henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec


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alquante altre operette (viz. la Vita di Castruccio Castracani:<br />

I1 modo che tenne il Duca Valentino etc. : I Ritratti de le Cose<br />

de la Francia, et de la Alamagna) il suo Principe: et volendo<br />

quello, s<strong>ec</strong>ondo il costume nostro, sotto il nome d' una qualche<br />

honorata persona publicare; ne occorse subito k la mente<br />

V. S. R. la quale (anchor che forse non ben degno de la sua<br />

grandezza) lo pigliera non dimeno volentieri; et con quello<br />

animo, ch' io glielo porgo ; et lo difendera da quegli, che per<br />

il soggetto suo lo vanno tutto il giorno laeerando si aspr<strong>amen</strong>te :<br />

non sapendo, che quegli, che 1' herbe et le medicine insegnano ;<br />

insegnano parimente anchora i veleni; solo accioche da quegli<br />

ci possiamo cognoscendogli guardare: ne s' accorgono anco,<br />

che egli non _ arte, ne scientia alcuna ; la quale non si possa<br />

da quegli, che cattivi sono, usare mal<strong>amen</strong>te ; et chi dira mai,<br />

che il ferro fusse trovato pitt tosto per ammazzare gli huomini,<br />

che per difendersi da gli animali ? Certo, che io creda, niuno _.'<br />

It is clear that when this was written the opposition had<br />

already b<strong>ec</strong>ome very bitter : but it contains, what for us is far<br />

more important, the first sign of a new departure in the<br />

criticism of The Prince. The reference to the doctors, who<br />

teach not only the methods of cure, but discuss poisons also<br />

that men may be on their guard against them, is very significant.<br />

Whether Bernardo Giunta himself regarded The Prince<br />

as the exposd of political poisons, or not, is comparatively unimportant<br />

; it is enough that the idea had been started--an elastic<br />

idea, as subsequent criticism proved, which admitted of almost<br />

infinite modifications, and soon b<strong>ec</strong>ame very popular; indeed<br />

The Prince is still for many critics the drunken Helot of<br />

literature s. Now it is by no means impossible that, in the<br />

above quoted letter, Bernardo Giunta was only repeating what<br />

was the common talk at Florence; indeed there is curious<br />

evidence in support of such a supposition.<br />

Cardinal Pole, travelling in Italy a couple of years later, found<br />

a story still current among the Florentines that Machiavelli had<br />

written the book with the s<strong>ec</strong>ret intention of ruining the house of<br />

x This letter is copied from the s<strong>ec</strong>ond Gmnta edition, ' in Firenze_ Nel _I)XXXX.'<br />

The concluding portion, which is not quoted, merely contains the praises of Gaddi,<br />

and r<strong>ec</strong>ounts the obligations which readers of Machiavelli owe him. It concludes,<br />

' di Firenze de li. vfil di Maggio, de l'Anno _I)XXXlI.'<br />

A new turn was given to this idea by Ranke, who believed that Machiavelli,<br />

r<strong>ec</strong>ognising the desperate disease of Italy, had the courage to prescribe poison.

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