贵州安顺上二叠统的真菌化石 - 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所标本 ...

贵州安顺上二叠统的真菌化石 - 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所标本 ... 贵州安顺上二叠统的真菌化石 - 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所标本 ...

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156 古 生 物 学 报 16 卷 B 型 菌 丝 (图版 II,图 1,2) 描述 菌丝直管状,无横隔,粗细均匀,约 5 微米。丝体中间或末端具球形,梨形 或纺锤形膨胀部。生于丝体末端的球形膨胀部直径 47.5 微米;丝体的间生梨形或纺锤形 膨胀部直径 22.5—33.75 微米,它们与细管状的丝体间通过逐渐收缩的“颈部”相连。梨 形膨张部的侧方有时具有刺状突起(图版 II,图 1)。观测菌丝最大长度为 450 微米。 此种菌丝保存在腕足类(?)的介壳內,细长的菌丝伸展方向大致与壳面平行。 讨论 将当前描述的标本归于真菌的理由是:(1)丝体细而直,粗细均匀,无横隔; (2)丝体具间生或末端生的膨胀部;(3)间生膨胀部侧方具刺状(?)突起。这些性质颇似现 代真菌——例如藻状菌中的壶菌类(Chytridiales),丝体的间生膨胀可能是真菌的生殖器 官——孢子囊,或者是一种非生殖性的营养构造;其侧方的刺状(?)突起可能代表着孢子 出口管或另一条根状菌丝的痕迹。末端生的球形膨胀部很可能是孢子囊。 此种菌丝保存在腕足类(?)的介壳內,也属钻孔真菌。 当前的标本与北美志留纪的 Peronosporites(=Chaetophorites) ramosus 的某些标本有 些相象(Loomis,1900,225 页,图版 16,图 1),它也是一种生长在腕足类介壳中的钻 孔种类。但其丝体较细(不及 2.5 微米),常弯曲,分枝频繁,间生膨胀部无刺状突起, 这些都和当前的标本不同。 登记号 PB 6252,6253。 三、 结 语 本文描述的小型真菌化石包括钻孔和寄生两种类型。关于钻孔真菌化石的记载已有 一百余年的历史,最古老的化石记录可以追溯到奥陶纪(Hessland,1949);而寄生的真 菌化石则多见于中、新生代,尤其是新生代的陆相沉积物中。它们常常寄生在陆生植物 上。关于寄生在海藻体内的真菌化石,至今未见报道。 Pia(Rao and Pia,1936)描述的一个晚白垩世的 Palaeachlya sp.是迄今所知唯一保存在 钙藻钙质骨骼中的“真菌”化石。它是保存在针藻(Acicularia sp. )的离散的钙质骨针中的 空管状构造,属于钻孔种类,而不是寄生种类。况且,它是否属于真菌类还难以证实。 如所周知,真菌和藻类的关系相当密切而复杂。现代真菌经常寄生在藻体内,它还可以 与藻类构成菌藻复合体(composites)。真菌常常作为病原体侵入藻体,引起藻体的病害和 死亡;但也有时虽生活在藻体内,却并不引起藻沐的病害;真菌和藻类密切共生组成植 物界中独特的类群一一地衣,更是二者间密切关系特化的典型。然而,关于真菌寄生在 藻体内这一生态现象的历史发展,由于缺乏古生物证据,迄今尚未见报道。当前的材料 提供了寄生在藻体內真菌的化石证据。它表明:真菌寄生在藻体内的生态现象的发展历 史至少可以追溯到二叠纪。鉴于菌类和藻类都有十多亿年以上的发展历史,可望今后一 定会有新的材料证明,这种寄生现象可溯源于更久远的地质年代。

2 期 穆西南:贵州安顺上二叠统的真菌化石 157 主 要 参 考 文 献 徐 仁,1953:山东即墨一种木化石与化石菌丝的发现。古生物学报,l 卷,2N,79 页。 Duncan, P. M.,1876: On some unicellular algae parasitic within Silurian and Tertiary corals, with a notice on their pretence in Calceola sandalina and other fossils. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., London,32,205. Hessland, I.,1949: Investigation of the Lower Ordovaeian of the Siljan District, Sweden, II. Lower Ordovacian penetrative and enveloping algae from the Siljan District, Uppsala Univ. Geol. Inst. Bull.,33,409. Loomis, F. B.,1900: Siluric fungi from Western New York. New York State Mus. Bull.,39 (8), 223. Moorman, M.,1974: Microbiota of the Late Proterozoic Hector Formation, Southwestern Alberta, Canada. Jour. Paleont.,48 (3),524. Pia, J.,1927: Thallophyta. in Hirmmer, M. “Handbuch der Paläobotanik”. Vol. I, Munich and Berlin. Pia, J.,1937: Die kalklÖsenden Thallophyten. Archly. Hydrobiol., XXXL,264,341. Rao, L. R. and Pia, J.,1936: Fossil algae from the uppermost Cretaceous beds (the Niniyur Group) of the Trichinopoly District, S. India. Palaeont. Indiea, N. S.,21 (4). Scheer, D.,1977: Nodocrinella hylonisei n. g., n. sp., eine neue Eccrinacee (Trichomycetes, Eccrinales) aus dem Darm yon Hyloniscus riparius (C, L. Koch) (Crustacea, Isopoda). Arch. Prostistenk., Bd.119,163. Sporrow, F. K., Jr.,1960: Aquatic Fhycomycetes. Second Ed. Univ. Michigan Press. Tyler, S. A. and Barghoorn, E. S.,1954: Occurence of strucrally preserved plants in Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Canadian Shield. Science,119,606. Wolf, F. A.,1966: Fungus spores in East African lake sediments II. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci.,82 (1),57. Waagen, W. and Wentzel, J.,1886: Salt Range fossils. Productus Limestone fossils. Sub-Kindom: Coelenterata. Palaeont. Indica,13 (1), pt.6,835. UPPER PERMIAN FOSSILS FUNGI FROM ANSHUN OF GUIZHOU Mu Xinan (Nanking Institute of Ge.ology and Paleontology, Academia Sinica) (Abstract) Four species, of fossils fungi recorded in the present paper came from the Upper Permian in Anshun of Guizhou. They include Sorosporonites parasiticus (gen. et sp. nov.), Guizhounema endosporicum (gen. et sp. nov.) and two unnamed Fungous hyphae (Type A and Type B), all preserved rather beautifully in the cells of Permocalculus and Gymnocodium (calcareous algae) or in the shells of fusulinids and brachiopods(?). It is the first record of the fossil fungi parasitic in fossil marine algae. Sorosporonites (gen. nov.) Sorus spherical, subspherical or oval in shape; agglomerated by several decades of small spherical or polygonal spores. Spore without pits; wall thick; surface uneven. Sorus preserved in the cells of Permocaculus, sometimes causing the parasitical cell to swell, most

2 期 穆西南:<strong>贵州安顺上二叠统的真菌化石</strong> 157<br />

主 要 参 考 文 献<br />

徐 仁,1953:山东即墨一种木化石与化石菌丝的发现。古生物学报,l 卷,2N,79 页。<br />

Duncan, P. M.,1876: On some unicellular algae parasitic within Silurian and Tertiary corals, with a notice<br />

on their pretence in Calceola sandalina and other fossils. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., London,32,205.<br />

Hessland, I.,1949: Investigation of the Lower Ordovaeian of the Siljan District, Sweden, II. Lower<br />

Ordovacian penetrative and enveloping algae from the Siljan District, Uppsala Univ. Geol. Inst.<br />

Bull.,33,409.<br />

Loomis, F. B.,1900: Siluric fungi from Western New York. New York State Mus. Bull.,39 (8), 223.<br />

Moorman, M.,1974: Microbiota of the Late Proterozoic Hector Formation, Southwestern Alberta, Canada.<br />

Jour. Paleont.,48 (3),524.<br />

Pia, J.,1927: Thallophyta. in Hirmmer, M. “Handbuch der Paläobotanik”. Vol. I, Munich and Berlin.<br />

Pia, J.,1937: Die kalklÖsenden Thallophyten. Archly. Hydrobiol., XXXL,264,341.<br />

Rao, L. R. and Pia, J.,1936: Fossil algae from the uppermost Cretaceous beds (the Niniyur Group) of the<br />

Trichinopoly District, S. India. Palaeont. Indiea, N. S.,21 (4).<br />

Scheer, D.,1977: Nodocrinella hylonisei n. g., n. sp., eine neue Eccrinacee (Trichomycetes, Eccrinales) aus<br />

dem Darm yon Hyloniscus riparius (C, L. Koch) (Crustacea, Isopoda). Arch. Prostistenk.,<br />

Bd.119,163.<br />

Sporrow, F. K., Jr.,1960: Aquatic Fhycomycetes. Second Ed. Univ. Michigan Press.<br />

Tyler, S. A. and Barghoorn, E. S.,1954: Occurence of strucrally preserved plants in Pre-Cambrian rocks of the<br />

Canadian Shield. Science,119,606.<br />

Wolf, F. A.,1966: Fungus spores in East African lake sediments II. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci.,82 (1),57.<br />

Waagen, W. and Wentzel, J.,1886: Salt Range fossils. Productus Limestone fossils. Sub-Kindom: Coelenterata.<br />

Palaeont. Indica,13 (1), pt.6,835.<br />



Mu Xinan<br />

(Nanking Institute of Ge.ology and Paleontology, Academia Sinica)<br />

(Abstract)<br />

Four species, of fossils fungi recorded in the present paper came from the Upper<br />

Permian in Anshun of Guizhou. They include Sorosporonites parasiticus (gen. et sp. nov.),<br />

Guizhounema endosporicum (gen. et sp. nov.) and two unnamed Fungous hyphae (Type A<br />

and Type B), all preserved rather beautifully in the cells of Permocalculus and Gymnocodium<br />

(calcareous algae) or in the shells of fusulinids and brachiopods(?). It is the first record of<br />

the fossil fungi parasitic in fossil marine algae.<br />

Sorosporonites (gen. nov.)<br />

Sorus spherical, subspherical or oval in shape; agglomerated by several decades of<br />

small spherical or polygonal spores. Spore without pits; wall thick; surface uneven. Sorus<br />

preserved in the cells of Permocaculus, sometimes causing the parasitical cell to swell, most

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