henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec

henry frowde oxford university press warehouse amen corner, ec


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non fusse Stato di Chiesa; e volgendosi a tOrre quello<br />

della Chiesa, sapeva che il duca di Milano e i.Viniziani<br />

non gliene consentirebbero, perch& Faenza e Rimino erano<br />

The ideally evil man, with political genius, and ability above all<br />

others, is after all a mere abstraction ; and the curious thing is that<br />

Machiavelli, with all his desire to hold fast to the real and practical,<br />

has none the less been led to think that his ideal ' new prince ' was a<br />

possible character. [Vlllari's theory has been doubted by Heidenheimer,<br />

by Antonio Medin (Rivista Europea, vol. xxxiii, fase. iii.<br />

June z6, x883),and by Yriarte, whose chapter on Machiavelli and Cesare<br />

Borgia is among the best, vol. 1. x74 ; Janet accepts Cesare Borgia as<br />

the true hero of The Prince, but adds, 'fl admire l'art dans un grand<br />

tyran, C_sar Borgia ; il le donne eomme module _ eeux qui voudront<br />

l'imiter; mais rien de plus: Gregorovms refuses to admit _the<br />

existence of any Borgian idea or policy; see Geschichte der Stadt<br />

Rom, vol. vii. 4zI ; viii. 28.]<br />

3. Faenza e 1Rimino ... Viniziani]. During the war with Pisa<br />

which broke out after the return of Charles VIII to France, the<br />

Venetians had the opportunity of extending their influence in many<br />

of the cities of the Romagna. They had stationed a 'proweditore' in<br />

Faenza to prot<strong>ec</strong>t the interests of Astorre Manfredi ; while they were<br />

opposed to a papal conquest of Rimini, which might be a menace to<br />

Ravenna and even Comaeehio. Negotiations between Alexander VI<br />

and Vemee were carried on during September z499 through the<br />

agency of the Cardinal Giovanni Borgia; the substance of the<br />

Venetian reply was 'quanto a Faenza e Rimini non puol permettere<br />

ehe '1papa sen' impazza ; ma de i altri luoghi [Imola, Forli, Pesaro],<br />

the la no far_ prohibition alguna' [Malipiero, eked by Alvisi, p. 6o].<br />

Negotiations on the subj<strong>ec</strong>t were renewed in May, z5oo ; ' le s_nat<br />

fit savoir au pape par ses ainbassadeurs que la Sdr6nissime lui serait<br />

toujours particuh_rement d_voude, mais que Rlmini et Fa_nza, au<br />

temps o_ l'on dtait, constituaient pour lui deux grosses affaires:<br />

"Ma di Rimini e Faenza son gran cosse a questi tempi." ' [Yriarte,<br />

vol. i. p. 22z.] After r<strong>ec</strong>eiving French assistance, Cesare Borgm<br />

could attack both places without scruple; Rimini surrendered in<br />

October I5oo, and Faenza in April z5oI. [Cf. Op. vi. 85, Legaz. alla<br />

corte di Franeia; letter of August z2, i5oo: 'Ritrassi . . . the il<br />

Pontefiee con ogni istanza ricerca da questa Maest_--Louis XII_<br />

fav,,, per 1'impresa di Faenza, per aggiungnerla a Furli e Imola<br />

per il suo Valentinese ; aehe non s' intende il re esser molto volto,<br />

parendogli avergli fatto benefizio assai. Pure non ne lo dispera, ma<br />

vallo intrattenendo come ha sempre fatto; e liVeneziani, e qualcun altro<br />

di Corte favoriseano assai il Signore di Faenza [Astorre Manfredi].'

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