MX016 - Measuring Time with Interrupts - Matrix Multimedia Ltd

MX016 - Measuring Time with Interrupts - Matrix Multimedia Ltd

MX016 - Measuring Time with Interrupts - Matrix Multimedia Ltd


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© <strong>Matrix</strong> <strong>Multimedia</strong> 2011 <strong>MX016</strong> - <strong>Measuring</strong> <strong>Time</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Interrupts</strong><br />

<strong>Measuring</strong> <strong>Time</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Interrupts</strong><br />

Page 1<br />

by Ben Rowland, May 2009<br />

Abstract<br />

One problem <strong>with</strong> using or designing embedded systems is that it is hard to tie in real<br />

world values like time or an incoming frequency to the operation of the embedded<br />

system, the answer is to use onboard timers present in the majority of microcontrollers.<br />

This article will attempt to explain interrupts and how you can use them in your<br />

own programs.<br />

Requirements<br />

Software:<br />

• Any licence type of Flowcode v3 or v4 for any variant.<br />

Hardware:<br />

• No specific hardware required.<br />

Introduction<br />

One problem <strong>with</strong> using or designing embedded systems is that it is hard to tie in real world values<br />

like time or an incoming frequency to the operation of the embedded system. What is required is a<br />

regular tick that will not vary over time and is slow enough to be collected <strong>with</strong>in the main running<br />

program.<br />

To generate this tick we will be using a timer interrupt. Most microcontroller devices have at least one<br />

or more onboard timers. The main difference between timers is the size of the counting register. This<br />

can either be 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit. The PICmicro devices normally have a total of three timers consisting<br />

of two 8-bit timers named timer0 and timer2 as well as a 16-bit timer named timer1.<br />

When a timer interrupt is enabled the timer starts counting via the internal clock and the timer registers<br />

then start to increment. As the registers increment there will be a point where the maximum<br />

count value is reached (255 for 8-bit, 65535 for 16-bit). When this occurs, the timer count registers<br />

reset to zero and the interrupt routine is triggered.<br />

Note that the timer registers are still counting while you are processing the interrupt routine so the<br />

main aim is to process your interrupt and return to your main program well before another timer overflow<br />

occurs. If the interrupt routine carries on past the next timer rollover then you could either miss a<br />

tick or worse still you could become trapped inside the interrupt service routine and never actually<br />

process any of your main background program.<br />

The timer interrupt enable settings normally show a clock source assigned to the timer count registers.<br />

Unless you are providing an external clock to drive the timers this setting should always be set<br />

to “CLKO” or “Internal Clock Out” in English.<br />

So assuming we have designed our program to have a nice fast interrupt macro we will get a steady<br />

tick that can be used for a great range of applications. Over the page are listed a few I can think of<br />

off the top of my head.

© <strong>Matrix</strong> <strong>Multimedia</strong> 2011 <strong>MX016</strong> - <strong>Measuring</strong> <strong>Time</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Interrupts</strong><br />

• Clocks / Stopwatches<br />

• Frequency generators / counters / analysers<br />

• Data loggers<br />

• Alarm systems<br />

• Feedback / Closed-loop systems<br />

• Real time operating systems<br />

• Etc<br />

Example Programs<br />

Two example programs have been provided as part of this article. These can be found in the accompanying<br />

downloadThe first deals <strong>with</strong> counting seconds to drive a clock based system. The second<br />

uses interrupts to measure the frequency of an incoming digital waveform.<br />

Example Program 1. Building a flexible and reliable second counter.<br />

Firstly I added an interrupt icon to my program and double clicked it to access the properties.<br />

I assigned the interrupt source to the TMR0 Overflow and created a new macro for the Interrupt to<br />

call.<br />

I then clicked properties to access the properties of the timer.<br />

Inside the properties I changed the clock source to the Internal Clock CLKO<br />

I also changed the Prescaler rate to give me a tick frequency of 150Hz or 150 ticks per second. This<br />

is based on my clock speed of 19.6608MHz so if you are using a different clock speed then try and<br />

find a nice whole number frequency so you are not loosing accuracy as your program runs. Also remember<br />

that nothing will work correctly unless the clock speed setting in Flowcode matches your<br />

actual hardware clock speed.<br />

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© <strong>Matrix</strong> <strong>Multimedia</strong> 2011 <strong>MX016</strong> - <strong>Measuring</strong> <strong>Time</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Interrupts</strong><br />

I have made a couple of comments in the example about how I improved the functionality so as to<br />

never miss a second even if the main loop were to take more than a second to complete.<br />

I also started to hint at how a minute variable could be worked in to create a full working clock. If you<br />

should want to implement a fully working clock then example TUT_22 in the Flowcode V3/Examples<br />

directory contains a fully working version.<br />

Example Program 2. Working out delays or frequencies based on timer overflows.<br />

In this example our main program is monitoring the status of pin RA0. Whenever pin RA0 goes low<br />

and then high we increment our frequency count value by 1. The Pin we are monitoring can be edited<br />

by changing the input icon inside the Read_Input Macro. At the same time this is happening we<br />

have an interrupt running at 75Hz. We count the number of interrupts and when a count value of 75<br />

is reached we know that a second has passed. Seeing as frequency is measured in cycles per second<br />

it seems like a good option to use this as our refresh interval. Also it means no further calculations<br />

are necessary to work out the actual pulse frequency.<br />

When the interrupt count value has reached 1 second the update display flag is set. This causes the<br />

input checking while loops to exit immediately to go and service the display.<br />

(in = 1) && (update_display = 0)<br />

The double and (&&) is used to tell the compiler that we only want to stay in the loop if in is equal to<br />

one AND update_display is equal to 0. If you wanted to check for this OR that then you can use the<br />

double OR symbol which looks like this ‘||’. So we don’t get a false reading of one when there is no<br />

incoming frequency we take a copy of the frequency variable before the while loops are forcibly exited<br />

and this is the value that is then passed onto the LCD.<br />

Once the display has been updated the program then clears the count variables and also clears the<br />

timer interrupt count register. This means we are all ready to begin recoding the frequency reliably<br />

<strong>with</strong> an accurate starting position.<br />

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© <strong>Matrix</strong> <strong>Multimedia</strong> 2011 <strong>MX016</strong> - <strong>Measuring</strong> <strong>Time</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Interrupts</strong><br />

Further reading<br />

Below are some links to other resources and articles on related subjects, and technical documentation<br />

relating to the hardware used for this project...<br />

Flowcode: http://www.matrixmultimedia.com/flowcode.php<br />

Learning Centre: http://www.matrixmultimedia.com/lc_index.php<br />

User Forums: http://www.matrixmultimedia.com/mmforums<br />

Product Support: http://www.matrixmultimedia.com/sup_menu.php<br />

Copyright © <strong>Matrix</strong> <strong>Multimedia</strong> Limited 2011<br />

Flowcode, E-blocks, ECIO, MIAC and Locktronics are trademarks of <strong>Matrix</strong> <strong>Multimedia</strong> Limited.<br />

PIC and PICmicro are registered trademarks of Arizona Microchip Inc.<br />

AVR, ATMega and ATTiny are registered trademarks of the ATMEL corporation.<br />

ARM is a registered trademark of ARM <strong>Ltd</strong>.<br />

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