henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec


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• ready to take up. He was himself an author, and wrote a diary<br />

of events from I498 to 1512, which was at one time attributed to<br />

Machiavelli 1. A manuscript copy of The Prince, now preserved<br />

in the Laurentian library at Florence, is pr<strong>ec</strong>eded by a letter<br />

from Buonaccorsi to a certain Pandolfo Bellacio ; the manuscript,<br />

as well as the letter, is said to be in the handwriting of Buonaccorsi.<br />

The passage from this letter, which is important in the<br />

present conn<strong>ec</strong>tion, is as follows :--<br />

' Ti mando 1' operetta, composta nuov<strong>amen</strong>te de' Principati dal<br />

nostro Niccol6 Machiavelli, nella quale tu troverai con somma<br />

diluciditS, e brevit_t descritte tutte le qualitS_ de' Principati, tutti<br />

i rnodi a eonservargli, tutte le offese di essi, con una esatta<br />

notizia delle istorie antiche e moderne, e molti altri documenti<br />

utilissimi, in modo the se tu la leggerai con quella medesima<br />

attenzione che tu suoli le altre cose, sono certissimo ne trarrai<br />

non piccola utilitY. Ricevilo adunque con quella prontezza the<br />

si ricerca, e preparati acerrimo difensore contro a tutti quelli, che<br />

per malignit_ o invidia lo volessino, s<strong>ec</strong>ondo 1' uso di questi<br />

tempi, mordere e lacerare 2/<br />

This letter is undated, but the word 'nuov<strong>amen</strong>te,' and the<br />

fact that Buonaccorsi still refers to Machiavelli's book by its<br />

original title, makes it extremely probable that it was written<br />

shortly after 15i 3 3. The evidence it supplies, despite its somewhat<br />

indefinite character, is valuable, for it contains the first<br />

indications of an opposition to The _Prince, and that without<br />

any doubt during Machiavelli's lifetime. Such opposition is<br />

explained as the result of envious detraction, and there is<br />

no reason to doubt that it really existed; but it is important<br />

to bear in mind that the ' Discorsi' also are said to have been<br />

attacked in a pr<strong>ec</strong>isely similar manner 4; it was not tilt later that<br />

1 For a fuller account of Buonaccorsi, seeVillan, i. 33 I, note i. He was born<br />

in i472<br />

2 The full text of this letter may be found in most of the editions and r<strong>ec</strong>ent<br />

biographies ; see e.g. Op 1. xln.<br />

Polidon [Arch. St Ital. vol. iv. pt. 2] conj<strong>ec</strong>tures that it was written in<br />

r514. It is very probable that this is corr<strong>ec</strong>t<br />

4 Preface to the Giuuta edition of the Discorsi, I543 : ' Bernardo dl Gmnta a<br />

Ottaviano de Medaci Patritio Fiorentino S .... Ricevete addunq, con lieto et<br />

gratioso animo questo piccolissimo segnio dell' osservantia et devotione nostra<br />

verso di voi, et di tutta la V. Illustrissima casa, et di molti beneficij ncevuti da<br />

loro, dtfendenvto ptetos<strong>amen</strong>te con l' auto_qt_ et grande*a rostra la p,'esente opera da<br />

ipresuntt_osi mot_idelh znvidi,' etc. But is this more than the ordinary language

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