henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec


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_68 IL PRINCIPE.<br />

delle citt/_grosse presero 1'armi contro i loro nobili, i quali,<br />

prima favoriti dall' imperatore, le tenevano op<strong>press</strong>e, e la<br />

Chiesa le favoriva per darsi riputazione nel temporale ; di<br />

molte altre i loro cittadini ne diventarono principi. Ondes<br />

ch_ essendo venuta 1' Italia quasi helle mani della Chiesa e<br />

di qualche repubblica, ed essendo quelli preti e quelli altri<br />

cittadini usi a non conoscere 1' armi, incominciarono a<br />

soldare forestieri. I1 primo the dette riputazione a questa<br />

8. I1 primo cite dStte riputazioae, &c.] i.e. the first Itahan. The<br />

great work of Alberico da Barbiano, Count of Cunio in Romagna, was<br />

to 'Itahanise the profession of mercenary arms' [Symonds, vol. i.<br />

p. 9o]. His career tell in the last quarter of the fourteenth century,<br />

one of the most troubled periods of Itahan history [Tumult of the<br />

Clompi, i378 ; schism in the Church on death of Gregory XI, i378,<br />

the antipope Clement VII supported by France ; war between Vemce<br />

and Genova ; struggles between Charles of Durazzo and Louis d'Anjou<br />

at Naples ; aggressions of Gian Galeazzo Visconti in Lombardy, &c.].<br />

Italy was overrun with foreign troops, and the native princes used no<br />

others, so that the work of forming an Italian Company was left to<br />

individual enterprme. Scattered Italian troops and officers served<br />

among the foreigners, principally the Bretons and English, but they<br />

were few and unimportant. Alberico da Barblano coll<strong>ec</strong>ted them to<br />

form the famous 'Company of St. George.' His chief exploit was to<br />

win the battle of Marino [April 28, i379] against the Company of the<br />

Bretons, on behalf of Pope Urbain VI, who after the battle presented<br />

him with a banner with an inscmption which reads curmusly m the<br />

hght of subsequent history: 'Italia liberata dai Barbari.' None but<br />

Italians were, it is said, allowed to join his Company. He dmd April<br />

26, I4o 9. [Ricotti, vol. ft. pt. iii. ch. i.] Cf. Ist. Fior. lib. i ; Op. I. 53 :<br />

'Erano in Italia in questi tempi soldati assai, Inglesi, Tedeschi, e<br />

Brettoni, condotti parte da quelli principi i quali in varj tempi erano<br />

venuti m Italia, parte stats mandati da' Pontlfici quando erano in<br />

Avignone. Con questi tutti i principi Italiani pifl tempo f<strong>ec</strong>iono le<br />

loro guerre, insino che surse Alberico da Conio Romagnuolo, il quale<br />

f<strong>ec</strong>e una compagnia di soldatl Italiani intitolata in San Giorgio, la virt/1<br />

e la disciplina del quale in poco tempo tolse la riputazione alle armi<br />

forestiere, e ridussela negl' Italiani, de' quali poi i principi d' Italia<br />

nelle guerre che facevano insieme si valevano.' lit seems certain that<br />

in this passage Machiavelli refers to Albengo da Barbiano, though<br />

most of the modern editions [e. g. the ' Itaha I813' ed., Passerini and<br />

Milanesi's ed., the' Classici Ital.' series, and Ravasio's ed.] read Ludovico<br />

da Cento. But the third Testina ed. says ' Ludovico da Conio,'

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