br />

Figure 5.1IGE ne rie Stratégies for Technologie Accès ment<br />

translate Drom Durand. 1986)<br />

Tels type of organlzatlon May be label led l-form organlzatlon and slice I<br />

Is an Idéal type of organlzatlon, I dies Nat Reilly est Nowy The<br />

stratégie behav Lor of Juch a f Irm w & & I correspond to a caref il Ly planned<br />

port folio of stratégies correspondît to the Tree main concepts Identlfled<br />

ave. Farter research Is needed to explore This concept and getter deflne<br />

Juch an l-form. Annay I stems Thot certain forme are close to This type<br />

M wlth I objective of havlng At lest 25% of the total sales Federated by<br />

new buslnesses (less thon Fave Yeats of existence or Intel wlth I<br />

contlnuous ficus on Innovation or Accon wlth I Clef Exécutive Officer<br />

glvlng up ail hl tradltlonal Dulles excepte légal actlvltles) for<br />

concentrât hg on one exclusive job - f Indlng and creatlng new buslnesses<br />

(Utterback, 1986).

M6<br />


In the nexe chanter Wez Wills discute This theoretical framework. W Wills Firat<br />

illustrât IR by an exemple innovation At M. Tena Wez Wills discute and<br />

propose farter research avenues.

&<br />


OUT I NE<br />

6.1. Illustration Innovation At M<br />

6.1.1. HIstorIcal Background and Current<br />

Description of M<br />

6.1.2. Internai Organlzatlon for Innovation At M<br />

6.1.3. Pressent and Future Challenges At M<br />

6.2. Critique and Farter Research Leeds

&<br />

Tels chap+er's objective Is to dlscuss the conceptuel Thory developed In<br />

capter H For accompli Ish ING This objective Wez Wall dlvlde This capter Intl<br />

two parts.<br />

Firth Wez Wall gave a bref exemple of a successful large company whlch has<br />

demonstrated I ablllty In Innovatlng: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing<br />

or M. W Wall gave Som hlstorlcal background of M Them Wez Wall brlefly<br />

show the organlzatlon of M for deallng wlth Innovation. Tels Illustration<br />

Wall Rhus protide the rader wlth a getter practlcal understandlng of the<br />

concepts developed throughout the thesls. I Is Nat the Olm of This section<br />

to test Nar to val l date the conceptuel framework. Tels world necessltate an<br />

hlstorlcal, In-depth longitudinal Tudy wlth Many Interviews At Many<br />

différent levelsat3M. As Wez Exe I al end I n the f Irst capter weclearly<br />

traded-off an emplrlcal Tudy to gain tnslght Drom an entrelu conceptuel<br />

processus I méthode I agt.<br />

Second Wez Wall dlscuss and critique the theoretlcal framework developed In<br />

capter H Tels Wall Lea us to propose farter research avenues to pursue,<br />

test revînt and val Diate the pressent theoretlcal orl.<br />


Let us turn f Irst to a bref hlstorlcal overvlew of M.<br />


& & & a I I starter as a m I State In & 902" MI nnesota Mining and Manus actue I hg<br />

Compans 1977). The ml State Wa the "dlscovery" of corundum, the second<br />

Harvest pure minerai. To exploit This wfndfall, Fave entrepreneurs Inceste<br />

$1,000 aplece, and chat Wez know tokay as M Wa Born for the pur pose of<br />

provldlng a suppl. of abrasive matera to Eastern manufacturer of grlndlng<br />

Chels (Angle, Mana and Van de Vena 1985). In fact, the minerai Wa Nat<br />

corundum, and had Inferlor abrasive propertles. Unaire of This the Young<br />

company entracte and sol the minerai. Vert qutckly the markets collapsus<br />

and the company struggled for survlval, the dîrectors paylng salaries Drom<br />

Thel persona fins.<br />

Two new businessmen Drom St Paul Jal end the company. Aster an Infusion of<br />

new capital and a new location M Begin to manufacture sandpaper. Saon the<br />

Ward "Mining" In the company's nome be came meanlngless. In 1907 the company<br />

hlred William McKnlght ho Wa prompte sales manager aster Tree mars. He<br />

Inltlated a practtce whlch Is tokay an Important aspect of 3M's culture the<br />

"close to the customer" concept. The company Begin to be a customer Elven<br />

company, moss of the Innovations developed are Marcet pull type of

Innovations.<br />

169<br />

M encountered one more crlsts Wren a ml shop At sea resul+ed In M havlng on<br />

hand 200 tons of Garbet whlch had be come împregna+ed wlth olive oil Makong<br />

I Impossible m bond I to the Paper In ordre to over come This problème M<br />

fonde I flrst research lab. Efforts to salage the mater I al led to the<br />

création of the flrst Trucy successful produit - a sériés of coated<br />

abrasives cal led "Three-M-lte". Thusy M lobs Wete original Ly created In a<br />

problème Dolving orientation and the rôle of serendlplty, as Wele I as the<br />

rôle of technologie Puch alloue M to Lauch new products.<br />

Drom This venture Intl abraslves, over the Yeats M moved Intl Many<br />

différent produit les. One notable successful produit diversification Wa<br />

Intl pressure-sensltlve adhésive tape In 1925 - a dîscovery Thot Wa<br />

orfglnally Intense to gel p auto mob & & e manufacturer wlth two-tone plant<br />

flnlshlng (market pull and Importance of the user In the process of<br />

Innovation are hlghllghted here).<br />

Drom the Initial startup on $5,000 capital and an opération employant a<br />

smalt I handful of Mlnnesotans, M has volve Intl a worldwlde organlzatlon<br />

of Som 86,000 peuple wlth opérations In N countrles. Total assets are<br />

value At about $6.6 billion dollar and 1985 sales revenues total led $7.85<br />

bol I Ion dol mars.<br />

M Is an Inte^grated enterprlse characterlzed by substantlal Inter division<br />

and Intersecter coopération In research, manufacture ING and marketing of<br />

produits Incorporât hg sîmîlar composent matelas manufacture At Commin<br />

Internai sources. I business has developed Drom I research and<br />

technologie In coati hg and bond ING coated abraslves, I Onay produit In I<br />

Zarly mars. Coati hg and bond ING Is the process of applylng one mater l al to<br />

another, Juch as adhésives to a backlng (pressure-sensltlve tapes), abrasive<br />

granules to Paper or Croth (coated abraslves), ceramlc coati hg to granulat<br />

minerai (roof ING granules), heat or light sensltlve matelas to Paper film<br />

and métal (copyîng Paper photographie film and lithographie plates Iron<br />

oxyde to plastic backlng (magnetlc recordant tape glass beads to plastic<br />

backlng (reflectlve sheetlng), and Resle Impregnated matelas (electrlcal<br />

Insulatlng materlals).<br />

M Is amont the leasing producer of produits for moss of the markets I<br />

serves. In ail casse M produits are sujet to direct or Indirect<br />

compétition. General Ly speaklng, moss M produits In volve technlcal<br />

compétence In development, manufacture and marketing.<br />

M volve Drom a functlonal Farm structure to a mil tldlvlslonal Farm the

"company of 45,000 products"). In a décade the mu I tl d iv I s clonal structure<br />

bas double Drom & to O divisions. As an unexpected refuit of This<br />

dlverslfled growth M experlenced a décliné In Juch markets as office<br />

coplers and consumer audio apes Khere I sales force Wa mlsslng out on<br />

brader opportun tles (Barnfather, 1982). The problème At M Wa Thot<br />

compensable dlverslty had be come sel f-def Earl nb. "We Wete becomlng tao<br />

fragmented", Fays Lewes Leyr former Chairman and Clef Exécutive Off Cier<br />

Intl I March 1986). In 1981 & M condense the H major produit I Inès Intl<br />

four "business sectors":<br />

T<br />



Tels new structural Farm Is a flrst love Howard the group-form dlscussed In<br />

capter H The hlstorlcal développent of M ls Shawn In figure A. long<br />

w Ith the major stratégies and structures use to achevez This development.<br />

Rach Hector or group brlngs together Commin or relate M technologies and

Rhus procèdes greater opportunl+y for +he future développent of produc+s and<br />

services and a more efficient sarong of Marcet strengths. Ail four sec tors<br />

have worlwfde produit responsif & & Fry for ail of the dlverslfîed M produit<br />

I fnes. In addition as Wez Wall develop Lager In This capter certain<br />

m Issel I Angous and staff f-sponsored new products, In marlous stages of<br />

development, are Nat assigne to Any of the four sectors. W w & & & descelle<br />

these four business sec tors In the followlng paragraphe<br />

Industrlal and Consumer Hector &<br />

Tels business Hector serves Almont Avery major Industrlal market, as Wele I<br />

as Many maintenance office and household markets, wlth a Broad range of<br />

pressure-sensltlve adhésive apes abraslves, spécial Ry Chemical s rooflng<br />

granule and décorative products. Tels Hector Is char acter Ized by major<br />

technologies wlth Broad Industry and company-wlde application Includlng<br />

Basle expertise In précision coatlng and manufacturlng.<br />

Electronic £114 Information Technologie<br />

Round 1980 M recognlzed Thot I lacked a slgnlf Issant toehol d In the two<br />

Great contemporary Industrie computer and communications. The challenge<br />

Identlfled Wa to carry the master of M In the Current opérations Intl<br />

these sophi Istlcated flelds. In 1979, M acquérez Interactive Systems Corp<br />

a smalt I f I rm pec I al I I hg In data-transm I SS Ion cab I e for cab I e TV Ward<br />

processIng and computer communications. In 1980 & M Acq Ire Comtal Corp a<br />

company spécial fzlng In computerlzed synthèses of graphie matera the<br />

computer "photographs" of Saturne Wete compose Drom Electronic signais for<br />

NASA by a Comtal digital Image processor). These acquisitions have In<br />

effectue be come the nucléus of a communications division. They have Oulles<br />

together the assote produits Thot M al ready supplies to the<br />

communications Industrie and more thon that, They al Law M to get a Aste of<br />

chat data transmission Is ail about. Tels shows Thot beyond Internai<br />

coordination of Innovation M Aldo uses the Marcet gouvernance mechanlsm for<br />

Innovatlng In new buslnesses. Tels mechanlsm of acquisition Wa chosent<br />

recause M Identlfled Itself as a laggard In these Industrie whlch Wete<br />

evaluated as strateglcal Ly Véry Important for the future of M. Leyr Fays<br />

"the world has change round us but Our research pogrom hast Brown up.<br />

Muche of the emerglng civil Izatlon contradlcts the Old tradltlonal<br />

civil Izatlon. The Society Is movlng Howard Information and communication. W<br />

are an al d I l ne l ndustr l al company adm I rate I y su I Ted to the & 970s; bow Wez<br />

have to manage a transformation to thrlve In the 1980s and beyond".<br />

For achlevtng This objective M engage Itself In the computer and<br />

communications Industries rough these acquisitions. In 1981, I forme the<br />


172<br />

business sector, Elec+ronîc and Information Technologies. Tels sec+or<br />

participâtes In a Humber of large and rapldly rowing markets, Includlng<br />

electrlcal, electronlcs, and télécommunication Information stérage<br />

output and transfert and audlo, vidéo and data record Ing. I serves<br />

numerus Industrlal and consumer Marcet segment Includlng the office<br />

factor Health care facllltles, and the home. The Hector producer<br />

connectons and devlces; teston and faultfîndlng equlpment system Cable<br />

jolnlng and termlnatlng products; electrlcal Insulattng materlals; and Otter<br />

relate Items of equlpment.<br />

Tels Hector Aldo markets equlpment and supplies for business and educatlonal<br />

uses, Includtng processif caméra microfilm reader-pr Inters background<br />

musc equlpment, and communlcatîng terminais. In addition to the acquisition<br />

strate Thot M adopte In This fiel d I Aldo Lakes use of Otter forme of<br />

gouvernance structure to Rustan Innovation In This sector: ad'hoc coupllng.<br />

In effectue M Inceste $150 million In 1985 In a joint venture wlth an<br />

afflllate of Harris Corporation to Creste a new company chose capital stock<br />

Is equal Ly held by the two campan les. Tels new company, Harrls/3M Document<br />

ProducTs, Inc. Begin business on Sanary & 1986 for the pur pose of<br />

marketing a line of copylng and facslmlle products. In addition to This<br />

Joint venture M engage Intl aboter type of ad'hoc couplant strate for<br />

Innovation RAD I Imite partnershlp. In 1983, Control Data Corp. and none<br />

Otter Companies gave Hobby Ray Niman $600 million and 400 of Thel<br />

rese archers to set up a Joint thon tank know as the Mlcroelectronlcs and<br />

Computer Technologie Corp. business Week 1985). IIe Broad mission Is to<br />

producer technologlcal Innovations Thot world Keep the membre Companies<br />

compétitive wlth U.S. and Japonise computer glanas In 1984, M bought Intl<br />

the venture to be part of This collaboratrice sfrategy.<br />

These différent stratégies show how one company light use a Pontfol la of<br />

alternative stratégies as detalled In Our framework. Tels Is Shawn In figure<br />

A. whlch htghllghts the distribution of the différent Organ & zatt Ona I<br />

mechanlsms Thot M uses for Innovation In This secr. At the Asme tome the<br />

évolution of the Farm of the company Is congruent wlth Our approche of<br />

Organ Izatlonal change and I stems Thot Khere Is Inde an association<br />

between the types of stratégies use by a company and the organlzatl Ona I<br />

stages of growth of the company. Drom an Organ Izatlon-envlronment<br />

perspective In the computer and communication sector, M Eel ING Thot This<br />

business Is a major avenue for growth, but Aldo Eel ING Thot 3M's position<br />

Is tao dépendent on the envlronment (contlngency Thory configuration Maves<br />

Howard an Interorgan Izatlonal perspective acqulrlng Otter Companies and<br />

developlng collaboratrice stratégies to gain Som control over This business<br />

and I envlronment.

L T fg Sciences Sector:<br />

& N<br />



This Hector procèdes produits and services whlch prompte getter Health and<br />

saveta for peuple I.E.P a Broad line of médical surglcal, pharmaceutlcal,<br />

dental and Otter produits Thot gel p malntaln or restaure Health a line of<br />

trafic and persona saveta products, and produits and services designer to<br />

Deer crimes agalnst peuple and property.<br />

The Health care produits Incluse apes dresslngs, and bandages Thot performe<br />

a securîng, supportlng, or dressant functlon; diagnostic products;<br />

Intravenous Infusion pumps; KG supplie Infection control system<br />

m Leroi loi ag Ica I test I hg Supt I les produits and serf Ices for an I mal care<br />

surglcal drapes Thot control Infection produits Thot facllltate Sound<br />

closure and prompte Real Ing; surglcal mass Cast system orthopédie<br />

Implant trauma devlces; Intraoculaire lenses; el ectromechan Inval support<br />

Systems for open Heart surgery; a line of drug and médicinal aérosols and<br />

components; a line of produits designer for the denttst; and cochlear<br />

Implants to protide a dense of yearling for the profoundly def.<br />

The saveta produits Incluse a Broad line of réflective sheetlngs for hlghway<br />

saveta delcos (trafflc slgns, barricade mark ING devlces, ll cense plates<br />

commercial slgns, as Wele I as réflective matelas for persona safety. The<br />

Hector producer Aldo signal delcos for trafic control lîghtlng détectons<br />

for alrcraft and water observation Electronic surveillance devlces;<br />

etc. & &<br />

At the care of rh I s sectorise efforts I s underl y I hg technlcal expert se I n

174<br />

précision coatlng, bond Ing, nonwoven materlals, optlcs, and bfochemfstry, as<br />

Wele I as the sarong sales and distribution Channes Thot characterlze M.<br />

Graphie Technologie<br />

Tels business Hector serves a Humber of markets In the graphie<br />

communications and advertlslng services areas. I produits Incluse a<br />

complété line of produits deslgned to met the prlntlng Leeds of ail Juzes<br />

of prlnters and graphie arts flrms; a Broad line of presenslt Ized<br />

lithographie plates and relate Chemical s and supplie copy and art<br />

préparation materlals; pre-press prooflng system a line of carbones<br />

Paper for data recordant purposes; a line of I Ight-sensltîve dry Silver<br />

Paper and films for el ectron I ca I I y recorde Image and Customs<br />

m îcroencapsulated col ors fragances, and oil s for prlntlng, cosmetlcs, and<br />

Otter app & & Cat I on s.<br />

Tels Hector Is char acter Ized by a Wilde varlet of graphie Imagent<br />

technologies. The acquisition In 1980 of Comtal Corp. ployez a major rôle In<br />

the développent and cristal llzatlon of This group wlthln M.<br />

Tels bref hlstorlcal background and présentation of the Current structure<br />

of M has Shawn how the organlzatlon has volve Drom an opportunlty<br />

récognition In a Marcet Leven If This opportunlty Wa Nat So Goos aster ail<br />

rough différent changes In produits to a large G-form organlzatlon wlth<br />

four major bus Inesses. For over & Yeats M has prtmarîly base I growth<br />

In Elze and prof Itabl I City on produit diversification rough Internai<br />

développent base on the master of a Fe generlc technologies (coatlng,<br />

bondlng, précision manufacture Ing. These Internai developments Wete<br />

successful Ly Implémente rough the Internai corporate venturlng process.<br />

But In the moss redent years, the Humber of divisions and produit I Inès<br />

be came tao Important and unmanageable In an Méforme structure. M Fel the<br />

Nied to love the structure Howard a G-form structure group ING these produit<br />

I Inès Intl four groups. As Wez dlscussed In capter H M as Any Otter G-<br />

Farm organlzatlon, w f II make more use of stratégies of dlvestment and<br />

acquisitions rater thon Internai ventrues for pursulng I growth. Tels Is<br />

congruent wlth the Internai perspective of organlzatlonal évolution. These<br />

acquisitions May be a problème as ponte out by rese archers In This field<br />

and recause This type of actlvlty Is Nat a "natural" behavlor At M.<br />

Tels discussion of 3M's behavlor In a new envlronment Illustrâtes Our<br />

framework Drom an organlzatlon-env Iron ment perspective. Let us turn In more<br />

détail to a discussion of the Internai perspective.

175<br />


Followlng Our framework Wez w I II ad dress how M organes for Innovation In<br />

Tree direction structure culture and Indlvlduals.<br />

Structure<br />

Figure A. show ING M organlzatl Ona I Chard Indtcates a rater ordlnary<br />

structure. Bear the top of the Organ Azat Ions are two divisions Thot report<br />

to the vice président of research and development: the Corporate Research<br />

Laboratory and the New Business Développent Division. Tels Lager division<br />

Wa Nat Commin in mot slmllar multldlvlslonal corporations In the 60's and<br />

N &s. Wa an Inltlator of This structural Innovation.<br />


(Roberts, 1980)<br />

A new business In M Is des Ined behav moral Ly as one Thot has Nat yet rache<br />

crltlcal mass In the marketplace, although I has perhaps as Puch as $20<br />

million RN annula sales (Roberts, 1980). At. M the New Business Développent<br />

Division Is charge w Ith the responsif b l I City for evolvlng, nurturlng, and<br />

malntalnlng diverse business actlvltles At varois stages of development. I<br />

Is an Internai venturlng Organ Azat Ion an opération Thot Nat Onay gaves<br />

Barth but Aldo procèdes support and sustenance. Onay Wren bus Finesses are bog<br />

rough to be sel f-sustalnlng, I spins Them down the Organ Izatlonal Chard as<br />

part of an extstlng division or as a new produit I Aine division (Roberts,<br />


In addition to these two corporate division Rach produit line division has<br />

I on "product développent department". One of the tradltlonal missions of<br />

these départent Is to serve the correspond I hg produit line division In<br />

Germs of "process" Improvements, Incrémental produit Improvements, as Wele &<br />

as relate produit Innovations. These changes are conventîonal. But In<br />

addition to that, Rach produit départent Is charge wlth the responsl Bo I City<br />

for radical new venture development, new ventrues wlthout produit line or<br />

business area constralnts. Global Ly the différent preferred organlzatlonal<br />

designs upon whlch M concentrâtes for sustalnlng Internai Innovation are<br />

Shawn In figure 6.4.<br />

&<br />



One underlylng atonale for the venturlng approche At M Is to try to<br />

replîcate chat happent In the venture capital Marcet one of the<br />

philosophes of an l-form organlzatlon). Therefore, multiple sources of<br />

venture capital est wlth In the organlzatlon. Corporate groups con procède<br />

fundlng for new venture wlthout regard to source and Rach produit line<br />

départent con protide fundlng for employees* Idéas no motter chat Marcet<br />

They are alme ag. Anone Is free to go everywhere horizontal Ly and<br />

vertlcally In the organlzatlon to Eek support for hls/her l de. Thusy a<br />

Real Marcet ests for the potentat support of Innovations wlth In the

company. Moreover, ff She con convtnce someone elfe thon her/hls boss to<br />

support the Idéa Them her/hls Idéa dies Nat go lone She Goes wlth st.<br />

One Important aspect of Internai corporate venturlng, as hlghlîghted In<br />

capter H SS the différence of expectations Drom a new venture between a<br />

venture leader an Intra preneur to emploi Planchots termlnology (1985), and<br />

a top manager. The f Inanclal masures of performance Thot are Aken I no<br />

accouant to evaluate the North of new Idéas do Nat Incluse a "minimum"<br />

promise Elze RN sales volume but înstead, are base on expos ROI profit<br />

margln, and sales growth rate. The Commin wîsdom At M Is Nat to try to do<br />

forecasts prfo. entr of a produit Intl the market, recause I Is bel Levet<br />

Thot moss of the Marcet Elze Is created by the entr of the produit Itself,<br />

Nat oh! y the potentat Nied for Juch a produit<br />

Culture<br />

Khere are At I Eas Fave char acter I stl es of the culture of M dlrectly<br />

relate to the successful management of Innovation over tome<br />

- Informai City<br />

- Eel ING of smalt I nefs<br />

- latitude to pur sue new Idéas<br />

- no Fear of allure<br />

- dense of homogenelty<br />

One sa I lent tradition In 3M's management of humant ressources has bene an<br />

Informai City In deallng wlth I workforce, whlch has Servet as an antidote<br />

to the bureaucratie malaise whlch So often accompagnes growth (Angle, Mana<br />

and Van de Vena 1985). The concept of managent by walklng round has always<br />

bene put Intl practlce At M wlthout Eden belng Aare of I. Tels<br />

croates a cl Image for free communication whlch facilitâtes Innovation<br />

génération and development.<br />

M Prades Itself on llstenlng to I on peuple and In permtttlng Them the<br />

latitude to pur sue Thel créative Ide as. Khere Is an encouragement to "work<br />

outslde the boxes", to "bootleg" wlth In the company. Moreover, Many At the<br />

company Spaak of a spécial el Eventé commandement<br />

H<br />

"Thou Salt Nat cl II a new produit Idéal<br />

Contrazy to the situation In Many Otter corn pan les Thise In M ho Wan to<br />

stop the développent of a new produit are saddled wlth the Buren of prof.<br />

Benest of the Doubs Goes to Thise ho propose projects, Nat Thise ho<br />

oppose ther. A Chey to 3M's succès In Innovation Is Nat So Puch a I Argers

atio of suc cesses to salures thon Otter Companies but rater a Puch larget<br />

total Humber of ventures.<br />

Furthermore, peuple are al Lower to Fal At M meanlng Thot peuple are<br />

encourage to practîce corporate I ntrapreneurshl p wlthout Jeopardîzlng<br />

Thel Jobs In the organlzatlon.<br />

R<br />

Final Ly central to the Pol Icles and traditions descrlbed aboie has bene a<br />

dense of homogenetty In whlch belng a membre of M has meant pretty Puch the<br />

Asme Thong In one location as In aboter angle et al 1985). The concept of<br />

Innovation belng social Ly val ued At M Khere Iso lot of stimulation and<br />

Eden Internai compétition for developîng new ventures.<br />

These Fave "Ingrédients" are Nat State In Som klnd of officiai prose but<br />

rater are Real Ly embedded In the Organ I Earl Ona I culture. These éléments<br />

appeal to aperte At the lebel of Basle assumptfons whlch somehow establlsh<br />

membres & psychologlcal contracte wlth Thel employer (Levlnson, Prlce,<br />

Munden, Mansle and Colley 1962; Kotter, 1973; Scheln, 1980).<br />

Indlvlduals:<br />

M gaves spécial attention to the formation of produit tease<br />

entrepreneur al mini business groups. At an Zarly stage of developîng a new<br />

produit Idéa M tries to recruI Indlvlduals Internai Ly Drom marketing the<br />

technlcal area finance and Manufacturing to corne together as a te am. But<br />

M dies Nat "asslgn" peuple to Juch actlvltles; the team membres are<br />

recrute Drom wlthln. Tels practîce Increases the Envolement of Rach<br />

Individuel In the Innovatlve Idéa and Is bel Levet to Increase the llkellhood<br />

of succès of the venture.<br />

Aboter Important Clement In 3M*s approche to new ventrues Is fts hand ING<br />

of rewards. Ail Indlvlduals învolved In a new venture Wall have more or Lesse<br />

automate changes In Thel emploient and compensation catégories as a<br />

functlon of the sales growth of Thel produit Moreover, spécial<br />

compensation Inventives are establlshed for Thise managers ho are able to<br />

breed new ventrues of departments. In général M takes care of I peuple<br />

Allos for Internai carder évolution for récognition and for<br />

compensation.<br />

But moss Importantly, whlle Many Companies are Nat constderîng the humant<br />

ressources composent In the process of strate formulation assumant<br />

Impl Icitl y Thot sufftclent Humber of the light peuple Wall be aval I able<br />

able e and w & & & ING to carry out the new goal s and objective M Nat on y<br />

recognlzes Thot humant resources, and Rhus Indlvlduals are Influence by

179<br />

stratégie but Aldo conslders Thaa humant ressources Influence the corporate<br />

stra+eglc process. Thusy stratégie humant ressource management SS belng<br />

currently fui Ly I ntegrated Intl the corporate stratégie planning process<br />

long wlth Otter éléments Juch as Marcet position technologie capital<br />

structure organlzatlonal structure and the le. The main différence wlth<br />

Many Otter Companies Is Thot the vlce-presldent for humant ressources At M Is<br />

one fui I membre of the stratégie group responsable for strate formulation<br />

and tmplementatlon.<br />

These Tree crucial aspects of Innovation management culture structure<br />

and Indlvlduals, are ail adresse carefully by & M. Tels hollstic management<br />

certalnly contro butes to the succès of M. The éléments mentloned aboie are<br />

reorganîzed and summarlzed In figure 6.5, whlch hlghllghts the Innovation<br />

management At & M.<br />


AT M<br />


The precedlng discussion show the process of organlzlng for Innovation At<br />

M. Tels process Is total Ly congruent wlth the framework Wez developed In

180<br />

capter H Moreover, as t Wa explalned In Our modem of Organ Azat Mona I<br />

change st Is experte Thot M Wall currently encounter Som new challenges<br />

due to I redent short of Organ Azat tonal structure (movfng Drom an Méforme<br />

organîzatlon to a G-form organîzatlon). Tels structural change w M I Nied<br />

changes In the culture and Individuel as Wele I So Thot the subsistes w I II<br />

be consonant agaln. M Wall have to over come At lest two potentat cultural<br />

shocks.<br />

Firth followlng a redent relocation of two entre divisions Drom Minnesota<br />

to Taxas the Way thons are don Khere Wall be drastlcally différent Drom<br />

chat M peuple are use to. Tels change May entai I a culture stock rough<br />

contagion angle et al 1985).<br />

Second the new Farm of M w & & I enta & & a new Basle Way for growth, mal ni y<br />

rough acquisitions of Organ Azat Ions rater thon rough Internai<br />

development. Acquisitions are dlfflcult to carry out successful Ly and are a<br />

source of dlsturbance wlthln the parent organîzatlon. The Intégration of<br />

these différent organlzatlons Wall Creste a potentat for cultural<br />

dlsturbance.<br />

3M*s management Wall Rhus have the excltlng Tak of overcomlng these<br />

problème and successful Ly Implementlng these changes. The analyse of these<br />

Organ Izatlonal changes Is Shawn In figure 6.6, whlch conflits of the<br />

application of Our modem of Organ Izatlonal change to the spécifie case of M<br />

In I Current situation.<br />


181<br />

W bow turn to a discussion of the conceptJal framework developed throughout<br />

This thesls.<br />


The Olm and hopefully the davantage of This thésis Is to procède an<br />

F ntegratl on of two Véry r Ich, diverse but tao Vast and scattered f Lek ds:<br />

Innovation and organlzatlon. W Fel Thot these Fields needed to be llnked,<br />

laid out In a structure and Inslghtful Way<br />

W Bellevue Wez rache This goal rough two perspective an Internai<br />

perspective looklng At organîzatlonal. designs for Improvlng the génération<br />

of Innovations and the adoption of changes and for Improvlng the<br />

adaptablllty and responsl venets of organlzatlons; and an externat<br />

perspective looklng At the Organ Izatlon-env Iron ment Eel atlonsh I p the<br />

organîzatlonal évolution and the roll of Innovation In This relatlonshlp and<br />

vol ton.<br />

Moreover, This Intégration Tak led us to Incorporated Som Basle éléments<br />

Drom a thlrd field strategy. W especlally adresse the problème of<br />

strate formulation assessment, dlagnosls, and Issues of Interaction<br />

between Innovation organlzatlon, env Ironment, and strategy.<br />

Nat on y a descr. I ptl Ve I ntegratl on of dl f Ferenc concepts I s uses u I to the<br />

rese archers communîty, but al So Wez Bellevue Thot the Intégration Wez undertook<br />

Is more thon the "sum of the ports recause I led to new Inslghts, for<br />

exemple<br />

- général Izatlon of Abernathy and Utterback's framework,<br />

- concept of dual organlzatlon,<br />

- new perspective on organîzatlonal I Ise cycle<br />

- Improvements In the notion of organîzatlonal effectlveness,<br />

- Intégrative modem of organîzatlonal change.<br />

But on the Otter hand a Humber of critiques arlse, due to the methodology<br />

and the Intégrative process Itself.<br />

Firth as Crouler (1978) points out system le approaches, rough<br />

conceptually Véry Inslghtful, often do Nat protide direct and seul<br />

Information In the concerte Real world. Farter developments of the<br />

conceptuel framework are needed to Rach Juch a practlcal stage.

Second the Wark carrled out rough +hfs thesls Iles on the theorlzlng<br />

efforts of ther. Whatever ha excelle lance of the Worms Thot Wez examlned,<br />

rese archers are humant betngs and sujet to a Humber of I îml+a+îons and<br />

blases. These blases incluse Our on blases In Interpretlng the thoughts of<br />

éthers and Thel on blases In Interpretlng, conceptuel Izlng Thel research<br />

works. Building on these elements, Eden wlth the moss local approche<br />

possible exposes us to conceptuel m I si Nyer prêtât Ions and mlstakes. W Hope<br />

Thot Wez Avold moss of the potentat trap but Onay an emplrlcal ly-based<br />

systematlc Thory teston Wark world al levage these errons and refîne,<br />

val Date or rejet Our conceptuel frmaework.<br />

&<br />

Thlrd, Our al m Wa to I Ay out the Véry flrst éléments of a Thory of<br />

Innovation and organlzatlon. W bel Levet Thot the building of a Thory Is a<br />

cycllcal process as Shawn In figure 6.7. A "theory" Is a local Ly<br />

l ntegrated set of propos I tl Ons a bout the Eel Tal Ons of var I ab I es Thot I s<br />

abstract conceptuel entltles, In whlch Many tâtements of fact con be<br />

systematlcal Ly relate to Rach Otter and Thel meanlngs for the solution of<br />

emplrlcal problème Interpreted. In short a Thory Is a slmpllfled, abstract<br />

map of Real Ita a Bodh of prlnclples offert to explant a phenomenon.<br />

Différent stages est In the process of buîdîng a ther. W accompllshed<br />

the flrst step l.e. exploration. As hlghl Ighted In figure 6.7, two main<br />

actlvltles complément Rach other: Thory building and Thory testlng. These<br />

two actlvltles are DT amer Cal Ly oppose process In Germs of purpose.<br />

Thory buldlng Is a créative process Thot jerks to put forward new concept<br />

Idéas and hypothèses toexplaln phenomena. Thory teston jerks to réfuté<br />

bull hypotheses. The ove roll cycllcal process of building and teston a<br />

Thory typlcal Ly vol ves rough flvesteps: & & Exe I oral on (2) concept<br />

development, (3) hypothèses génération (4) hypothèses teston for Internai<br />

val Idlty, and (5) hypothèses teston for externat val Idtty.<br />

These Fave steps are descrlbed In figure A. In Germs of purpose, research<br />

question design and methods. Tels thesls focused on the f Irst two steps<br />

wlth an emphaslson the flrst one. The thlrd, Bourth and flfth steps are<br />

Callen for to complété one cycle In the process of buldlng a Thory of<br />

Innovation In organlzatlon s. Thusy farter stud les are needed to pur sue This<br />

process and arrive At a teste and val Id ther.<br />

Bourth the process of Intégration Itself show Som Otter Leeds for<br />

farter Intégration. W starter Drom two components, Innovation and<br />

organlzatlon, Wez dl a synthesfs, and Them an Intégration. Duong these<br />

steps Wez Real I y "crossed" Innovation and organlzatlon leasing to omissions<br />

In bath flelds.

183<br />


Concernant innovation Wez Identîfled Fave différant types<br />

- produit<br />

- procès s<br />

- structure<br />

- Indîvldual<br />

- culture.<br />

Ance Our modem of organîzatlon Is comprise of the las Tree components,<br />

the Intersection between Innovation and organîzatlon led us to ficus on<br />

these Tree éléments Drom an Internai perspective Khere Is a Nied for<br />

addresslng, developlng, and Integratîng Issues on technologîcal produit and<br />

process Innovations. A promîslng starting pont conflits of the concept of<br />

dual tecnologîcal Tree (Durand, 1986) whlch has two main branche produit<br />

and process and whlch Valls for Otter branche structure Indîvldual s<br />

culture to épand the concept.<br />

&<br />

Concernant Organ Izatlon & Our vlew res Lect a rater "social" perspective<br />

proposant Tree dominant concepts structure culture Indîvldual) as<br />

shoping the Hole organîzatlon. Khere are obvlously Otter "Ingrédients" In<br />

an organîzatlon, Juch as functlons marketing finance etc whlch are<br />

Impllcltly Incluse In the structure part but stl I I per vade ail Tree<br />

system A larget framework choule attempt to I ntegrate these mlsslng<br />

Ingrédients In a more systemattc and visible mann er.<br />

These four critiques Lea to new research focuslng on général Issues (mostly<br />

mlsslng or Incomplète points of Our framework). But Khere are Aldo a Humber<br />

of spécifié research Leeds for teston and explorant the marlous places of<br />

Our framework. For exemple research Coulx bear on<br />

- dynanlcs of change control rate mode of Internai subsistes of<br />

the organîzatlon figures 4.5 and 4.6)<br />

- preferred structural arrangements figure 4.18)<br />

- relatlonshlps beïween Innovation Organ Izatlonal évolution<br />

Industry évolution figure 4.24)<br />

- approprlate gouvernance mechanlsms for Innovation figure 5.2)<br />

- moss Important éléments In Organ Izatlonal change dependfng on<br />

situation and organîzatlon figure 5.8)<br />

- concepts of Innovation gouvernance mechanlsms, process of<br />

Innovation stratégie behavlor figure 5.10)<br />

- concept of l-form figure 5.15)

185<br />


M6<br />

W adresse throughout This thesls the problème of deallng wlth Innovation<br />

In large campan les. I has bene emphaslzed elsewhere Thot This managera<br />

Tak Is bath vital and dlfflcult. The pur pose of This thesls Wa to gave a<br />

Broad overvlew of chat bath concept Innovation and organlzatlon, Lean and<br />

how to I ntegrate Them I no a cohérent conceptuel framework. The ultlmate<br />

objective Wa to Lay out If Nat a theory, At lest the fondations and<br />

directions for developlng a Thory of Innovation In large Companies Drom an<br />

organlzatlonal perspective.<br />

Innovation has always bene Sean as a positive value to Our soclety,<br />

contrlbutfng to I évolution (Schumpeter, 1932; Nelson 1959; Denlson,<br />

1962; Drucker, 1981). Nevertheless, the process of generatlng, adoptlng, and<br />

dlffuslng Innovations has Provrd to be a dlfflcult one (Nason, 1977) and<br />

has, therefore, Inltlated a large Mount of research endeavors In Many<br />

différent directions.<br />

Zarly research In This f le I d focused on bureaucratie dysfunctlons ana<br />

dlfflcultîes experlenced by large Organ Izatlons In Increaslng efflclency and<br />

In respondlng to changes In Thel envlronment (Selzntck, 1949; Gouldner,<br />

1954; Blau 1955; Crouler 1963). Moss of This research Wa carrled out by<br />

soclologlsts.<br />

In the 1960's, gong beyond the Identification and explanatlon of problème<br />

experlenced by Organ Izatlons, organlzatlonal theorlsts propose contingence<br />

modems to dl f ferentl ote between bureaucratie and Innovatlve, between<br />

mechanlstlc and adaptive organtzatlons (Burns and Stalker, 1961; Lawrence<br />

and Lorsch, 1967; Thompson 1967). Thel research essentlal Ly bears on the<br />

Identification of organlzatlonal characterl stucs Thot détermine phenomena<br />

Juch as efflclency, flexlblllty, responslveness.<br />

Duong the 1970*s, an emphases on technologlcal Innovations emerged.<br />

Abernathy and Utterback (1978), looklng At the développent of technologlcal<br />

Innovations In différent Manufacturing Industries (especîally automobile and<br />

electronlcs) made a contribution by relatant bath process and produit<br />

Innovation rates to the évolution of the organlzatlonal unit In whlch these<br />

Innovations Tak place. Thel descriptive modem tende to crystalllze the<br />

field for a whlle.<br />

In the Lean tome research has Aldo focused on the process of Innovation<br />

wlthln organlzatlons and on the process of Innovation between Organ Izatlons.<br />

Tels Lager A nter-organt Earl Ona I & ficus led Som rese archers to emphase<br />

the rôle of smalt I buslnesses In the Innovation process (Bolllnger, 1983;<br />

Garvln, 1983; Hunslcker, 1984).

187<br />

Thusy tokay the field of Innovation in Organ Azat Ions Is comprise of At<br />

lest two global directions. Firth research foc uses on smalt I buslnesses,<br />

Indlvlduals, and the concept of entrepreneurshlp. Second In an attempt At<br />

Erp I IcatI hg the concept of entrepreneurs!! I p w I rh I n I orge Organ I Earl ons<br />

research foc uses on the concept of "Intrapreneurshlp", I.E.P how to enfance<br />

InnovatI venets In large Organ IzatI Ons (Maldlque, 1980; Burgelman, 1984;<br />

Belsen et a. 1985). In addition to these two I I nés of research In the<br />

field of "Innovation génération a lot of rese archers ficus on "adoption of<br />

Innovation and changeai bath In a stato vlew (e.g. chat are the<br />

characterlstlcs ad adaptive Organ I Earl ons?) and In a dynamo vlew (e.g. the<br />

problème of organîzatlonal évolution<br />

Wîthîn Our approche Wez trled to sort out the Important Issue dimensions<br />

and parameters Thot are susceptible of Influencent Innovation. W trled to<br />

Them assemble these éléments together In a cohérent Integratlve, descriptive<br />

framework. Tels effort Wa conceptuel by nature and base on the I Iterature<br />

and on post expérience of différent Organ I Earl ans.<br />

Figure 7.1 summarlzes the crltlcal turnlng points of the conceptuel effort<br />

carrled out long the thesls to Ingrate the différent éléments Ander<br />

considération. Tree main reparure points est on the lest<br />

- Innovation<br />

- organlzatlon<br />

- strategy.<br />

Firth Wez wenz I no sept to explore the concepts of Innovation figure<br />

2.5), the types of Innovation (product, process structure tndlvldual,<br />

culture the artel butes of Innovation and the process At Innovation<br />

figure 2.20).<br />

Second Wez surveyed the différent the orles of organlzatlon, tradttîonal,<br />

"modem" and redent theorles. W adopte one concept of organlzatlon figure<br />

3.5) whlch had the partlcularlty to conflit of Tree subsistes Thot<br />

correspond to the Tree organîzatlonal types of Innovation Identtfîed<br />

Earl er. The surve of the orles led us to Identlfy a short In the unit of<br />

analysas rese archers devotlng more and more attention to the envlronment.<br />

Rh I s conduite us to des Aine the "dua I organlzatl on f Igues 4.6 and 4.42)<br />

wfth one stream of actlvltles directe to the Internai Systems and aboter<br />

stream of actlvltles directe to the envlronment. W show Thot these two<br />

componende con Nat be dtssoclated and are In constant Interaction and<br />

détermine the effectue venets of the organlzatlon, effectue venets whlch Itself<br />

Is a dual concept alignent of Internai subsistes and fît wlth the<br />

env Iron ment.

Thlrd, Wez borrowed wtthout a systema+îc analysas of the field Som concepts<br />

of strategy. Followlng Thletart, Wez defîned strate as belng mlxed, or<br />

dual At the center of the Organ îzatlon-env bronlent relatlonshlp f Igue<br />

4.3).<br />

W Ingrate these Tree concept Innovation dual organlzatlon, and<br />

strate I no an Initial framework figure 4.4). Drom the field of<br />

organlzatlons, focuslng on organlzatlonal I Ise cycle Wez général Ized<br />

Abernathy and Utterback's framework Intl a Puch more général conceptuel<br />

modem of organlzatlonal évolution Dee figure 4.23 and 4.24). W Aldo<br />

determlned Drom This framework Tree main gouvernance mechanlsms Thot<br />

Ingrate XII I lamons transaction costs Thory and OuchPs framework of<br />

"cl ans f I gure 5.2).<br />

Them Drom these synthetlc modem s and by examlnlng the process of strate<br />

formulation Wez propose a général Intégrative modem of organlzatlonal<br />

change figure 5.8).<br />

Final Ly Drom the modem of organlzatlonal change the gouvernance mechanlsms,<br />

and the process of Innovation Wez bu & & & an Intégrative framework of the<br />

concepts of Innovation and Thel organlzatlonal and stratégie carrelages<br />

f l gure 5.1 0). Drom This modem Wez got a by-product, Hamel the potentat<br />

concept of l-form organlzatlon figure 5.15).<br />

&<br />

Tels modem Is descriptive in nature but I has a large potentat for<br />

derîvlng prescrlptlve guldellnes whlch Wall be moss seul to the<br />

practtttoner face wlth the challenge of deallng effîclently wlth<br />

Innovation. Append A constates an attempt At provldlng Juch operatlonal<br />

guldellnes and pools for managent Innovation wlthln large organlzatlons.<br />

These guldellnes bull on the général modem of organlzatlonal change<br />

propose In figure 5.8. Wlthln This modem strate Is vlewed as the abtllty<br />

of top management to chose and nable Som parti eu Lor configuration of the<br />

organlzatlon wlthln I envlronment. Tels configuration Is belleved to be<br />

optimal for a spécifié perlot of mme. Tels Is an Incomplète définition of<br />

strate whlch leads to Bellevue Thot strate Is unaffected by the différent<br />

contingent éléments wlthln or outslde the organlzatlon. W Enver Sal So and<br />

Wez Wan to emphase This At This point.<br />

I May appeal Drom figure 5.8 Thot strate Is somethlng externat to the<br />

organlzatlon. In fact strate Is a dual acttvfty, dual In the dense Thot<br />

bath the organlzatlon and the envlronment have to be consldered, dual In the<br />

dense Thot the I entent Is to Impact bath the organlzatlon and I<br />

envlronment, dual In the dense Thot strate stems Drom bath the

190<br />

organlzatfon and the envlronment, and dual recause Khere SS Som degree of<br />

con+rol and Som degree of contingence In carrylng out a stratégie<br />

"actlvlty".<br />

As figure 5.7 ponte out This Is Nat grue and différent types of stratégies<br />

doexlst: Intense Real Ized or Noth and non-Intended. Managers have to<br />

manage al I types of stratégies. They have a dual rôle design ING Intense<br />

stratégie and control long adjustlng, to the maximal entent possible non-<br />

Intense stratégie whlch stem bath Drom an Internai perspective (e.g.<br />

structural Inertla) and an externat perspective (e.g. corn pet Itors behavlor).<br />

Intense stratégies al So have to be control led, dlrected, to the maximal<br />

entent possible recause Thel formulation and Implémentation Is affecte by<br />

the contingent éléments of the dual organlzatlon. Rhus strate Is bath<br />

wlthln and outslde the organlzatlon; strate Is bath delîberate and<br />

naturel strate Is bath Intrlnslc and extrlnslc; strate Is bath<br />

control led and contingent.<br />

Chat Wez bel Levet Our modem brlngs about Is the récognition of the dual City of<br />

organlzatlon whlch per vades ail actlvltles w l rh l n and ouste the<br />

organlzatlon, strate Included. The Basle assumptlon of This Thory Is Thot<br />

managers are Nat total Ly In control as In the ressource dependency Thory<br />

and Many functlonal Is approaches), and Thot Khere are Nat total Ly dépendent<br />

on externat to themselves, therefore bath Inslde and outslde the<br />

organlzatlon) éléments velter as In the population ecology theory). The<br />

Trith Is In between, and This Middle range This variable degree of control<br />

and contingence Is dépendent on Many sltuatlonal and contextuel elements,<br />

the business consldered, the hlstory of the business consldered, the future<br />

évolution of This business Thot Is expected, the his tory of the<br />

organlzatlon, the behavlors of Internai Actors (confllcts, power structure<br />

etc as Wele I as externat Actors (competl tors regulatory and Pol Itlcal<br />

Actors etc.), etc. The récognition awareness, and management of these<br />

configurations wlthln an Integrated framework const. tûtes the Basle for<br />

compétitive avantage<br />

For exemple the arrow In figure 5.8, carry This duallty. They are bath<br />

descriptive and normative. They descelle process Thot est for exemple<br />

the formulation of Intense stratégies). They Aldo prescrive Som process<br />

and act I v & & les (e.g. pers arm l hg a tho rough val uat Ion of the Eel At lonsh l p<br />

between the organlzatlon and tts env Ironment). In fact ail these arrow are<br />

dual In Many senses. For exemple the sfrategy formulation arrow menas Thot<br />

managers do formulât explicit stratégie st Aldo menas tant tnese<br />

formulations are Influence by the organlzatlon Itself. The variable Mount<br />

of control/contl Gence Is Véry Important and a lot of research choule be<br />

carrled out to détermine how Puch control/contlngence Khere Is In Chey

191<br />

actîvltles. Whatever This Mount I s however, the assumptfon behînd Our<br />

Thory Is Thot managers have to exploit At best the Mount of control They<br />

do have and have to be Aare of and manage the Mount of contingence and<br />

the potentiel mol Icatîons of these contingences.<br />

Aboter Important exemple conso sts of the I Ise cycle es Thot Wez descr. I bd.<br />

The I Ise cycle tao Is a dual concept. I descr. Ibes an experte and<br />

therefore Almont Enver existent process. I dies Nat Lean At ail that,<br />

whatever the organlzatlon dies I Is Imprlsoned Intl This "Infernal" cycle.<br />

Population ecologlsts Wall malntaln Thot This Is Truel and May be I Is In<br />

the Véry long run. But the Real value of This cycle Is the second Lesse<br />

obvlous perhaps, aspect of the concept. I Is normative In the dense Thot a<br />

tho rough évaluation of Khere the organlzatlon Is and Khere I Goes May Lea<br />

to the formulation of Innovatlve stratégie whether stratégies of<br />

Innovation or Noth to Avord stage T l.e. décliné. Tels Is Véry often<br />

possible recause the évolution of Organ Izatlons dépends on the dual City of<br />

the organlzatlon: a juge Humber of Internai and externat variable al I of<br />

whîch May be manlpulated to Som variable exten.<br />

Dlscrlm Intl hg between these variables and between control/contl Gence to<br />

flnd a sériés of optimal configurations whlch Averan I leads to the best<br />

Health possible of the organlzatlon over tome Is the essence of Goos<br />

management. The concept of l-form brlefly propose as a conclusion of Our<br />

theoretlcal modem Is one potentiel anser to the problème of avoldlng<br />

decl Ind. I Is simple and Is In fact use by Many Organ Izatlons In areas<br />

Otter thon Innovation per se building Pontfol los of actîvltles to break<br />

down the total "rlsk" Intl Independant components. These port folios bear Nat<br />

Onay on différent actîvltles but Aldo on différent stages of the I Ise cycle.<br />

The value of Our modem résides At I Eas In the fact Thot Wez propose a<br />

framework, If nothlng elfe Thot al los a systematlc considération of ail<br />

these variables and éléments Thot comprise the dual City of Organ Izatlons. W<br />

do Nat Solve ail the problème Juch as whlch variable Is Important In whîch<br />

situation rough Wez tnltlated This approche In the Contest of dealîng wlth<br />

Innovation.<br />

Tels Averan I perspective and the multiple concepts of dual City constltute, In<br />

Our vlew, the major contribution of This thesls. Explorant farter the<br />

dual City of the différent organlzatlonal actîvltles Juch as strategy),<br />

variable and concept Is a Chey avenue for research wlth a tremendous<br />

potentiel for practlcal, useful, and needed application.

P<br />

APFtNDIX A<br />




A.G. A Flve-Step Approche for Managent Innovation<br />

A.G. Exîstlng Pools and Techniques<br />

A.G. A Proposai for Developîng Approprlate Pools<br />

A. Conclusion<br />

A. Références for Appendît A

The pur pose of This appendît Is to dérivé a set of g$Ji$(;al Guidel Inès for<br />

managent Innovation Drom the conceptuel framework developed throughout the<br />

thesls. W Bellevue Thot the Thory Wez Begin to formulât In This thesls has<br />

a lot of potentat for application. The followlng Is a flrst step to<br />

"operatlonal Izel This conceptuel model.<br />

W Wall tors develop a flve-step approche for helplng managers In dal ING<br />

wfth Innovation. Them Wez Wall reflex exlstfng pools and techniques avalable<br />

to managers for accompli Ishlng Rach of these Fave steps. W Wall Them propose<br />

Som new directions for develop ING approprtate sols.<br />

193<br />


One approche to organlzlng for Innovation conflits of the followlng step<br />

(1) strate formulation<br />

(2) organlzatlonal design<br />

(3) évaluation and cholce,<br />

(4) Implémentation and monltorlng,<br />

(5) feedback.<br />

Strate formue latlon Is an val ulve process whlch conflits of At lest<br />

four actlvltles: assesslng the Internai strengths and weaknesses of the<br />

organlzatlon, assesslng the externat envlronment, predlctlng the évolution<br />

of the envlronment, and assesslng the experte "fit" between the<br />

Organ Irato on and the f future env l ran ment. I n add & & & on the position of the<br />

organlzatlon wlthtn I life cycle choule be val uated. In Many large<br />

Organ Izatlons, however, différent buslnesses are In différent positions wlth<br />

respect to ail these éléments ave. These val ulve tanks choule be<br />

carrled out for Rach business.<br />

Drom these actlvltles différent stratégies are formulâtes to pur sue or<br />

dlsmlss Current actlvltles, or to antlclpate changes In the envlronment, or<br />

to respond to changes In the envlronment, or to Amplement changes wlth In the<br />

organlzatlon, or to Creste changes In the envlronment, etc. These<br />

"Intended" stratèges May or May Nat be Real Ized (MIntzberg and Water<br />

1982). In addition unlntended or "emergent" stratégies stemmlng Drom the<br />

organlzatlon Itself Ce. g. spontaneous new actlvltles) and/or Drom the<br />

envlronment (e.g. changes In régulation May al So be Real Ized.<br />

Amont these stratégies Som light be relate to Innovation éthers light<br />

not. For Innovation stratégie then, Our framework suggestif Thot différent

process of Innovation and différent configurations of the Organ Izatlonenv<br />

Iron ment Eel Tal Ons l p best correspond to these stratégies. An optimal<br />

cholce choule be made Juch as to maxlmtze the llkelthood of succès of these<br />

différent stratégies.<br />

194<br />

To summarlze, the Idéa Is In This step to anser questions Juch as<br />

- Ho are Wei<br />

- Ho world Wez I Ice to be<br />

- Chat Is round us<br />

- How do Wez fit In This world<br />

- How Wall This world volve<br />

- Chat ll I happent to us In This évolution<br />

- Chat con Wez do about tjls.<br />

The outputs of these questions are a set of stratégie whlch In turn con be<br />

Brocken down Intl différent spécifié "projects" whlch reprisent In Som Way<br />

the operatlonal menas for reachlng the objectives State by Rach strategy.<br />

The nexe step I s for Rach projet Identlfled, to thon about the moss<br />

approprlate Organ Izatlonal design for carrylng out This projet By<br />

organlzatlonal design Wez Lean Nat Onay the structural arrangements and the<br />

I Linkages between This structure and the Current structure but Aldo the<br />

peuple ho ll I Wark on these new projects: how to recruI them, how to<br />

design Thel Jons how to regard them, etc. Tao often, managers tend to<br />

assume Thot the light peuple and the light structures Wall be avalable At<br />

the light place and At the light tome angle et a. 1985). Tels Is a sarong<br />

assumptlon and more over Many Innovation allures are due to more or Lesse<br />

entent to these crucial "Ingrédients" Thot constitue the organlzatlonal<br />

design (Zaltman et al 1973; Von Hlppel, 1979). Therefore, bifore selectlng<br />

Innovatlve projets I Is Important to thon about these éléments and to<br />

Tak Them Intl accouant Wren Makong décisions about chat to do. Therefore, In<br />

This step managers have to anser questions Juch as<br />

- Chat are the charactert stucs of these projects?<br />

- Chat do these projets recuire In Germs of ressources (flnanclal,<br />

humano organlzatlonal, etc...)<br />

- Chat are the organlzatlonal arrangements Thot They need?<br />

- Chat are the organlzatlonal arrangements avalable<br />

- How do Wez match an organlzatlonal design to a projet<br />

Évaluation and cholce Cs the followlng step and In général conflits of<br />

selectlng a port folio of projets Ander a set of constralnts, the moss

obvlous one belng a budget cons+rafnt. The main question to be adresse In<br />

This step Is<br />

O<br />

- Whlch project(s) do Wez select and on whlch bals<br />

The Bourth step Is to Amplement and mon I Tor these prose cts. The succès of<br />

Innovations Is ultlmately dépendent on whether They con be come<br />

Instltutlonal Ized (Burgelman, 1984). Tels con be best accompllshed rough a<br />

careful monltortng of the développent and I mol ementatlon phases. The<br />

questions to be anserez In This step comprise the followlng:<br />

- How do Wez mont Tor This proJect?<br />

- How do Wez know If chat Is gong on Is "good"?<br />

- How do Wez know If wenz and chat Wez have to change<br />

Final Ly the las step In organlzlng for Innovation constats of a feedback<br />

loop: the actîvltles carrled out In Rach of the precedlng steps choule be<br />

recorde over tome and analyse wlth respect to différent out come masures<br />

Juch as successif & & ure. Impact etc. These analyses choule In turn be<br />

use to Improbe the knowledge In managent Innovation and to moly certain<br />

actîvltles, or certain steps use a long the process descr. Bied ave. In Som<br />

Way the questions fiat are to be anserez rough This step comprise<br />

- Chat dies "success" mena<br />

- How do Wez masure Ita<br />

- How do Wez know If the process Is Any Goos &<br />

- Chat con Wez do to Improbe Ita to change Ita<br />

At This point the flve-step méthode protides a framework for action I<br />

guides for thlnkfng about actions to tach. But I SS Nat Real Ly operatlonal<br />

In the dense Thot I Is tao conceptuel tao "quai Itatlve" and therefore Is<br />

short for helplng Innova tors In Real Ly tmplementlng actions. I Reilly<br />

recules more Wark on the part of a manager to Real Ly Solve hls/her problème<br />

of deallng wlth Innovatîve actîvltles thon Just followlng these f Ive steps.<br />

Chat Is needed bow Is to bull "technology" atoll s and technique to asslst<br />

managers In these différent steps.<br />

The Guidel Inès, as They have bene laye out offert a seul framework to<br />

thon about the development, Impl ementat Ion and teston of Juch Sool s.<br />

Moreover, slice This Thory Is an Intégration of Many différent places of<br />

world I Allos to develop an Integrated set of Sool s Thot cover the<br />

essentlal steps In the Tak of organlzlng for Innovation Drom formulation

to actua Impl ementatfon and feedback.<br />

Différent crîtîcal fonctions are needed to buffle Som specîf le technologie<br />

for organîzîng for Innovation<br />

- descelle<br />

- masure<br />

- modem<br />

- Enfer and Old<br />

- monitor<br />

- evaluate, test and val I date<br />

- Earn<br />

- moly and Improbe<br />

A Humber of Sool s and techniques have bene developed Thot May constitue a<br />

part of the Innovation managers Sool kit. These are brlefly revlewed In the<br />

nexe section.<br />


Figure A.G. shows the différent Sool s and techniques tant May be use for<br />

managent Innovation In Rach of the Fave steps Identlfled ave. W w I II<br />

brlefly dlscuss and & & I strate exlstl hg exemples of Juch Sool s. For Rach<br />

step Wez Wall Aldo dlscuss speclflc dl avantages of the pools wlth respect<br />

to Thel objective I.E.P asslstlng managers In the management of<br />

I nnovatlon. At the end of Tho s section Wez w & & & al So dl schuss Som gener le<br />

dl sadvantages, Commin to ail these sols.<br />

A.G. & Strate Formule atlon:<br />

Tels area has motlvated Many research and modem ING efforts In marlous<br />

disciplines. At lest four domaine are relate to This steps<br />

O<br />

- Internai anal y si s of the organlzatlon,<br />

- envlronmental analysas<br />

- trend analysas and forecastlng,<br />

- Integrated strate formulation.<br />

Internai Analysas of the organlzatlon:<br />

Fe quantitative modems have bene developed to Real Ly asses the Internai<br />

organlzatlon of a fem. Qualitative modems do est (Leavltt 1964, Galbraith<br />

1977, Mlntzberg 1979, etc...) but Wez are Nat Aare of attempts At

197<br />



quantIf ING these frameworks sn the dense of building a system of<br />

hypotheses, Information data and Inférences del Inepte as a descriptive<br />

predlctlve, and/or normative représentation of Real Ity. The Onay modems Thot<br />

est In This direction are statlstlcal modems developed to analyse a Humber<br />

of Intra-fîrm actlvltles Juch as marketing regard system performance<br />

évaluation organlzatl anal structure patterns of décision maklng, etc.<br />

(Heenan and Addleman, 1976; Van de Ben and Ferry 1980).<br />

These modems are I Imite and In fact are Nat deslgned for tne pur pose of<br />

strate formulation per se.<br />

Envlronaental Analysas<br />

On the env Iron mental plane différent qualitative and quantitative modems<br />

have bene developed. On the qualitative slde, the concept of envlronmental<br />

scannlng (Fahey and Kong 1977; Andres 1971; Aguîlar, 1967) and the<br />

Industry structure analysas (Porter, 1980; Scherer 1970; Caves, 1980) are<br />

the moss use model. On the quantitative slde, modems have bene developed<br />

Thot ad dress the structure of the Industrie economy, and envlronment, as<br />

Wele I as modem s to Tudy the posl ton of a f Irm w l rh l n l Cs l ndustry. The<br />

Importance of Marcet shore as a source of profit growth Is emphaslzed In the<br />

Boston Consulting Group I Iterature on the Produit Pontfol to (undated) and In<br />

the Asme Groups emphases on the expérience curve as a corporate growth<br />

strategy. Scott (1973) and Fumel (1974) add farter dimensions In the<br />

Industry analysas area bath In Germs of Marcet shore and diversification<br />

stratégies. Together wlth This analytlcal framework Is the développent of a<br />

large data base for stratégie analysas the profit Impact of Marcet<br />

stratégie PIM (Buzzel I et a. 1975; Schoeffler et a. 1974).<br />

In addition econometrtc modems have bene developed & I ntr & & & gator, 1978) to<br />

capture the State and évolution of the économe At a macro lebel Slmtlar<br />

econometr le modem s are Sal to be cal I ed for At the f Irm I Evel (Greenwood<br />

and Tomas 1981).<br />

Al moss ail these pools put emphases on Current flnanclal and eco nom le<br />

masures of the f Irm In I envlronment. They do Nat try to capture more<br />

subjective Information concernant régulation humant resources, technologie<br />

etc. They emphase Som aspects of the structure of the envlronment and<br />

do Nat ad dress At al I the contextuel elements. More over tnere Is al moss no<br />

attempt At looping At the Organ Izatlon-envlronment relattonsh Io rough This<br />

Is bel Levet to détermine organlzatîonal performance to a large entent<br />

(Pfeffer and Salanclk, 1978; Aldrlch, 1979; Lena 1981).<br />

Trend Analysas and Forecastfng:<br />

Concernant the technologie forecastlng problème différent techniques are us ed.<br />


199<br />

These Incluse marlous menas for quantification of expert opinion<br />

constraîned extrapolation of post trend technologfcal forecastlng, and the<br />

use of scénarios. Quantification of expert opl Lon In This f Lek d Is often<br />

base on a Delphi process (Fusfeldand Foster 1971; North and Dyke 1979;<br />

Del becs et a. 1975). Extrapolation of trends In technologlcal parameters<br />

and capable Irles Wa one of the Earl lest méthode attempted to forecast<br />

technologlcal change (Mansfîeld, 1961; Lenz and Lanford, 1972; Robinson<br />

1974; MacNulty, 1977). An extensive reflex of technologie forecastlng<br />

techniques Is provlded by Martino (1983). Scénarios are attempts to descelle<br />

In détail a séquence of évents whlch Coulx posslbly Lea to a prescrlbed end<br />

State or alternately, to confluer the possible butomes of pressent cholces<br />

Grant and Kong 1979). Although They are usually racher qualitative They<br />

are nonetheless detatled and Involved Som quantification of différent<br />

parameters Bahn and Wiene 1967; Zentner, 1975).<br />

Two Otter types of mode I s are use to predlct chat a parti eu Lor envtronment<br />

Wills look I Ice diffusion and substitution model. These modems are use to<br />

predlct the rate At whlch a new produit con be substitute for an al d<br />

produit Innovation diffusion modems have bene developed followlng two<br />

différent approaches: the spatial and the temporal. In the spatial approcha<br />

rese archers are concerne wlth factor Thot Influence the geographtcal<br />

sprat of Innovation and This Wark has bene of concerne mostly for<br />

geographs, soc loi oglsts, and développent planners. The temporal approcha<br />

whlch Is concerne wlth the rate of sprat of an Innovation over tome Is of<br />

Inter est to Marcet researchers, technologlcal forecasters, and Innovation<br />

managers. Tels approche Is In Som entent to be relate to the concept of<br />

produit lofe cycle (Patton, 1959; Kotler, 1965; Levltt, 1965). These modems<br />

are belleved to Hole d promise for Many aspects of Innovation management<br />

(Blackman, 1974, 1986; Castel Loa 1985; Maha jan and Schiemann 1971;<br />

Mansfîeld, 1961; Mensch, 1979).<br />

In général forecastlng pools have Nat Provrd to be efficient. They often<br />

are complet and are Nat wldely use In Organ Azat Ions. The Onay exception<br />

stems to consiste of the use of scénarios whlch are more accepte and Helpe In<br />

building contlngency plans.<br />

I ntegrated Pools for Strate Formulation<br />

More comprehens Ive modems have bene developed to dal wlth the strate<br />

formulation process as a whole. These Incluse capital Infestent theory,<br />

comprehens Ive planning modes corporate simulation modes flnanclal<br />

modes mathematlcal strate model.<br />

Capital Infestent Thory cornes Drom the f leld of mlcroeconom les. These<br />

modems of strate formulation Eek to configure ressources for efflclency

200<br />

and to Institut clonal Ise scannlng procédures for detectîng changes in<br />

comparative avantages vls-a-vîs competltors. These modems have bene appl led<br />

in a limited entent (Baumol, 1968; Braybrooke and Llndblom, 1963).<br />

Compréhensive planning modems for strate formulation have bene propose by<br />

Learned, Chrlstensen, Andres and Goth (1965). Tels modem places Geay<br />

emphases on the strateglst's ball City to Ingrate the values of top<br />

management In a rtvalrous envlronment. Tels modem Wa State more formai Ly<br />

by Boxer (1967). Ans off (1965) proposes a normative modem for strate<br />

formulation base upon an adaptive methodology.<br />

Corporate simulation modems are heavlly blase Howard flnanclal measures.<br />

These modems long wlth flnanclal modems protide Little assistance In the<br />

analytlcal aspects of strate formulation Grant and King 1979). Muche of<br />

the Zarly enthuslasm for the potentat of Juch modems has Wanel recause of<br />

the complexâtes of developtng causal Eel atlonshI amont variables and the<br />

behavtoral patterns of managers (Gershefskl, 1969; Hall 1973). Taylor and<br />

Thomas (1982) gave a surve of dl fferent slmul Arlon modem s Thot have bene<br />

developed for stratégie planning. Vert Fe are actua Ly us ed.<br />

Federal mathematlcal modems have entende the Earl er flnanclal planning<br />

modems In an effort to capture more stratégie factor dlrectly. Sole of Them<br />

are the PI MS data base (Schoef f I er et al & 1974) as Wele I as the CG produit<br />

portfolio. Two classes of modems have bene propose In the I Iterature to<br />

dal wlth the port folio problème of corporate strategy: determlnlstlc modems<br />

and rosi analysas model. Moss of the I Iterature on port folio optlmîzatlon<br />

modems Ander rosi Is base on the original Wark of Markowltz (1959). The<br />

capital asset prlclng modem (Sharpe, 1963; Lîntner, 1965; Taylor and Tapon<br />

1982) and the arbitrage prlclng modem (Ross, 1976) are amont the best-known<br />

port folio modems Ander the assumptlons of rs. Hamilton and Mises (1973)<br />

have developed a Clear programmant modem for allocation of ressources In a<br />

determlnlstlc contexte<br />

Moss of the mathematlcal modems presently offert the greatest potentat for<br />

strate formulation wtthln famlllar and relatlvely mature Industries.<br />

Through the simulation of possible future outeomes, the techniques con serve<br />

to stlmulate search process wlth Otter techniques and Rhus make a<br />

slgnlflcant contribution to formulation efforts.<br />

In général the complexât of these modems and Thel ficus on llmlted<br />

aspects privent Them Drom acceptante and use for Innovât Ve strate<br />

formulation. In addition They often requlre an Geay Infestent and are Nat<br />

yet Provrd to be effective.

A.2.2. Organlzatlonal Design<br />

W are Nat Aare of quantitative pools developed So far to speclflcally gel p<br />

managers In building and chooslng approprlate Organ Azat clonal designs for<br />

partlcular Innovation projets and stratégies. Khere Is a Nied for<br />

développent of pools In This area. These pools May Rely on techniques Juch<br />

as évaluation multlvartate statlstlcal anal y si s optlmlzatlon, etc.<br />

A.2.3. Évaluation _ail4 Cholet<br />

Tels Is an area whlch has bene adresse extensîvely. At lest Tree generlc<br />

techniques have producer Many différent modes décision theory, economlc<br />

and flnanclal anal y si s and opérations rese arch.<br />

The décision Thory approche suggestif certain factor In ternis of whlch a<br />

projet proposai light be evaluated, and dérivés a scorlng modem whereby a<br />

rating on an emplrlcal or subjective sale Is made for Rach factor<br />

consldered, and these rat ngs are comblned In Som Way accordant to<br />

heurlsttc Rule or to theoretlcal Rule dependlng on the préférence<br />

structure of the assessors. The décision Thory approche Rhus protides a<br />

seul framework for evaluatlng bath monetary and non-monetary dimensions<br />

Involved In entrepreneur All projets Feeney and Ralffa, 1978; Von<br />

Wlnterfeld and Edwards, 1986). The produit of Juch modems Is an Index<br />

provîdlng a numerlcal score for Rach projet proposai (Mottley and Newton<br />

1959; Garglulo et a. 1961; Hers and Cari son 1963; Dean and Nlshry, 1965;<br />

Hart 1966; Edward et a. 1987).<br />

The economlc and flnanclal analysas approche Is base on a detalled forecast<br />

of the prof Italo City of Rach projet proposai In Germs of the Infestent<br />

requérez and the experte revenue resultlng Drom I. Tels approche appert<br />

to be the moss Commin In practlcal use At the pressent tome (payback,<br />

breakeven ana I y si s cash f I o anal y si s etc...). The méthode for & NC I Carl hg<br />

the prof Italo City of a proposai usuel Ly Lakes use of dlscounted cash slow<br />

and Aldo the stomate Rhus obtaîned for the "present North of a projet May<br />

be multlplled by a subjective probablllty of succès of the projet to<br />

reprisent Som aspects of the rosi Involved (DIsman, 1962; Allen 1965). The<br />

economlc approche Real Ly assumes Thot the moss Important objective to be<br />

consldered Is the profit objective. In fact the techniques In This approche<br />

choule be easlly comblned wlth the décision analytlc framework to confluer<br />

more thon the profit objective.<br />

The operatlonal research approche Is char acter l zed by the use of<br />


202<br />

mathematlcal programmant techniques e optlmlze +he sélection of projets by<br />

maxlmlzlng the total value of the projet proposais wlthln the constants<br />

of the ressources avalable Bath Clear and dynamo programmant formulations<br />

have bene use (Asher, 1962; Hess 1962; Strlngler, 1967).<br />

In addition to these Tree generlc set of pools and technique Som Otter<br />

techniques are propos ed. Black man (1986) Is promotlng the adaptation of<br />

diffusion modems to the évaluation of Innovation prose cts. More over<br />

différent statlstlcal modems have Aldo bene developed to ad dress the<br />

évaluation and sélection of différent prose cts. Tyebjee and Bruno (1984)<br />

propose a statlstlcal modem of venture capital Is Infestent actlvlty base<br />

on factor and discriminant analyses.<br />

Aboter technique whlch s relate to the décision Thory and the flnanclal<br />

approche conflits of rosi analysa Hertz and Thomas (1984) explant In sept<br />

how to use Monte Carlo simulation to performe rosi analysas In the Contest of<br />

selectlng Infestent prose cts. Statlstlcal modems have Aldo bene developed<br />

to asses the perce Ive rs. For exemple one of Them Is base on the use<br />

of discriminant analysas Anderson and Naraslmhan, 1979).<br />

Moss of these Sool s are actua I Ly use but stl II w Ith a f cous on f Inancl al<br />

figures. Nonmonetary masures Nied to be capture and Integrated Intl these<br />

model. In addition the modems use choule incorporate Information el Iclted<br />

Drom the preslois steps (especfally the cholce of Organ Izatlonal design<br />

Links between the steps choule be expllcltly Integrated Intl the modem ING<br />

process.<br />

A.2.4. I mplementatlon and Monltorlng;<br />

Fe modems Real Ly dal wlth This Important step. Sole relate technique<br />

Juch as projet management and projet schedultng, have Goven rose to modems<br />

and tools, but are Onay one llmlted aspect of projet I mplementatlon: Gant<br />

chars projet network dîagrams, projet network analysas décision évent<br />

logo tome actlvlty (DELTA), graphlcal évaluation and reflex techniques<br />

(GERT), ressource allocation and mil tl projet schedullng (RAMPS). In<br />

addition Som budget hg techniques have bene propose Juch as planningprogrammtng-budgetlng<br />

system (PPBS), zero-base budget hg system (ZBBS), and<br />

goal s-ends-means pogrom analysas (GEMPA).<br />

A promtslng area of research for the développent of modems for This<br />

Impl emmental on and monltorlng step conflits of the Baye flan statlstlcs,<br />

whlch protide a seul framework for dal ING wlth the assissent of<br />

probablllty of Impl emmental on success. Gustafsson et al. (1985) have

203<br />

developed a Baye sian Index for evaluattng the probabllt+y of Implémentation<br />

succès of new social programs. A sfmllar approche Is cal led for In the<br />

Contest of Innovation projets In organlzatlon.<br />

In effectue an Innovation projet In volves Many décisions durlng the<br />

Implémentation stage and pools are requérez to gel p managers In Makong Juch<br />

Dec I s Ions as ho to recru & & to Wark on d l f Ferenc ports how to des I ni the<br />

Jobs of the Indlvlduals (sclentlsts, englneers, researchers, technlclans,<br />

marketing and sales peuple etc...), chat technologlcal cholces to make At<br />

différent point of tome of the projet development, chat organlzatlonal<br />

structure Is moss approprlate, chat coordination mechantsms and<br />

communication Systems are moss efficient etc. These cholces are extremely<br />

dîffîcult to make recause They In volve a lot of uncertalnty.<br />

Tech Oques are cal I ed for Thot al I o to predl et the vol Iton of projets<br />

and whlch allo the contlnuous Intégration of new Information to revise the<br />

prédiction patterns. Typlcally the Baye sian statlstlcs protide Juch a<br />

framework as Wele I as stochastlc modem ING techniques. Therefore research to<br />

develop operatlonal pools choule be don In these directions.<br />

More over statlstlcal control techniques Thot are wldely appl led In<br />

manufacture ING process Coulx be adapte to control the process of<br />

développent and Implémentation of Innovât Ve prose cts.<br />

These techniques offert promlslng avenues for research In This field<br />

A.2.5. Feedback<br />

Évaluation of the process as a Hole the four preslois step and<br />

évaluation of the modems deslgned to asslst managers In carrylng out these<br />

steps choule be don In a manne Thot allo learnlng, feedback and<br />

Improvements. No pools have bene developed to accomplis This speclflcally<br />

slmply recause the pools Thot have bene developed Wete developed In îsolated<br />

contexte The cycltcal nature of the Innovation management process entai I s<br />

the Nied for "meta-tool s Thot allo testlng, évaluation and modification.<br />

The évaluation theory, wlth techniques Juch as cost-beneflt and Castes<br />

fect Ive nefs analyses présents Juch char acter I sols. Useful comparons<br />

Coulx be accompllshed rough the use of receler operatlng char acterIs le<br />

Thory as Wele I as rough the use of statlstlcal techniques Juch as<br />

discriminant analysas loglstlc and multiple régression etc.<br />

Multlvarlate statlstlcal techniques Juch as factor analysas choule Aldo be<br />

use to I dent l Sy major factor s. Bayes I an stato stl es Séoul d al So pressent a

204<br />

Goos framework to allo This feedback and learnlng step.<br />

Aldo Eden If t Cs dlfflcult In This field deslgned expertement choule be<br />

carefully Implémente to Real Ly asses these tools, the différent steps In<br />

the process and the process as a Hole IIe I a Goos process and why?).<br />

A.2.6. General DIsadvantaqes Q these Pools<br />

The precedlng discussion has hlghllghted Som pltfalls of the pools<br />

developed:<br />

- complexlty,<br />

- (often) llmlted ficus on flnanclal data<br />

- Isolâtes nature They ad dress Onay parts of certain steps and are<br />

dlfflcult to relate to Rach Otter In a cohérent and seul mann er.<br />

But aboie ail They are Nat accepte and They are Nat us ed. LIberatore and<br />

Titus (1983) show In an emplrlcal Tudy Thot although managers of RAD<br />

départements In large Companies are famlllar wlth Many différent techniques<br />

Thot light gel p Them In Thel rôle of managent Innovât Ive projets They do<br />

Nat make use of moss of these techniques. LIberator and Titus Intevlewed N<br />

respondents Drom & Fortune-500 Industrlal f Irms Thot reprisent a m Ix of<br />

Industrlal sec tors and geographlcal réglons. They Sound Thot these managers<br />

make Geay use of flnanclal méthode for projet selectlon, use to Som<br />

entent décision analytlc methods, and Aldo to Som entent projet schedullng<br />

techniques. But I n Averan I & They do Nat use the I orge pal ote of Sool s Thot<br />

They light be able to use.<br />

Many RAD manager Esther by tortue of a prevlously Lesse thon satîsfyîng<br />

expérience or lack of adéquate training and exposure, do Nat percevez Thot<br />

"new" to Them or Thel organlzatlon) potentlally cost-effectlve techniques<br />

est whlch May appreclably Improbe Thel projet management. Many Still<br />

content Thot Thel envlronment Is "unique" and Nat amendable to generlc<br />

management science and engineering modems and techniques.<br />

The rasons for underuse of modems and techniques In This settlrig are<br />

Nuclear and Coulx be the abject of farter rese arch. One goal of Juch a<br />

research Coulx be to Identlfy these rasons In ordre to design approprlate,<br />

userfrlendly pools computer Ized or Noth Thot respond to the Basle Leeds of<br />

these populations of Indlvlduals wlthln Thel organlzatlon, helpîng Them In<br />

getter dolng Thel job wlthout threatenlng Thel degree of control over<br />

Thel r Job. Rh I s w & & I be d l f f Ici & & to do but l s one Goos Way to I mprove the<br />

développent of efficient I.E.P useful, acceptable and usable modems and

205<br />

Sool s. Th. I Iterature on Innovation especlally adoption and diffusion<br />

protides a framework for accompli Ish ING This type of rese arch. For exemple<br />

amont the différent artel butes of Innovation Thise Thot are Sal to be<br />

Important for adoption choule reprisent operatlonal objectives Thot<br />

efficient modems have to Rach In ordre to Increase the llkellhood of<br />

effective adoption and use (Zaltman et a. 1973; Rogers and Shoemaker,<br />

1983).<br />

Rhus I con be hypotheslzed Thot these Sool s are Nat accepte Nar use<br />

parti y recause of<br />

- Cast<br />

- complexât<br />

- no compatible & City wlth chat Is don and wlth Otter pools<br />

- no Clear relative avantage efflclency<br />

- I Little demonstrabl I City<br />

- I Imite trlabll City<br />

- no f lexlbl I City<br />

- They May Nat respond to the Leeds of înnovators<br />

In addition the Impl ementatlon Itself of these pools In RAD settlngs light<br />

be Impaire recause of factor Juch as<br />

- planning of the Impl ementatlon Is Werk or non-exlstent<br />

- the Target group May Nat have bene învolved<br />

- the change agent light Nat have bene approprlate.<br />


To over come these dlfflcultles the pools to be developed choule pressent the<br />

followlng characterlstlcs.<br />

- They choule respond to the Leeds of Innovation managers and Rhus<br />

pressent Ander stan dab le and meanlngful outputs<br />

- the Target group choule be Involved, responsable I Irles choule be<br />

dlstrlbuted.<br />

- simple Iclty<br />

- flexlbîllty modifiable allowlng feedback<br />

- Integrated, complété (modulable, choule cover the Hole process<br />

- They choule be te stable and demonstrate relative davantage and<br />

eff Iclency<br />

Firat of al I I appert Thot managers are f ace w Ith specl f le problème I n

206<br />

Rach step as hlghllghted by the questions Goven In section A.G. Pools to be<br />

developed choule At lest gel p In answerlng these questions. Rhus the bas le<br />

Leeds of managers comprise the followlng:<br />

Strate formulation<br />

- how to asses the organlzatlon and the envlronment?<br />

- Drom tjls. how to détermine the Organ Izatlonal effectlveness?<br />

- how to predlct the évolution of these Tree components, In ordre to<br />

make a dlagnosls of the Current and experte "health statu of the<br />

organlzatlon?<br />

then, Drom tjls.<br />

- how to plnpolnt the potentat problems, structure the objective<br />

and genette stratégie option<br />

Rhus the outputs of This step choule comprise<br />

- a structure set of objectives<br />

- a pressent and future profile of Tree diagnostic measures:<br />

& the envlronment<br />

& the organlzatlon<br />

& the effectlveness<br />

- a set of Intense and émergent stratégie option long wlth Thel<br />

potentat Impacts on the precedlng objectives and diagnostic<br />

measures.<br />

- a description of Rach strate as a set of prose cts.<br />

Organ fzatlonal design<br />

- chat are the factor comprlslng an "organ Izatlonal design"?<br />

- how to détermine these factor for the différent projects?<br />

- how to chose a specîftc organîzattonal design for a specîflc<br />

configuration of these factor<br />

- how to know if these Organ Izatlonal designs are avalable for<br />

the organlzatlon?<br />

- chat dies I Tak to bull new Organ Izatlonal design<br />

The outputs of This step choule comprise<br />

- a set of couples projetSor Gan Izatlonal designs<br />

- the avallablllty of these Organ Izatlonal designs

Évaluation and cholce:<br />

207<br />

- chat Is the probablllty of succès of Rach of these coupes<br />

- chat Is the experte Impact (flnanclal, humano technlcal, etc. bath<br />

In Germs of Benes I and costs. of these couples on the Basle<br />

diagnostic masures Identlfled In step one<br />

- how to "optlmlze" the cholce amont these coupes<br />

the outputs are Thusy<br />

- a port folio of projects/organlzatlonal designs<br />

- a masure of the probablllty of succès Goven the charaterlstlcs<br />

of these projets and correspond l hg organlzatlonal designs<br />

- a masure of the experte Impact (benef I and costs. of these<br />

coup I es.<br />

Inpleaentatlon and Monltorfng:<br />

- how dies the preslois masures change over tne développent of the<br />

projects?<br />

- chat décisions to make Goven these chantes<br />

The outputs of This step choule comprise<br />

Feedback<br />

- a profile over time of the différent masures<br />

- a décision procédure for modlfylng control label éléments (e.g.<br />

cholce of organlzatlonal design capital Invested, continue or<br />

stop the projet<br />

- Wren and how to asses "success" or "fallure"?<br />

- how to Drau Inférences on the process Drom these outcomes?<br />

The outputs are Thusy<br />

- a masure of these butomes<br />

- a décision procédure to tdentlfy and moly éléments Thot Nied to<br />

be chang ed.<br />

One possible line of research for building pools Thot Wall gel p In answerlng<br />

these questions and Wall protide the deslred outputs conflits of uslng the<br />

followlng generlc technique

- evalua+fon Thory<br />

- scénarios<br />

- problème Identification<br />

- option génération<br />

- optlm Izatlon<br />

- Bayes l an statlstlcs<br />

- portos la analysas<br />

- stattsttcal control<br />

- multlvarlate statlstlcs<br />

- ROC analysas<br />

208<br />

Nested simple modem s base on masures Thot are slmll ar In Rach step but<br />

aggregated and analyse dlfferently May protide a concept of modems Thot<br />

adresses slmpl Iclty, f I ex I b T I Ita Integrated nature and Nied response.<br />

For exemple the followlng tanks con be developed:<br />

Évaluation of the envlronment and évaluation of the organlzatlon are<br />

capture Intl two model. Effectlveness modems are developed Drom these two<br />

componende to asses the fit between these two elements. The experte<br />

évolution of these componende Is assisse uslng scénarios for exemple<br />

Probe Am dent f Icatl on and structure ING Zhou I d I ead to the f or mu I Tal on of<br />

stratégies and prose cts.<br />

These projets are evaluated on Many dimensions Juch as the stratégie<br />

Importance and the degree of relatedness to the organlzatlon (skllls,<br />

resources, knowledge, etc...). These componende allo the cholce of an<br />

approprlate organlzattonal design.<br />

A probable City of succès Goven these preslois éléments May be compute long<br />

wlth Cast and beneflt figures. On the Basle of This Information a port folio<br />

of projets May be select ed.<br />

The probable City of succès and Impact masures May be compute perlodlcal Ly<br />

long the développent of the projet So as to obtaln profiles of these<br />

éléments over mme. Statlstlcal control procédures May gel p In monltorlng<br />

the Impl ementatlon phase and decldlng on necessary changes (e.g. change In<br />

organlzattonal design change In Investment, dlsm ISF the projet etc...).<br />

Al I the Information col lected long the process and ostéome data Juch as<br />

successoral I ure light be recorde So as to analyse the goodness of the<br />

preslois modems and to make necessary changes. More over the process itself<br />

con be evaluated rough the analysas of This data.<br />

To summarlze these îdeas, Wez Bellevue Thot the modems to be developed choule

met +he followlng requlrements:<br />

209<br />

- respond to the bas le Leeds of Innovation manager<br />

- slmpl Iclty,<br />

- Integrated Chalus of modulable composent modes<br />

- ad dress +he Hole process<br />

- userfrlendly,<br />

- adaptai I Ita correct lveness,f lexFbf I Ita<br />

- allo effective learnîng.<br />

More over They Coulx be computerlzed So as to procède Décision Support<br />

Systems and ultlmately Expert Systems.<br />

These reculements protide a Basle for carrylng out a large Mount of<br />

research In the area of organlzlng for Innovation Drom a practlcal and<br />

prescrtptlve orientation.<br />


The Tak of organlzlng for Innovation Is a dlfflcult one In large<br />

Organ Izatlons. A simple flve-step framework for helplng Innova tors In<br />

deallng wlth these actlvltles has Shawn the limitations of Current<br />

technologies Thot are developed to ad dress Som of the needed ass.<br />

More over the framework al los to design a speclflc I Aine of research for<br />

developlng approprlate pools whlch requlre Onay a Fe underlylng engineering<br />

technologies and have potentat to over come the barrlers Identlfled for<br />

effective acceptante and use by the concerne managers.<br />

By developlng Juch tools, Nat Onay the effective management of Innovation<br />

May be facllltated and be come more efficient but al So the Averan I field of<br />

research on Innovation May be moved ahead.<br />


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