Late Hellenistic Settlements in Hawrān (Southern Syria). Survival of ...

Late Hellenistic Settlements in Hawrān (Southern Syria). Survival of ... Late Hellenistic Settlements in Hawrān (Southern Syria). Survival of ...

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J. Rohmer - Late Hellenistic Settlements in Hawrân (Southern Syria). Survival of Proto-historic Urbanism and Village Architecture in a Hellenized Context Conclusion In spite of their diversity, the Hellenistic and “pre-provincial” settlements discussed in this article suggest the existence of a regional trend characterized by the survival of proto-historic organizational features (location on promontories, massive curved ramparts, casemates). They reflect the persistence of a local urbanism and village architecture coexisting with the diffusion of Hellenistic culture and social practices, for which there is is evidence in other aspects of the material culture (pottery finds, architectural decoration of tombs and temples). More surprisingly, this regional trend also stands in stark contrast with the morphology of most spontaneous (i.e. not supervised by a superior political authority) settlements of the Hellenistic and Roman periods in the Near East. As opposed to the well documented dispersed or “agglutinating” modes of development, the settlements described here were initially delimited in space, and they were purposefully —though broadly— organized from the moment of their foundation. These specific features may be explained by the chronic insecurity attested in the region in the 2 nd and 1 st c. BC, which generated specific organizational constraints. They can also be interpreted in anthropological terms, since, as opposed to the prevailing model in the arid and semi-arid zones several of these sites apparently result from the sudden settlement of new communities, rather than from the progressive sedentarization of nomadic groups. On the basis of these preliminary observations, further research and fieldwork will now be needed to investigate more precisely the extent and the dating of this wave of archaizing settlements, and to understand its meaning within the turbulent history of late Hellenistic Southern Syria. Bibliography Bollettino di Archeologia on line I 2010/ Volume speciale G / G5 / 2 Reg. Tribunale Roma 05.08.2010 n. 330 ISSN 2039 - 0076 10 Jérôme Rohmer Université Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne E-mail: ABOU ASSAF A., 2005. Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Tell ad-Dibbah (Soueida) during the first two campaigns, 2003-2004 (in Arabic). Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes, 47/48, 91–148. AUGIER Y., SARTRE M., 2001. Le dieu de Rabbos, maître du "temple périptère" de Canatha. DaM, 13, 125– 130. BRAEMER F., 1984. Prospections archéologiques dans le Hawran (Syrie). Syria, 61, 219–250. BRAEMER F., 2002. Le rempart de Bosra au II e millénaire avant notre ère. Syria, 79, 65–74. BRAEMER F., 2009. L’eau du Hawran. Captages et gestion depuis le Bronze ancien. In M. AL-DBIYAT, M. MOUTON (eds), Stratégies d’acquisition de l’eau au Moyen-Orient depuis l’Antiquité. Beyrouth, 46– 68. BRÜNNOW R. E., DOMASZEWSKI A. VON, 1905-1909. Die Provincia Arabia. Strasbourg. BUTLER H. C. ET AL.1914. Publications of an American Expedition to Syria in 1899-1900. New York. BUTLER H. C. ET AL.1914-1941. Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expedition to Syria in 1904-1905 and 1909. Leyden. CRIAUD H., ROHMER J., 2010. Schémas d’occupation d’une enclave semi-aride: le Leja (Syrie du Sud), de l’âge du Bronze à la veille de l’annexion à Rome (3600 av. J.-C. – fin du I er s. ap. J.-C.). In H. ALARASHI, M.-L. CHAMBRADE, S. GONDET, A. JOUVENEL, C. SAUVAGE, H. TRONCHERE (eds), Regards croisés sur l’étude des paysages anciens. Nouvelles recherches dans le bassin méditerranéen, en Asie Centrale et au Proche et au Moyen-Orient. Actes du Colloque Broadening Horizons 2 (Lyon,18- 20 juin 2007). Lyon, 43-63.

XVII International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Roma 22-26 Sept. 2008 Session: Formation d’une culture urbaine aux marges du désert syro-arabique: espaces urbains et périurbains DENTZER J.-M. 1999. L'espace des tribus arabes à l'époque hellénistique et romaine: nomadisme, sédentarisation, urbanisation. CRAI, 231–271. DENTZER J.-M., BRAEMER F., DENTZER-FEYDY J., 1985. Six campagnes de fouilles à Sî‘. Développement et culture indigène en Syrie méridionale. DaM, 2, 65–83. DENTZER J.-M., VILLENEUVE F., 1985. Les villages du Hauran romain dans une tradition d’urbanisme oriental. In J.-L. HUOT, M. YON, Y. CALVET (eds), Recueil Jean Deshayes: De l'Indus aux Balkans. Paris, 213– 248. DENTZER J.-M., ZAYADINE F., 1992. L’espace urbain de Pétra. In M. ZAGHLOUL, A. HADIDI (eds), Studies in the history and archaeology of Jordan. IV. Fourth Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan held in Lyon. Amman, 233–251. DENTZER J.-M., SAUPIN R., 1996. L’espace urbain à Palmyre. Remarques sur des photographies aériennes anciennes. Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes, 42, 297–318. DENTZER J.-M., BLANC P.-M, FOURNET T., 2002. Le développement urbain de Bosra de l'époque nabatéenne à l'époque byzantine: bilan des recherches françaises (1981-2002). Syria, 79, 75–154. DENTZER J.-M., BLANC P.-M., FOURNET T., KALOS M., RENEL F., 2010. Formation et développement des villes en Syrie du Sud de l’époque hellénistique à l’époque byzantine: les exemples de Bosra, Suweida, Shahba. In M. AL-MAQDISSI, F. BRAEMER, J.-M. DENTZER (eds), Hauran V. La Syrie du Sud du Néolithique à l’Antiquité tardive. Actes du Colloque de Damas (2007), Volume I. Beyrouth, 139–169. DENTZER-FEYDY J., 1986. Décor architectural et développement du Hauran dans l’antiquité du I er s. av. J.-C. au VII e s. de notre ère. In J.-M. DENTZER (ed), Hauran I: Recherches archéologiques sur la Syrie du Sud à l’époque hellénistique et romaine. Paris, 261–309. DENTZER-FEYDY J., 2010. Les sanctuaires païens de type régional en Syrie du Sud. In M. AL-MAQDISSI, F. BRAEMER, J.-M. DENTZER (eds), Hauran V. La Syrie du Sud du Néolithique à l’Antiquité tardive. Actes du Colloque de Damas (2007), Volume I. Beyrouth, 225–238. DENTZER-FEYDY J., VALLERIN M., FOURNET T., MUKDAD R. and A., 2007. Bosra. Aux portes de l’Arabie. Guides archéologiques de l’Institut Français du Proche-Orient, 5. Beyrouth, Damas, Amman. DURAND X., 1997. Des Grecs en Palestine au III ème siècle av. J.-C. Le dossier syrien des archives de Zénon de Caunos (261-252). Paris. FINKELSTEIN I., 1988. The Archaeology of the Israelite Settlement. Jerusalem. FINKELSTEIN I., 1995. Living on the Fringe: the Archaeology and History of the Negev Sinai and Neighbouring Regions in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Sheffield. FREYBERGER K. S., 2004. Späthellenistische und frühkaiserzeitliche Kultbauten in Kanatha: Manifestation eines neuen Selbstverständnisses regionaler Gemeinden in Südsyrien. In E.-L. SCHWANDNER, K. RHEIDT (ed), Macht der Architektur, Architektur der Macht. Bauforschungskolloquium in Berlin (30.10. -2.11.2002). Mainz am Rhein, 263–273. GUERIN A., 2000. Architecture villageoise et tribu nomade. Définition d'un peuplement dans le Lega à la période islamique (Syrie méridionale). Berytus, 44, 79–108. KALOS M., 1999. Soada-Dionysias: une ville sous la ville. Le Monde de la Bible, 118, 73. KASHER A., 1988. Jews, Idumaeans and Ancient Arabs. Relations of the Jews in Eretz-Israel with the Nations of the Frontier ad the Desert during the Hellenistic and Roman Era (332 BCE - 70 CE). Tübingen. KROPP A., MOHAMMAD Q., 2006. Dion of the Decapolis: Tell al-Ash'ari in southern Syria in the light of ancient documents and recent discoveries. Levant, 38, 125–44. MARFOE L., 1979. The Integrative Transformation: Patterns of Sociopolitical Organization in Southern Syria. BASOR, 234, 1–42. MOHAMMAD Q., Forthcoming. Tell Ach‘ari. In M. AL-MAQDISSI, F. BRAEMER, J.-M. DENTZER (eds), Hauran V. La Syrie du Sud du Néolithique à l’Antiquité tardive. Actes du Colloque de Damas (2007), Volume II. OLAVARRI E., 1983. La campagne de fouilles 1982 à Khirbet Medeinet al-Mu'arradjeh près de Smakieh (Kerak). Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 27, 165–78. Bollettino di Archeologia on line I 2010/ Volume speciale G / G5 / 2 Reg. Tribunale Roma 05.08.2010 n. 330 ISSN 2039 - 0076 11

J. Rohmer - <strong>Late</strong> <strong>Hellenistic</strong> <strong>Settlements</strong> <strong>in</strong> Hawrân (<strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Syria</strong>). <strong>Survival</strong> <strong>of</strong> Proto-historic Urbanism and Village Architecture <strong>in</strong> a Hellenized<br />

Context<br />

Conclusion<br />

In spite <strong>of</strong> their diversity, the <strong>Hellenistic</strong> and “pre-prov<strong>in</strong>cial” settlements discussed <strong>in</strong> this article<br />

suggest the existence <strong>of</strong> a regional trend characterized by the survival <strong>of</strong> proto-historic organizational<br />

features (location on promontories, massive curved ramparts, casemates). They reflect the persistence <strong>of</strong> a<br />

local urbanism and village architecture coexist<strong>in</strong>g with the diffusion <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hellenistic</strong> culture and social practices,<br />

for which there is is evidence <strong>in</strong> other aspects <strong>of</strong> the material culture (pottery f<strong>in</strong>ds, architectural decoration<br />

<strong>of</strong> tombs and temples). More surpris<strong>in</strong>gly, this regional trend also stands <strong>in</strong> stark contrast with the<br />

morphology <strong>of</strong> most spontaneous (i.e. not supervised by a superior political authority) settlements <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Hellenistic</strong> and Roman periods <strong>in</strong> the Near East. As opposed to the well documented dispersed or<br />

“agglut<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g” modes <strong>of</strong> development, the settlements described here were <strong>in</strong>itially delimited <strong>in</strong> space, and<br />

they were purposefully —though broadly— organized from the moment <strong>of</strong> their foundation. These specific<br />

features may be expla<strong>in</strong>ed by the chronic <strong>in</strong>security attested <strong>in</strong> the region <strong>in</strong> the 2 nd and 1 st c. BC, which<br />

generated specific organizational constra<strong>in</strong>ts. They can also be <strong>in</strong>terpreted <strong>in</strong> anthropological terms, s<strong>in</strong>ce,<br />

as opposed to the prevail<strong>in</strong>g model <strong>in</strong> the arid and semi-arid zones several <strong>of</strong> these sites apparently result<br />

from the sudden settlement <strong>of</strong> new communities, rather than from the progressive sedentarization <strong>of</strong><br />

nomadic groups. On the basis <strong>of</strong> these prelim<strong>in</strong>ary observations, further research and fieldwork will now be<br />

needed to <strong>in</strong>vestigate more precisely the extent and the dat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> this wave <strong>of</strong> archaiz<strong>in</strong>g settlements, and to<br />

understand its mean<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong> the turbulent history <strong>of</strong> late <strong>Hellenistic</strong> <strong>Southern</strong> <strong>Syria</strong>.<br />

Bibliography<br />

Bollett<strong>in</strong>o di Archeologia on l<strong>in</strong>e I 2010/ Volume speciale G / G5 / 2 Reg. Tribunale Roma 05.08.2010 n. 330 ISSN 2039 - 0076<br /><br />

10<br />

Jérôme Rohmer<br />

Université Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne<br />

E-mail:<br />

ABOU ASSAF A., 2005. Prelim<strong>in</strong>ary Report on the Excavations at Tell ad-Dibbah (Soueida) dur<strong>in</strong>g the first two<br />

campaigns, 2003-2004 (<strong>in</strong> Arabic). Annales archéologiques arabes syriennes, 47/48, 91–148.<br />

AUGIER Y., SARTRE M., 2001. Le dieu de Rabbos, maître du "temple périptère" de Canatha. DaM, 13, 125–<br />

130.<br />

BRAEMER F., 1984. Prospections archéologiques dans le Hawran (Syrie). <strong>Syria</strong>, 61, 219–250.<br />

BRAEMER F., 2002. Le rempart de Bosra au II e millénaire avant notre ère. <strong>Syria</strong>, 79, 65–74.<br />

BRAEMER F., 2009. L’eau du Hawran. Captages et gestion depuis le Bronze ancien. In M. AL-DBIYAT, M.<br />

MOUTON (eds), Stratégies d’acquisition de l’eau au Moyen-Orient depuis l’Antiquité. Beyrouth, 46–<br />

68.<br />

BRÜNNOW R. E., DOMASZEWSKI A. VON, 1905-1909. Die Prov<strong>in</strong>cia Arabia. Strasbourg.<br />

BUTLER H. C. ET AL.1914. Publications <strong>of</strong> an American Expedition to <strong>Syria</strong> <strong>in</strong> 1899-1900. New York.<br />

BUTLER H. C. ET AL.1914-1941. Publications <strong>of</strong> the Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton University Archaeological Expedition to <strong>Syria</strong> <strong>in</strong><br />

1904-1905 and 1909. Leyden.<br />

CRIAUD H., ROHMER J., 2010. Schémas d’occupation d’une enclave semi-aride: le Leja (Syrie du Sud), de<br />

l’âge du Bronze à la veille de l’annexion à Rome (3600 av. J.-C. – f<strong>in</strong> du I er s. ap. J.-C.). In H.<br />


croisés sur l’étude des paysages anciens. Nouvelles recherches dans le bass<strong>in</strong> méditerranéen, en<br />

Asie Centrale et au Proche et au Moyen-Orient. Actes du Colloque Broaden<strong>in</strong>g Horizons 2 (Lyon,18-<br />

20 ju<strong>in</strong> 2007). Lyon, 43-63.

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